26 research outputs found

    Morphology and Parasitaemia Development of Plasmodium berghei in Balb/c Mice (Mus musculus)

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    Malaria is one of the most severe public health problems worldwide. It is a leading cause of death and disease in many developing countries, where young children and pregnant women are the groups most affected. Malaria disease caused by Plasmodium parasite have symptoms that typically include fever, fatigue, vomiting and headaches. In severe cases, it can cause yellow skin, seizures, coma or death. The present study is aimed to monitoring parasitemia level and percentage of parasite morphology as parasitaemia progresses. This research used Plasmodium berghei NK strain obtained from National University of Malaysia which originally from MR4, USA. Design used in this research was completely randomized design, with 2 treatments which were mice without infection and mice with infection of P. berghei parasite. Method used in this research was staining method of thin smear of blood using Giemsa stained and observed by microscopic. Parameter of observation were morphology and development of P. berghei at different level of parasitaemia (10%, 20%, 30% and 40%). The result showed from microscopic examination of blood slides prepared from the study animals indicated that the ring form was dominant stage obtained at all different stages of infection followed by trophozoite stage. Meanwhile schizont stage was the lowest stage obtained at all different stages observed

    Pengaruh Pemberian Ekstrak Etanol Akar Anting-Anting (Acalypha Indica L.) Terhadap Kualitas Spermatozoa Mencit

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian ekstrak etanol akar anting-anting (Acalypha indica L.) terhadap kualitas spermatozoa mencit. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) terdiri atas empat perlakuan dengan lima ulangan. Perlakuan terdiri atas pemberian ekstrak etanol akar anting-anting dengan dosis: 0 mg/kg bb (P0), 150 mg/kg bb (P1), 300 mg/kg bb (P2), dan 600 mg/kg bb (P3) yang diberikan sekali sehari selama 7 hari. Parameter kualitas spermatozoa adalah motilitas spermatozoa, keutuhan membran plasma, spermatozoa hidup, dan abnormalitas spermatozoa dari 200 spermatozoa. Data hasil penelitian dianalisis dengan analisis varian dan dilanjutkan dengan uji Jarak Berganda Duncan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ekstrak etanol akar anting-anting berpengaruh nyata dalam meningkatkan motilitas spermatozoa, jumlah spermatozoa dengan membran plasma utuh, dan jumlah spermatozoa hidup. Pemberian ekstrak etanol akar anting-anting dengan dosis 300 mg/kg bb dan 600 mg/kg bb merupakan dosis yang dapat meningkatkan libido, sedangkan dosis untuk meningkatkan kualitas spermatozoa dosis adalah 600 mg/kg bb

    A short review of discovery and development of fish sperm cryopreservation

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    Global biodiversity, especially fish, has experienced a decline, this occurs as a result of over-exploitation, the presence of introduced fish species and climate change. This condition makes researchers look for solutions to overcome these problems by using cryopreservation techniques. The main purpose of cryopreservation is to store, maintain, and ensure the survival of genetic material, so that using cryopreservation techniques can maintain the viability and function of gamete cells both immunologically, biologically and physiologically. The success of the cryopreservation technique has made this technique widely developed in various species of living organism including fish. This article summarizes and reviews the history of the development of cryopreservation of animal species with specific focus on fish.Keywords:CryopreservationHistoryDepikEndemic specie

    Efek Ekstrak Etanol Akar Anting- Anting (Acalypha Indica) Terhadap Libido Mencit

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan mengevaluasi efek pemberian ekstrak etanol akar anting-anting (Acalypha indica) terhadap libido mencit. Penelitian ini meng-gunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap, terdiri atas empat perlakuan dengan lima ulangan. Perlakuan terdiri atas pemberian ekstrak etanol akar anting-anting dengan dosis: 0, 150, 300, dan 600 mg/kg bb yang diberikan sekali sehari selama 7 hari. Parameter libido yang diamati adalah mounting latency, intromission latency, dan jumlah orgasme. Data hasil penelitian dianalisis dengan analisis varian dan dilanjutkan dengan uji Jarak Berganda Duncan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ekstrak etanol akar anting-anting berpengaruh nyata dalam penyingkatan bermulanya mounting dan intromission, serta meningkatkan jumlah orgasme. Pemberian ekstrak etanol akar anting-anting dengan dosis 300 dan 600 mg/kg bb merupakan dosis yang dapat meningkatkan libido.This research was aimed to evaluate the effect of anting-anting (Acalypha indica) root ethanol extract on sexual arousal of mice. The experimental method with completely randomized design was applied, that consisted of four treatments and five repetition. The treatments were 0, 150, 300, dan 600 mg/kg bw anting-anting root ethanol extract given once a day for 7 days. Observed parameter were mounting latency, intromission latency, and the number of orgasm. The data was analyzed by analysis of variance and continued by Duncans multiple range test. The result showed that anting-anting root ethanol extract was significantly difference to shorten the starting of mounting, intromission, and increasing the number of orgasm. The application of anting-anting ethanol extract with dose of 300 and 600 mg/kg bw was able to increase sexual arousal


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    Kualitas dan morfologi abnormal spermatozoa sapi aceh sangat perlu dilakukan untuk pelestarian plasma nufah sapi di Aceh. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengamati kualitas dan morfologi abnormal spermatozoa sapi aceh pada berbagai frekuensi ejakulasi dengan menggunakan 5 ekor pejantan dengan selang waktu perlakuan selama 30 menit. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Prosesing Spermatozoa Beku Sapi Aceh, Saree. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan analysis of variance (ANOVA) pola satu arah yang dilanjutkan dengan uji berganda Duncan. Hasil pengamatan kualitas dan morfologi abnormal spermatozoa pada ejakulasi pertama, kedua dan ketiga secara berturut-turut, Konsentrasi spermatozoa adalah 1.247,00 ± 96,67x106/ml; 1.194,00 ± 52,25x106/ml dan 967,60 ± 63,71x106/ml. Persentase spermatozoa hidup sebesar 90,54 ± 2,31%, 90,20 ± 1,91% dan 73,87 ± 2,33%. Persentase spermatozoa abnormal sebesar 8,54±0,71%, 9,18 ± 0,98% dan 13,27 ± 0,62%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Frekuensi ejakulasi berpengaruh secara nyata (

    Pengaruh pemberian Ekstrak Etanol Akar Anting-Anting (Acalypha indica L.) terhadap kualitas Spermatozoa Mencit

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh pemberian ekstrak etanol akar anting-anting (Acalypha indica L.) terhadap kualitas spermatozoa mencit. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL) terdiri atas empat perlakuan dengan lima ulangan. Perlakuan terdiri atas pemberian ekstrak etanol akar anting-anting dengan dosis: 0 mg/kg bb (P0), 150 mg/kg bb (P1), 300 mg/kg bb (P2), dan 600 mg/kg bb (P3) yang diberikan sekali sehari selama 7 hari. Parameter kualitas spermatozoa adalah motilitas spermatozoa, keutuhan membran plasma, spermatozoa hidup, dan abnormalitas spermatozoa dari 200 spermatozoa. Data hasil penelitian dianalisis dengan analisis varian dan dilanjutkan dengan uji Jarak Berganda Duncan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ekstrak etanol akar anting-anting berpengaruh nyata dalam meningkatkan motilitas spermatozoa, jumlah spermatozoa dengan membran plasma utuh, dan jumlah spermatozoa hidup. Pemberian ekstrak etanol akar anting-anting dengan dosis 300 mg/kg bb dan 600 mg/kg bb merupakan dosis yang dapat meningkatkan libido, sedangkan dosis untuk meningkatkan kualitas spermatozoa dosis adalah 600 mg/kg bb

    Pengaruh Medium Kultur Bebas Serum Terhadap Perkembangan Preimplantasi Embrio Mencit in Vitro

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    The use of serum in a culture medium is a common practice in the study of mouse embryo development in vitro. However, the role of unknown factors in serum influencing the embryo development has been difficult to determine. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of amino acid in serum free medium on in vitro development of mouse embryo. This study was conducted in the following ways: (1) medium M16 supplemented with 0.3% BSA, (2) medium M16 supplemented with 2% v/v MEM, and (3) medium M16 supplemented with 2% v/v MEM and 0.1 mmol of glutamine. The embryos were collected in 3 stage of development: zygote (day-1), morula (day-3) and compacted morola (day-4). The results indicated that supplementation of amino acid into M16 culture medium could replace the role of BSA aims at supporting the developmental potency of mouse embryos in vitro


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    Abstract. Flamboyant [Delonix regia (Boj. ex Hook) Raf.] leaf contains flavonoid compounds that are expected to have immunostimulatory effect. This research was done to determine the effect of flamboyant leaf extract on immune response by accessing the activity of immune cells and capability test the extract as immunostimulant in mice. Leaf extraction was done by maceration using methanol in the Laboratory of Biology of Chemistry Department, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences of Syiah Kuala University whereas animal treatment and testing were carried out Micro-technique Laboratory of Biology Department of the same faculty. This research used 20 male mice strain Swiss-Webster aged 7-8 weeks were randomly assigned to 4 treatment groups with five replications each. Group 1 (P0) was untreated control; group 1-3 were mice administration flamboyant leaf extract 250 mg/kg BW (P1), 500 mg/kg BW (P2), and 750 mg/kg BW (P3) per oral. The treatments were given for 14 days after one week of adaptation period. Blood samples were collected before and after extract treatment and used for leukocyte count analysis. Phagocytosis activity was accessed by carbon clearance assay on day 15. At the end of the study, all mice were sacrificed for spleen weight analysis. Data obtained was analyzed by Analysis of Variance followed by Tukey test (Leukocyte count and spleen weight) or regression analysis (carbon clearance). The results showed a flamboyant leaf extract administration resulted in increased leukocyte counts that were significantly different (p0.05) between treatment groups.  Phagocytosis test indicated the extract had moderate to strong immunostimulatory effect whereas spleen weight analysis did not show any difference among treatment groups. In conclusion, flamboyant leaf methanol extract was able to increase immune cells and had potential immunostimulatory activity in mice.Keywords: Delonix regia, immunostimulant, leukocytes, lymphocyte proliferation

    Pengaruh suhu terhadap perkembangan embrio ikan Cupang Betta splendens

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    Abstract. Temperurate is one of the important parameter in the embryo development of fish; However, to date no information this effect on the Betta splendens. Hence, this study aims to determine the effect of temperature on egg hatchability and survival of betta fish larvae. Samples of betta fish used in this study are similar in size and from the same type of broodstock. A completely randomized design used with four treatments and three replications. The parameters observed were the process of egg development, fertilization rate, hatching rate, hatching duration, survival rate, and water quality (pH, DO, temperature). The results showed that the relation between temperature and fertilization rate was not significantly different, whereas the calculated F value (0.23) ˂ F table 0.05 (4.07). The relation between temperature and hatching rate has a very significant effect, F value (18.91) ˃ F table 0.05 (4.07). The relation of temperature to hatching time showed the same difference, and the relation of temperature to survival of betta fish (Betta spelendes) larvae is significant with F ¬ values (39.98) F table 0.05 (4.07). Water quality parameters during the study were pH 7 - 7.5, DO 5.0 - 7.7 ppm and temperature at 27 - 29 oC.Keywords: Betta fish eggs, temperature, embryogenesis Abstrak.  Suhu adalah salah satu faktor menentukak proses perkembangan embrio pada ikan, namun pengaruh ini belum pernah diamati pada ikan cupang Betta splendens. Oleh karena itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh suhu terhadap perkembangan embrio, daya tetas telur dan kelangsungan hidup larva ikan cupang. Induk ikan cupang yang digunakan memiliki ukuran yang sama dan dari induk jenis yang sama. Adapun rancangan yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah rancangan acak non factorialdengan 4 perlakuan 3 kali ulangan. Parameter yang diamati adalah proses perkembangan telur, tingkat pembuahan telur, tingkat penetasan telur, lama penetasan telur, tingkat kelangsungan hidup dan kualitas air pH, DO, suhu ruangan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa hubungan suhu terhadap tingkat pembuahan telur tidak berbedanyata, dimana nilai F hitung (0,23) ˂ F tabel 0,05 (4,07). Hubungan suhu terhadap tingkat penetasan telur berpengaruh sangat berbedanyata, dimana nilai F hitung (18,91) ˃ F tabel 0,05 (4,07). Hubungan suhu terhadap lama penetasan menunjukkan berbeda sama, dan hubungan suhu terhadap kelangsungan hidup berpengaruh nyata terhadap kelangsungan hidup larva ikan cupang (Betta spelendes) dengan nilai F hitung (39,98) F tabel 0,05 (4,07). Parameter kualitas air selama penelitian rata-rata pH 7 – 7,5, DO 5,0 – 7,7 ppm dan suhu ruangan 27 – 29 oC.Kata kunci: Telur ikan cupang, suhu, embriogenesi