8 research outputs found


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    In this paper the concept of real-time visualization of multichannel ECG signals is introduced. The visualization of more than one hundred ECG signals per screen is achieved through the parallel execution of two CPU threads. The main thread of the application handles the GUI activity and the visualization of processed ECG signals, the worker thread is responsible for handling the data acquisition, the dataflow formatting and computation of ECG leads and processes the data for ECG signal visualization. For proper reconstruction of the signal shape in real-time a peak detection algorithm is used. The application software is written in a cross-platform application and UI framework named Qt. From the parallel execution point of view the application software uses task-parallelism. For the interthread communication the Qt event system together with queued signals and slots mechanisms is used

    Rope procedures for extraction and insertion of persons used by helicopter emergency medical service

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    The article deals with the issue of alternative ways of extraction and insertion of persons by helicopters using rope and non-rope procedures. The article provides a current general overview of rope and non-rope procedures for insertion of persons in places where a helicopter cannot touch down, as well as an overview of techniques used for extraction/transport of persons from places not permitting helicopter touchdown. The article lists advantages and disadvantages of individual methods and their applicability in the helicopter emergency medical service. The main contribution of the article is the comparison of time indicators when inserting and transporting persons by helicopters with the use of rope procedures during typical model situations. For the purposes of comparing rope procedures have been created three typical model situations for inserting two persons from a hovering helicopter and two typical model situations for extracting four persons and their transportation on board. During creating these model situations, we have taken into consideration the most frequently used rope procedures within HEMS in civil, military and police sectors of the Slovak Republic. Total insertion/extraction time was considered the basic piece of data for the comparison. Time data were obtained from flight tests, actual training, technical documentation data and on the basis of the expert estimate. Rope procedures were compared among each other and among three types of helicopters most used for these purposes in the Slovak Republic: Mi-17 LPZS, Bell-429 and AGUSTA A109K2. Processed conclusions from the comparison of each model situation within the considered alternative rope ways of extraction and insertion of persons by helicopters and the conclusions drawn from the performance comparison of HEMS helicopters in the Slovak Republic within these model situations are a significant contribution to the determination of procedures in the framework of rescue missions


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    29 Arthropods in the nests of the Common Kestrel (Falco tinnunculus) Článkonožce Abstract: In 2008 we analyzed nest material from 25 nests of the Common Kestrel nesting in the residential and rural areas of Bratislava. 4486 arthropod individuals were determined, belonging to the orders Coleoptera, Mesostigmata, Prostigmata, Astigmata, Oribatida, Diptera and Siphonaptera. The arthropod fauna in the nests of the Common Kestrel can be classified into 4 groups: mites, dipteran larvae, adult beetles and dipterans. Three families of avian ectoparasites were present, comprising 26% of the total arthropod abundance. The remaining 74% of arthropod abundance in the nests comprised coprophagous and nidicolous species. Abstrakt: Počas roku 2008 sme analyzovali hniezdny materiál z 25 hniezd sokola myšiara hniezdiaceho v intraviláne a extraviláne Bratislavy. Determinovaných bolo 4486 jedincov článkonožcov z radov Coleoptera, Mesostigmata, Prostigmata, Astigmata, Oribatida, Diptera a Siphonaptera. Faunu článkonožcov v hniezdach sokola myšiara môžeme rozdeliť na 4 skupiny: roztoče, larvy dvojkrídlovcov, imága chrobákov a dvojkrídlovcov. Ektoparazity vtákov boli zastúpené 3 čeľaďami a predstavujú 26 % abundancie článkonožcov v hniezdach, zvyšných 74 % tvoria koprofágne a nidikolné druhy

    The UWB Radar Application in the Aviation Security Systems

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    In the process of our research, we have identified new methods of processing ultra-wide-band (UWB) radar signals and possibilities of the UWB radar use in aviation security systems. We paid our main attention to finding new algorithms for tracking the movement of a person behind an obstacle using the UWB radar. Such UWB radar application is typical for tracking the movement of people behind obstacles in case of security forces intervention at an airport. In the research process, we used methods of analysis, synthesis, and measured data from the performed experiment. The main contribution of the paper is the development of new algorithms for locating the movement of a person behind an obstacle using a straight- line method in the case of using two independent UWB radar systems. The article did not examine the accuracy of determining the position of a person behind the obstacle. We found that when applying the Kalman filter after signal processing by the straight-line method, the trajectory of the person’s movement behind the obstacle was smoother. The results of processing the measurement signals of UWB radar by the linear method have shown that this method is applicable to tracking a person behind an obstacle and can be used in aviation security systems

    Research of the Photo-Optical Method Application for Measuring Selected Data on the Movement of a Parachute for Type M-282

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    Testing in the field of parachute technology provides space for the application of new and innovative methods of measuring operating and functional parameters. The main aim of the paper is to present the results of research for the verification of the photo-optical method of measuring the vertical speed of the M-282 parachutes, and for its use in testing, collecting, and investigating motion data in parachuting. As part of this measuring technology, twelve jumps were performed. It was verified that the experiment was completed for the M-282 parachute according to the regulation of SAE AS 8015B “Minimum Performance Standard Parachute Assemblies and Components”. An analysis of the influencing factors and quantification of their influence on the uncertainty of the measurement results was also performed. The results of the measurement achieved by using the photo-optical method were compared with the measurement with the electronic variometer FLYTEC 4030. The vertical speed of the M-282 parachute (4.655 m·s−1) defined by the photo-optical method is significantly similar to the vertical speed of the M-282 parachute (4.662 m·s−1) defined by FLYTEC 4030. We can state that the process of identifying the vertical speed of the parachute by the photo-optical method was correct. This is a suitable method of evaluating motion data in the operation of M-282 type parachutes. In the following research for generalization of the methodology, we assume the performance of more than 60 experimental jumps using different types of parachutes, digital sensors (cameras), and a photo-optical method to examine motion data and formulate recommendations for testing, investigative applications, individualized training programs, and aspects of parachuting injury prevention

    Rope procedures for extraction and insertion of persons used by helicopter emergency medical service

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    The article deals with the issue of alternative ways of extraction and insertion of persons by helicopters using rope and non-rope procedures. The article provides a current general overview of rope and non-rope procedures for insertion of persons in places where a helicopter cannot touch down, as well as an overview of techniques used for extraction/transport of persons from places not permitting helicopter touchdown. The article lists advantages and disadvantages of individual methods and their applicability in the helicopter emergency medical service. The main contribution of the article is the comparison of time indicators when inserting and transporting persons by helicopters with the use of rope procedures during typical model situations. For the purposes of comparing rope procedures have been created three typical model situations for inserting two persons from a hovering helicopter and two typical model situations for extracting four persons and their transportation on board. During creating these model situations, we have taken into consideration the most frequently used rope procedures within HEMS in civil, military and police sectors of the Slovak Republic. Total insertion/extraction time was considered the basic piece of data for the comparison. Time data were obtained from flight tests, actual training, technical documentation data and on the basis of the expert estimate. Rope procedures were compared among each other and among three types of helicopters most used for these purposes in the Slovak Republic: Mi-17 LPZS, Bell-429 and AGUSTA A109K2. Processed conclusions from the comparison of each model situation within the considered alternative rope ways of extraction and insertion of persons by helicopters and the conclusions drawn from the performance comparison of HEMS helicopters in the Slovak Republic within these model situations are a significant contribution to the determination of procedures in the framework of rescue missions