35 research outputs found

    The Evolution of Calcium-Based Signalling in Plants

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    The calcium-based intracellular signalling system is used ubiquitously to couple extracellular stimuli to their characteristic intracellular responses. It is becoming clear from genomic and physiological investigations that while the basic elements in the toolkit are common between plants and animals, evolution has acted in such a way that, in plants, some components have diversified with respect to their animal counterparts, while others have either been lost or have never evolved in the plant lineages. In comparison with animals, in plants there appears to have been a loss of diversity in calcium-influx mechanisms at the plasma membrane. However, the evolution of the calcium-storing vacuole may provide plants with additional possibilities for regulating calcium influx into the cytosol. Among the proteins that are involved in sensing and responding to increases in calcium, plants possess specific decoder proteins that are absent from the animal lineage. In seeking to understand the selection pressures that shaped the plant calcium-signalling toolkit, we consider the evolution of fast electrical signalling. We also note that, in contrast to animals, plants apparently do not make extensive use of cyclic-nucleotide-based signalling. It is possible that reliance on a single intracellular second-messenger-based system, coupled with the requirement to adapt to changing environmental conditions, has helped to define the diversity of components found in the extant plant calcium-signalling toolkit

    Teaching: Natural or Cultural?

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    In this chapter I argue that teaching, as we now understand the term, is historically and cross-culturally very rare. It appears to be unnecessary to transmit culture or to socialize children. Children are, on the other hand, primed by evolution to be avid observers, imitators, players and helpers—roles that reveal the profoundly autonomous and self-directed nature of culture acquisition (Lancy in press a). And yet, teaching is ubiquitous throughout the modern world—at least among the middle to upper class segment of the population. This ubiquity has led numerous scholars to argue for the universality and uniqueness of teaching as a characteristically human behavior. The theme of this chapter is that this proposition is unsustainable. Teaching is largely a result of recent cultural changes and the emergence of modern economies, not evolution

    The screening for novel inhibitors of auxin-induced Ca2+ signaling

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    Ca2+-based second messenger signaling is used by many signal perception mechanisms to modulate specific cellular responses. The well-characterized phytohormone auxin elicits a very rapid Ca2+ signal, but the molecular players involved in auxin-induced Ca2+ signaling are still largely unknown. The complicated and often redundant nature of the plant Ca2+ signaling machinery makes the use of mutants and transgenic lines a painstaking process, which makes a pharmacological approach an attractive alternative to study these processes. Here, we describe the development and utilization of a screening assay that can be used to probe a compound library for inhibitors of auxin-induced Ca2+ entry in plant cell suspensions