919 research outputs found

    The factor VII activating protease G511E (Marburg) variant and cardiovascular risk

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    A previous study had shown a strong relationship between a variant in factor VII activating protease (FSAP G511E) and advanced carotid atheroma. In-vitro, the variant has reduced fibrinolytic but normal pro-coagulant activity, which may constitute a prothrombotic state. The current study has addressed risk for coronary heart disease in a prospective study of cardio vascular disorders (Northwick Park Heart Study II). An interactive effect upon risk was found between the 511E allele and elevated levels of cholesterol and triglyceride. Fibrinogen could substitute for triglyceride levels in this risk-interaction analysis. The findings support the proposal that the FSAP 511E allele exacerbates atherosclerosis or its clinical sequelae

    Geochemical and geophysical investigations north-west of Llanrwst, North Wales

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    Reconnaissance stream sediment surveys, carried out both by IGS and by Noranda Exploration (UK) Limited, detected zinc anomalies in the Afon Dulyn. It seemed probable either that they reflected a hidden extension of the Llanrwst lead-zinc mining field, or that they were concentrations related in the first instance to hydrous oxide precipitates produced by changes in the secondary environment. To test which of these possibilities was the most likely, a more detailed drainage survey of the Afon Dulyn and Llyn Eigiau areas was carried out. Stream sediment , panned concentrate and stream water samples were collected from each of 28 sites and analysed for a range of elements which included copper, lead and zinc in all three sample types, and iron, manganese and barium in sediments and concentrates. Readings were taken of the pH in stream water and soil at many points in the area. In addition , ground magnetic traverses were surveyed in the Foe1 Fras and Drosgl areas where there are known to be positive aeromagnetic anomalies. The analytical results were examined in some detail by various statistical methods, from which it was concluded that most of the high zinc in stream sediment results were related to hydrous oxide precipitates. The distribution of elements in a few samples showed some indications of mineralisation, but mineralogical examination of the panned concentrates from these sites found no mineral phases which could be related directly to mineralisation or contamination, zinc occurring mainly in iron oxide coatings. It is thus apparent that a source of zinc exists in the general area, perhaps on the wide interfluves, but it is not known whether this source is dispersed or concentrated (i.e. mineralisation)

    Three-mode analytical methods for crop improvement programs

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    Datatheorie voor analyse van individuele verschille

    Arctic Ocean Primary Productivity: The Response of Marine Algae to Climate Warming and Sea Ice Decline

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    Highlights: 1. Satellite estimates of ocean primary productivity (i.e., the rate at which marine algae transform dissolved inorganic carbon into organic material) were higher in 2018 (relative to the 2003-17 mean) for three of the nine investigated regions (the Eurasian Arctic, Bering Sea, and Baffin Bay). 2. All regions continue to exhibit positive trends over the 2003-18 period, with the strongest trends for the Eurasian Arctic, Barents Sea, Greenland Sea, and North Atlantic. 3. The regional distribution of relatively high (low) chlorophyll-a concentrations can often be associated with a relatively early (late) breakup of sea ice cover

    Elevated hypertension risk for African-origin populations in biracial societies : Modeling the Epidemiologic Transition Study.

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    OBJECTIVES: Blood pressures in persons of African descent exceed those of other racial/ethnic groups in the United States. Whether this trait is attributable to the genetic factors in African-origin populations, or a result of inadequately measured environmental exposures, such as racial discrimination, is not known. To study this question, we conducted a multisite comparative study of communities in the African diaspora, drawn from metropolitan Chicago, Kingston, Jamaica, rural Ghana, Cape Town, South Africa, and the Seychelles. METHODS: At each site, 500 participants between the age of 25 and 49 years, with approximately equal sex balance, were enrolled for a longitudinal study of energy expenditure and weight gain. In this study, we describe the patterns of blood pressure and hypertension observed at baseline among the sites. RESULTS: Mean SBP and DBP were very similar in the United States and South Africa in both men and women, although among women, the prevalence of hypertension was higher in the United States (24 vs. 17%, respectively). After adjustment for multiple covariates, relative to participants in the United States, SBP was significantly higher among the South Africans by 9.7 mmHg (P < 0.05) and significantly lower for each of the other sites: for example, Jamaica: -7.9 mmHg (P = 0.06), Ghana: -12.8 mmHg (P < 0.01) and Seychelles: -11.1 mmHg (P = 0.01). CONCLUSION: These data are consistent with prior findings of a blood pressure gradient in societies of the African diaspora and confirm that African-origin populations with lower social status in multiracial societies, such as the United States and South Africa, experience more hypertension than anticipated based on anthropometric and measurable socioeconomic risk factors

    Life path analysis: scaling indicates priming effects of social and habitat factors on dispersal distances

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    1. Movements of many animals along a life-path can be separated into repetitive ones within home ranges and transitions between home ranges. We sought relationships of social and environmental factors with initiation and distance of transition movements in 114 buzzards Buteo buteo that were marked as nestlings with long-life radio tags. 2. Ex-natal dispersal movements of 51 buzzards in autumn were longer than for 30 later in their first year and than 35 extra-natal movements between home ranges after leaving nest areas. In the second and third springs, distances moved from winter focal points by birds that paired were the same or less than for unpaired birds. No post-nuptial movement exceeded 2 km. 3. Initiation of early ex-natal dispersal was enhanced by presence of many sibs, but also by lack of worm-rich loam soils. Distances travelled were greatest for birds from small broods and with relatively little short grass-feeding habitat near the nest. Later movements were generally enhanced by the absence of loam soils and short grassland, especially with abundance of other buzzards and probable poor feeding habitats (heathland, long grass). 4. Buzzards tended to persist in their first autumn where arable land was abundant, but subsequently showed a strong tendency to move from this habitat. 5. Factors that acted most strongly in ½-km buffers round nests, or round subsequent focal points, usually promoted movement compared with factors acting at a larger scale. Strong relationships between movement distances and environmental characteristics in ½-km buffers, especially during early ex-natal dispersal, suggested that buzzards became primed by these factors to travel far. 6. Movements were also farthest for buzzards that had already moved far from their natal nests, perhaps reflecting genetic predisposition, long-term priming or poor habitat beyond the study area

    Bound state solutions of the Dirac-Rosen-Morse potential with spin and pseudospin symmetry

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    The energy spectra and the corresponding two- component spinor wavefunctions of the Dirac equation for the Rosen-Morse potential with spin and pseudospin symmetry are obtained. The ss-wave (κ=0\kappa = 0 state) solutions for this problem are obtained by using the basic concept of the supersymmetric quantum mechanics approach and function analysis (standard approach) in the calculations. Under the spin symmetry and pseudospin symmetry, the energy equation and the corresponding two-component spinor wavefunctions for this potential and other special types of this potential are obtained. Extension of this result to κ0\kappa \neq 0 state is suggested.Comment: 18 page

    Verifying nomenclature of DNA variants in submitted manuscripts: guidance for journals

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    Documenting variation in our genomes is important for research and clinical care. Accuracy in the description of DNA variants is therefore essential. To address this issue, the Human Variome Project convened a committee to evaluate the feasibility of requiring authors to verify that all variants submitted for publication complied with a widely accepted standard for description. After a pilot study of two journals, the committee agreed that requiring authors to verify that variants complied with Human Genome Variation Society nomenclature is a reasonable step toward standardizing the worldwide inventory of human variation.Molecular Technology and Informatics for Personalised Medicine and Healt