27 research outputs found

    Mathematical Model for the Temperature Distribution on The Surface of Two Aluminum Alloys Welded by Friction Stir Welding

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    The aim of this study was to predict the temperatures on all surfaces of three-dimensional models using the ANSYS 15.0 program. Firstly, the temperatures from the welding centre to the edges of the models of two aluminium alloys (AA-7075 & AA-2024) welded by friction stir welding process were perceived. Secondly, the distribution of temperatures from the start of the welding process to its end and the derivation of equations to predict the distribution of temperatures with the time spent in the welding process, along with the distribution of temperatures with the distance from the centre of the welding process were observed at different travel speeds of the welding cart (TS = 20, 40, 60, 100 mm/sec) and different speeds of the welding tool (TRS=900, 1050, 1200 rpm). The results indicate that the temperature increases with the increase in the rotational speed of the welding tool, while the temperature decreases with the increase in the travel speed of the welding cart. Another result is that the temperature distribution is not symmetrical. The highest values are in the welding centre and decrease significantly as the welding centre is moved away, and the highest temperatures can be reached between (75 – 80%) in the welding centre from the melting point of the two aluminium alloys welded together. It was also found that the temperatures increase significantly twenty seconds after the beginning of the welding process and, afterwards, the increase is small, and three equations were derived to predict the temperature distribution

    COMPLEXIDADE RACIAL: mitos e realidades em duas freguesias de Salvador em 1775

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    A partir da análise minuciosa dos dados do Censo de 1775 sobre duas freguesias de Salvador (São Pedro e Penha), são colocados em questão cinco mitos dominantes sobre a escravidão no imaginário nacional: (1) o domínio total do trabalho escravo na sociedade; (2) uma sociedade formada apenas por senhores e escravos; (3) uma sociedade constituída, por um lado, por um segmento de dominantes e exploradores e, por outro, por dominados e explorados; (4) uma sociedade urbana segregada; (5) uma sociedade patriarcal, em que as mulheres eram submissas e economicamente subordinadas. Os resultados do censo, portanto, levantam novas questões para o entendimento da complexidade do nosso passado, o que ajuda a entender a manutenção das extremas desigualdades atuais, além de evidenciar a existência de diferenciações espaciais na cidade. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: escravos, libertos, agregados, freguesias, Salvador.RACIAL COMPLEXITY: myth and reality in two Salvador freguesias in 1775 Pedro de Almeida Vasconcelos The meticulous analysis of data from the Census of 1775 on two freguesias of Salvador (São Pedro and Penha), bring doubt to five dominant myths on slavery in the national imaginary: (1) the exclusivity of slave work in the society; (2) a society just formed by slave owners and slaves; (3) a society where, on one side, live a segment of dominant exploiters and, on the other, dominated explored people; (4) a segregated urban society; (5) a patriarchal society, in which women were submissive and economically subordinates. The results of the census, therefore, bring new subjects to understanding the complexity of our past, what helps to understand the maintenance of the extreme current inequalities, besides showing the existence of space differentiations in the city. KEYWORDS: slaves, freed men, agregados, freguesias, Salvador.COMPLEXITÉ RACIALE: mythes et réalités dans deux paroisses de Salvador en 1775 Pedro de Almeida Vasconcelos A partir de l’analyse minutieuse des données du recensement de 1775 concernant deux paroisses de Salvador (São Pedro et Penha) sont remis en question cinq mythes dominants à propos de l’esclavage dans l’imaginaire national: (1) l’exclusivité du travail esclave dans la société; (2) une société formée uniquement de seigneurs et d’esclaves; (3) une société constituée d’une part par un segment de dominants et d’exploiteurs et d’autre part de dominés et d’exploités; (4) une société urbaine ségréguée; (5) une société patriarcale où les femmes étaient soumises et subordonnées économiquement. Les résultats de ce recensement soulèvent donc de nouvelles questions pour la compréhension de la complexité de notre passé, ceci permet de comprendre le maintien d’extrêmes inégalités actuelles et de mettre aussi en évidence l’existence de différenciations spatiales dans la ville. MOTS-CLÉS: esclaves, personnes libres, domestiques, paroisses, Salvador. Publicação Online do Caderno CRH: http://www.cadernocrh.ufba.b

    Mutton Cut Up as Lamb: Mothers, Daughters and Cosmetic Surgery

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    Cosmetic surgery is not merely a medical discipline, nor a set of surgical techniques exercised on human bodies. Rather, it is a series of interlocking practices and discourses comprising medical and surgical techniques as well as many media forms such as academic analyses, advertisements, autobiographies, feminist writing, histories, medical literature, popular magazines, and regulatory/legal texts. It is impossible to attempt a cultural analysis of cosmetic surgery without paying close attention to the media and cultural products that comment upon and also produce it

    Information Technology Support for the Learning Organisation

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