26 research outputs found

    ショゾクカン ガ パフォーマンス ニ オヨボス コウカ ニ カンスル ジッケンテキ ケンキュウ

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    Recent research(Kawashima,1996)investigated the effect of a sense of belonging on performance through the mediation of achievement motivation and self・ef五cacy, with no interaction between the mediating variables. The findings implied that it was necessary to assume the path between achieve・ ment motivation and self・eMcacy. Therefore, this study postulated a new mode1, a sense of belo皿ging→achieve皿ent皿otivation→self・e伍cacy→performance,  and it was examined in the experimental setting using dart as a task. A sense of belonging was manipulated and high groups were comprised  of friellds or teammates, while low groups were composed of unknown peQple. Although the model was supported only at the first sessiol1, the relationships between the variables were found besides the results in path analysis

    コジン スポ-ツ ニオイテ ショゾクカン タッセイ イヨク セルフ エフィカシー ガ パフォーマンス ニ オヨボス コウカ ニツイテ

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    The purpose of this study was to exa皿ine the influences of physical and psychological factors on performance in individua正sport, Cohesion is con噛 sidered as the one of the psychological factors. Its important aspects related to performance are dif〔erent in ter皿of the nature of sports, and a sense of belonging is regarded as the principal variable in individual sport, This study was constructed of two field experiments and at first the influences of physical and psychological factors on badminton performance were examined  using path analysis. The result showed that the paths fro皿physical  factors and a sense of belonging tQ performance were signi丘callt, and revealed that psychological factor was important as well as phy$ical factors. On the psychological factors, the following model was found, a sense of be- 10nging→(achievement motivation, self・eMcacy)→performance. The study 2  ex a m ln.ed the psychological effects on tennis performance in detail, but the model was not supported. These result suggested that there was the need for further research


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    兵庫県北播磨地域の代表的地場産業である先染綿織物(播州織)は外国製品との価格競争に巻き込まれて規模を大巾に削減している。また、北播磨は中国山地の東端に位置し、森林が多く林業が盛んであるが、安価な輸入木材との競争に立たされ、林業は停滞している。その結果、間伐がされず不健全な森林が増加し、間伐材の有効利用が求められている。本研究は、先染綿織物と林業という異なる地場産業を結びつけて、檜の間伐材のおが粉などを原綿に練り込んで「ひのき木綿」を開発し、檜の間伐材を利用した木工と融合させた地域の特色ある商品を開発し、「ひのき木綿」を地域の独自な商品として発信するためのブランディングを行ったものである。The traditional cotton textile industry (Bansyuori) ofthe Kita-Harima area in Hyogo markedly reducedproduction as a result of price competition with foreignproducts. In addition, Taka Town in the Kita-Harima area ? which is located at the eastern end of theChugoku mountain district and has many forests ?was prosperous in forestry, but the forestry industryhas stagnated from competition with low-pricedlumber imports. As a result, the amount of unhealthyforest has increased without lumbering and theutilization of lumbered wood is required.This study connected forestry as a local industry withthe cotton textile industry to develop “hinoki cotton” bymixing sawdust from lumbered hinoki wood with rawcotton. We planned to brand the “hinoki cotton” as alocal original product by fusing “hinoki” lumber withcotton

    Prevention of hypoglycemia by intermittent-scanning continuous glucose monitoring device combined with structured education in patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus : A randomized, crossover trial

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    Aims: We conducted a randomized, crossover trial to compare intermittent-scanning continuous glucose monitoring (isCGM) device with structured education (Intervention) to self-monitoring of blood glucose (SMBG) (Control) in the reduction of time below range. Methods: This crossover trial involved 104 adults with type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) using multiple daily injections. Participants were randomly allocated to either sequence Intervention/Control or sequence Control/Intervention. During the Intervention period which lasted 84 days, participants used the first-generation FreeStyle Libre (Abbott Diabetes Care, Alameda, CA, USA) and received structured education on how to prevent hypoglycemia based on the trend arrow and by frequent sensor scanning (≥10 times a day). Confirmatory SMBG was conducted before dosing insulin. The Control period lasted 84 days. The primary endpoint was the decrease in the time below range (TBR; <70 mg/dL). Results: The time below range was significantly reduced in the Intervention arm compared to the Control arm (2.42 ± 1.68 h/day [10.1 %±7.0 %] vs 3.10 ± 2.28 h/day [12.9 %±9.5 %], P = 0.012). The ratio of high-risk participants with low blood glucose index >5 was significantly reduced (8.6 % vs 23.7 %, P < 0.001). Conclusions: The use of isCGM combined with structured education significantly reduced the time below range in patients with T1DM