13 research outputs found

    Virial coefficients of trapped and untrapped three-component fermions with three-body forces in arbitrary spatial dimensions

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    Using a coarse temporal lattice approximation, we calculate the first few terms of the virial expansion of a three-species fermion system with a three-body contact interaction in d spatial dimensions, both in homogeneous space and in a harmonic trapping potential of frequency ?. Using the three-body problem to renormalize, we report analytic results for the change in the fourth- and fifth-order virial coefficients ?b4 and ?b5 as functions of ?b3. Additionally, we argue that in the 0 limit the relationship bnT=n-d/2bn holds between the trapped (T) and the homogeneous coefficients for arbitrary temperature and coupling strength (not merely in scale-invariant regimes). Finally, we point out an exact, universal (coupling- and frequency-independent) relationship between ?b3T in one dimension with three-body forces and ?b2T in two dimensions with two-body forces

    Gravitation Physics at BGPL

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    We report progress on a program of gravitational physics experiments using cryogenic torsion pendula undergoing large-amplitude torsion oscillation. This program includes tests of the gravitational inverse square law and of the weak equivalence principle. Here we describe our ongoing search for inverse-square-law violation at a strength down to 10−510^{-5} of standard gravity. The low-vibration environment provided by the Battelle Gravitation Physics Laboratory (BGPL) is uniquely suited to this study.Comment: To be published in The Proceedings of the Francesco Melchiorri Memorial Conference as a special issue of New Astronomy Review

    Measurement of nitrous oxide emission from agricultural land using micrometeorological methods

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    The spatial variability of N2O emission from soil makes extrapolation to the field scale very difficult using; conventional chamber techniques ( < 1 m2). Micrometeorological techniques, which integrate N2O fluxes over areas of 0.1 to 1 km2 were therefore developed and compared with chamber methods over arable cropland. Measurements of N2O emission from an unfertilised organic soil (reclaimed from the sea in 1879) were made over a 10 d period at Lammefjord, Denmark. Flux-gradient and conditional sampling techniques were applied using two tunable diode laser spectrometers (TDLs), a Fourier transform infra-red spectrometer (FTIR) and a gas chromatograph (GC). Eddy covariance measurements were also made by the TDLs. Over the 10 d campaign approximately 5 d of continuous fluxes by the different methods were, obtained. Fluxes determined by eddy covariance were in reasonable agreement, showing a mean flux of 269 μg N m2 h−1. Flux-gradient techniques measured a mean flux of 226 μg N m−2 h−1. The mean flux measured by conditional sampling was 379 μg N m−2 h−1. The maximum annual emission of N2O from this soil system was estimated to be 23.5 kg N ha−1