211 research outputs found


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    Abstract Facial expression recognition is one of the challenging tasks in computervision. In this paper, we analyzed and improved the performances bothhandcrafted features and deep features extracted by Convolutional NeuralNetwork (CNN). Eigenfaces, HOG, Dense-SIFT were used as handcrafted features.Additionally, we developed features based on the distances between faciallandmarks and SIFT descriptors around the centroids of the facial landmarks,leading to a better performance than Dense-SIFT. We achieved 68.34 % accuracywith a CNN model trained from scratch. By combining CNN features withhandcrafted features, we achieved 69.54 % test accuracy.Key Word: Neural network, facial expression recognition, handcrafted feature


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    In this study, exchange rate exposures of tourism firms, whose shares are traded in Borsa I˙stanbul (BIST), were investigated. In this manner, the data pertaining to eight tourism firms, whose shares are traded in BIST, were included in analyses for July 2002–June 2010. A regression model, which was developed by adding the exchange rate factor to the Fama- French three-factor model, was used in the study. Analysis results revealed that exchange rate risk is a crucial risk factor for three tourism firms. However, it was determined that the three tourism firms that are negatively affected by exchange rate risk have considerably larger open foreign currency positions than other tourism firms

    The Determinants of the Growth Expectations of Turkish Entrepreneurs in the Way up the Entrepreneural Ladder Using Ordinal Logistic Model (OLM)

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    Given the increasing importance of entrepreneurship in job creation, innovation and economic growth, we try to inquire into the question of why some of the entrepreneurs and not the others expect a rapid development of their ventures. This study uses the Ordinal Logistic Model (OLM) to analyze the determinants of the growth expectations of Turkish nascent, baby and established entrepreneurs, expressed in terms of new jobs to be created within their firms. The OLM procedure allows to compute a probability distribution of growth expectations in four categories given the demographic, perceptual characteristics of these entrepreneurs, and the distinctive traits of their businesses. The data from the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) for the years 2006-2008 for Turkey were employed. The growth expectations of Turkish business owners are found to decrease as they mature in the entrepreneurial course. Overall, while both demographic and perceptual characteristics seem to affect firm growth expectations of nascent Turkish entrepreneurs, only demographic variables appear to influence similar expectations of baby Turkish business owners. For established Turkish entrepreneurs, firm’s size is predominantly important

    The Determinants of the Growth Expectations of Turkish Entrepreneurs in the Way up the Entrepreneural Ladder Using Ordinal Logistic Model (OLM)

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    Given the increasing importance of entrepreneurship in job creation, innovation and economic growth, we try to inquire into the question of why some of the entrepreneurs and not the others expect a rapid development of their ventures. This study uses the Ordinal Logistic Model (OLM) to analyze the determinants of the growth expectations of Turkish nascent, baby and established entrepreneurs, expressed in terms of new jobs to be created within their firms. The OLM procedure allows to compute a probability distribution of growth expectations in four categories given the demographic, perceptual characteristics of these entrepreneurs, and the distinctive traits of their businesses. The data from the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) for the years 2006-2008 for Turkey were employed. The growth expectations of Turkish business owners are found to decrease as they mature in the entrepreneurial course. Overall, while both demographic and perceptual characteristics seem to affect firm growth expectations of nascent Turkish entrepreneurs, only demographic variables appear to influence similar expectations of baby Turkish business owners. For established Turkish entrepreneurs, firm’s size is predominantly important

    Erectile Dysfunction Under Age 40: Etiology and Role of Contributing Factors

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the etiology of erectile dysfunction (ED) in patients under the age of 40 years. Eighty one patients were included in this study. All patients underwent a multidisciplinary diagnostic approach by color Doppler ultrasonography, dynamic pharmacocavernosometry (optional), selective pudendal pharmaco-arteriography (optional) and nocturnal penile tumescence monitoring by a Rigi-Scan (optional). Mean age of the population was 32 years. Psychogenic impotence was diagnosed in 50% of the patients and organic impotence was diagnosed in 45%. After the 3rd decade of life, a vasculogenic etiology was the most common cause of impotence. Smoking and hypertension played a major role as chronic contributing factors in the overall study population. Primary impotence was diagnosed in 11 patients who were unmarried. The rate of organic causes was 45% in this group (all vasculogenic in nature). Erectile dysfunction in younger patients and in patients with primary impotence is due mainly to organic causes, usually vascular in origin

    Modelling and Simulation of Stepper Motor For Position Control Using LabVIEW

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    This paper presents hybrid stepper motor (is a type of stepping motor) modelling and simulation which is widely used a kind of motor in industrial applications. In this study, the stepper motor was modelled using bond graph technique and simulation for desired position was executed on LabVIEW graphical interface. Then, firstly a convenient PID controller was designed for position, speed and current and PID close loop response was obtained for position control. Then, PID parameters for each controller were arranged separately to obtain good response Secondly, Fuzzy Logic controller applied to the system and its response was obtained. Finally, both responses are compared. According to comparison, it was observed that Fuzzy Logic controller’s response is better than PID’s. (In this paper, all shown responses were observed for 120 degree desired position

    TSCom-Net: Coarse-to-Fine 3D Textured Shape Completion Network

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    Reconstructing 3D human body shapes from 3D partial textured scans remains a fundamental task for many computer vision and graphics applications – e.g., body animation, and virtual dressing. We propose a new neural network architecture for 3D body shape and highresolution texture completion – TSCom-Net – that can reconstruct the full geometry from mid-level to high-level partial input scans. We decompose the overall reconstruction task into two stages – first, a joint implicit learning network (SCom-Net and TCom-Net) that takes a voxelized scan and its occupancy grid as input to reconstruct the full body shape and predict vertex textures. Second, a high-resolution texture completion network, that utilizes the predicted coarse vertex textures to inpaint the missing parts of the partial ‘texture atlas’. A Thorough experimental evaluation on 3DBodyTex.V2 dataset shows that our method achieves competitive results with respect to the state-of-the-art while generalizing to different types and levels of partial shapes. The proposed method has also ranked second in the track1 of SHApe Recovery from Partial textured 3D scans (SHARP [37 , 2]) 2022 1 challenge1

    Türk Biyokimya Dergisi

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    Characterization of polyphenol oxidase during three ripening stages of an eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) fruit: a local type in northeast Anatolia [Patlıcan (Solanum melongena L.) meyvesinin polifenol oksidazının üç olgunlaşma safhası boyunca karakterizasyonu: Doğu Anadolu' da yerel bir tip] ABSTRACT Objective: A relatively new local type of eggplant, Solanum melongena L. 'Kadife' is widely consumed in Turkey because of its economic availability and good nutritional qualities. However, the high polyphenol content of eggplant renders it susceptible to unattractive oxidative browning catalyzed by polyphenol oxides (PPOs). Therefore, the main aim of this study was to characterize PPO in this eggplant cultivar at three stages of its development. Methods: In this study, we determined substrate specificity, optimum pH and temperature, and optimum substrate concentration of the partial purified eggplant fruits PPO during ripening. Results: L-DOPA was proved to be the preferred PPO substrate in all three stages of ripening. Optimum activity was observed at pH 7.0 for PPO in extracts of ripening and overly-ripe eggplant, while activity in extracts of immature eggplant exhibited a broad pH optimum between, pH 5.0 and 7.0. In general, at all ripening stages, PPO was most active at 30°C and was most sensitive to inhibition by sodium metabisulphite and ascorbic acid. The metal ions (Hg ÖZET Amaç: Kısmen yeni bir yerel tip patlıcan çeşidi Solanum melongena L. 'Kadife', ekonomik uygunluğu ve iyi besin kalitesinden dolayı Türkiye'de yaygın olarak tüketilir. Bununla birlikte, patlıcanın yüksek polifenol içeriği, bu meyveyi polifenol oksidaz (PFO) tarafından katalizlenen istenmeyen oksidatif esmerleşmeye karşı duyarlı kılar. Dolayısıyla, bu çalışmanın temel amacı, gelişiminin üç safhasında bu patlıcan kültivarındaki PFO'yu karakterize etmektir. Metod: Bu çalışmada, olgunlaşma boyunca patlıcan meyvelerinden elde edilen kısmi saflaştı-rılmış PFO'nun substrat özgünlüğünü, optimum pH ve sıcaklığını, ve optimum substrat konsantrasyonunu belirledik. Bulgular: Olgunlaşmanın her üç safhasında, L-DOPA'nın tercih edilen PFO substratı olduğu ortaya konuldu. Olgunlaşmamış patlıcan özütlerinde optimum pH 5.0 ile 7.0 arasında geniş bir aktivite gösterirken olgun ve aşırı olgun patlıcan özütlerindeki PFO aktivitesi için optimum pH'nın 7.0 olduğu gözlendi. Genel olarak, tüm olgunlaşma safhalarında, PFO, 30°C'de en aktiftir ve inhibitör olarak sodyum metabisülfit ve askorbik aside oldukça duyarlıdır. Materials and Methods Plant material The seeds belonging to the eggplant (Solanum melongena) were obtained from local growers, but they have not certificated yet