7 research outputs found

    Materialismo e primado do objeto em Adorno Materialism e priority of the object on Adorno

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    Este artigo investiga a "Tese" do primado do objeto na obra de Theodor W. Adorno, central ao seu materialismo não dogmático e relativamente pouco estudada. O primado do objeto será apresentado em seus elementos constitutivos, como crítica ao modo essencialmente idealista da dialética que perpassa o conjunto da obra de Adorno, em especial nos textos e discussões que precederam a publicação da Dialektik der Aufklãrung, para se explicitar no período de elaboração da Negative Dialektik. A "Tese" desenvolve momentos apresentados por Lukács, Benjamin e Horkheimer, particularmente quanto ao nexo entre razão e experiência e se fundamenta especialmente no trajeto Kant - Hegel, como crítica ao idealismo, incorporando de modo estruturante as perspectivas de Marx e de Nietzsche. Ao romper a pretensa "simetria" entre sujeito e objeto, a "Tese" do primado do objeto revela como é insustentável a alegação habermasiana do Discurso filosófico da modernidade segundo a qual Adorno e Horkheimer incidiriam num ceticismo total frente à razão e à sua totalização ideológica. Ao contrário: estes autores, ao articularem de um modo original substância material histórica e argumentação teórica, contribuíram de modo fundamental para examinar o problema da reificação mediante sua relação à objetividade - como o não-idêntico - no âmbito da razão.<br>The thesis of the priority of the object, essential to Adorno's non dogmatic materialism, is analyzed in its constitutive elements, as a criticism of idealism which is present mainly at the works Dialectic of enlightenment and Negative dialectic. As a criticism of idealism, particularly on the relationships between reason and experience as first developed from Kant to Hegel, the thesis is based on Lukács, Benjamin, and Horkheimer contributions and is embedded on the perspectives of Marx and Nietzsche. With its disruption of symmetry between subject and object, the thesis of the priority of the object reveals the frailty of Habermas assertion, in his Philosophical discourse of modernity, of Adorno's and Horkheimer's skepticism towards reason. The present author argues that, in opposition to this claim, Adorno and Horkheimer contributed, with their new way of relating historical material and theoretical approach, to the analysis of the problem of reification in its relations to objectivity - as the non-identical - within the realm of reason, and not outside of it

    Methotrexate, doxorubicin, and cisplatin (MAP) plus maintenance pegylated interferon alfa-2b versus MAP alone in patients with resectable high-grade osteosarcoma and good histologic response to preoperative MAP : first results of the EURAMOS-1 good respons randomized controlled trial

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    Purpose EURAMOS-1, an international randomized controlled trial, investigated maintenance therapy with pegylated interferon alfa-2b (IFN-α-2b) in patients whose osteosarcoma showed good histologic response (good response) to induction chemotherapy. Patients and Methods At diagnosis, patients age ≤ 40 years with resectable high-grade osteosarcoma were registered. Eligibility after surgery for good response random assignment included ≥ two cycles of preoperative MAP (methotrexate, doxorubicin, and cisplatin), macroscopically complete surgery of primary tumor, < 10% viable tumor, and no disease progression. These patients were randomly assigned to four additional cycles MAP with or without IFN-α-2b (0.5 to 1.0 μg/kg per week subcutaneously, after chemotherapy until 2 years postregistration). Outcome measures were event-free survival (EFS; primary) and overall survival and toxicity (secondary). Results Good response was reported in 1,041 of 2,260 registered patients; 716 consented to random assignment (MAP, n = 359; MAP plus IFN-α-2b, n = 357), with baseline characteristics balanced by arm. A total of 271 of 357 started IFN-α-2b; 105 stopped early, and 38 continued to receive treatment at data freeze. Refusal and toxicity were the main reasons for never starting IFN-α-2b and for stopping prematurely, respectively. Median IFN-α-2b duration, if started, was 67 weeks. A total of 133 of 268 patients who started IFN-α-2b and provided toxicity information reported grade ≥ 3 toxicity during IFN-α-2b treatment. With median follow-up of 44 months, 3-year EFS for all 716 randomly assigned patients was 76% (95% CI, 72% to 79%); 174 EFS events were reported (MAP, n = 93; MAP plus IFN-α-2b, n = 81). Hazard ratio was 0.83 (95% CI, 0.61 to 1.12; P = .214) from an adjusted Cox model. Conclusion At the preplanned analysis time, MAP plus IFN-α-2b was not statistically different from MAP alone. A considerable proportion of patients never started IFN-α-2b or stopped prematurely. Long-term follow-up for events and survival continues