7 research outputs found


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    ABSTRAK   Penelitian ini adalah penelitian pengembangan (R & D) yang bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan karakteristik sumber belajar yang berupa LKPD berbasis literasi sains, dan untuk mengetahui kelayakan dari LKPD, serta untuk mengethui respon siswa terhadap LKPD berbasis literasi sains yang dikembangkan. Dari penelitian ini menghasilkan LKPD berbasis literasi sains pada materi nutrisi kelas VIII yang dapat membuat siswa tetarik untuk belajar dan lebih mudah dalam memahami suatu materi. Penelitian pengembangan ini dilakukan dengan model 4D (define, design, develop,dan disseminate)  yang dibatasi sampai 3D (define, design, develop). Untuk kelayakan dari para ahli menggunakan rumus aiken v dan realibilitas. Data berasal dari proses validasi  oleh ahli desain, ahli materi, dan ahli bahasa. Dari  hasil rekapitulasi  yang didapat dari data untuk kesepakatan ahli menunjukan kriteria Valid dan untuk reliabilitas berada pada katagori baik sekali.                                                                                                                                        Kata  kunci: LKPD, Literasi sains, Gizi dan Kesehatan.   ABSTRACT   This research is research development  ( R &D) which aims to describe the characteristics of learning resources in the form of student worksheets based on scientific literacy and to find out the feasibility of the student worksheets and to find out student responses to the developed scientific literacy-based student worksheets. From this research resulted of student worksheets based on science literature on nutrition materials for class VIII which can make students interested in learning and easier to understand a material. This development research was carried out using a 4D model (define, design, development,dan disseminate) limited to 3D (define, design, development). For the feasibility of the experts using the AIken v formula and reliability. The data comes from a validation process by design experts, materials experts, and linguists. From the recapitulation results obtained from the data for expert agreement, it shows that the criteria are valid and for reliability is in the very good category.   Keywords: student worksheet, scientific literacy, nutrition and health

    Identification of the Diversity of Medicinal Plants Used by Battra in North Bengkulu

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    All kinds of plants that are found in nature and have medicinal properties are considered medicinal plants. Utilization of medicinal plants can be used directly and mixed. Battra is a person who has knowledge of traditional medicine and is capable of concocting medicinal plants. North Bengkulu is one of the districts that still use conventional medical care. Utilizing medicinal plants that are proven to be able to treat those derived from natural ingredients can be healthful because of very few side effects compared to drugs that contain chemicals. The goal of the study was to catalog the various medicinal herbs used by Battra North Bengkulu. This study used 10 respondents' interviews as its approach. Battra uses 64 species from 37 families of medicinal plants as traditional medicinal ingredients. The most common type of family is Fabaceae. The habitus group that is widely used is 45% trees. Types of diseases that are commonly treated traditionally using these plants include fever, toothache, itching, cramps, internal heat, scales, stomach pain, malaria, long-term fever, colds (cholera), ulcers, lungs, kidney stones, jaundice, high blood pressure, appendicitis, fussy children, eye disease, intestinal worms, kesapo, sprains, tumors and gout. In the processing of medicinal plants by Battra in North Bengkulu, 11 processes the highest drug processing method was by boiling as much as 37%.All kinds of plants that are found in nature and have medicinal properties are considered medicinal plants. Utilization of medicinal plants can be used directly and mixed. Battra is a person who has knowledge of traditional medicine and is capable of concocting medicinal plants. North Bengkulu is one of the districts that still use conventional medical care. Utilizing medicinal plants that are proven to be able to treat those derived from natural ingredients can be healthful because of very few side effects compared to drugs that contain chemicals. The goal of the study was to catalog the various medicinal herbs used by Battra North Bengkulu. This study used 10 respondents' interviews as its approach. Battra uses 64 species from 37 families of medicinal plants as traditional medicinal ingredients. The most common type of family is Fabaceae. The habitus group that is widely used is 45% trees. Types of diseases that are commonly treated traditionally using these plants include fever, toothache, itching, cramps, internal heat, scales, stomach pain, malaria, long-term fever, colds (cholera), ulcers, lungs, kidney stones, jaundice, high blood pressure, appendicitis, fussy children, eye disease, intestinal worms, kesapo, sprains, tumors and gout. In the processing of medicinal plants by Battra in North Bengkulu, 11 processes the highest drug processing method was by boiling as much as 37%

    Uji Klirens dan Uji Pirogenitas sebagai Bagian dari Penentuan Mutu Biologi Sediaan 90Y-EDTMP

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    Cancer is one of the causes of death in Indonesia and even the world. Nuclear medicine techniques with radiopharmaceuticals and SPECT are one of the ways to treat cancer, but their use in Indonesia is not yet popular. Radiopharmaceuticals marked with radionuclide emitting beta (β) radiation are proven to be used for cancer therapy, one that has been developed in PTRR-BATAN is 90Y-EDTMP. Yttrium-90 is used in nuclear medicine by utilizing β radiation (E max 2.28 MeV). The β energy which is produced from the decay process of 90Y radionuclides to 90Zr can kill cancer cells. This study aimed to provide information about the substances biological effects so that preventive measures can be taken to protect humans. This study conducted evaluation of the 90Y-marked radiopharmaceutical (90Y produced from a 90Sr / 90Y generator which is 90Y-EDTMP) encompasses clearance test, pyrogen test, and dose safety test in experimental animals. The clearance test utilized mice, the pyrogen test utilized rabbits, and the dose safety test utilized mice. The results of the clearance test showed that 90Y-EDTMP compound which was excreted in 192 hour was 49.70% through urine and 14.59% through feces. The total excretion of 90Y-EDTMP within 192 hours was 64.57%. Based on the results of clearance tests with calculations, 90Y of 90Sr / 90Y generators in 90Y-EDTMP dosage form had 84.2 hours of half-life, 36.5 hours of an effective half-life and 52.7 hours of a residence time. Pyrogen test results showed pyrogen-free. The 90Y-EDTMP dose safety test showed that the dose is safe and not deadly. The development of 90Y-EDTMP is expected to be improved to produce radiopharmaceuticals for cancer therapy in order to make a real contribution in public health services

    Hubungan Antara Status Penyakit Periodontal Dan Tingkat Pendidikan Pada Ibu Hamil Diwilayah Kerja Puskesmas Welahan Kabupaten Jepara Provinsi Jawa Tengah

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    Introduction: Pregnancy is a time that should be well pared. Maternal health must absolutely be maintained so that the fetus is healthy and not impaired orabnormalities.Inaddition to a balanced diet is also required thorough examination maternal health, including oral health examination. The state of pregnant women is one part of the objectives of health development in Indonesia. As one of the efforts in improving the health of pregnant women are pregnant women visit the K-4. Coverage of pregnant women visit the K-4 is the scope Pregnant women who have obtained in accordance with standard antenatal care at least four times in one work area at a certain time. But one of the diseases in pregnant women who need attention because the prevalence is still high is dental and oral diseases, particularly diseases of the periodontal tissues are gingivitis and periodontitis. Methods: This study used a test of Chi-Square Test Statistic (X2) with α 95% significance level (α = 0.05). The scale sed in this study is the ordinal scale.Result: the value of Chi Square test of significance between education level with assessed Periodontal Index (PDI) of 0.039 (p <0.05). This means that there is a relationship between perodontaldisease status and educational levels in pregnant women.Conclusion: There is a relationship between periodontal disease status and educational levels in pregnant women in PuskesmasWelahan Jepara regency.Keywords: ducationlevels,Periodontal,pregnant women, Chi-Square

    Pengaruh perhatian orang tua terhadap hasil belajar siswa pada mata pelajaran IPS di SMP Fatahillah Pondok Pinang Jakarta Selatan

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    Hasil belajar merupakan alat untuk mengukur sejauh mana siswa menguasai materi yang telah diajarkan oleh guru. Faktor kognitif, afektif dan psikomotor setelah mengikuti proses pembelajaranyang diukur dengan menggunakan instrument tes yang relevan dan lazimnya diberikan dengan nilai berupa angka oleh guru. Pemberian angka berupa nilai dari guru kepada siswa adalah indikasi sejauh mana siswa telah menguasai materi pelajaran yang diberikannya dan ikut menentukan siswa dalam meningkatkan hasil belajarnya. Banyak faktor yang mempengaruhi keberhasilan siswa dalam pembelajaran. Salah satu faktor penting untuk keberhasilan seorang anak dalam proses pembelajaran adalah perhatian orang tua yang diperoleh dari lingkungan keluarga. Lingkungan keluarga merupakan salah satu faktor penting yang mempengaruhi proses dan hasil pendidikan serta dianggap ikut berpengaruh terhadap rendahnya hasil belajar anak. Oleh karena itu, untuk mencapai hasil belajar di sekolah anak perlu mendapat perhatian dari orang tuanya. Makin tinggi perhatian dari orang tua makin tinggi pula hasil belajar anak. Begitu juga sebaliknya. Dalam penelitian ini terdapat 2 variabel yang diteliti yaitu perhatian orang tua siswa sebagai variabel bebas (x) dan hasil belajar siswa sebagai variabel terikat (y). Penelitian ini bersifat deskriftif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Sedangkan tekhnik pengumpulan datanya yaitu dengan cara menyebar angket berisi sejumlah pertanyaan tentang Hubungan Antara Perhatian Orang Tua dengan Hasil belajar IPS Siswa SMP Fatahillah Pondok Pinang Jakarta. Sebanyak 25 angket dibagikan kepada siswa kelas VIII, jawaban angket tersebut dihitung dengan rumus prosentase kemudian diolah dan dijelaskan secara deskriptif. Setelah diperoleh hasil angket tentang Hubungan Antara Perhatian Orang Tua dengan Hasil belajar IPS Siswa SMP Fatahillah Pondok Pinang Jakarta lalu penulis menghitung kedua variabel tersebut dengan menggunakan rumus product moment. Hal ini untuk mengetahui tingkat korelasi kedua varibel tersebut. Sedangkan untuk mengetahui keeratan hubungan kedua variabel tersebut penulis menggunakan rumus koefisien determinasi. Setelah penelitian dilakukan, maka penulis memperoleh hasil penelitian dengan angka 0,703 yang berarti terdapat korelasi yang positif antara Hubungan Antara Perhatian Orang Tua dengan Hasil belajar IPS Siswa SMP Fatahillah Pondok Pinang Jakarta, yang mana korelasi tersebut tergolong kuat atau tinggi karena korelasinya berada antara 0,70-0,90. Berdasarkan tingkat keeratan kedua variabel, maka dapat diketahui koefisien determinasinya sebesar 49,42%


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    Penduduk Indonesia belum sepenuhnya mendapat layanan penerangan listrik, terutama yang berada di daerah terpencil dan berada di lereng-lereng bukit, sementara di lokasi tersebut terdapat potensi energi yang cukup untuk mengerakkan turbin air sebagai penggerak generator listrik. Turbin pelton adalah salah satu jenis turbin impuls yang performancenya dipengaruhi oleh debit air, nosel, dan jumlah sudu, atas dasar tersebut penulis menyajikan artikel yang menerapkan metode quality function deployment (QFD) dan pengujian eksperimental terhadap prototipe turbin pelton di laboratorium Universitas Buana Perjuangan Karawang. Langkah-langkah dalam penelitian ini meliputi studi literatur dan lapangan, perancangan, pembuatan alat uji, pengujian, analisis data, dan kesimpulan. Variasi pengujian berdasarkan pada diameter, posisi dan jumlah nosel terhadap sudu turbin yang berjumlah 12 buah dan berdiameter150 mm, sedangkan untuk pembangkit listriknya menggunakan generator mini berdaya 350 watt. Hasil pengujian yang diperoleh adalah daya input (Pin) terbesar dengan nilai 73,6 watt terdapat pada dn 9 mm dengan posisi nozel atas dan bawah dan jumlah nozel 2 buah. Daya turbin (Pt) ) terbesar dengan nilai 70,1 watt terdapat pada dn= 6 mm, posisi nosel di atas dan jumlah nozel 1 buah, efisiensi turbin (ηt) terbesar dengan nilai 95,4 % terjadi pada dn = 9 mm dengan jumlah nosel 1 buah dengan posisi nosel di atas, daya generator (Pgen) terbesar 11,7 watt&nbsp; terjadi pada dn = 9 mm dengan jumlah nosel 1 buah dengan posisi nosel di atas, effisiensi generator (ηgen) terbesar dengan nilai 17,9 % terjadi pada dn = 9 mm dengan jumlah nosel 1 buah dengan posisi nosel di atas dan &nbsp;efisiensi sistem terbesar (ηsis) 17,1%&nbsp; terjadi pada dn = 9 mm dengan jumlah nosel 1 buah d posisi nosel di atas. &nbsp; Kata kunci: Turbin pelton, quality function deployment (QFD), pengujian eksperimenta