228 research outputs found

    A Causal Role for Primary Motor Cortex in Perception of Observed Actions.

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    It has been proposed that motor system activity during action observation may be modulated by the kinematics of observed actions. One purpose of this activity during action observation may be to predict the visual consequence of another person’s action based on their movement kinematics. Here, we tested the hypothesis that the primary motor cortex (M1) may have a causal role in inferring information that is present in the kinematics of observed actions. Healthy participants completed an action perception task before and after applying continuous theta burst stimulation (cTBS) over left M1. A neurophysiological marker was used to quantify the extent of M1 disruption following cTBS and stratify our sample a priori to provide an internal control. We found that a disruption to M1 caused a reduction in an individual’s sensitivity to interpret the kinematics of observed actions; the magnitude of suppression of motor excitability predicted this change in sensitivity

    Secondary Electron Yield Measurements of Fermilab's Main Injector Vacuum Vessel

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    We discuss the progress made on a new installation in Fermilab's Main Injector that will help investigate the electron cloud phenomenon by making direct measurements of the secondary electron yield (SEY) of samples irradiated in the accelerator. In the Project X upgrade the Main Injector will have its beam intensity increased by a factor of three compared to current operations. This may result in the beam being subject to instabilities from the electron cloud. Measured SEY values can be used to further constrain simulations and aid our extrapolation to Project X intensities. The SEY test-stand, developed in conjunction with Cornell and SLAC, is capable of measuring the SEY from samples using an incident electron beam when the samples are biased at different voltages. We present the design and manufacture of the test-stand and the results of initial laboratory tests on samples prior to installation.Comment: 3 pp. 3rd International Particle Accelerator Conference (IPAC 2012) 20-25 May 2012, New Orleans, Louisian

    Life history patterns of modern and fossil Mercenaria spp. from warm vs. cold climates

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    Recent work projects significant increases in sea surface temperature by the end of the 21st century. The biological consequences of such temperature increases are poorly understood. Study designs using a conservation paleobiology approach combined with sclerochronology methods can provide a powerful framework in which to assess these consequences. This study focuses on the ecological and economically important hard clam, Mercenaria, from modern and fossil settings that grew during climates that were warmer than or comparable to today. We compared lifespans and growth rates (von Bertalanffy k) of modern Mercenaria spp. populations to those from the Mid Pliocene Warm Period (MPWP) and early Pleistocene to better understand the influences of temperature on life history. We found that growth rates tend to increase with increasing temperature both through space and time. However, the relationship between lifespan and climate state is not as clear. Further, we observe that mid-to high-latitude individuals seem to be more impacted by changes in climate state than low latitude individuals. We suggest in response to increased seawater temperatures, mid- and high-latitude individuals might experience significant shifts towards faster growth rates whereas low latitude individuals might not see as much change. These findings provide insight to how growth rates and lifespans of Mercenaria might shift in response to future increases in seawater temperature. Understanding such impacts are critical for the development of management strategies and policies for future environmental change

    On slip pulses at a sheared frictional viscoelastic/ non deformable interface

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    We study the possibility for a semi-infinite block of linear viscoelastic material, in homogeneous frictional contact with a non-deformable one, to slide under shear via a periodic set of ``self-healing pulses'', i.e. a set of drifting slip regions separated by stick ones. We show that, contrary to existing experimental indications, such a mode of frictional sliding is impossible for an interface obeying a simple local Coulomb law of solid friction. We then discuss possible physical improvements of the friction model which might open the possibility of such dynamics, among which slip weakening of the friction coefficient, and stress the interest of developing systematic experimental investigations of this question.Comment: 23 pages, 3 figures. submitted to PR

    Implantable microelectromechanical sensors for diagnostic monitoring and post-surgical prediction of bone fracture healing

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    The relationship between modern clinical diagnostic data, such as from radiographs or computed tomography, and the temporal biomechanical integrity of bone fracture healing has not been well-established. A diagnostic tool that could quantitatively describe the biomechanical stability of the fracture site in order to predict the course of healing would represent a paradigm shift in the way fracture healing is evaluated. This paper describes the development and evaluation of a wireless, biocompatible, implantable, microelectromechanical system (bioMEMS) sensor, and its implementation in a large animal (ovine) model, that utilized both normal and delayed healing variants. The in vivo data indicated that the bioMEMS sensor was capable of detecting statistically significant differences (p-value <0.04) between the two fracture healing groups as early as 21 days post-fracture. In addition, post-sacrifice micro-computed tomography, and histology data demonstrated that the two model variants represented significantly different fracture healing outcomes, providing explicit supporting evidence that the sensor has the ability to predict differential healing cascades. These data verify that the bioMEMS sensor can be used as a diagnostic tool for detecting the in vivo course of fracture healing in the acute post-treatment period. © 2015 Orthopaedic Research Society. Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc

    Influence of alcohol consumption and alcohol metabolism variants on breast cancer risk among Black women: results from the AMBER consortium

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    Background: Moderate to heavy alcohol consumption is associated with an increased risk of breast cancer. The etiologic role of genetic variation in genes involved in ethanol metabolism has not been established, with little information available among women of African ancestry. Methods: Our analysis from the African American Breast Cancer Epidemiology and Risk (AMBER) Consortium included 2889 U.S. Black women who were current drinkers at the time of breast cancer diagnosis (N cases = 715) and had available genetic data for four ethanol metabolism genomic regions (ADH, ALDH, CYP2E1, and ALDH2). We used generalized estimating equations to calculate genetic effects, gene* alcohol consumption (≥ 7drinks/week vs. &lt; 7/week) interactions, and joint main plus interaction effects of up to 23,247 variants in ethanol metabolism genomic regions on odds of breast cancer. Results: Among current drinkers, 21% of cases and 14% of controls reported consuming ≥ 7 drinks per week. We identified statistically significant genetic effects for rs79865122-C in CYP2E1 with odds of ER- breast cancer and odds of triple negative breast cancer, as well as a significant joint effect with odds of ER- breast cancer (≥ 7drinks per week OR = 3.92, &lt; 7 drinks per week OR = 0.24, pjoint = 3.74 × 10−6). In addition, there was a statistically significant interaction of rs3858704-A in ALDH2 with consumption of ≥ 7 drinks/week on odds of triple negative breast cancer (≥ 7drinks per week OR = 4.41, &lt; 7 drinks per week OR = 0.57, pint = 8.97 × 10–5). Conclusions: There is a paucity of information on the impact of genetic variation in alcohol metabolism genes on odds of breast cancer among Black women. Our analysis of variants in four genomic regions harboring ethanol metabolism genes in a large consortium of U.S. Black women identified significant associations between rs79865122-C in CYP2E1 and odds of ER- and triple negative breast cancer. Replication of these findings is warranted

    Interorganellar DNA transfer in wheat: dynamics and phylogenetic origin

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    A homology search of wheat chloroplast (ct) and mitochondrial (mt) genomes identified 54 ctDNA segments that have homology with 66 mtDNA segments. The mtDNA segments were classified according to their origin: orthologs (prokaryotic origin), xenologs (interorganellar DNA transfer origin) and paralogs (intraorganellar DNA amplification origin). The 66 mtDNA sequences with homology to ctDNA segments included 14 paralogs, 18 orthologs and 34 xenologs. Analysis of the xenologs indicated that the DNA transfer occurred unidirectionally from the ct genome to the mt genome. The evolutionary timing of each interorganellar DNA transfer that generated a xenolog was estimated. This analysis showed that 2 xenologs originated early in green plant evolution, 4 in angiosperm evolution, 3 in monocotyledon evolution, 9 during cereal diversification and 8 in the evolution of wheat. Six other xenologs showed recurrent transfer from the ct to mt genomes in more than one taxon. The two remaining xenologs were uninformative on the evolutionary timing of their transfer. The wheat mt nad9 gene was found to be chimeric, consisting of the cereal nad9 gene and its 291 bp 5′-flanking region that included a 58 bp xenolog of the ct-ndhC origin

    The Intentional Use of Service Recovery Strategies to Influence Consumer Emotion, Cognition and Behaviour

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    Service recovery strategies have been identified as a critical factor in the success of. service organizations. This study develops a conceptual frame work to investigate how specific service recovery strategies influence the emotional, cognitive and negative behavioural responses of . consumers., as well as how emotion and cognition influence negative behavior. Understanding the impact of specific service recovery strategies will allow service providers' to more deliberately and intentionally engage in strategies that result in positive organizational outcomes. This study was conducted using a 2 x 2 between-subjects quasi-experimental design. The results suggest that service recovery has a significant impact on emotion, cognition and negative behavior. Similarly, satisfaction, negative emotion and positive emotion all influence negative behavior but distributive justice has no effect

    Swift follow-up of the Gravitational Wave source GW150914

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    The Advanced Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (ALIGO) observatory recently reported the first direct detection of gravitational waves (GW) which triggered ALIGO on 2015 September 14. We report on observations taken with the Swift satellite two days after the trigger. No new X-ray, optical, UV or hard X-ray sources were detected in our observations, which were focused on nearby galaxies in the GW error region and covered 4.7 deg2 (~2 per cent of the probability in the rapidly available GW error region; 0.3 per cent of the probability from the final GW error region, which was produced several months after the trigger). We describe the rapid Swift response and automated analysis of the X-ray telescope and UV/Optical telescope data, and note the importance to electromagnetic follow-up of early notification of the progenitor details inferred from GW analysis

    Genetic variation in the insulin, insulin-like growth factor, growth hormone, and leptin pathways in relation to breast cancer in African-American women: The AMBER consortium

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    The insulin/insulin-like growth factor (IGF) system and related pathways such as growth hormone, and leptin signaling have a key role in cancer development. It is unclear how germline variation in these pathways affects breast cancer risk. We conducted gene-based analyses of 184 genes in the insulin/IGF, growth hormone, and leptin pathways to identify genetic variation associated with risk of breast cancer overall, and for estrogen receptor (ER) subtypes. Tag single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) for each gene were selected and genotyped on a customized Illumina SNP array. Imputation was carried out using 1000 Genomes haplotypes. The analysis included 91,627 SNPs genotyped or imputed in 3,663 breast cancer cases, (1,983 ER-positive and 1,098 ER-negative) and 4,687 controls from the African American Breast Cancer Epidemiology and Risk consortium, a collaborative project of four large studies of breast cancer in African-American women (Carolina Breast Cancer Study, Black Women's Health Study, Women's Circle of Health Study, and Multiethnic Cohort). We used a multi-locus adaptive joint test to determine the association of each gene with overall breast cancer and ER subtypes. The most significant gene associations (P ≤ 0.01) were BAIAP2 and CALM2 for overall breast cancer; BAIAP2 and CSNK2A1 for ER + breast cancer; and BRAF, BAD, and MAPK3 for ER − breast cancer. The association of BAD with ER − breast cancer was explained by a two-SNP risk model; all other associations were best explained by one-SNP risk models. In total, six genes and seven SNPs had suggestive associations with overall breast cancer or ER subtypes in African-American women