114 research outputs found

    Pacific-10 Compliance Officers’ Morality and Moral Reasoning

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    Critics contend that intercollegiate athletic administrators, including compliance officers who work in highly formalized environments, generally exhibit restricted moral thinking that is defined by organizational rules (Lumpkin, Stoll, & Beller, 1999). Cognitive moral development’s dominance on moral reasoning research has assisted in supporting this argument because investigations are framed from one independent theory (e.g., justice) and measure moral reasoning (Walker, Pitts, Hennig, & Matsuba, 1995). As a result, the interdependent nature between individuals’ morality and moral reasoning in real-life work experiences is unclear. Using contextual practical reasoning as a framework, Pacific-10 compliance officers’ were interviewed to examine their morality and moral reasoning. The findings showed compliance officers engaged in practical reasoning in resolving day-to-day work-related moral problems. Furthermore, the findings highlighted the interdependent relationship among participants’ conceptions of morality, their moral perceptions and sensitivities, and their practical reasoning

    Leadership and Facilitating an Intercollegiate Athletic Department Merger

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    Leadership is an important aspect in facilitating an organizational merger. Research indicates that each merger presents a different objective and thus a variety of challenges that require different forms of leadership. Further, the merger type and merger stage influences leadership required to facilitate the merger process. This study examined merger challenges and leadership employed to assist an intercollegiate athletic department merger. Using a single qualitative case study design (i.e., interviews with 57 stakeholders and documents), the findings showed transition leadership challenges included an absence of leadership and stakeholder uncertainty, and the central integration leadership challenge was strategic planning. Transition leadership consisted of creating a transition structure, and a combination of contextual, communicative, supportive, and emotional acknowledgment, while participatory leadership was demonstrated during integration. Implications of these findings suggested that merger facilitation requires recognizing the merger type and its challenges, which informs the leadership required to assist integration

    Admission control for Web server systems - design and experimental evaluation

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    Analytic Model for Cross-Layer Dependencies in VDSL2 access networks

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    Recent changes in user employment of Internet based services, new deployment technologies for mobile networks as well as an ongoing realisation of fixed and mobile converged networks e.g. the EU FP7 project COMBO, are significant examples of enablers for increasing demands on DSL links. Investigating cross-layer dependencies between all layers in the OSI reference model becomes increasingly important. In this paper we present an analytical model and experimental results for the relation between impulse noise on a VDSL2 link and the effect this have on the network layer packet loss. We show how the packet loss rate is dependent not only on the disturbance signal level and periodicity but also on the link utilisation

    Threshold Friction Velocities and Rupture Moduli for Crusted Desert Soils for the Input of Soil Particles into the Air

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    Desert soils having clay crusts, mostly from the Mojave Desert, were tested for threshold friction velocity (the friction velocity at which soil erosion begins) with an open-bottomed wind tunnel. The soils were also tested for content of clay, water-soluble material, calcium carbonate, organic material, mineralogy of clay and of salts, soil moisture, modulus of rupture, and crust thickness. If no loose material existed on the soil surface, crusts having modulus of rupture greater than 0.7 bar and crust thickness of 0.7 cm to 0.3 cm were effective in protecting against wind erosion. Disturbed clay crusts having modulus of rupture before disturbance greater than 2 bar with thickness less than 1.9 cm did not experience significant wind erosion. Modulus of rupture was related to composition of soil but was shown to depend mostly on clay content. Soil composition is related to modulus of rupture in an empirical equation

    Threshold Friction Velocities and Rupture Moduli for Crusted Desert Soils for the Input of Soil Particles into the Air

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    Desert soils having clay crusts, mostly from the Mojave Desert, were tested for threshold friction velocity (the friction velocity at which soil erosion begins) with an open-bottomed wind tunnel. The soils were also tested for content of clay, water-soluble material, calcium carbonate, organic material, mineralogy of clay and of salts, soil moisture, modulus of rupture, and crust thickness. If no loose material existed on the soil surface, crusts having modulus of rupture greater than 0.7 bar and crust thickness of 0.7 cm to 0.3 cm were effective in protecting against wind erosion. Disturbed clay crusts having modulus of rupture before disturbance greater than 2 bar with thickness less than 1.9 cm did not experience significant wind erosion. Modulus of rupture was related to composition of soil but was shown to depend mostly on clay content. Soil composition is related to modulus of rupture in an empirical equation

    Performance Analysis and Modelling of an OSA Gateway

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    Formation trinationale Franco-Suisse-Allemande « Information Communication Systems » à l’Université de Haute Alsace

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    La formation trinationale « Information Communication Systems » a pour objectif la formation de Licence (Bachelor) dans le domaine des sciences pour l’ingénieur en électronique, automatique et informatique industrielle. Ce parcours est réalisé entre les trois partenaires de la Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz en Suisse, la Hochschule de Furtwangen en Allemagne et l’Université de Haute Alsace à Mulhouse. Les étudiants provenant des baccalauréats scientifiques S ou STI, s’inscrivent dans ce cursus sur 3 années dont deux effectuées dans les universités partenaires et obtiennent les diplômes des trois pays. Le diplôme est validé lors du septième semestre par un stage de fin d’études dans une entreprise du domaine. La formation ICS fait partie d’un ensemble de formations transfrontalières proposées par l’Université de Haute Alsace. Son modèle de fonctionnement proche du LMD, fourni une souplesse de fonctionnement et permet son adaptation à d’autres domaines pour un coût de fonctionnement réduit
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