42 research outputs found
Características químicas de um latossolo adubado com uréia e cloreto de potássio em ambiente protegido
A produção de vegetais mais sadios e de boa qualidade e o fornecimento contínuo no mercado são fatores que têm determinado a adoção do sistema de cultivo protegido por um número maior de produtores. Porém, devido ao pouco conhecimento sobre o manejo do solo nessas condições, tem-se aplicado altas doses de fertilizantes, ocasionando problemas de salinidade e desequilíbrio nutricional. O objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos da aplicação da uréia e do cloreto de potássio nas características químicas de um LATOSSOLO VERMELHO Destrófico, principalmente nos índices de acidez e saturação em potássio. O N e o K foram aplicados em cobertura, nas doses equivalentes de 13,3 e 39,9 g m-2 de N e 5,5 e 16,6 g m-2 de K, em esquema fatorial (2x2+1), com tratamento adicional, sem a aplicação dos nutrientes. Cultivou-se pimentão, cultivar Mayata, em condições de ambiente protegido, durante 34 semanas. Após o pegamento das mudas, foi aplicado 1/6 dos nutrientes a cada dez dias. Ao final do ciclo, as formas de N nítrico e N amoniacal representaram melhor as doses do nutriente aplicados ao solo e não houve acidificação. As raízes tiveram significativo crescimento após a aplicação de N, enquanto que o aumento da dose de K, aplicado como KCl, prejudicou o crescimento radicular, provavelmente associado à alta concentração de K no solo e possíveis efeitos salinos, correspondendo a mais de 5,0 mmol c dm-3 e mais que 5,3% de saturação do K no complexo de troca, na camada superficial do solo
Genetic Background and Sex: Impact on Generalizability of Research Findings in Pharmacology Studies
Animal models consisting of inbred laboratory rodent strains have been a powerful tool for decades, helping to unravel the underpinnings of biological problems and employed to evaluate potential therapeutic treatments in drug discovery. While inbred strains demonstrate relatively reliable and predictable responses, using a single inbred strain alone or as a background to a mutation is analogous to running a clinical trial in a single individual and their identical twins. Indeed, complex etiologies drive the most common human diseases, and a single inbred strain that is a surrogate of a single genome, or data generated from a single sex, is not representative of the genetically diverse patient populations. Further, pharmacological and toxicology data generated in otherwise healthy animals may not translate to disease states where physiology, metabolism, and general health are compromised. The purpose of this chapter is to provide guidance for improving generalizability of preclinical studies by providing insight into necessary considerations for introducing systematic variation within the study design, such as genetic diversity, the use of both sexes, and selection of appropriate age and disease model. The outcome of implementing these considerations should be that reproducibility and generalizability of significant results are significantly enhanced leading to improved clinical translation
Reproducibility and replicability of rodent phenotyping in preclinical studies
The scientific community is increasingly concerned with the proportion of published "discoveries" that are not replicated in subsequent studies. The field of rodent behavioral phenotyping was one of the first to raise this concern, and to relate it to other methodological issues: the complex interaction between genotype and environment; the definitions of behavioral constructs; and the use of laboratory mice and rats as model species for investigating human health and disease mechanisms. In January 2015, researchers from various disciplines gathered at Tel Aviv University to discuss these issues. The general consensus was that the issue is prevalent and of concern, and should be addressed at the statistical, methodological and policy levels, but is not so severe as to call into question the validity and the usefulness of model organisms as a whole. Well-organized community efforts, coupled with improved data and metadata sharing, have a key role in identifying specific problems and promoting effective solutions. Replicability is closely related to validity, may affect generalizability and translation of findings, and has important ethical implications
Effects of spatial and cognitive enrichment on activity pattern and learning performance in three strains of mice in the IntelliMaze
The IntelliMaze allows automated behavioral analysis of group housed laboratory mice while individually assigned protocols can be applied concomitantly for different operant conditioning components. Here we evaluate the effect of additional component availability (enrichment) on behavioral and cognitive performance of mice in the IntelliCage, by focusing on aspects that had previously been found to consistently differ between three strains, in four European laboratories. Enrichment decreased the activity level in the IntelliCages and enhanced spatial learning performance. However, it did not alter strain differences, except for activity during the initial experimental phase. Our results from non-enriched IntelliCages proved consistent between laboratories, but overall laboratory-consistency for data collected using different IntelliCage set-ups, did not hold for activity levels during the initial adaptation phase. Our results suggest that the multiple conditioning in spatially and cognitively enriched environments are feasible without affecting external validity for a specific task, provided animals have adapted to such an IntelliMaze