7 research outputs found


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    The Czech Civil Code has recently introduced differentiation between two terms denoting a period of time: lhůta and doba. Both of these terms are used, often interchangeably, in ordinary Czech language and are thus susceptible to failure by translators to be recognized as terms. It is believed that the definitions provided by the draftsmen of the said code do not describe the difference in meaning sufficiently for non-lawyers to understand (cf. Goźdź-Roszkowski, 2013: 100). Therefore, this paper aims at describing the difference in meaning of these terms on the basis of a qualitative analysis of their collocational patterns and collocational profile, as used in the wording of the said law. The second part of the paper consists of an analysis of potential English equivalents (time limit, period, deadline, time) and their collocates as used in legislation drafted in English. The analysis is based on a corpus compiled of the Czech Civil Code and a comparable corpus of civil legislation drafted in English. The findings of the analysis will outline the strategies available to translators dealing with temporal expressions at the Czech-English interface.Czeski Kodeks cywilny wprowadził od niedawna rozróżnienie pomiędzy dwoma oznaczeniami okresu czasu: lhůta i doba, które są często używane wymiennie w czeskim języku potocznym i tym samym mylone przez tłumaczy, nie uznających je za terminy. Przyjmuje się, że definicje zawarte we wspomnianej ustawie nie opisują różnicy znaczeniowej tych terminów w stopniu zadowalającym dla nie prawników (cf. Goźdź-Roszkowski, 2013:100). Artykuł ten ma na celu opis różnic znaczeniowych tych terminów w oparciu o analizę jakościową ich wzorów kolokacyjnych oraz profilu, tak, jak są one używane we wzmiankowanym Kodeksie. Dalsza część artykułu zawiera analizę możliwych ekwiwalentów (time limit, period, deadline, time) oraz ich kolokacji w oparciu o ustawę podaną w języku angielskim. Analiza przeprowadzona została w oparciu o korpus zbudowany z czeskiego Kodeksu Cywilnego i porównywalnego korpusu tekstów ustaw w języku angielskim. Konkluzje tej analizy posłużą do określenia strategii dostępnych tłumaczom podczas borykania się z określeniami czasu w parze czeski-angielski. Český občanský zákoník nedávno zavedl rozlišení mezi dvěma výrazy označujícími časový úsek: dobou a lhůtou. Oba z těchto výrazů se často v běžném jazyce používají jako synonyma, a proto představují riziko, že je překladatel neidentifikuje jako termíny. Podle našeho názoru nejsou definice formulované autory zákona dostatečné, aby uživatelům odborného jazyka osvětlily zamýšlený rozdíl (cf. Goźdź-Roszkowski, 2013: 100). Cílem této studie je popsat rozdíl mezi termíny pomocí kvalitativní analýzy jejich kolokačních vzorců a profilu v občanském zákoníku. Druhá část se věnuje analýze možných ekvivalentů v angličtině (time limit, period, deadline, time) a jejich kolokací v zákonech psaných v angličtině. K analýze je použit srovnatelný korpus českého občanského zákoníku a vybraných civilních předpisů z anglicky mluvících zemí. Poznatky získané analýzou mohou být zdrojem překladových řešení pro překladatele právních textů mezi češtinou a angličtinou


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    The article presents the discussion on the wording of the new Civil Code of the Czech Republic which becomes effective on January 1, 2014. Some critics claim that the Code contains many newly coined or re-introduced terms which are unknown to the general public and may even feel archaic. Inspired by this debate, a survey was carried out in which a group of students was asked to assess the perceived familiarity with ten terms selected from the new Code and also mark the terms with respect to their perceived stylistic features. All the terms had been analysed with respect to their relative frequency in various text types using the Czech National Corpus. Only one term was assessed as known by more than 40% of the subjects. The same portion of the subjects marked six terms as archaic and five terms as strangely formed. The results show that the debate on the wording was justified. Nevertheless, the requirement for accessibility of legal documents to the general public should be seen with due consideration to various functions, situations and contexts in which individual genres and text types are used.Język nowego czeskiego kodeksu cywilnego, który wejdzie w życie w styczniu 2014, wywołał w Czechach dyskusję. Niektórzy krytycy twierdzą, że kodeks ten zawiera wiele nowo utworzonych lub wprowadzonych ponownie terminów, które są powszechnie niezrozumiałe i mogą brzmieć archaicznie. Debata ta dała powód do przeprowadzenia badania, w którym poproszono studentów o określenie stopnia znajomości wybranych terminów z nowego kodeksu oraz określenie ich cech stylistycznych. Wszytkie terminy zostały przeanalizowane pod kątem częstotliwości występowania przy użyciu Narodowego Korpusu Języka Czeskiego. Tylko jeden z badanych terminów został oceniony jako zrozumiały przez 40% respondentów. Taka sama liczba badanych określiła sześć terminów jako archaiczne i pięć jako utworzone w dziwny sposób. Wyniki pokazują, że debata na temat sfomułowania nowego kodeksu była uzasadniona

    Developing Generic Competence in Legal Translation Trainees

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    This paper addresses the notion of legal genres and text types from a classroom perspective. It presents several classifications of legal texts developed for legal translation (training) purposes and a critical reflextion thereof. Drawing on the classifications, the paper discusses what the rationale behind text selection in legal translation training should be, and why certain texts are more suitable than others in this respect, depending on the length and level of training. This is followed by a series of exercises designed to raise register and genre awareness in legal translation trainees. The exercises focus on the (a)symmetry of legal genres across languages and legal systems as well as the macrostructure of certain genres

    Shall We Teachs Shall: A Systematic Step-By-Step Approach

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    The paper discusses the status of shall in today’s legal drafting and legal translation, and by presenting typologies by a number of authors briefly addresses the variety of meanings it is used to express, in both legislation and contracts. It introduces the “shall dilemma” faced by non-native legal translators working both from and into English. The dilemma consists in the discrepancy between the promiscuous and abundant use of shall in authentic as well as translated documents, on the one hand, and the recommendations found in various drafting manuals promoting either a shall-free policy or a disciplined use of shall, on the other hand. The research part presents the results of a survey carried out among a carefully chosen sample of professional legal translators to determine what their policy is on the use of shall. The results include both quantitative findings and additional comments made by the translators, and confirms the divide between actual practice and the recommendations. In the next section of the paper, the results are applied and a series of step-by-step exercises are introduced which should raise the awareness of legal translation trainees of the ambiguity of shall and teach them to use it in a reasoned and disciplined way

    Peter Newmark and his Contribution to Translation Studies

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    The present theoretical and biographical thesis deals with the work of Peter Newmark, a prominent Translation Studies scholar. The thesis is based on an analysis of Newmark's monographs and papers and identifies key ideas which constitute his contribution to the development of Translation Studies. Given the context of his time, with the Western world being dominated by neopositivism, Newmark's approach was not in line with the mainstream. The thesis also tries to take into account the chronological development of Newmark's ideas and highlight some ideas from more recent papers, the reception of which was rather limited. Furthermore, the thesis presents the reception of Newmark's ideas and the most important critical responses to them

    Peter Newmark and his Contribution to Translation Studies

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    The present theoretical and biographical thesis deals with the work of Peter Newmark, a prominent Translation Studies scholar. The thesis is based on an analysis of Newmark's monographs and papers and identifies key ideas which constitute his contribution to the development of Translation Studies. Given the context of his time, with the Western world being dominated by neopositivism, Newmark's approach was not in line with the mainstream. The thesis also tries to take into account the chronological development of Newmark's ideas and highlight some ideas from more recent papers, the reception of which was rather limited. Furthermore, the thesis presents the reception of Newmark's ideas and the most important critical responses to them