34 research outputs found

    Collectively Ambidextrous Digital Service Ecosystems: A Case of Bureaucracy of Death

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    Public services often extend beyond the public sector, requiring collaboration and interaction between public and private actors. Initiating digital service innovations in collaboration is challenging, especially in large-scale public service ecosystems. While individual service providers may have clashing interests, balancing incremental improvements and radical changes (i.e., pursuing ambidextrous development) requires collective efforts. We report a case of a digital service ecosystem related to the bureaucracy of a person’s death in Finland. We focused on the pursuit of collective ambidexterity, which requires collaborative development among various actors. The suggested contributions are summarized as four propositions to facilitate collective ambidexterity in service ecosystems: 1) adoption of multiple collaboration modes pursuing both efficiency gains and innovation outcomes, 2) parallel foci of top-down and bottom-up ambidextrous balancing, 3) governance of collaboration and (dis)benefits management both intra- and inter-organizationally, and 4) focus on citizen life-events to facilitate development across organizational silos and innovation beyond sub-optimization

    Roadmapper : a Tool for Supporting Communication in Software Product Roadmapping

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    Software product roadmaps are practical tools that provide direction for product development. Software product roadmapping combines the reasoning why something is done with what should be done, often in the form of items to be delivered when constructing a software product. Successful roadmapping activities require collaboration from multiple stakeholder groups, such as business, development and management. However, aligning company goals, business strategy and development efforts is far from trivial. To this end, we conducted an action research study investigating how information exchange should be supported in software product roadmapping. As our results, we contribute the open-sourced Roadmapper tool and provide insights on how information exchange should be supported in software product roadmapping. Roadmapper supports information exchange in software product roadmapping by allowing different parties to clarify their views and making them understandable to other stakeholders, facilitating the discussion when they meet. Thus, Roadmapper visualises a common situational picture of software product development and acts as a group memory - helping to remember what the other stakeholders think about the matter.Peer reviewe

    Change process towards ICT supported teaching and learning

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    Abstract Technological advancement in the field of information-and-communication technologies (ICT) was rapid during the first decade of the new millennium. Universities started to use the new information-and-communication technologies more in their core processes, which speeded up their transformation from the traditional campus mode toward virtual universities. Research done in this thesis first investigates the traditional campus university’s change process toward the virtual university model. During the implementation process a geographically distributed e-learning concept was also developed for university use. This concept was transferred and researched in the small and medium enterprise (SME) context in the last part of this research. In large and complex organizations such as universities, it is difficult to find out how the change really was implemented. The literature on change management is voluminous but is dominated by descriptions of single projects. To overcome the limitations of such case studies, this research applies a longer and wider perspective to the change process and, by the introduction of an overarching method that categorizes the investments, shows more clearly the trends, stages of, and the barriers to the development. This long-term study is based on 116 development projects during a ten-year period in a decentralized and networked development environment. In the company setting, conventional training is being replaced more and more by e-learning. To scaffold SMEs in their e-learning adaptation, the concept of e-learning was transferred to the SME environment. The company cases’ part of the thesis presents how the transferability of geographically distributed e-learning concept was developed and tested in the SME environment. As a result, the principles that guided ICT strategy implementation and how the strategies were implemented during a ten-year period are presented. The concept for geographically distributed e-learning environments and its development are also introduced. Finally, the process and results from the concept implementation to the SME environment are presented. This thesis presents university management with an understanding of how larger long-term trends give us the possibility to better understand today’s fast-paced changes. It also gives company managers an example of how models developed in the university environment can be transferred to the company environment.Tiivistelmä Tietotekniikan kehitys on ollut nopeaa vuosituhannen vaihteen jälkeen monilla aloilla. Yliopistoissa sitä on alettu käyttää yhä enemmän osana perustoimintoja, mikä on edistänyt niiden kehitystä traditionaalisista kampusyliopistoista kohti virtuaaliyliopistoja. Tämän tutkimuksen ensimmäisessä osassa on tarkasteltu perinteisen kampusyliopiston muutosprosessia kohti aktiivisesti uutta teknologiaa hyödyntävää yliopistoa ja toisessa osassa muutosten yhtenä tuloksena syntynyt konsepti siirrettiin yritysympäristöön. Yliopistossa muutos toteutettiin määrittelemällä ensin tavoitteet strategioiksi ja sen jälkeen niiden toimeenpanoprosessin avulla. Suurissa organisaatioissa, kuten yliopistoissa, on vaikea hahmottaa kuinka muutokset todellisuudessa toteutetaan. Kirjallisuutta ja tutkimusta organisaatiomuutoksen toteuttamisesta on paljon, mutta suuri osa siitä keskittyy tarkastelemaan yhden projektin aikana tapahtunutta muutosta. Tässä tutkimuksessa on pyritty esittämään laajempi ja pitkäkestoisempi kuva muutosprosessista. Tutkimus pohjautuu 116 kehitysprojektin saamaan rahoitukseen kymmenen vuoden ajalta. Sen avulla on tarkasteltu yliopiston kehitystrendejä ja keskeisiä kehityskohteita. Rahoitus on jaettu projekteille strategioissa määriteltyjen tavoitteiden mukaisesti strategioiden toimeenpanemiseksi. Osana toimeenpanoprosessia syntyi yliopistokäyttöön maantieteellisesti hajautetun oppimisympäristön konsepti. Yritysympäristössä perinteinen koulutus on korvattu yhä useammin teknologiaa hyödyntävillä koulutuksen muodoilla. Pienillä ja keskisuurilla yrityksillä on kuitenkin varsin rajoitetut resurssit koulutuksessa käytettävien teknologioiden käyttöönottoon ja tehokkaaseen käyttöön. Tämän tutkimuksen toisessa osassa yrityksen maantieteellisesti hajautetun oppimisympäristön käyttöönottoa pyrittiin tukemaan tarjoamalla sen käyttöön valmis yliopistoympäristössä kehitetty konsepti. Tämän konseptin siirrettävyyttä ja käyttöönottoa tutkittiin tutkimuksen toisessa osassa. Tämän tutkimuksen tuloksena esitetään periaatteet, jotka ohjasivat yliopiston tieto- ja viestintätekniikan opetuskäytön strategian laadintaa ja toimeenpanoa vuosina 2000–2009. Lisäksi esitellään maantieteellisesti hajautetun oppimisympäristön konsepti. Lopuksi esitellään konseptin käyttöönottoa yritysympäristössä. Tämä väitöskirja esittelee yliopiston johdolle ja toimijoille, kuinka pitkäkestoisten trendien tunteminen auttaa ymmärtämään nykyhetkeä ja sen nopeita muutoksia. Yritysjohdolle väitöskirja tarjoaa esimerkin, kuinka yliopistoympäristöön kehitetty konsepti voidaan siirtää yritysympäristöön

    Managing Emerging Business Ecosystems – A Knowledge Management Viewpoint

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    Technology-based services are increasingly being developed in business ecosystems. Business ecosystems benefit companies by enabling shared goals and resources through collaboration, but a successful business ecosystem also requires internal management of knowledge. Strategic funding is currently being offered for the formation of new business ecosystems in the ICT industry to develop new digital business. We followed two such emerging business ecosystems developing new technology-based services in the health and well-being domain that were funded by research programs in Finland. Applying a knowledge conversion model to the analysis of activities aimed at facilitating the formation of business ecosystems, new directions for emerging ecosystems management research are explored. We present the knowledge capture, sharing, and creation practices and activities used in these two cases. By analyzing the knowledge conversion perspective, we add to the understanding of formation of emerging business ecosystems as well as possibilities for improving it


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    The purpose of this paper is to improve the existing methods of building new product concepts in a qualitative "two-case" case study with action research approach combined with method comparison. Companies need an effective method to create radical product concepts and product visions. The commonly used focus group method is too simplistic for achieving deep understanding about the user needs. Innovation competitions are seen as a solution to the following major industry challenges: ineffectiveness of traditional market research, structural innovation gap, closed innovation paradigm, and the low amount, low quality and low variance of innovation opportunities. A new design for next generation innovation competition, the "InnoCoop" method, is introduced. InnoCoop produces more holistic product concepts, involves management in participation, is active in terms of working methods, offers more surprise elements, and produces more creative ideas. Traditional method produces singular, but concrete ideas and is more passive in terms of working methods.User innovation, innovation methods, method comparison, fitness club concepts, idea competitions

    Software factory project for enhancement of student experimental learning

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    Abstract Providing opportunities for students to work on real-world software development projects for real customers is critical to prepare students for the IT industry. Such projects help students to understand what they will face in the industry and experience real customer interaction and challenges in collaborative work. To provide this opportunity in an academic environment and enhance the learning and multicultural teamwork experience, the University of Oulu, Finland offers the software factory (SWF) project. This paper presents the design of the SWF course and the learning environment and assessment techniques, and it discusses the importance of reflective learning diaries and serious games. Additionally, this paper examines factors in the SWF learning environment that affect student learning in the SWF course. Survey data were collected from the last six years of SWF projects. The results show that students consider the SWF to be a good collaborative learning environment that helps them achieve academic triumphs and enhances various professional skills. The learning diaries are effective for increasing students learning experiences as well as providing an opportunity for teaching staff to monitor students progress and offer better facilitation. These results are helpful for academic institutions and industry when developing such a learning environment

    Enhancement of experiential learning in software factory project-based course

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    Abstract To better prepare the next generation of software professional, it is important to provide opportunities for them to work on real software project along with real customer during their studies. This is the reason universities around the world offer project-based capstone course. Such courses help students to understand what they will face in the industry and experience real customer interaction and challenges in collaborative work. In regards, University of Oulu, Finland offers a software factory (SWF) course to enhance the learning and experience multicultural teamwork. This paper presents the design of the SWF course and student and teacher experiences. It discusses the importance of reflective learning diaries and serious games. Additionally, this paper examines factors in the SWF learning environment that affect student learning in the SWF course. Survey data were collected from the last 6 years of SWF projects. The results show that students consider the SWF to be a good collaborative learning environment that helps them achieve academic triumphs and enhances various professional skills. The learning diaries are effective for increasing students’ learning experiences as well as providing an opportunity for teaching staff to monitor students’ progress and offer better facilitation. These results are helpful for academic institutions and industry when developing such a learning environment

    Little big team:acquiring human capital in software startups

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    Abstract Background: Resource-based-view and human capital theories have been used for decades when studying firms, their strategies, organizations, businesses, and successes. The value of the theories as general frameworks has commonly been recognized, especially because of their flexibility in adopting new perspectives, such as the dynamic character of the resources and human capital. Startup companies represent an interesting area on a map of firms because of their specific characteristics and tendency not to strictly follow the processes common in more established companies. Despite the differences, it is reasonable to assume that startups face similar phenomena as established companies do when building up their firms and operations. Aim: In this research, we studied software startups from the perspective of resource-based-view and human capital theories. We examined what human capital resources, capabilities, knowledge, and skills, were needed in the early stages of software startups and how the startups acquired such human capital. Method: We conducted a multiple-case study on a group of software startups in Norway and Finland. Results: We identified six high-level capability areas, nine means to acquire those capabilities, and nine drivers affecting the utilization of different means. We concluded that the capabilities in software startups are dynamic, evolving by growth and learning from the basis of the founders’ prior capabilities, and the utilization of different acquiring means is a case-dependent thing with a varying set of drivers. We also found the uniqueness of the resources, as proposed by the resource-based-view theory, was not reached in our case startups, but replaced with a combination of commonly-available resources, innovation, and application-specific capabilities

    Information needs and presentation in agile software development

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    Context: Agile software companies applying the DevOps approach require collaboration and information sharing between practitioners in various roles to produce value. Adopting new development practices affects how practitioners collaborate, requiring companies to form a closer connection between business strategy and software development. However, the types of information management, sales, and development needed to plan, evaluate features, and reconcile their expectations with each other need to be clarified. Objective: To support practitioners in collaborating and realizing changes to their practices, we investigated what information is needed and how it should be represented to support different stakeholders in their tasks. Compared to earlier research, we adopted a holistic approach – by including practitioners throughout the development process – to better understand the information needs from a broader viewpoint. Method: We conducted six workshops and 12 semi-structured interviews at three Finnish small and medium-sized enterprises from different software domains. Thematic analysis was used to identify information-related issues and information and visualization needs for daily tasks. Three themes were constructed as the result of our analysis. Results: Visual information representation catalyzes stakeholder discussion, and supporting information exchange between stakeholder groups is vital for efficient collaboration in software product development. Additionally, user-centric data collection practices are needed to understand how software products are used and to support practitioners’ daily information needs. We also found that a passive way of representing information, such as a dashboard that would disturb practitioners only when attention is needed, was preferred for daily information needs. Conclusion: The software engineering community should consider reviewing the information needs of practitioners from a more holistic view to better understand how tooling support can benefit information exchange between stakeholder groups when making product development decisions and how those tools should be built to accommodate different stakeholder views.Peer reviewe