1,232 research outputs found

    Locating Hot Plasma in Small Flares using Spectroscopic Overlappogram Data from the Hinode EUV Imaging Spectrometer

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    One of the key processes associated with the “standard” flare model is chromospheric evaporation, a process during which plasma heated to high temperatures by energy deposition at the flare footpoints is driven upwards into the corona. Despite several decades of study, a number of open questions remain, including the relationship between plasma produced during this process and observations of earlier “superhot” plasma. The Extreme ultraviolet Imaging Spectrometer (EIS) onboard Hinode has a wide slot, which is often used as a flare trigger in the He II emission-line band. Once the intensity passes a threshold level, the study will switch to one focussed on the flaring region. However, when the intensity is not high enough to reach the flare trigger threshold, these datasets are then available during the entire flare period and provide high-cadence spectroscopic observations over a large field of view. We make use of data from two such studies of a C4.7 flare and a C1.6 flare to probe the relationship between hot Fe XXIV plasma and plasmas observed by the Reuven Ramaty High Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager (RHESSI) and the X-ray Telescope (XRT) to track where the emission comes from and when it begins. The flare trigger slot data used in our analysis has one-minute cadence. Although the spatial and spectral information are merged in the wide-slot data, it is still possible to extract when the hot plasma appears, through the appearance of the Fe Xxiv spectral image. It is also possible to derive spectrally pure Fe XXIV light curves from the EIS data, and compare them with those derived from hard X-rays, enabling a full exploration of the evolution of hot emission. The Fe XXIV emission peaks just after the peak in the hard X-ray lightcurve; consistent with an origin in the evaporation of heated plasma following the transfer of energy to the lower atmosphere. A peak was also found for the C4.7 flare in the RHESSI peak temperature, which occurred before the hard X-rays peaked. This suggests that the first peak in hot-plasma emission is likely to be directly related to the energy-release process

    Effects of terlipressin as early treatment for protection of brain in a model of haemorrhagic shock

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    Introduction: We investigated whether treatment with terlipressin during recovery from hypotension due to haemorrhagic shock (HS) is effective in restoring cerebral perfusion pressure (CPP) and brain tissue markers of water balance, oxidative stress and apoptosis. Methods: In this randomised controlled study, animals undergoing HS (target mean arterial pressure (MAP) 40 mmHg for 30 minutes) were randomised to receive lactated Ringer’s solution (LR group; n =14; volume equal to three times the volume bled), terlipressin (TERLI group; n =14; 2-mg bolus), no treatment (HAEMO group; n =12) or sham (n =6). CPP, systemic haemodynamics (thermodilution technique) and blood gas analyses were registered at baseline, shock and 5, 30, 60 (T60), 90 and 120 minutes after treatment (T120). After the animals were killed, brain tissue samples were obtained to measure markers of water balance (aquaporin-4 (AQP4)), Na+-K+-2Cl− co-transporter (NKCC1)), oxidative stress (thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) and manganese superoxide dismutase (MnSOD)) and apoptotic damage (Bcl-x and Bax). Results: Despite the HS-induced decrease in cardiac output (CO) and hyperlactataemia, resuscitation with terlipressin recovered MAP and resulted in restoration of CPP and in cerebral protection expressed by normalisation of AQP4, NKCC1, TBARS and MnSOD expression and Bcl-x/Bax ratio at T60 and T120 compared with sham animals. In the LR group, CO and blood lactate levels were recovered, but the CPP and MAP were significantly decreased and TBARS levels and AQP4, NKCC1 and MnSOD expression and Bcl-x/Bax ratio were significantly increased at T60 and T120 compared with the sham group. Conclusions: During recovery from HS-induced hypotension, terlipressin was effective in normalising CPP and cerebral markers of water balance, oxidative damage and apoptosis. The role of this pressor agent on brain perfusion in HS requires further investigation

    On the Evolutionary Modification of Self-Incompatibility: Implications of Partial Clonality for Allelic Diversity and Genealogical Structure

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    Experimental investigations of homomorphic self-incompatibility (SI) have revealed an unanticipated level of complexity in its expression, permitting fine regulation over the course of a lifetime or a range of environmental conditions. Many flowering plants express some level of clonal reproduction, and phylogenetic analyses suggest that clonality evolves in a correlated fashion with SI in Solanum (Solanaceae). Here, we use a diffusion approximation to explore the effects on the evolutionary dynamics of SI of vegetative propagation with SI restricted to reproduction through seed. While clonality reduces the strength of frequency-dependent selection maintaining S-allele diversity, much of the great depth typical of S-allele genealogies is preserved. Our results suggest that clonality can play an important role in the evolution of SI systems, and may afford insight into unexplained features of allele genealogies in the Solanaceae

    Independent S-Locus Mutations Caused Self-Fertility in Arabidopsis thaliana

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    A common yet poorly understood evolutionary transition among flowering plants is a switch from outbreeding to an inbreeding mode of mating. The model plant Arabidopsis thaliana evolved to an inbreeding state through the loss of self-incompatibility, a pollen-rejection system in which pollen recognition by the stigma is determined by tightly linked and co-evolving alleles of the S-locus receptor kinase (SRK) and its S-locus cysteine-rich ligand (SCR). Transformation of A. thaliana, with a functional AlSRKb-SCRb gene pair from its outcrossing relative A. lyrata, demonstrated that A. thaliana accessions harbor different sets of cryptic self-fertility–promoting mutations, not only in S-locus genes, but also in other loci required for self-incompatibility. However, it is still not known how many times and in what manner the switch to self-fertility occurred in the A. thaliana lineage. Here, we report on our identification of four accessions that are reverted to full self-incompatibility by transformation with AlSRKb-SCRb, bringing to five the number of accessions in which self-fertility is due to, and was likely caused by, S-locus inactivation. Analysis of S-haplotype organization reveals that inter-haplotypic recombination events, rearrangements, and deletions have restructured the S locus and its genes in these accessions. We also perform a Quantitative Trait Loci (QTL) analysis to identify modifier loci associated with self-fertility in the Col-0 reference accession, which cannot be reverted to full self-incompatibility. Our results indicate that the transition to inbreeding occurred by at least two, and possibly more, independent S-locus mutations, and identify a novel unstable modifier locus that contributes to self-fertility in Col-0

    Clostridium botulinum group III: a group with dual identity shaped by plasmids, phages and mobile elements

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p><it>Clostridium botulinum </it>strains can be divided into four physiological groups that are sufficiently diverged to be considered as separate species. Here we present the first complete genome of a <it>C. botulinum </it>strain from physiological group III, causing animal botulism. We also compare the sequence to three new draft genomes from the same physiological group.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The 2.77 Mb chromosome was highly conserved between the isolates and also closely related to that of <it>C. novyi</it>. However, the sequence was very different from the human <it>C. botulinum </it>group genomes. Replication-directed translocations were rare and conservation of synteny was high. The largest difference between <it>C. botulinum </it>group III isolates occurred within their surprisingly large plasmidomes and in the pattern of mobile elements insertions. Five plasmids, constituting 13.5% of the total genetic material, were present in the completed genome. Interestingly, the set of plasmids differed compared to other isolates. The largest plasmid, the botulinum-neurotoxin carrying prophage, was conserved at a level similar to that of the chromosome while the medium-sized plasmids seemed to be undergoing faster genetic drift. These plasmids also contained more mobile elements than other replicons. Several toxins and resistance genes were identified, many of which were located on the plasmids.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The completion of the genome of <it>C. botulinum </it>group III has revealed it to be a genome with dual identity. It belongs to the pathogenic species <it>C. botulinum</it>, but as a genotypic species it should also include <it>C. novyi </it>and <it>C. haemolyticum</it>. The genotypic species share a conserved chromosomal core that can be transformed into various pathogenic variants by modulation of the highly plastic plasmidome.</p

    Trabecular bone volume and osteoprotegerin expression in uremic rats given high calcium

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    Calcium (Ca)-containing phosphate binders have been recommended for the treatment of hyperphosphatemia in children with chronic kidney disease. To study the effects of high Ca levels on trabecular bone volume (BV) and osteoprotegerin (OPG) expression in uremic young rats, a model of marked overcorrection of secondary hyperparathyroidism was created by providing a diet of high Ca to 5/6 nephrectomized young rats (Nx-Ca) for 4 weeks. The results of chondrocyte proliferation and apoptosis, osteoclastic activity, OPG expression and BV were compared among intact rats given the control diet, intact rats given a high Ca diet and 5/6 nephrectomized rats given the control diet (Nx-Control) and the high Ca diet (Nx-Ca). Ionized Ca levels were higher and parathyroid hormone levels were lower in Nx-Ca rats than in the other groups. Final weight, final length and final tibial length of Nx-Ca rats were significantly less than those of the other groups, although the length gain did not differ among the groups. The hypertrophic zone width was markedly enlarged in Nx-Ca rats. Chondrocyte proliferation rates did not differ among the groups, whereas osteoclastic activity was decreased in Nx-Ca rats compared with the Nx-Control animals. The OPG expression and BV were increased in Nx-Ca rats compared with the Nx-Control rats. Increased BV should improve bone strength, whereas disturbance of osteoclastogenesis interferes with bone remodeling. Bone quality has yet to be determined in high Ca-fed uremic young rats

    Decreased aortic growth and middle aortic syndrome in patients with neuroblastoma after radiation therapy

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    Background: Long-term CT follow-up studies are required in pediatric patients who have received intraoperative radiation therapy (IORT) and external beam radiation therapy (EBRT) to assess vascular toxicities and to determine the exact complication rate. Objective: To analyze with CT the effects of radiation therapy (RT) on the growth of the aorta in neuroblastoma patients.Materials and methods Abdominal CT scans of 31 patients with intraabdominal neuroblastoma (stage II–IV), treated with RT (20 IORT±EBRT, 11 EBRT alone), were analyzed retrospectively. The diameter of the abdominal aorta was measured before and after RT. These data were compared to normal and predicted normal aortic diameters of children, according to the model of Fitzgerald, Donaldson and Poznanski (aortic diameter in centimeters = 0.844 + 0.0599 × age in years), and to the diameters of a control group of children who had not undergone RT. Statistical analyses for the primary aims were performed using the chi-squared test, t-test, Mann-Whitney test, nonparametric Wilcoxon matched-pairs test and analysis of variance for repeated measures. Clinical files and imaging studies were evaluated for signs of late vascular complications of neuroblastoma patients who had received RT. Results: The mean diameter before and after RT and the growth of the aorta were significantly lower than expected in patients with neuroblastoma (P<0.05 for each) and when compared to the growth in a control group with normal and nonirradiated aortas. Among the patients who had received RT, there was no difference due to the type of RT. Seven patients from the IORT±EBRT group developed vascular complications, which included hypertension (five), middle aortic syndrome (two), death due to mesenteric ischemia (one) and critical aortic stenosis, which required aortic bypass surgery (two).Conclusion Patients with neuroblastoma who had received RT showed impaired growth of the abdominal aorta. Significant long-term vascular complications occurred in seven patients who received IORT±EBRT. Thus, CT evaluation of patients with neuroblastoma who receive RT should include not only reports of changes in tumor extension, but also documentation of perfusion, and the size and growth of the aorta and its branches over time

    Coexistence of Trichome Variation in a Natural Plant Population: A Combined Study Using Ecological and Candidate Gene Approaches

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    The coexistence of distinct phenotypes within populations has long been investigated in evolutionary ecology. Recent studies have identified the genetic basis of distinct phenotypes, but it is poorly understood how the variation in candidate loci is maintained in natural environments. In this study, we examined fitness consequences and genetic basis of variation in trichome production in a natural population of Arabidopsis halleri subsp. gemmifera. Half of the individuals in the study population produced trichomes while the other half were glabrous, and the leaf beetle Phaedon brassicae imposed intensive damage to both phenotypes. The fitness of hairy and glabrous plants showed no significant differences in the field during two years. A similar result was obtained when sibling hairy and glabrous plants were transplanted at the same field site, whereas a fitness cost of trichome production was detected under a weak herbivory condition. Thus, equivalent fitness of hairy and glabrous plants under natural herbivory allows their coexistence in the contemporary population. The pattern of polymorphism of the candidate trichome gene GLABROUS1 (GL1) showed no evidence of long-term maintenance of trichome variation within the population. Although balancing selection under fluctuating biotic environments is often proposed to explain the maintenance of defense variation, the lack of clear evidence of balancing selection in the study population suggests that other factors such as gene flow and neutral process may have played relatively large roles in shaping trichome variation at least for the single population level