778 research outputs found

    Critical loads for nutrient nitrogen for soil-vegetation systems

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    Members of the UK Critical Loads Advisory Group (CLAG) have calculated critical loads for nutrient nitrogen to produce maps for Great Britain. The results of three methods, based upon the conclusions from the Lokeberg workshop are described below. Two of these methods use the empirical approachand the other the steady state equation ("mass balance") for nitrogen saturation

    Modeling the Non-linear Viscoelastic Response of High Temperature Polyimides

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    A constitutive model is developed to predict the viscoelastic response of polyimide resins that are used in high temperature applications. This model is based on a thermodynamic framework that uses the notion that the `natural configuration' of a body evolves as the body undergoes a process and the evolution is determined by maximizing the rate of entropy production in general and the rate of dissipation within purely mechanical considerations. We constitutively prescribe forms for the specific Helmholtz potential and the rate of dissipation (which is the product of density, temperature and the rate of entropy production), and the model is derived by maximizing the rate of dissipation with the constraint of incompressibility, and the reduced energy dissipation equation is also regarded as a constraint in that it is required to be met in every process that the body undergoes. The efficacy of the model is ascertained by comparing the predictions of the model with the experimental data for PMR-15 and HFPE-II-52 polyimide resins.Comment: 16 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Mechanics of Material

    Effective Field Theory and Unification in AdS Backgrounds

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    This work is an extension of our previous work, hep-th/0204160, which showed how to systematically calculate the high energy evolution of gauge couplings in compact AdS_5 backgrounds. We first directly compute the one-loop effects of massive charged scalar fields on the low energy couplings of a gauge theory propagating in the AdS background. It is found that scalar bulk mass scales (which generically are of order the Planck scale) enter only logarithmically in the corrections to the tree-level gauge couplings. As we pointed out previously, we show that the large logarithms that appear in the AdS one-loop calculation can be obtained within the confines of an effective field theory, by running the Planck brane correlator from a high UV matching scale down to the TeV scale. This result exactly reproduces our previous calculation, which was based on AdS/CFT duality. We also calculate the effects of scalar fields satisfying non-trivial boundary conditions (relevant for orbifold breaking of bulk symmetries) on the running of gauge couplings.Comment: LaTeX, 27 pages; minor typos fixed, comments adde

    Second order analysis of geometric functionals of Boolean models

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    This paper presents asymptotic covariance formulae and central limit theorems for geometric functionals, including volume, surface area, and all Minkowski functionals and translation invariant Minkowski tensors as prominent examples, of stationary Boolean models. Special focus is put on the anisotropic case. In the (anisotropic) example of aligned rectangles, we provide explicit analytic formulae and compare them with simulation results. We discuss which information about the grain distribution second moments add to the mean values.Comment: Chapter of the forthcoming book "Tensor Valuations and their Applications in Stochastic Geometry and Imaging" in Lecture Notes in Mathematics edited by Markus Kiderlen and Eva B. Vedel Jensen. (The second version mainly resolves minor LaTeX problems.

    Gauge Coupling Unification from Unified Theories in Higher Dimensions

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    Higher dimensional grand unified theories, with gauge symmetry breaking by orbifold compactification, possess SU(5) breaking at fixed points, and do not automatically lead to tree-level gauge coupling unification. A new framework is introduced that guarantees precise unification -- even the leading loop threshold corrections are predicted, although they are model dependent. Precise agreement with the experimental result, \alpha_s^{exp} = 0.117 \pm 0.002, occurs only for a unique theory, and gives \alpha_s^{KK} = 0.118 \pm 0.004 \pm 0.003. Remarkably, this unique theory is also the simplest, with SU(5) gauge interactions and two Higgs hypermultiplets propagating in a single extra dimension. This result is more successful and precise than that obtained from conventional supersymmetric grand unification, \alpha_s^{SGUT} = 0.130 \pm 0.004 \pm \Delta_{SGUT}. There is a simultaneous solution to the three outstanding problems of 4D supersymmetric grand unified theories: a large mass splitting between Higgs doublets and their color triplet partners is forced, proton decay via dimension five operators is automatically forbidden, and the absence of fermion mass relations amongst light quarks and leptons is guaranteed, while preserving the successful m_b/m_\tau relation. The theory necessarily has a strongly coupled top quark located on a fixed point and part of the lightest generation propagating in the bulk. The string and compactification scales are determined to be around 10^{17} GeV and 10^{15} GeV, respectively.Comment: 29 pages, LaTe

    Search for solar Kaluza-Klein axions in theories of low-scale quantum gravity

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    We explore the physics potential of a terrestrial detector for observing axionic Kaluza-Klein excitations coming from the Sun within the context of higher-dimensional theories of low-scale quantum gravity. In these theories, the heavier Kaluza-Klein axions are relatively short-lived and may be detected by a coincidental triggering of their two-photon decay mode. Because of the expected high multiplicity of the solar axionic excitations, we find experimental sensitivity to a fundamental Peccei-Quinn axion mass up to 10210^{-2} eV (corresponding to an effective axion-photon coupling gaγγ2.×1012g_{a\gamma \gamma} \approx 2.\times 10^{-12} GeV1^{-1}) in theories with 2 extra dimensions and a fundamental quantum-gravity scale MFM_{\rm F} of order 100 TeV, and up to 3.×1033.\times 10^{-3} eV (corresponding to gaγγ6.×1013g_{a\gamma \gamma} \approx 6.\times 10^{-13} GeV1^{-1}) in theories with 3 extra dimensions and MF=1M_{\rm F}=1 TeV. For comparison, based on recent data obtained from lowest level underground experiments, we derive the experimental limits: gaγγ<2.5×1011g_{a \gamma \gamma} \stackrel{<}{{}_\sim} 2.5\times 10^{-11} GeV1^{-1} and gaγγ<1.2×1011g_{a \gamma \gamma} \stackrel{<}{{}_\sim} 1.2\times 10^{-11} GeV1^{-1} in the aforementioned theories with 2 and 3 large compact dimensions, respectively.Comment: 19 pages, extended version, as to appear in Physical Review

    Measurement of the Forward Cross Section of p(n,d)y at 190 MeV

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    This work was supported by the National Science Foundation Grant NSF PHY 81-14339 and by Indiana Universit

    Regularisation Techniques for the Radiative Corrections of Wilson lines and Kaluza-Klein states

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    Within an effective field theory framework we compute the most general structure of the one-loop corrections to the 4D gauge couplings in one- and two-dimensional orbifold compactifications with non-vanishing constant gauge background (Wilson lines). Although such models are non-renormalisable, we keep the analysis general by considering the one-loop corrections in three regularisation schemes: dimensional regularisation (DR), Zeta-function regularisation (ZR) and proper-time cut-off regularisation (PT). The relations among the results obtained in these schemes are carefully addressed. With minimal re-definitions of the parameters involved, the results obtained for the radiative corrections can be applied to most orbifold compactifications with one or two compact dimensions. The link with string theory is discussed. We mention a possible implication for the gauge couplings unification in such models.Comment: 37 pages, 1 Figure, LaTeX; minor correction

    Effects of Extra Dimensions on Unitarity and Higgs Boson Mass

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    We study the unitarity constraint on the two body Higgs boson elastic scattering in the presence of extra dimensions. The contributions from exchange of spin-2 and spin-0 Kaluza-Klein states can have large effect on the partial wave amplitude. Unitarity condition restrict the maximal allowed value for the ratio rr of the center of mass energy to the gravity scale to be less than one. Although the constraint on the standard Higgs boson mass for rr of order one is considerably relaxed, for small rr the constraint is similar to that in the Standard Model. The resulting bound on the Higgs boson mass is not dramatically altered if perturbative calculations are required to be valid up to the maximal allowed value for rr.Comment: References added, RevTex, 9 pages with two figure