30,265 research outputs found

    Condensation of phonons in an ultracold Bose gas

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    We consider the generation of longitudinal phonons in an elongated Bose-condensed gas at zero temperature due to parametric resonance as a result of the modulation of the transverse trap frequency. The nonlinear temporal evolution with account of the phonon-phonon interaction leads self-consistently to the formation of the stationary state with the macroscopic occupation of a single phonon quantum state.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure, submitted to Phys.Rev.Letter

    Influence of Cooper pairing on the inelastic processes in a gas of Fermi atoms

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    Correlation properties in ultracold Fermi gas with negative scattering length and its impact on the three-body recombination is analyzed. We find that Cooper pairing enhances the recombination rate in contrast to the decrease of this rate accompanying Bose-Einstein condensation in a Bose gas. This trend is characteristic for all interval of temperatures T<Tc

    Earthquake Size Distribution: Power-Law with Exponent Beta = 1/2?

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    We propose that the widely observed and universal Gutenberg-Richter relation is a mathematical consequence of the critical branching nature of earthquake process in a brittle fracture environment. These arguments, though preliminary, are confirmed by recent investigations of the seismic moment distribution in global earthquake catalogs and by the results on the distribution in crystals of dislocation avalanche sizes. We consider possible systematic and random errors in determining earthquake size, especially its seismic moment. These effects increase the estimate of the parameter beta of the power-law distribution of earthquake sizes. In particular, we find that estimated beta-values may be inflated by 1-3% because relative moment uncertainties decrease with increasing earthquake size. Moreover, earthquake clustering greatly influences the beta-parameter. If clusters (aftershock sequences) are taken as the entity to be studied, then the exponent value for their size distribution would decrease by 5-10%. The complexity of any earthquake source also inflates the estimated beta-value by at least 3-7%. The centroid depth distribution also should influence the beta-value, an approximate calculation suggests that the exponent value may be increased by 2-6%. Taking all these effects into account, we propose that the recently obtained beta-value of 0.63 could be reduced to about 0.52--0.56: near the universal constant value (1/2) predicted by theoretical arguments. We also consider possible consequences of the universal beta-value and its relevance for theoretical and practical understanding of earthquake occurrence in various tectonic and Earth structure environments. Using comparative crystal deformation results may help us understand the generation of seismic tremors and slow earthquakes and illuminate the transition from brittle fracture to plastic flow.Comment: 46 pages, 2 tables, 11 figures 53 pages, 2 tables, 12 figure

    Universal dynamics on the way to thermalisation

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    It is demonstrated how a many-body system far from thermal equilibrium can exhibit universal dynamics in passing a non-thermal fixed point. As an example, the process of Bose-Einstein (BE) condensation of a dilute cold gas is considered. If the particle flux into the low-energy modes, induced, e.g., by a cooling quench, is sufficiently strong, the Bose gas develops a characteristic power-law single-particle spectrum n(k)∌k−5n(k)\sim k^{-5}, and critical slowing down in time occurs. The fixed point is shown to be marked by the creation and dilution of tangled vortex lines. Alternatively, for a weak cooling quench and particle flux, the condensation process runs quasi adiabatically, passing by the fixed point in far distance, and signatures of critical scaling remain absent.Comment: 5+2 pages, 8 figure

    For Hierarchy in Animal Ethics

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    In my forthcoming book, How to Count Animals, More or Less (based on my 2016 Uehiro Lectures in Practical Ethics), I argue for a hierarchical approach to animal ethics according to which animals have moral standing but nonetheless have a lower moral status than people have. This essay is an overview of that book, drawing primarily from selections from its beginning and end, aiming both to give a feel for the overall project and to indicate the general shape of the hierarchical position that I defend there. In this essay, I contrast the hierarchical approach with its most important rival (which holds that people and animals have the very same moral status), sketch the main idea behind one central argument for hierarchy, and briefly review three potentially troubling implications of the hierarchical view. I close with a discussion of a promising possible solution to the most worrisome of the three objections

    Book Review

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    There is a frequent critique of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees’ protection role, which goes like this: as UNHCR has grown as a humanitarian aid delivery agency, law and human rights have lost currency. In Rights in Exile: Janus-Faced Humanitarianism, Guglielmo Verdirame and Barbara Harrell-Bond (with Zachary Lomo and Hannah Garry) take this as a starting point from which to reach a far more searing conclusion: UNHCR itself directly violates the human rights of the people it is supposed to protect. Detailed, direct and at times passionate, this book should be required reading for anyone who wants to know what is really happening to refugee protection. It should also require a response
