851 research outputs found

    Theory of Macroscopic Quantum Tunneling and Dissipation in High-Tc Josephson Junctions

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    We have investigated macroscopic quantum tunneling (MQT) in in-plane high-Tc superconductor Josephson junctions and the influence of the nodal-quasiparticle and the zero energy bound states (ZES) on MQT. We have shown that the presence of the ZES at the interface between the insulator and the superconductor leads to strong Ohmic quasiparticle dissipation. Therefore, the MQT rate is noticeably suppressed in comparison with the c-axis junctions in which ZES are completely absent.Comment: 4 pages. 1 figur

    Ectopic Expression of Human Herpesvirus 1 Thymidine Kinase Induces Male Infertility

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    The herpesvirus family comprises several widespread infectious pathogens. They infect a variety of animal hosts, including humans and cause complex clinical outcomes. Recently, the possible correlation between genital infection by human herpesviruses (HHVs) and male infertility has attracted considerable attention. In this chaper, we investigated the mechanism of HHV‐1‐induced infertility in transgenic (Tg) rats and its possible correlation with infertility in human males. Ectopic expression of HHV‐1 thymidine kinase (TK) in the testis of Tg rats increased male infertility. In addition, truncated TK proteins were found in postmeiotic spermatids of Tg rat testis, leading to progressive degeneration of germ cells and vacuolization of the seminiferous epithelium. These findings suggest the possibility that a similar process occurs within HHV‐infected human germ cells

    Drift-Induced Step Instabilities Due to the Gap in the Diffusion Coefficient

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    On a Si(111) vicinal face near the structural transition temperature, the 1×11 \times 1 structure and the 7×77 \times 7 structure coexist in a terrace: the 1×11 \times 1 structure is in the lower side of the step edge and the 7×77 \times 7 structure in the upper side. The diffusion coefficient of adatoms is different in the two structures. Taking account of the gap in the diffusion coefficient at the step, we study the possibility of step wandering induced by drift of adatoms. A linear stability analysis shows that the step wandering always occurs with step-down drift if the diffusion coefficient has a gap at the step. Formation of straight grooves by the step wandering is expected from a nonlinear analysis. The stability analysis also shows that step bunching occurs irrespective of the drift direction if the diffusion in the lower side of the step is faster. The step bunching disturbs the formation of grooves. If step-step repulsion is strong, however, the step bunching is suppressed and the straight grooves appear. Monte Carlo simulation confirms these predictions.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figure

    Informe de Expediente Civil No 00101-2009-0-1308-JR-FC-01 Sobre Divorcio por Causal. Informe de Expediente Administrativo No 949-2011-0-1801-JR-CA-16 Sobre Declaración Contraria a Derecho

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    Materia: Divorcio por Causal Nº de Expediente: 00101-2009-0-1308-JR-FC-01. El presente caso versa sobre una demanda de divorcio por causal de separación de hecho, con la finalidad que mediante sentencia judicial se declare la disolución del vínculo matrimonial, la cesación de los alimentos entre los cónyuges y el cese de toda vocación hereditaria entre el demandante y la demandada. Materia: Declaración Contraria a Derecho Nº de Expediente: 949-2011-0-1801-JR-CA-16. El presente caso versa sobre una demanda contencioso administrativa interpuesta por una empresa de hidrocarburos en contra de un fallo administrativo que, le denegó el derecho de utilizar el crédito fiscal – en calidad de contribuyente – respecto de sus importaciones para el cumplimiento de un Contrato de Operaciones suscrito con el Estado, para efectos de la exploración y explotación de hidrocarburos en el territorio nacional. En este proceso, se puede analizar conceptos como el crédito fiscal, los requisitos formales y sustanciales para la utilización del crédito fiscal, la responsabilidad en materia tributaria y si es posible que un Decreto Ley pueda configurar un régimen especial en materia tributaria

    Experimental study on dynamic pipe fracture in consideration of hydropower plant model

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    AbstractIn the case of sudden valve closure, water hammer creates the most powerful pressure and damage to pipeline systems. The best way to protect the pipeline system is to eliminate water hammer. The main reasons for water hammer occurrence are valve closure, high initial velocity, and static pressure. However, it is difficult to eliminate water hammer. Water hammer tends to occur when the valve is being closed. In this study, the pipe fracture caused by static water pressure, gradually increasing pressure, and suddenly increasing pressure were compared experimentally in a breaking PVC test pipe. The quasi-static zone, the dynamic zone, and the transition zone are defined through the results of those experiments, with consideration of the fracture patterns of test pipes and impulses. The maximum pressure results were used to design the pipeline even though it is in the dynamic zone

    Development of high-pressure low-temperature plane strain testing apparatus for methane hydrate-bearing sand

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    AbstractA high-pressure low-temperature plane strain testing apparatus was developed for visualizing the deformation of methane hydrate-bearing sand due to methane hydrate production. Using this testing apparatus, plane strain compression tests were performed on pure Toyoura sand and methane hydrate-bearing sand with localized deformation measurements. From the results, it was observed that the methane hydrate-free specimens, despite their relatively high density, showed changes in compressive volume. Marked increases in the initial stiffness and strength of the methane hydrate-bearing sand were observed (methane hydrate saturation of SMH=60%). Moreover, the volumetric strain changed from compressive to dilative. For the specimens with methane hydrate, a dilative behavior above SMH=0% was observed. An image analysis showed that the shear bands of the methane hydrate-bearing sand were thinner and steeper than those of the host sand. In addition, the dilative volumetric strain in the shear band increased markedly when methane hydrate existed in the pore spaces

    Monthly minodronate inhibits bone resorption to a greater extent than does monthly risedronate

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    AbstractAs a bisphosphonate, minodronate (MIN) is one of the strongest inhibitors of bone resorption. However, there have been no reports directly comparing the antiresorptive effects of monthly MIN with those of monthly risedronate (RIS). We enrolled 30 cases of osteoporosis (OP; 16 in the MIN group [mean age: 68.2 years] and 14 in the RIS group [mean age: 68.1 years]) to investigate the early effects of treatment by monthly MIN or RIS over a 4-month period using bone turnover marker values. Only female patients were enrolled to avoid gender bias. Urinary cross-linked N-telopeptide of type I collagen (NTX) before treatment and at 1, 2, and 4 months of therapy, as well as serum bone alkaline phosphatase and alkaline phosphatase before treatment and at 4 months afterwards, were evaluated. All bone turnover marker values were significantly decreased at 4 months in both groups. The changes in urinary NTX at the study end point for RIS and MIN were −30.1% and −63.1%, respectively. From 2 months of treatment, the antiresorptive effects on urinary NTX by MIN were significantly higher than those by RIS, indicating that MIN more immediately and strongly inhibited bone absorption. Thus, monthly MIN seems to suppress bone resorption faster and more strongly than RIS in OP treatment

    Regulation of drug transporters by PDZ adaptor proteins and nuclear receptors

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    金沢大学大学院自然科学研究科分子作用学金沢大学薬学部Drug transporters have been suggested to be involved in various aspects of pharmacokinetics. Identification and characterization of drug transporters have given us a scientific basis for understanding drug disposition, as well as the molecular mechanisms of drug interaction and inter-individual/inter-species differences. On the other hand, regulatory mechanisms of drug transporters are still poorly understood, and information is limited to induction and down-regulation of drug transporters by various microsomal enzyme inducers. Little is known about the molecular machinery that directly interacts with the drug transporters. As a first step to clarify such molecular mechanisms, recent studies have identified PDZ (PSD-95/Discs-large/ZO-1) domain-containing proteins that directly interact with the so-called PDZ binding motif located at the C-terminus of drug transporters. Some of the PDZ proteins have been suggested to regulate transporters via at least two pathways, i.e. stabilization at the cell-surface and direct modulation of transporter function. Therefore, it is possible that membrane transport of therapeutic agents is not only governed by the drug transporters themselves, but also indirectly by PDZ proteins. The PDZ proteins are classified as a family, the members of which are thought to have distinct, but also redundant physiological roles. The purpose of this review article is to summarize the available knowledge on protein interactions and functional modulation of drug transporters. © 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved


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    金沢大学薬学系ATPを駆動力とする排出トランスポーター(ABCトランスポーター)P糖タンパク質(P-gp)の輸送機能の可視化を確立するため、本年度は内因性P-gp発現細胞の使用と細胞膜透過性Ca indicatorの導入を検討した。神経芽腫細胞株Neuro2Aを用い特異的プライマーを用いた定量PCRを行ったところ、内因性P-gpの発現が認められた。これまでの検討で用いていたミトコンドリアCa検出プローブであるpericam-mtでは、リン酸カルシウム法やリポフェクション法のような侵襲的方法による細胞への遺伝子導入を必要とするため、そのような導入を伴わないCa検出法として、細胞膜透過性Ca indicatorであるfluo-3 AMを併せて検討した。Fluo-3 AMをNeuro2Aに負荷し、細胞を洗浄後静置して細胞内Ca濃度を平衡化した後、A23187(calcium ionophore)を曝露したが、蛍光変化はほとんど観察されなかった。原因としてABCトランスポーターによるfluo-3の排出が考えられたため、ABCトランスポーター阻害剤であるprobenecidを添加したところ、定常状態の蛍光強度が大幅に改善した。この条件でA23187を曝露したところ著明な蛍光強度上昇を認め、Ca検出が可能となった。さらにこの系を用い、P-gpの基質であるverapamilを添加したところ、蛍光強度の増大が認められた。以上より、本実験系でP-gpによる薬物輸送をCaシグナルに変換し蛍光検出できる可能性が示された。前年度に確立したpericam-mtと併せ、可視化を実現する複数の実験系を確立することができた。現在、蛍光強度比の増大は評価対象とする細胞に大きく依存している。増大の観察される細胞と、されない細胞が共存するため、より定量的な解析を行うためにはさらなる実験系の改良が必要である。研究課題/領域番号:21659006, 研究期間(年度):2009 – 2010出典:研究課題「トランスポートフォトコンバーター:多様な薬の生体膜透過を光に変換する新規計測技術」課題番号21659006(KAKEN:科学研究費助成事業データベース(国立情報学研究所)) (https://kaken.nii.ac.jp/ja/grant/KAKENHI-PROJECT-21659006/)を加工して作