834 research outputs found

    Scanning Electron Microscopy of 2,8-Dihydroxyadenine Crystals and Stones

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    The lack of purine salvage enzyme, adenine phosphoribosyltransferase (APRT), leads to 2,8-dihydroxyadenine stone formation and/or crystalluria because it is insoluble in urine. Urolithiasis composed of 2,8-dihydroxyadenine is not only formed in a complete defect of APRT, but also in a partial deficiency of this enzyme. The defect is inherited as an autosomal recessive trait, the homozygous state is associated with high urinary levels of 2,8-dihydroxyadenine and with crystalluria, calculus formation, and potential nephrotoxicity. Determination of the APRT activity will facilitate quantification of the enzyme deficiency and elucidation of the hereditary history. 2,8-dihydroxyadenine excretion in the 24-hour urine and its circadian rhythm were determined using a new method of high performance liquid chromatography determination. By means of a standard case presentation, we illustrate the analysis of urinary sediments and calculi as well as the scanning electron microscopic images of this kind of stone

    Long-term response of corn to limited irrigation and crop rotations

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    Dwindling water supplies for irrigation are prompting alternative management choices by irrigators. Limited irrigation, where less water is applied than full crop demand, may be a viable approach. Application of limited irrigation to corn was examined in this research. Corn was grown in crop rotations with dryland, limited irrigation, or full irrigation management from 1985 to 1999. Crop rotations included corn following corn (continuous corn), corn following wheat, followed by soybean (wheat-corn-soybean), and corn following soybean (corn-soybean). Full irrigation was managed to meet crop evapotranspiration requirements (ETc). Limited irrigation was managed with a seasonal target of no more than 150 mm applied. Precipitation patterns influenced the outcomes of measured parameters. Dryland yields had the most variation, while fully irrigated yields varied the least. Limited irrigation yields were 80% to 90% of fully irrigated yields, but the limited irrigation plots received about half the applied water. Grain yields were significantly different among irrigation treatments. Yields were not significantly different among rotation treatments for all years and water treatments. For soil water parameters, more statistical differences were detected among the water management treatments than among the crop rotation treatments. Economic projections of these management practices showed that full irrigation produced the most income if water was available. Limited irrigation increased income significantly from dryland management

    A 16S rDNA-Based Quantitative Assay for Monitoring \u3ci\u3eLactobacillus Plantarum\u3c/i\u3e in Silage

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    Ensilage of herbaceous biomass can be enhanced by applying pre-selected fermentative bacteria, however insufficient is known about the population dynamics of such starter cultures under a range of ensiling conditions. Classical methods for species-specific quantification of bacteria are labour intensive. An alternative approach is the detection of bacteria based on molecular markers for species-specific regions within their genomic DNA (e.g. the 16S rDNA sequence). In this study, a quantitative marker assay using the real-time PCR technique (Q-PCR) is described for Lactobacillus plantarum, a bacterium often used for silage starter cultures

    Irrigation management strategies for corn to conserve water

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    Presented at the Central Plains irrigation conference on February 17-18, 2004 in Kearney Nebraska.Includes bibliographical references

    Zwei Jahre pro-Q – Bilanz eines biokonformen Eutergesundheitsprogrammes

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    The pro-q-project is an udder health programme especially for organic farmers under Swiss conditions. The aim is to minimize the use of s antibiotics and to assure a good udder health state on the farms. At the end of the third project year of 100 project farms 16 participate for more than two years. The udder health situation of these 16 farms improved moderately in the second project year (37% of the cows with a so-matic cell count > 100’000/ml) compared to the year before project start (40% of the cows with a somatic cell count > 100’000/ml). Furthermore, a nearly linear increase of the arithmetic mean of herd lactation number (3.27 year before project start, 3.33 first project year, 3.44 second project year, resp.) could be found. The number of antibiotic treatments per cow and year decreased from 0.37 in the year before project start to 0.24 in the second project year

    Management factors affecting udder health and effects of a one year extension program in organic dairy herds

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    The first part of this study was a cross-sectional analysis of the impact of 29 management factors on udder health in organic dairy farms in Switzerland. All 77 farms joined the extension program ‘pro-Q'. As a measure of udder health the theoretical bulk milk somatic cell count (TBMSCC) calculated by the monthly cow composite somatic cell count over a time period of 1 year was chosen. The basic udder health of the farms was determined by TBMSCC during the year prior to the start of the project (mean for all farms = 176 460 cells/ml). In the multivariable analysis, the five factors ‘swiss brown breed', ‘alpine summer pasturing', ‘calf feeding with milk from mastitis diseased cows', ‘hard bedding' and ‘no post-milking' remained as significant risk factors on udder health. In the second part of the study, the development of management factors and the udder health situation affected by an extension program after 1 year was investigated. A partial improvement of the management factors on the farms but no overall improvement on udder health and no association between management changes and udder health changes were found. Improvement of udder health was more likely in farms with higher basic TBMSCC than in those farms with less udder health problems at the beginning of the projec

    Etablierung der homöopathischen Mastitistherapie in einem biologisch-dynamisch wirtschaftenden Milcherzeugerbetrieb unter Berücksichtigung ökologischer, epidemiologischer und ökonomischer Gesichtspunkte.

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    6 Summary The dairy cow mastitis as a disease with an immense economic impact is widely spread in organic as well as in conventional farms. Due to the lack of alternatives to antibiotic treatment, most therapeutical measures are based on antibiotics even in organic farms and against common regulations. In contrary to these procedures the EU regulations (Council Regulation EC 1804/99)as well as the consumer’s anticipation demand the possibly lowest levels of residual charges of dairy products and environment. A two and a half year study in a bio-dyn dairy herd in Brandenburg (Germany) with 300 dairy cows suffering from udder health problems was conducted to evaluate if clinical mastitis in dairy cows is to control successfully with homeopathic remedies to minimize antibiotic treatment. To assess the efficacy of the homeopathic treatment the investigations are made using a double blind placebo controlled study design (RCCT). Using a predetermined treatment protocol and a certain diagnostic pattern to match right remedies in the sense of the homeopathic remedy pictures, the intention of the chosen treatment schedule was to provide a very transparent concept which can be used also by unexperienced veterinarians. For treatment of acute mastitis the following remedies were used: Phytolacca D6, Bryonia D6 , Echinacea D6 and Belladonna D6. Aconitum D6 was added in case of fever at the beginning of disease. Cases of chronical and subclinical mastitis were treated by Echinacea D6, Phytolacca D6 and Hepar sulfuris D8. In the first part of the study nearly all mastitis cases were treated only with homeopathics avoiding antibiotics strictly. The unsatisfying results in this part lead to a modification in the second part in which in case of certain infections (S.aureus, Sc.spp.) a limited use of antibiotics was admitted. Furthermore, selected udders with subclinical and chronical infections with these kind of bacteria were dried off antibiotically. Simultaneously the farmer was engaged to intensify the efforts to optimize preventive and environmental measures in the herd. In the second part of the study 126 cows (148 quarters) suffered from clinical mastitis (Verum: n=60; Placebo: n=66). The cure rates were nearly identical. In the whole population the clinical cure rate (CCR) immediately after treatment was 95%, 7 to 8 weeks after treatment 65%. The 107 clinically affected quarters which were infected by pathogenic bacteria showed a bacteriological cure rate (BCR) of 55% each and a complete bacterio-cytological cure rate (BCCR) of 35% and 40% after 4-5 weeks and 7-8 weeks after treatment, respectively. During the observation time of 8 weeks a total of 12 cows in each of the treatment groups produced a homologous recurrent infection. 6 cows in the verum group and 4 cows in the placebo group developed a new infection in one of the other quarters. The treatment results seems to be satisfying while the enhanced but still not optimized environmental conditions in the herd are possibly responsible for the high amount of new infections and recurrences. Looking at the results of the study at all, the use of antibiotics could be decreased by 75% due to the therapy management (in spite of the change of it because of unsatisfying results) in combination with preventive measures. Additionally the herd udder health could be increased. So the mean herd somatic cell count decreased by 75.000 somatic cells/ml to 165.000 somatic cells/ml. Furthermore, the milk yield increased by 250 kg to 6.500 kg/cow/year. The count of infections with S. aureus in the herd decreased dramatically. The decreasing input of antibiotics in mastitis therapy in the project farm lead to a decrease of 36.000 kg antibiotically loaded milk compared to a hypothetic conventional mastitis management. Furthermore, the omission of withdrawal times after homeopathic treatment resulted in a benefit of additional production milk of 25.000 kg. The antibiotics minimizing therapy concept of the second part of this investigation which could be evaluated under practice conditions can be recommended for other farms too if simultaneous herd prevention measures can be assured by the farm manager to ensure good preconditions for the convalescence of the cows. The cure rates after placebo are unexpected high. Due to these results it is profoundly debatable whether the strategies of conventional therapy of bovine mastitis are suitable to ensure herd udder health. It should be evaluated which part of the cure rate is amounted by self cure and which other factors have an effect on the healing. The nearly identical cure rates in both treatment groups do not allow the proof of homeopathic efficacy at all. Indeed, comparing the bacteriologically caused mastitis cases (107 quarters), there is a significantly higher cure rate in the verum group (p < 0.05)

    Field scale limited irrigation scenarios for water policy strategies

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    ABSTRACT. Approaches to reducing irrigation inputs to crops have been studied for the past 50 to 60 years in research settings. Fewer efforts have been made to document limited irrigation responses over a number of seasons on commercial fields. This study compared farm−based irrigation management (FARM) with best management practices (BMP), late initiation of irrigation (LATE), and a restricted allocation (ALLOC). These irrigation management strategies each occupied 1/8 of a center pivot system in southwest Nebraska in continuous corn production, on four cooperating farms, which were replicated at the same sites for 3 to 6 years. Irrigation variables were achieved by irrigating or not irrigating, or by speeding up or slowing down the center pivot. When the grain yields and irrigation amounts were normalized each year using the FARM treatment as the basis, on average for three of four locations, the BMP treatment yielded equal to the FARM treatment, the LATE treatment yielded 93 % of the FARM treatment and the ALLOC yielded 84 % of the FARM treatment. At the same time, it took 76 % and 57 % of the water for the LATE and ALLOC treatments, respectively, to achieve these yields. The adjusted gross returns (yield price – irrigation treatment costs) of the irrigation treatments were analyzed for each location. When the gross returns were normalized using the FARM treatment as the basis, FARM and BMP returns were equal across combinations of high and low input commodity prices and pumping costs. The LATE treatment gross return was 95 % of FARM return. The gross return for the ALLOC treatment was 85 % to 91 % of the FARM treatment. The higher the water costs, the lower the difference between the highest and lowest returning water treatments. Relationships between evapotranspiratio

    Assessing deficit irrigation strategies for corn using simulation

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    Citation: Kisekka, I., Aguilar, J. P., Rogers, D. H., Holman, J., O'Brien, D. M., & Klocke, N. (2016). Assessing deficit irrigation strategies for corn using simulation. Transactions of the Asabe, 59(1), 303-317. doi:10.13031/trans.59.11206Declining groundwater levels in the Ogallala aquifer due to withdrawals exceeding annual recharge result in diminished well capacities that eventually become incapable of meeting full crop water needs. Producers need recommendations for deficit irrigation strategies that can maximize net returns in most years under low well capacities. The objectives of this study were to (1) calibrate and validate the CERES-Maize model in DSSAT-CSM v4.6 under southwest Kansas soils and climatic conditions and (2) apply the calibrated model to assess three factors related to irrigation management: (i) the optimum plant-available water threshold to initiate irrigation for maximizing net returns, (ii) the effect of percentage soil water depletion at planting on yield, seasonal transpiration, water productivity, extractable soil water at maturity, and net returns, and (iii) the effect of late irrigation season termination on extractable soil water at physiological maturity, yield, and net returns. The CERES-Maize model in DSSAT-CSM v4.6 in conjunction with short-term experimental data and 63 years (1950 to 2013) of historical weather data were used in this study. The calibrated model was able to predict end of season grain yield with acceptable accuracy (NSE &gt; 0.9, 0.13 &lt; %RMSE &lt; 0.19), indicating that the model could be used for assessing alternative management strategies for optimizing the use of limited water for irrigating corn in southwest Kansas. Irrigation scheduling based on a 50% plant-available water threshold maximized net returns compared to initiating irrigation at greater soil water content at corn prices ranging from 0.10to0.10 to 0.26 kg-1. Accounting for inter-annual variations in weather and irrigation downtime due to repairs, 14 to 17 irrigation applications of 25 mm of water each would be needed to maintain soil water at 50% of plant-available water during the season. Having soil water in the top 1.2 m of the soil profile between 0% and 25% depleted at planting maximized net returns, although it also resulted in more extractable soil water at physiological maturity. Terminating irrigation 90 or 95 days after planting depending on corn price maximized net returns and resulted in the lowest amount of extractable soil water at physiological maturity, implying that opportunities exist to mine stored soil water toward the end of the season even under deficit irrigation. We recommend that late season irrigation termination be done in conjunction with soil water monitoring and management- allowable depletion techniques to minimize potential reduction in yields. Before adopting any of the management strategies assessed in this study, producers should consider the unique yield potential constraints for their farm. The concepts explored in this analysis, which combined experimental data, computer simulation, and long-term weather data to generate optimum management recommendations, could be applied in other areas with constrained water supplies for irrigation. © 2016 American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers