37 research outputs found

    Wisdom behind the popularity of Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s leadership in the Muslim World

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    Muslim world, particularly the Middle East face crisis of leadership for the last century, has been struggling with leaders who are not in concern of their own peoples’ problems, not protecting and looking for the interests of their country and the Ummah in general. Therefore, Muslim societies still remain as colony of the Westerners in terms of cultural and political, despite of physically being freed as colonized countries; they are suffocated from the rulers’ repression, persecution and dictatorship, which brought the peoples to the verge of serious social explosions. With Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s sitting on the Prime Ministry seat by the 2002 general elections, in which democratization process has been almost completed in Turkey, became a starting point for serious changes not only in the Muslim world but also in the whole world. The new Prime Minister, who have completed his self-confidence, besides Turkey’s domestic affairs, he took the Muslim world’s common problems as priorities in his agenda. A major recent survey of public opinion in Arab countries show that Turkey is viewed as having played the “most constructive” role in the past year’s events and the prime minister of it, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan (RTE), emerged as “the most admired world leader”, “the most welcomed world leader”, “the most constructive leader” in the region. Accordingly, these made Arab world to consider Turkey as really the model country for them in terms of its system of internalizing the concept of democracy and free elections. Hence, Turkey became a unique country in terms of providing peaceful environment for both secularism and Islam that represents 99 % of the population. Despite of the fact that, there must be cultural, social and historical reasons behind this reality, however, Arab world consider Turkey as the model country and its leader is the model leader for the Muslim world. In this research, the reasons behind the success of RTE and the popularity of Turkey, as a model country for Muslim world, will be investigated. Thus, it’s hoped that this research would provide substantial contributions to the Muslim societies who are struggling to revitalize their dynamics in order to choose their own leaders among them and create their own civilizational parameters and values. Keywords: Leadership; Recep Tayyip Erdoğan; Social Change; Muslim World

    A comprehensive frame work for Aceh development under the role of Siyasah Shariyyah: a visionary Aceh development

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    Due to the strategic position and natural resources of Aceh province, foreign powers always kept their eyes on this area. It is a historically well-known reality that religious Acehnese people always straggled to protect their lands and natural resources in the province against foreign invaders since they have been very fond of their freedom and dignity. Therefore, the history of Aceh is full of straggles given against foreign occupiers. In that respect the province really needs serious projects and strategies in order to use its natural resources in an efficient way for the development of the area. Indonesia’s special province, Aceh, needs to implement these projects and strategies through economic, political and social co-operations with other countries especially Muslim countries. These projects can only be materialized via taking into the consideration of the universal values of Siyasah Shariyyah (Shariah oriented public policy). Therefore, this article tries to determine substantial ways for the development of Aceh province in terms of economic, political and social aspects. Keywords: Aceh Development; Shariah oriented public policy; Essential Values; OIC countries

    Foreign in Colon

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    Abstract An amulet with a blue bead and metal coin are the most common causes of foreign body ingestion in childhood in Turkey. There are few case reports of metal spoons ingested in the literature. In this case report, our aim is to report a teaspoon that was found incidentally in the ascending colon as an uncommon cause of foreign body ingestion. (JAEM 2014; 13: 204-5

    To examine the detection of the maternal acceptance and rejection of the children of the broken families and it's effect on their self-esteem

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    Yüksek Lisans Tezi.YÖK Tez No:407558Bu çalışmada, parçalanmış ailelerde anneleri ile beraber yaşayan çocukların anneleri tarafından kabul veya red edildiklerini algılama düzeyleri ile benlik saygıları arasındaki ilişkinin incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Araştırmamıza Konya İl Milli Eğitim Müdürlüğü'ne bağlı 15 İlköğretim Okulundan seçilen öğrenciler, Konya 1.2.3. ve 4. Aile Mahkemelerine intikal eden, 7-14 yaş arası velayeti anneye verilmiş çocuklar ve Dosteli Derneğinin yardım kapsamına giren ailelerin çocukları katılmıştır. 300 çocuğa ulaşma hedeflendiği halde veri toplamada karşılaşılan sıkıntılar ve çocukların bu konuda görüş bildirmekte isteksizlikleri nedeniyle 252 çocukla çalışma yürütülmüştür. Araştırmada veri toplama aracı olarak Kişisel Bilgi Formu, Ebeveyn Kabul Red Ölçeği/ Çocuk Kısa Formu, Coopersmith Özsaygı Envanteri kullanılmıştır. Araştırmanın sonucunda, çocuğun anne tarafından kabul olduğu algısı arttıkça özsaygı düzeyi de artmaktadır. Çocuğun red algısı arttıkça benlik saygısı düzeyi azalmaktadır. Çocukların Özsaygı Ölçeği puanları ile annenin çocuğu Kabul-Red Ölçeği alt boyutlarından sıcaklık ve sevgi alt boyutu puanları ile özsaygı puanları arasında pozitif yönde anlamlı bir ilişki olduğu, saldırganlık- kin, ilgisizlik- ihmal ve ayrıştırılmamış reddetme alt boyutu puanları ile özsaygı puanı arasında negatif yönde anlamlı ilişki olduğu görülmektedir. Çocuğun anne Kabul-red algısı çocuğun benlik saygısı düzeyini %23 düzeyinde açıklamaktadır.To examine the detection of the maternal acceptance and rejection of the children of the broken families and it's effect on their self-esteem The purpose of this study, was to examine the level of acceptance or refusal in broken families, of mothers and children living with their mothers' and to investigate the relation of the development of their self-esteem. 15 primary schools were selected under the Konya Provincial Directorate of Education. Children between 7-14 years of age participated that were transferred from the first second, third and fourth Family court and who were granted custody to their mother and were children of families covered by the assistance of the Dosteli Association. The researcher aimed to reach 300 children however, due to the difficulties encountered in data collection, the study was conducted with 252 children largely for the reason that those children were reluctant to express their opinions. As a data collection tool, a Personal Information Form, the Parental Acceptance Rejection Scale / Children Short Form, and the Coopersmith Self-Esteem Inventory were adopted. The findings express that there was a positive relationship between children's Self-Esteem Scale scores and acceptance-rejection scale of mother's, under the subscale of warmth and love, whereas there was a significantly negative correlation between self-esteem and aggression- hatred, apathy-negligence and unsorted refuse subscale scores. Higher levels of child's perceived acceptance by their mother expressed higher levels of self-esteem. However, higher levels of perceived rejection expressed lower Self-esteem levels of the child. Children's perceptions of maternal acceptance-rejection describes the child's self-esteem levels of 23%

    The journey of gastric phytobezoar followed by tomography

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    Phytobezoars are a rare cause of intestinal obstruction.They are usually present in patients with predisposing factors such as previous gastric surgery, diabetes, and edentulousness. In this case report, an uncommon cause of intestinal obstruction due to the migration of gastric phytobezoar in a patient with no known predisposing factor is reported

    Could the "Stiff Rim Sign" Be an Indicator of Lysyl Oxidase Activity in Breast Cancer?

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    Background: Shear wave elastography (SWE) is a non-invasive and easily applicable imaging modality, which can provide quantitative information of tissue stiffness. Peritumoral high SWE elasticity values (stiff rim sign) has been reported in many studies. Lysyl oxidase (LOX) enzyme is implicated in the formation of peri-tumoral stiffness

    An Unexpected Cause of Pelvic Pain in a Pubertal Case: Herlyn-Werner-Wunderlich Syndrome

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    Uterovaginal duplication with imperforated hemivagina is a rare type of Mullerian anomaly. If ipsilateral renal agenesis is associated with this complex genital malformation, it is called Herlyn-Werner-Wunderlich syndrome. Clinical presentations of this syndrome include pelvic pain and mass effect due to obstructed hemivagina in pubertal adolescents and adults. Hematocolpos, even after menstruation period, leads to misdiagnosis. Laparotomy is the gold standard for the diagnosis, however, magnetic resonance imaging has an accuracy upto 100% in evaluating uterovajinal anatomy. In this article, we aimed to present ultrasonographic and magnetic resonance imaging findings in a patient with Herlyn-Werner-Wun derlich syndrome who presented with cyclic pelvic pain. (The Me­di­cal Bul­le­tin of Ha­se­ki 2014; 52: 60-3