38 research outputs found

    La taza de té

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    Incluye: La caza del mirlo / por Mery, p. 129-173. El sabio y el cocodrilo / por Mery, p. 174-209Copia digital. España : Ministerio de Cultura y Deporte. Subdirección General de Coordinación Bibliotecaria, 2019Fecha de producción de Medina y Navarro ca. 1850-188

    i-gel™ supraglottic airway in clinical practice: a prospective observational multicentre study

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    Background The i-gel™ supraglottic airway device has been studied in randomized controlled studies, but it has not been evaluated in a large prospective patient cohort. Therefore, we performed this prospective multicentre observational study to evaluate success rates, airway leak pressure, risk factors for i-gel failure, and adverse events. Methods With Ethics Committee approval and waiver of patients' consent, data about anaesthesia providers, patient characteristics, and the performance of the i-gel were recorded in five independent hospitals in Switzerland over a period of 24 months. We analysed success rates, leak pressures, adverse events, and risk factors for failure. Results Data from 2049 i-gel uses were analysed. Patients' mean age was 47 (range 6-91) yr. The primary i-gel success rate without changing size was 93%; the overall success rate was 96%. Insertion was deemed very easy or easy in 92%. The mean airway leak pressure was 26 (8) cm H2O. The mean anaesthesia time was 67 (42) min. Risk factors associated with i-gel failure were males (P<0.001), impaired mandibular subluxation (P=0.01), poor dentition (P=0.02), and older age (P<0.01). Adverse events recorded were laryngeal spasms (n=25, 1.2%), blood stained airway devices (n=79, 3.9%), transient nerve damage (n=2, 0.1%), one case of transient vasovagal asystole, and one glottic haematoma. Conclusions The i-gel is a reliable supraglottic airway device failing in <5% and providing high airway leak pressures. Males, impaired mandibular subluxation, poor dentition, and older age are risk factors associated with primary device failure. Serious adverse events are rar

    VEGF Over-Expression by Engineered BMSC Accelerates Functional Perfusion, Improving Tissue Density and In-Growth in Clinical-Size Osteogenic Grafts

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    The first choice for reconstruction of clinical-size bone defects consists of autologous bone flaps, which often lack the required mechanical strength and cause significant donor-site morbidity. We have previously developed biological substitutes in a rabbit model by combining bone tissue engineering and flap pre-fabrication. However, spontaneous vascularization was insufficient to ensure progenitor survival in the core of the constructs. Here, we hypothesized that increased angiogenic stimulation within constructs by exogenous VEGF can significantly accelerate early vascularization and tissue in-growth. Bone marrow stromal cells from NZW rabbits (rBMSC) were transduced with a retroviral vector to express rabbit VEGF linked to a truncated version of rabbit CD4 as a cell-surface marker. Autologous cells were seeded in clinical-size 5.5 cm; 3; HA scaffolds wrapped in a panniculus carnosus flap to provide an ample vascular supply, and implanted ectopically. Constructs seeded with VEGF-expressing rBMSC showed significantly increased progenitor survivival, depth of tissue ingrowth and amount of mineralized tissue. Contrast-enhanced MRI after 1 week; in vivo; showed significantly improved tissue perfusion in the inner layer of the grafts compared to controls. Interestingly, grafts containing VEGF-expressing rBMSC displayed a hierarchically organized functional vascular tree, composed of dense capillary networks in the inner layers connected to large-caliber feeding vessels entering the constructs at the periphery. These data constitute proof of principle that providing sustained VEGF signaling, independently of cells experiencing hypoxia, is effective to drive rapid vascularization and increase early perfusion in clinical-size osteogenic grafts, leading to improved tissue formation deeper in the constructs

    Rapport au Ministre sur l'ouverture d'une session pour la préparation des candidats aux certificats d'aptitude à l'enseignement du dessin

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    Kaempfen Albert. Rapport au Ministre sur l'ouverture d'une session pour la préparation des candidats aux certificats d'aptitude à l'enseignement du dessin. In: Bulletin administratif de l'instruction publique. Tome 29 n°533, 1883. p. 436


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    Along the life-cycle, individuals go through a sériés of important events and turning-points that determine their health characteristics and trajectories, and shape their economic and social well-being. This thesis is about applying economic analysis and tools to understand how some of these turning-points affect one's health and health behaviors. The three important events that I consider in my thesis are birth, schooling and retirement. I show in the first chapter of my thesis that children born in Malawi in a year in which their mother experienced a negative economic shock had poorer subjective and objective health outcomes later in life. The second chapter looks at the effects of éducation on technology use and adoption among older adults in Europe. I show that persons who acquired more éducation due to a compulsory schooling reform are more likely to use the Internet and to have better computer skills later in life. The third paper of my thesis uses social security eligibility âges as instruments for retirement in econometric models for physical activity and longitudinal data from the USA. I find that retirement causes older persons to engage in more physical activity, especially among highly educated and wealthy individuals. Finally, the last chapter of my thesis highlights potential reporting heterogeneity in subjective survey measures based on Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) and cautions regarding the use of subjective measures in empirical studies for drawing conclusions on how health, health behaviors and well-being change over the life-cycle. Along the life-cycle, individuals experience a sériés of major events that shape their health and ability to engage in economic and social activities. Understanding the effects of these events on individual's life requires objective measures that are comparable across individuals. My thesis shows that health and health behaviors can be influenced by non-health-related causes occurring throughout life, such as economic shocks at birth, éducation and retirement. My thesis therefore identifies some of the events that causally determine health and contributes to the current understanding on how health evolves along the life-cycle. --- Au cours de leur vie, les individus traversent une série d'événements et de tournants importants qui déterminent leur santé et façonnent leur bien-être économique et social. Cette thèse porte sur l'utilisation d'analyses et d'outils économiques pour comprendre comment certains de ces tournants affectent la santé et les comportements liés à celle-ci. Les trois événements importants que je considère dans ma thèse sont la naissance, la scolarité et la retraite. Je montre dans le premier chapitre de ma thèse que des enfants nés au Malawi pendant une année durant laquelle leur mère a subi un choc économique négatif sont en moins bonne santé que ceux dont la mère n'a pas subi ce genre de choc. Le deuxième chapitre examine les effets de l'éducation sur l'utilisation et l'adoption de technologies par les personnes âgées en Europe. Je montre que les personnes qui ont acquis plus d'éducation grâce à une réforme de l'enseignement obligatoire sont plus susceptibles d'utiliser Internet et d'avoir de meilleures compétences en informatique plus tard dans la vie. Le troisième chapitre de ma thèse estime l'effet de la retraite sur l'activité physique des personnes âgées aux Etats- Unis. Mes résultats montrent que la retraite incite les personnes âgées à faire davantage d'activité physique, en particulier chez les personnes avec un niveau de scolarité et de richesse plus élevé. Enfin, le dernier chapitre de ma thèse met en évidence le problème lié à la subjectivité des mesures que les chercheurs utilisent dans leurs études. Je mets en garde contre l'utilisation de mesures subjectives dans les études empiriques pour tirer des conclusions sur la manière dont la santé, les comportements et le bien-être évoluent au cours de la vie. Tout au long de leur vie, les individus vivent une série d'événements majeurs qui influent sur leur santé et leur capacité à s'engager dans des activités économiques et sociales. Comprendre les effets de ces événements sur la vie d'un individu nécessite des mesures objectives comparables entre individus. Ma thèse montre que la santé et les comportements qui s'y rapportent peuvent être influencés par des causes non liées à la santé se produisant tout au long de la vie, telles que les chocs économiques à la naissance, la scolarité et la retraite. Ma thèse identifie donc certains des événements qui déterminent de manière causale la santé et contribue à la compréhension actuelle de son évolution tout au long de la vie

    La taza de té

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    Rapport au Ministre sur l'ouverture d'une session pour la préparation des candidats aux certificats d'aptitude à l'enseignement du dessin

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    Kaempfen Albert. Rapport au Ministre sur l'ouverture d'une session pour la préparation des candidats aux certificats d'aptitude à l'enseignement du dessin. In: Bulletin administratif de l'instruction publique. Tome 29 n°533, 1883. p. 436

    Interventional study to improve pertussis and influenza vaccination uptake in pregnant women.

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    OBJECTIVES Pertussis and influenza are endemic infections and associated with relevant morbidity and mortality in newborns and young infants. The Swiss Federal Office of Public Health has recommended influenza vaccination since 2011 and pertussis vaccination in pregnancy (ViP) since 2013 and expanded to repetition in each pregnancy since 2017. ViP is safe and effective in preventing severe diseases, but implementation is a challenge. We hypothesized that the proportion of women receiving ViP is persistently low despite existing national recommendations. Our primary objective was to compare the proportion of pertussis and influenza vaccine recommendations for and its acceptance by pregnant women before and after an information campaign tailored to obstetricians. Secondly, we aimed to identify reasons for missing or declining ViP. STUDY DESIGN We conducted a prospective, single-center, single-arm implementation study in the maternity ward at the University Women's Hospital Basel. We performed standardized interviews with women hospitalized for postpartum care before (October to December 2019, Phase 1, n = 262) and after an information campaign (October to December 2020, Phase 2, n = 233) and compared categorical variables using chi-squared or Fisher's exact test and continuous variables using Whitney Mann U test. RESULTS We found no significant differences in the proportion of recommendation for pertussis ViP (80 % vs. 84 %, p = 0.25) and implementation (76 % vs. 78 %, p = 0.63) between Phase 1 and 2. Main reasons for missing or declining vaccinations were lack of recommendation (62.8 %) and safety concerns regarding the unborn child (17.7 %). In contrast, the proportion of recommendation for influenza ViP (45 % vs. 63 %, p < 0.001) and implementation (29 % vs. 43 %, p < 0.001) increased significantly. CONCLUSION Proactive recommendations by obstetricians play a key role in the implementation of ViP but is still insufficient in our setting. We believe that future efforts should aim to explore possible hurdles that impede recommendations by obstetricians for ViP. The focus should be on the needs and experiences of obstetricians in private practice, but also other health care professionals involved in care of pregnant women. Local campaigns do not seem effective enough, therefore national campaigns with new strategies are desirable

    [1 lettre d'Albert Kaempfen à Charles Nuitter] (manuscrit autographe)

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    Lui demande une note au sujet des archives et de la bibliothèque de l'Opéra en vue d'un article à paraître dans "Le Courrier de Paris". - La date de 1873 a été rajoutée au crayon par Nuitte