17,098 research outputs found

    The PREVAIL trial and low-molecular-weight heparin for prevention of venous thromboembolism

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    Resource allocation for massively multiplayer online games using fuzzy linear assignment technique

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    This paper investigates the possible use of fuzzy system and Linear Assignment Problem (LAP) for resource allocation for Massively Multiplayer Online Games (MMOGs). Due to the limitation of design capacity of such complex MMOGs, resources available in the game cannot be unlimited. Resources in this context refer to items used to support the game play and activities in the MMOGs, also known as in-game resources. As for network resources, it is also one of the important research areas for MMOGs due to the increasing number of players. One of the main objectives is to ensure the Quality of Service (QoS) in the MMOGs environment for each player. Regardless, which context the resource is defined, the proposed method can still be used. Simulated results based on the network resources to ensure QoS shows that the proposed method could be an alternative


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    Perencanaan pabrik chromium trioxide ini diharapkan dapat berproduksi dengan kapasitas 42.000 ton chromium trioxide/tahun dalam bentuk kristal. Pabrik beroperasi secara continuous selama 330 hari dalam setahun. Kegunaan terbesar dari chromium trioxide adalah pada bidang industri pengolahan logam, seperti : pelapisan logam, elektroplating logam, dan sebagainya. Kegunaan lain pada industri kimia proses seperti : industri keramik, industri kaca, spektrophotoscopy, serta industri instrumentasi di Indonesia. (wikipedia.org). Secara singkat, uraian proses dari pabrik chromium trioxide sebagai berikut : sodium dichromate diencerkan, kemudian direaksikan dengan asam sulfat membentuk chromium trioxide. Larutan chromium trioxide kemudian difiltrasi untuk memisahkan sodium sulfat. Setelah filtrasi, larutan chromium trioxide kemudian dipekatkan samapi 60%, dikristalisasi, dan dikeringkan pada dryer. Pendirian pabrik berlokasi di Manyar, Gresik dengan ketentuan : Bentuk Perusahaan : Perseroan Terbatas Sistem Organisasi : Garis dan Staff Jumlah Karyawan : 210 orang Sistem Operasi : Continuous Waktu Operasi : 330 hari/tahun ; 24 jam/hari Analisa Ekonomi : * Massa Konstruksi : 2 Tahun * Umur Pabrik : 10 Tahun * Fixed Capital Investment (FCI) : Rp. 20.990.809.000 * Working Capital Investment (WCI) : Rp. 23.935.227.000 * Total Capital Investment (TCI) : Rp. 44.926.036.000 * Biaya Bahan Baku (1 tahun) : Rp. 263.838.739.000 * Biaya Utilitas (1 tahun) : Rp. 9.155.932.000 - Steam = 272.592 lb/hari - Air pendingin = 418 m3/hari - Listrik = 9.960 kWh/hari - Bahan Bakar = 2.736 liter/hari * Biaya Produksi Total (Total Production Cost) : Rp. 287.222.719.000 * Hasil Penjualan Produk (Sale Income) : Rp. 326.909.875.000 * Bunga Bank (Kredit Investasi Bank Mandiri) : 19% * Internal Rate of Return : 23,63% * Rate On Investment : 24,87% * Pay Out Periode : 3,9 Tahun * Break Even Point (BEP) : 34

    Political Uncertainty and the Real Estate Risk Premiums in Hong Kong

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    This study investigates the effects of political uncertainty associated with the 1997 repossession of Hong Kong by China on the real estate market. Such effect is reflected in the change in the real estate risk premiums. A model is derived to estimate the trend of real estate risk premium for each subsector of the real estate market from observable market data. The results suggest that there was a discrete jump in the risk premiums when the 1997 issue was revealed to the public in 1983, indicating investor concern about the post-1997 future of Hong Kong. The increase in the risk premium is much more obvious in nonresidential real estate than in the residential sector. This is probably due to its dual nature (an investment good as well as a good for self-consumption) and the effects of rent control, which only applies to the residential units. However there is also very strong evidence that investor confidence has been increasing recently, thus leading to a decline in the implied post-1997 risk premium, although the increasing confidence is still not sufficient to bring the risk premium back to pre-1983 levels. If the concern about the repossession of Hong Kong by China turns out to be unnecessary after 1997, a revaluation of the risk premium will take place. This will bring the risk premium level back to the pre-1983 level, assuming no other significant changes have taken place. Other things being equal, such revaluation will result in a one-time discrete increase in property prices. This is in contrast to the common view that investors have already discounted the 1997 Hong Kong/China issue completely.

    Mobile content personalisation using intelligent user profile approach

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    As there are several limitations using mobile internet, mobile content personalisation seems to be an alternative to enhance the experience of using mobile internet. In this paper, we propose the mobile content personalisation framework to facilitate collaboration between the client and the server. This paper investigates clustering and classification techniques using K-means and Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) to predict user's desired content and WAP pages based on device's listed-oriented menu approach. We make use of the user profile and user's information ranking matrix to make prediction of the desired information for the user. Experimental results show that it can generate promising prediction. The results show that it works best when used for predicting 1 matched menu item on the screen

    Client-side mobile user profile for content management using data mining techniques

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    Mobile device can be used as a medium to send and receive the mobile internet content. However, there are several limitations using mobile internet. Content personalisation has been viewed as an important area when using mobile internet. In order for personalisation to be successful, understanding the user is important. In this paper, we explore the implementation of the user profile at client-side, which may be used whenever user connect to the mobile content provider. The client-side user profile can help to free the provider in performing analysis by using data mining technique at the mobile device. This research investigates the conceptual idea of using clustering and classification of user profile at the client-site mobile. In this paper, we applied K-means and compared several other classification algorithms like TwoStep, Kohenen and Anomaly to determine the boundaries of the important factors using information ranking separation

    Referral bias may underestimate number of very elderly patients eligible for rtPA

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    Contouring with uncertainty

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    As stated by Johnson [Joh04], the visualization of uncertainty remains one of the major challenges for the visualization community. To achieve this, we need to understand and develop methods that allow us not only to consider uncertainty as an extra variable within the visualization process, but to treat it as an integral part. In this paper, we take contouring, one of the most widely used visualization techniques for two dimensional data, and focus on extending the concept of contouring to uncertainty. We develop special techniques for the visualization of uncertain contours. We illustrate the work through application to a case study in oceanography

    Environmental leaders and pioneers: agents of change?

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    © 2016 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group. This article distinguishes between states acting as environmental leaders or pioneers. While leaders usually actively seek to attract followers, this is not normally the case for pioneers. Dependent on their internal and external ambitions, states may take on the position of a laggard, pioneer, pusher or symbolic leader. When doing so, states employ various combinations of types and styles of leadership or pioneership. Four types of leadership/pioneership–structural, entrepreneurial, cognitive and exemplary–and two styles of leadership/pioneership–transactional/humdrum and transformational/heroic–are used to assess leaders and pioneers. The novel analytical framework put forward is intended to generate greater conceptual clarity, which is urgently needed for more meaningful theory-guided cumulative empirical research on leaders and pioneers

    Fractionation of nitrogen isotopes by animals: a further complication to the use of variations in the natural abundance of ¹⁵N for tracer studies

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    A study of the fractionation of nitrogen isotopes in the diet by cattle is described and the results discussed. Compared with the diet, urine had a lower ratio of ¹⁵N to ¹⁴N, but faeces, blood and milk all had a higher ratio. It is argued that the use of natural ¹⁵N as a tracer in grazed ecosystems is more complicated than was at first thought