86 research outputs found

    Isoform Diversity and Regulation in Peripheral and Central Neurons Revealed through RNA-Seq

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    To fully understand cell type identity and function in the nervous system there is a need to understand neuronal gene expression at the level of isoform diversity. Here we applied Next Generation Sequencing of the transcriptome (RNA-Seq) to purified sensory neurons and cerebellar granular neurons (CGNs) grown on an axonal growth permissive substrate. The goal of the analysis was to uncover neuronal type specific isoforms as a prelude to understanding patterns of gene expression underlying their intrinsic growth abilities. Global gene expression patterns were comparable to those found for other cell types, in that a vast majority of genes were expressed at low abundance. Nearly 18% of gene loci produced more than one transcript. More than 8000 isoforms were differentially expressed, either to different degrees in different neuronal types or uniquely expressed in one or the other. Sensory neurons expressed a larger number of genes and gene isoforms than did CGNs. To begin to understand the mechanisms responsible for the differential gene/isoform expression we identified transcription factor binding sites present specifically in the upstream genomic sequences of differentially expressed isoforms, and analyzed the 3′ untranslated regions (3′ UTRs) for microRNA (miRNA) target sites. Our analysis defines isoform diversity for two neuronal types with diverse axon growth capabilities and begins to elucidate the complex transcriptional landscape in two neuronal populations

    Bone-anchored hearing aid modified with directional microphone: do patients benefit?

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    Trabajo presentado en: II Congreso Español Herpetología; Programa y Resúmenes.[ES]Los yacimientos fosilíferos paleógenos situados al N del río Duero se caracterizan por una fauna reptiliana en la que se observan diferencias claras con respecto a las de la misma edad ubicadas al S de dicho río.[EN]The Paleogene fossil deposits located to the N of the Douro River are characterized by a reptilian fauna in which clear differences were observed with respect to the same age located at the S of that river.Españo
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