84 research outputs found

    Auto-percepção dos portadores de Amelogênese Imperfeita e Displasia

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    TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro de Ciências da Saúde. Odontologia.A Amelogênese Imperfeita é um distúrbio hereditário caracterizado pela formação anormal de esmalte, o que gera dentes com alteração de cor, sensibilidade e suscetíveis à cárie. Da mesma forma, a Displasia Ectodérmica também se trata de um distúrbio hereditário, o qual é caracterizado por um defeito na formação de uma ou mais estruturas derivadas do ectoderma, afetando a pele, cabelos, unhas, e também, os dentes. Esses pacientes comumente apresentam hipodontia, e os dentes presentes podem apresentar-se deformados, cônicos, hipomineralizados/ hipoplásicos e em tamanho menor. A aparência do sorriso tem grande impacto na vida dos indivíduos, afetando desde o convívio social até as relações profissionais. Em ambos os casos a reabilitação oral deve ser realizada o mais cedo possível, a fim de manter e corrigir as funções orais, de forma a ajudar os pacientes com as implicações psicossociais devolvendo-os a autoestima. Diante desse contexto o presente trabalho teve como objetivo principal verificar a percepção e anseio dos pacientes portadores de AI e DE em relação à doença. A metodologia apresentou abordagem qualitativa, onde foram entrevistados nove pacientes que estavam em tratamento na Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Os dados foram analisados a partir do método proposto por Bardin e depois de interpretados concluiu-se que a AI e a DE interferem negativamente na autoestima e na qualidade de vida dessas pessoas. Além disso, verificou-se a necessidade da implementação de um Centro de Especialidades, para que esses pacientes possam ter um tratamento interdisciplinar e multiprofissional adequado

    Tobacco Smoke Exposure During Pregnancy Increases Maternal Blood Lead Levels Affecting Neonate Birth Weight

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    To assess the effect of lead exposure from cigarette smoke on fetal growth, blood lead concentrations were measured using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry in 150 healthy pregnant women. Mean lead concentrations in plasma and whole blood were significantly higher in the smoking group compared with the nonsmoking group in each trimester of pregnancy (p < 0.001). Logistic regression analysis showed the highest impact of the number of cigarettes smoked per day for serum lead concentration (β = 0.238; p < 0.05), while in whole blood, it was duration of smoking before conception (β = 0.297; p < 0.001). Birth weight of the smoking mothers' infants was significantly lower (mean ± SEM, 3,192 ± 50.8 and 3,569 ± 49.6 g, respectively; p < 0.001) and negatively correlated with lead levels in plasma (r = −0.38; p < 0.001) and in whole blood (r = −0.27; p < 0.001). Therefore, it is suggested that smoking during pregnancy increases lead concentrations in maternal blood. Fetal exposure to low doses of lead in utero may be a serious risk factor causing lower birth weight

    Evaluation of iron balance in healthy pregnant women and their newborns

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    Aim of the study: The aim of this study was to evaluate the iron status markers in normal healthy pregnancy, as well as the influence of maternal diet on iron concentration in their newborns. Material and methods: A longitudinal prospective study was conducted in a sample of 69 healthy, non-smoking pregnant women under prenatal care of The Institute of Mother and Child. Blood samples were collected in the first, second and third trimesters and from the umbilical vein. Concentrations of ferritin and transferrin were assessed using turbidimetric technique, the concentration of iron - with ferrozine colorimetric method. Pentra 120 analyzer was used to define hematological parameters. Maternal diet was assessed by means of a weekly questionnaire, processed with computer software Dietetyk 2. Results: Hematological parameters in the analyzed blood were normal. The average hematocrit values in the first trimester of pregnancy was 36.7%, in the second - 34.92%, in the third - 35.95%. The concentration of hemoglobin was 27.82g/dl, 28.55g/dl, 27.27g/dl in the respective trimesters of pregnancy. In the umbilical blood it was 25.84g/dl (5.2% less than in the maternal blood). The number of erythrocytes was the highest in the first (4.16mln/mm3), and the lowest in the second trimester (3.92mln/mm3). The average concentration of iron was the highest in the first trimester - 99.61μg/dl. In the second and third trimester it decreased by 25% and 2% respectively. The concentration was 76.34% higher in the umbilical blood than in maternal blood at the time of labor. The concentration of ferritin in the first trimester was 43.96μg/l, in the second and the third trimester it was lower by 46% and 29% respectively. It was 126.4μg/l in the umbilical blood (fourfold higher than in maternal blood). The concentration of transferrin was 321.01mg/dl in the first trimester and it increased in consecutive trimesters by 36.14% and 5.12%; it was 219.92mg/dl in the umbilical blood - 48% of the concentration of transferrin in the maternal blood at the time of labor. The analysis of an average daily food ration revealed that the supply of iron was 80% of the recommended dose in the first half and only 41% of the recommended dose in the second half of the pregnancy. Fat consumption was 99% and 95% of the recommended dose, respectively. There was a 30%-decrease in the protein and carbohydrates consumption in comparison with the recommended dose in the second half of the pregnancy. Conclusions: In spite of normal hematological parameters, we observed insufficient supply of iron in the diet of pregnant women, which was demonstrated by a decreased level of ferritin. It should be reason enough to issue dietary recommendations and guidelines for pregnant women in each stage of pregnancy

    Preliminary Evidence for Cell Membrane Amelioration in Children with Cystic Fibrosis by 5-MTHF and Vitamin B12 Supplementation: A Single Arm Trial

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    Cystic fibrosis (CF) is one of the most common fatal autosomal recessive disorders in the Caucasian population caused by mutations of gene for the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR). New experimental therapeutic strategies for CF propose a diet supplementation to affect the plasma membrane fluidity and to modulate amplified inflammatory response. The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of 5-methyltetrahydrofolate (5-MTHF) and vitamin B12 supplementation for ameliorating cell plasma membrane features in pediatric patients with cystic fibrosis.A single arm trial was conducted from April 2004 to March 2006 in an Italian CF care centre. 31 children with CF aged from 3 to 8 years old were enrolled. Exclusion criteria were diabetes, chronic infections of the airways and regular antibiotics intake. Children with CF were supplemented for 24 weeks with 5-methyltetrahydrofolate (5-MTHF, 7.5 mg /day) and vitamin B12 (0.5 mg/day). Red blood cells (RBCs) were used to investigate plasma membrane, since RBCs share lipid, protein composition and organization with other cell types. We evaluated RBCs membrane lipid composition, membrane protein oxidative damage, cation content, cation transport pathways, plasma and RBCs folate levels and plasma homocysteine levels at baseline and after 24 weeks of 5-MTHF and vitamin B12 supplementation. In CF children, 5-MTHF and vitamin B12 supplementation (i) increased plasma and RBC folate levels; (ii) decreased plasma homocysteine levels; (iii) modified RBC membrane phospholipid fatty acid composition; (iv) increased RBC K(+) content; (v) reduced RBC membrane oxidative damage and HSP70 membrane association.5-MTHF and vitamin B12 supplementation might ameliorate RBC membrane features of children with CF.ClinicalTrials.gov NCT00730509


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    Transformacja ustrojowa w Europie Środkowo – Wschodniej XX w., była procesem umożliwiającym zbudowanie organów i mechanizmów politycznych, dzięki którym realne stało się obalenie komunizmu i powstanie suwerennych państw: Polski, Czech i Słowacji.Niniejsza praca składa się z sześciu zasadniczych rozdziałów. W rozdziale I zawarto definicje zjawiska transformacji ustrojowej, tworząc przez autora na potrzeby niniejszej pracy własną definicję procesu transformacji ustrojowej.Rozdział II przedstawia przebieg transformacji ustrojowej w Polsce. Powstanie opozycji, kompromisowe obrady „okrągłego stołu”, a w konsekwencji wybory parlamentarne, które na zawsze zmieniły rzeczywistość Polaków. Rozdział III poświęcono ustrojowi politycznemu demokratycznej Polsce, wyróżniając władze ustawodawczą, wykonawczą i sądowniczą, na podstawie źródła pierwotnego: Konstytucji Rzeczpospolitej Polskiej z dnia 2 kwietnia 1997 roku. Rozdział IV to chronologiczne przedstawienie potyczek społeczeństwa czechosłowackiego z socjalizmem. Powstanie dwóch narodowych obozów opozycyjnych, o odmiennej ideologii i wizji przyszłości, która staje się przyczyną rozpadu państwa Czechosłowackiego i narodzenia się z dniem 01.01.1993 roku dwóch niezależnych republik : Czech i Słowacji.Rozdział V i VI to przedstawienie w analogiczny sposób ustroju politycznego Republiki Czech i Republiki Słowacji, uwzględniając trójpodział władzy i podstawowe prawa i wolności człowieka i obywatela.Systemic transformation in East – Central Europe which took place in twentieth century was a process that allows building political mechanisms and organs. Thanks for that the overthrow of communism and the birth of the Sovereign States (Poland, Slovakia and The Czech Republic) were possible.The following thesis was built of six, very important chapters.In the first chapter was described a definition of the phenomenon of systemic transformation. In this section, was created by author, own definition of the process of the systemic transformation.In the second chapter was described the transformation process in the Polish People’s Republic, the opposition uprising, the Round Table proceedings and consequently, the Parliamentary elections which changed Poles reality.The third chapter presents the political system in the democratic Poland. Based on a primary source – the Constitution of The Republic of Poland, which was made the second of April 1997, we could distinguish three types of the power: legislative, judicial and executive.The fourth chapter is a part of chronological presentation of the Czechoslovak Society skirmishes against the Socialism. Rise of two, national and opposition camps which had different ideology and the vision of the future, what finally was a cause of the Czechoslovak Society collapse and a birth of two independent republics: The Czech Republic and Slovakia in the first of January 1993.The fifth chapter and the last one shows the political system of The Czech Republic and Slovakia. The author of this thesis had to account a separation of power, fundamental rights and freedoms of the man and the citizen

    The use of social media in visual marketing communication (on the example of the ZARA brand)

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    Zastosowanie na potrzeby przedsiębiorstwa narzędzi komunikacji wizualnej przyczynia się do zwiększania innowacyjności produktów i usług poprzez zaangażowanie, zwłaszcza klientów, w interakcje z marką. Strategia komunikacji marketingowej z zastosowaniem mediów społecznościowych Zary w dużym stopniu zależy od elementów wizualnych. Celem głównym przeprowadzonych badań było zbadanie stopnia wykorzystania mediów społecznościowych w wizualnej komunikacji marketingowej firmy Zara. Badanie pozwoliło określić postrzeganie wizerunku marki Zara przez konsumentów w mediach społecznościowych. Badanie zostało wykonane za pomocą badań ankietowych. Wyniki badania wskazują, że Firma prowadzi minimalistyczne działania w zakresie zarządzania wizerunkiem marki ZARA. Natomiast wizualizacja przypominająca zdjęcia lookbookowe, łudząco są podobne do tego, co prezentują najbardziej prestiżowe domy mody i dodatkowo wpływa na prestiżowy wizerunek marki Zara, która nie musi inwestować w reklamę , aby zabiegać o klientów. Badanie wykazało, że zwłaszcza w branży fast-fashion marki Zara, działania marketingowe w mediach społecznościowych mają pozytywny wpływ na markę oraz kapitał relacji jak również na decyzje zakupowe klientów.The use of visual communication tools for the needs of the company contributes to increasing the innovation of products and services by engaging, especially customers, in interaction with the brand. Zara's social media marketing communication strategy relies heavily on visuals. The main aim of the research was to investigate the degree of use of social media in visual marketing communication of the Zara company. The study allowed to determine the perception of the Zara brand image by consumers on social media. The study was conducted by means of a questionnaire survey. The results of the survey indicate that the company conducts minimalist activities in the field of managing the image of the ZARA brand. On the other hand, the visualization resembling lookbook photos is confusingly similar to what the most prestigious fashion houses present and additionally affects the prestigious image of the Zara brand, which does not have to invest in advertising to solicit customers. The study showed that, especially in the fast-fashion industry of the Zara brand, marketing activities in social media have a positive impact on the brand and relationship capital as well as on customer purchasing decisions