18 research outputs found

    Mining for genotype-phenotype relations in Saccharomyces using partial least squares

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Multivariate approaches are important due to their versatility and applications in many fields as it provides decisive advantages over univariate analysis in many ways. Genome wide association studies are rapidly emerging, but approaches in hand pay less attention to multivariate relation between genotype and phenotype. We introduce a methodology based on a BLAST approach for extracting information from genomic sequences and Soft- Thresholding Partial Least Squares (ST-PLS) for mapping genotype-phenotype relations.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Applying this methodology to an extensive data set for the model yeast <it>Saccharomyces cerevisiae</it>, we found that the relationship between genotype-phenotype involves surprisingly few genes in the sense that an overwhelmingly large fraction of the phenotypic variation can be explained by variation in less than 1% of the full gene reference set containing 5791 genes. These phenotype influencing genes were evolving 20% faster than non-influential genes and were unevenly distributed over cellular functions, with strong enrichments in functions such as cellular respiration and transposition. These genes were also enriched with known paralogs, stop codon variations and copy number variations, suggesting that such molecular adjustments have had a disproportionate influence on <it>Saccharomyces </it>yeasts recent adaptation to environmental changes in its ecological niche.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>BLAST and PLS based multivariate approach derived results that adhere to the known yeast phylogeny and gene ontology and thus verify that the methodology extracts a set of fast evolving genes that capture the phylogeny of the yeast strains. The approach is worth pursuing, and future investigations should be made to improve the computations of genotype signals as well as variable selection procedure within the PLS framework.</p

    Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi and Plant Chemical Defence : Effects of Colonisation on Aboveground and Belowground Metabolomes

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    Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal (AMF) colonisation of plant roots is one of the most ancient and widespread interactions in ecology, yet the systemic consequences for plant secondary chemistry remain unclear. We performed the first metabolomic investigation into the impact of AMF colonisation by Rhizophagus irregularis on the chemical defences, spanning above- and below-ground tissues, in its host-plant ragwort (Senecio jacobaea). We used a non-targeted metabolomics approach to profile, and where possible identify, compounds induced by AMF colonisation in both roots and shoots. Metabolomics analyses revealed that 33 compounds were significantly increased in the root tissue of AMF colonised plants, including seven blumenols, plant-derived compounds known to be associated with AMF colonisation. One of these was a novel structure conjugated with a malonyl-sugar and uronic acid moiety, hitherto an unreported combination. Such structural modifications of blumenols could be significant for their previously reported functional roles associated with the establishment and maintenance of AM colonisation. Pyrrolizidine alkaloids (PAs), key anti-herbivore defence compounds in ragwort, dominated the metabolomic profiles of root and shoot extracts. Analyses of the metabolomic profiles revealed an increase in four PAs in roots (but not shoots) of AMF colonised plants, with the potential to protect colonised plants from below-ground organisms

    Tutorial: Multivariate Classification for Vibrational Spectroscopy in Biological Samples

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    Vibrational spectroscopy techniques, such as Fourier-transform infrared (FTIR) and Raman spectroscopy, have been successful methods for studying the interaction of light with biological materials and facilitating novel cell biology analysis. Spectrochemical analysis is very attractive in disease screening and diagnosis, microbiological studies and forensic and environmental investigations because of its low cost, minimal sample preparation, non-destructive nature and substantially accurate results. However, there is now an urgent need for multivariate classification protocols allowing one to analyze biologically derived spectrochemical data to obtain accurate and reliable results. Multivariate classification comprises discriminant analysis and class-modeling techniques where multiple spectral variables are analyzed in conjunction to distinguish and assign unknown samples to pre-defined groups. The requirement for such protocols is demonstrated by the fact that applications of deep-learning algorithms of complex datasets are being increasingly recognized as critical for extracting important information and visualizing it in a readily interpretable form. Hereby, we have provided a tutorial for multivariate classification analysis of vibrational spectroscopy data (FTIR, Raman and near-IR) highlighting a series of critical steps, such as preprocessing, data selection, feature extraction, classification and model validation. This is an essential aspect toward the construction of a practical spectrochemical analysis model for biological analysis in real-world applications, where fast, accurate and reliable classification models are fundamental

    Relationships between pathology and crystal structure in breast calcifications: an in situ X-ray diffraction study in histological sections

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    Calcifications are not only one of the most important early diagnostic markers of breast cancer, but are also increasingly believed to aggravate the proliferation of cancer cells and invasion of surrounding tissue. Moreover, this influence appears to vary with calcification composition. Despite this, remarkably little is known about the composition and crystal structure of the most common type of breast calcifications, and how this differs between benign and malignant lesions. We sought to determine how the phase composition and crystallographic parameters within calcifications varies with pathology, using synchrotron X-ray diffraction. This is the first time crystallite size and lattice parameters have been measured in breast calcifications, and we found that these both parallel closely the changes in these parameters with age observed in fetal bone. We also discovered that these calcifications contain a small proportion of magnesium whitlockite, and that this proportion increases from benign to in situ to invasive cancer. When combined with other recent evidence on the effect of magnesium on hydroxyapatite precipitation, this suggests a mechanism explaining observations that carbonate levels within breast calcifications are lower in malignant specimens