13 research outputs found

    Services Provided by Public Authorities: Features of Legal Regulation in Ukraine and the European Union

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    The aim of the article is to determine: 1) the essence and content of services provided by public authorities in the European Union and Ukraine; 2) features of legal regulation of public service activities in these countries. To achieve this aim, general scientific and special methods of cognition were used, namely: dialectical, logical-semantic, comparative-legal, methods of analysis and synthesis.The article states that shortcomings in the field of public service have been inherited since Soviet times. The relevance of the European Union experience, where the defining feature of the development of legislation is its focus on ensuring the rights and legitimate interests of individuals in relations with public authority and its bodies, is emphasized. It is noted, that, unlike Ukraine, the European administrative-legal doctrine does not single out a separate legal institution of administrative services, and the category “service” regarding public sector is used in a broader and more flexible sense.It has been established that in the EU the issue of population services is regulated by both primary and secondary legislation. It was found that the legal regulation of public service activities in the EU is characterized by following features: the absence of a codified legal act that would regulate public services of non-economic interest; the impact of judicial practice on legal regulation of relations between public administration bodies and citizens; considerable attention is paid to improving the quality of public services and citizen participation in government decision-making.According to the results of the study, the priorities for the development of the administrative services system in Ukraine include the adoption of the Law (or Code) on administrative procedure and legislation on fees for administrative services (administrative fee)

    Mobility in the professional training

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    The category of professional mobility in the sociological, psychological and pedagogical sci-ence has been defined in the article

    Badania pedagogiczne kompetencji zawodowych przyszłych ekologów przeprowadzone na uniwersytetach Ukrainy

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    The article presents extensive theoretical analysis of the concept of professional competence in scientific and psychological literature, reviewed professional competence fields of science and knowledgeW pracy przedstawiono kompleksową analizę teoretyczną pojęcia kompetencji zawodowych na podstawie literatury psychologicznej oraz w odniesieniu do określonych dziedzin wiedz

    Academic mobility development among university students during COVID-19 pandemic

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    The aim of the article is to study the academic mobility of students in the context of internationalization of education, exchange of experiences and gaining additional knowledge and skills between participants in the process of academic mobility. The research methodology is to use methods of questionnaires, surveys, interviews among students to study the prospects, advantages, disadvantages and opportunities of academic mobility. The results of the study cover the internal and external mobility of university students and provide an opportunity to assess the dynamics of quantitative indicators of international mobility. Factors influencing the academic mobility of students and graduate students are identified. The types of academic mobility that are the most common among university students are identified and the importance of academic mobility for the success of student learning and future career development is clarified. The internationalization of higher education stimulates the quality of education, the diversity of education, and the free exchange of educational resources. This, in turn, generates opportunities for students to experience a "global village" along with an appreciation for other cultures - one of the many "hidden" benefits

    Econometric Analysis of the Impact of Climate Change on the Sustainability of Agricultural Production in Ukraine

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    The aim of this paper was to determine the mechanisms of climate change impact on the yield of the main exportoriented crops in the agro-climatic zones of Ukraine. The study of the problem of changing the acreage of the main export-oriented crops was conducted according to the data of the State Statistics Service of Ukraine on the time horizon 2000-2018 in the following order: first, the dynamics of the change of the acreage under corn, sunflower and wheat by the agro-climatic zones of Ukraine was analyzed; secondly, the trends of yield changes of these crops were investigated based on the increase in the difference in yields between the northern and southern zones; and, finally, the temporal and spatial expansion in the area of crop propagation were investigated by applying the panel regression method. The findings obtained indicate that the applied models confirm the assumption of the effects of climate change on crop yield changes and the zones expansion in the northern direction. If the country’s wheat area can be considered stable (variation is insignificant), then the corn and sunflower areas have grown steadily under the influence of increasing demand from national and world markets. At the same time, the growing acreage under corn and sunflower occurred in all climatic zones. Stable expansion of corn crops in the north direction in all three agroclimatic zones of Ukraine has been statistically confirmed. The article presents the findings of empirical analysis, which confirm that if the boundaries of soil and climatic zones change, the conditions of growing crops and their yield will consequently change as well. Thus, based on current global forecasts, the impact of weather on Ukraine’s agriculture will increase, and the most negative effects can be expected in the Steppe zone, where the likelihood of weather and climate risks increases, requiring the development of adaptation and mitigation measures as well as exploitation of new potential opportunities that are being opened. Studies have shown that there is an expansion in crops to the north and a change in their pattern, including a significant increase in the area under corn

    Prerequisites and prospects for sustainable development of grain production in Ukraine

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    Purpose. The aim of the article is to identify the benefits of the chosen strategy of agribusiness (profit maximization, or yield maximization) based on the statistical observations of yields and production factors (fertilizers, plant protection products). Methodology / approach. To analyze productivity growth in grain production under the influence of innovative technologies the data of long-term observations of winter wheat yield in Germany and the United States were selected. In this paper, to analyze the prerequisites and prospects for stabilizing of the crop production, mineral fertilizers and plant protection products were selected as production factors affecting the yield of wheat. Methods of time series analysis and nonlinear econometric analysis were used to assess the impact of these factors. Long-term trends of growth of wheat yields in Germany, the USA and Ukraine were analyzed using regression models. The general model of agrarian business profitability in grain production is based on non-linear correlations of individual factors of intensification and panel regression. In order to substantiate the conclusions of the calculation, the estimation of climatic risks is used. For this purpose, dispersion methods, nonlinear optimization methodology are used. Results. Estimates of wheat yield fluctuations due to climate risks show that they will not significantly affect the problem of food security, so there is no need to impose restrictions on the export of wheat. On the choice of optimal strategy, based on analysis using econometric model of decreasing marginal utility of production resources, it is proved that the maximization of yields is achieved at lower costs than profit maximization. Originality / scientific novelty. The main contribution of the article to the level of application is to analyze the impact of production factors on wheat yield, taking into account climatic risk and reducing the marginal utility of production factors. At the theoretical level of the study, it represents a contribution to the discussion of the vectors of the optimal path of wheat production in Ukraine. Analysis of data on wheat yield variability in Germany and the USA showed correlation of profitability and risk (indicators of expected yield and its variance). However, this means that an increase in wheat yields in Ukraine will also increase its variability and therefore requires the implementation of a long-term strategy that can ensure stable growth. Practical value / implications. Based on the above calculations, it should be emphasized that the Ukrainian agrarian business (in particular, crop production) is developing its own way, not following the development path of Germany or the USA. However, some peculiarities of the development can be highlighted. After a rather long recession, the agricultural sector has embarked on a path of stable growth with an annual increase in wheat yields of around 1 hundred kg/ha. Furthermore, the extremely low proportion of forested land in Ukraine by European standards significantly increases the impact of weather and climate risks. Therefore, a further intensification of crop production while increasing the share of forested land at the expense of less productive land is probably the way to an ecologically balanced development of agriculture

    Organizational and economic risks of ecologization of agriculture

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    Purpose. The purpose of this article is to identify and systematize organizational and economic risks that may arise during the ecologization of production processes in the agricultural sector, as well as to summarize the main stages of ‘risk management’ of agricultural greening and justify the necessary tools to reduce their likelihood. Methodology / approach. The methodological bases of the work are general scientific and specific methods of economic theory as well as a systematic approach to the study of economic phenomena. The paper uses an abstract-logical method – for the logical formation of the main aspects and conclusions of the study; the method of questionnaire survey to determine the types of risk from the implementation of elements of ecologization and the method of expert assessments in order to establish the average weight of risks of ecologization of agriculture. Results. Approaches to determining the natures of risks are generalized and the definition of risks of ecologization of the agricultural sector of the economy are formulated. There was held the typification of the main types of organizational and economic risk, which may occur during the ecologization of production processes in the industry on the basis of the questionnaire method. The use of the method of expert assessments made it possible to assess the weight (importance) of identified risks. The main tools for reducing the risks of ecologization of agriculture at the level of enterprises and the state are proposed. Originality / scientific novelty. The methodological approach to monitoring the risks of ecologization of agriculture has been improved and their definition has been formulated; further developed the classification of risks of ecologization of agriculture, which were grouped into four groups: financial and economic, production risks, logistics and institutional risks; the degrees of their importance in this process were determined and the main tools for reducing the risk of ecologization at the enterprise and state level were standardized. Practical value / implications. The results of the study allow a more comprehensive assessment of the risks of ecologization of the agricultural sector, to form priority areas for their management and to summarize the main tools for reducing the risk of ecologization at the enterprise level and at the state level

    Off-balance accounting in the modern information system of an enterprise

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    Off-balance accounting in the modern information system of an enterprise / N. Klymenko, O. Nosovets, L. Sokolenko, O. Hryshchenko, T. Pisochenko // Academy of Accounting and Financial Studies Journal. – 2019. – Vol. 23, iss. 2. – С. 1–6. – Режим доступу : https://www.abacademies.org/articles/offbalance-accounting-in-the-modern-information-system-of-an-enterprise-8403.htmlВраховуючи фактичні вимоги господарської діяльності щодо забезпечення потреб аналітичного обліку та внутрішнього контролю фактів та операцій на позабалансових рахунках, була запропонована система їх документування в контексті, необхідному для прийняття управлінських рішень. Запропоновано використовувати метод їх відображення з використанням диграфічної системи записів, переліку аналітичного позабалансового обліку та для забезпечення єдиних методологічних підходів до позабалансового обліку. Облікова політика підприємства була розроблена в контексті позабалансового обліку, як сукупність принципів, методів та процедур, що використовуються підприємством для відображення господарських фактів та операцій на позабалансових рахунках та складання та складання звітності.Taking into account the actual requirements of business activities to ensure the needs of analytical accounting and internal control of the facts and operations on off-balance sheet accounts, a system was proposed for documenting them, in the context necessary for making management decisions. It was proposed to use the method of their reflection using the digraphic system of records, a list of analytical off-balance accounting and for ensuring uniform methodological approaches to off-balance accounting. An accounting policy of the enterprise was developed in the context of off-balance sheet accounting, as a set of principles, methods and procedures used by the enterprise to reflect business facts and operations on off-balance sheet accounts and compile and report

    Monitoring Research on Invasive Species of Bedbug ( Corytucha ciliata say ) in Green Areas of Kyiv

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    Purpose. Monitoring of the state of plane trees (Platanus L.) in the environment of Kyiv. Materials and methods. Samples for research were selected in the course of route surveys of plants of the Botanical Garden named after. acad. A. V. Fomin, National Botanical Garden. N. Grishko National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and parks, squares, street plantations of plane trees in Kyiv. Platanus identification using the lacemaker's bug (Corythucha ciliate Say), uses a light microscope and a smartphone with the «Magnifier Cam software». Results. For the first time, we found damage to the leaves of the plane tree Platanus x acerifolia (Ait.) by the bug Corythucha ciliata Say in Kyiv. This is the northernmost border of the phytophage distribution in Ukraine. The phytophage was found in six of the nine surveyed habitats of Platanus acerifolia (50º41'83'' N, 30º56'37'' E; 50°43'99"N, 30°51'83"E; 50º26' 99'' N, 30º94'99'' E; 50°26'42"N, 30°32'01"E; 50°39'35"N, 30°50'66"E; 50°38'22"N, 30°47'73"E). The bug was not found in the Botanical Garden named after acad. A.V. Fomin. A high degree of sycamore bug damage was observed on plants growing in habitats. 50°39'35"N, 30°50'66"E (4,7 points) and50°38'22"N, 30°47'73"E (2,9 point). bedbugs prefer the south side of the trunk for wintering (72.3% of individuals.) (72,3% individuals). The ratio of females and males on the southern side was 2,5/1, on the northern side – 1,7/1. The bug Corythucha ciliata, being under the cork cambium in winter, survives in the natural environment when the temperature drops to -22ºС (duration - four days)

    Monitoring Research on Invasive Species of Bedbug (Corythucha ciliata Say) in green areas of Kyiv

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    Samples for research were selected in the course of route surveys of plants of the Botanical Garden named after. acad. A.V. Fomin, National Botanical Garden. N. Grishko National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and parks, squares, street plantations of plane trees inKyiv. Platanus identification using the lacemaker's bug (Corythucha ciliate Say), uses a light microscope and a smartphone with the «Magnifier Cam software». For the first time,we found damage to the leaves of the plane tree Platanus x acerifolia (Ait.) by the bug Corythucha ciliata Say in Kyiv. This is the northernmost border of the phytophage distribution in Ukraine. The phytophage was found in six of the nine surveyed habitats of Platanus acerifolia (50°41'83'' N, 30°56'37'' E; 50°43'99''N, 30°51'83''E; 50°26'99'' N, 30°94'99'' E; 50°26'42''N, 30°32'01''E; 50°39'35''N, 30°50'66''E; 50°38'22''N, 30°47'73''E). The bug was not found in the Botanical Garden named after acad. A.V. Fomin. A high degree of sycamore bug damage was observed on plants growing in habitats. 50°39'35''N, 30°50'66''E (4.7 point) and 50°38'22''N, 30°47'73''E (2.9 point). Bedbugs prefer the south side of the trunk for wintering (72.3% of individuals). The ratio of females and males on the southern side was 2,5/1, on the northern side – 1,7/1. The bug Corythucha ciliata, being under the cork cambium in winter, survives in the natural environment when the temperature drops to -22 °С (duration – four days)