6,260 research outputs found

    Electric-field-induced phase transition of <001> oriented Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3-PbTiO3 single crystals

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    oriented 0.7Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3-0.3PbTiO3 single crystals were poled under different electric fields, i.e. Epoling=4 kV/cm and Epoling=13 kV/cm. In addition to the temperature-dependent dielectric constant measurement, X-ray diffraction was also used to identify the poling-induced phase transitions. Results showed that the phase transition significantly depends on the poling intensity. A weaker field (Epoling=4 kV/cm) can overcome the effect of random internal field to perform the phase transition from rhombohedral ferroelectric state with short range ordering (microdomain) FESRO to rhombohedral ferroelectric state with long range ordering (macrodomain) FElRO. But the rhombohedral ferroelectric to tetragonal ferroelectric phase transition originating from to polarization rotation can only be induced by a stronger field (Epoling=13 kV/cm). The sample poled at Epoling=4 kV/cm showed higher piezoelectric constant, d33>1500 pC/N, than the sample poled at Epoling=13 kV/cm.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figure

    Pinning of quantized vortices in helium drop by dopant atoms and molecules

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    Using a density functional method, we investigate the properties of liquid 4He droplets doped with atoms (Ne and Xe) and molecules (SF_6 and HCN). We consider the case of droplets having a quantized vortex pinned to the dopant. A liquid drop formula is proposed that accurately describes the total energy of the complex and allows one to extrapolate the density functional results to large N. For a given impurity, we find that the formation of a dopant+vortex+4He_N complex is energetically favored below a critical size N_cr. Our result support the possibility to observe quantized vortices in helium droplets by means of spectroscopic techniques.Comment: Typeset using Revtex, 3 pages and 5 figures (4 Postscript, 1 jpeg

    Bound states of 3He at the edge of a 4He drop on a cesium surface

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    We show that small amounts of 3He atoms, added to a 4He drop deposited on a flat cesium surface at zero temperature, populate bound states localized at the contact line. These edge states show up for drops large enough to develop well defined surface and bulk regions together with a contact line, and they are structurally different from the well-known Andreev states that appear at the free surface and at the liquid-solid interface of films. We illustrate the one-body density of 3He in a drop with 1000 4He atoms, and show that for sufficiently large number of impurities, the density profiles spread beyond the edge, coating both the curved drop surface and its flat base and eventually isolating it from the substrate.Comment: 10 pages and 7 figures. Submitted to PR

    Structure and far-infrared edge modes of quantum antidots at zero magnetic field

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    We have investigated edge modes of different multipolarity sustained by quantum antidots at zero magnetic field. The ground state of the antidot is described within a local density functional formalism. Two sum rules, which are exact within this formalism, have been derived and used to evaluate the energy of edge collective modes as a function of the surface density and the size of the antidot.Comment: Typeset using Revtex, 8 pages and 6 Postscript figure

    Individual-based modelling of the development and transport of a Karenia mikimotoi bloom on the North-West European continental shelf

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    In 2006, a large and prolonged bloom of the dinoflagellate Karenia mikimotoi occurred in Scottish coastal waters, causing extensive mortalities of benthic organisms including annelids and molluscs and some species of fish ( Davidson et al., 2009). A coupled hydrodynamic-algal transport model was developed to track the progression of the bloom around the Scottish coast during June–September 2006 and hence investigate the processes controlling the bloom dynamics. Within this individual-based model, cells were capable of growth, mortality and phototaxis and were transported by physical processes of advection and turbulent diffusion, using current velocities extracted from operational simulations of the MRCS ocean circulation model of the North-west European continental shelf. Vertical and horizontal turbulent diffusion of cells are treated using a random walk approach. Comparison of model output with remotely sensed chlorophyll concentrations and cell counts from coastal monitoring stations indicated that it was necessary to include multiple spatially distinct seed populations of K. mikimotoi at separate locations on the shelf edge to capture the qualitative pattern of bloom transport and development. We interpret this as indicating that the source population was being transported northwards by the Hebridean slope current from where colonies of K. mikimotoi were injected onto the continental shelf by eddies or other transient exchange processes. The model was used to investigate the effects on simulated K. mikimotoi transport and dispersal of: (1) the distribution of the initial seed population; (2) algal growth and mortality; (3) water temperature; (4) the vertical movement of particles by diurnal migration and eddy diffusion; (5) the relative role of the shelf edge and coastal currents; (6) the role of wind forcing. The numerical experiments emphasized the requirement for a physiologically based biological model and indicated that improved modelling of future blooms will potentially benefit from better parameterisation of temperature dependence of both growth and mortality and finer spatial and temporal hydrodynamic resolution

    Multiplication and Composition in Weighted Modulation Spaces

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    We study the existence of the product of two weighted modulation spaces. For this purpose we discuss two different strategies. The more simple one allows transparent proofs in various situations. However, our second method allows a closer look onto associated norm inequalities under restrictions in the Fourier image. This will give us the opportunity to treat the boundedness of composition operators.Comment: 49 page

    A Multi-Phase Transport model for nuclear collisions at RHIC

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    To study heavy ion collisions at energies available from the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider, we have developed a multi-phase transport model that includes both initial partonic and final hadronic interactions. Specifically, the parton cascade model ZPC, which uses as input the parton distribution from the HIJING model, is extended to include the quark-gluon to hadronic matter transition and also final-state hadronic interactions based on the ART model. Predictions of the model for central Au on Au collisions at RHIC are reported.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    Study of relativistic nuclear collisions at AGS energies from p+Be to Au+Au with hadronic cascade model

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    A hadronic cascade model based on resonances and strings is used to study mass dependence of relativistic nuclear collisions from p+Be to Au+Au at AGS energies (\sim 10\AGeV) systematically. Hadron transverse momentum and rapidity distributions obtained with both cascade calculations and Glauber type calculations are compared with experimental data to perform detailed discussion about the importance of rescattering among hadrons. We find good agreement with the experimental data without any change of model parameters with the cascade model. It is found that rescattering is of importance both for the explanation of high transverse momentum tail and for the multiplicity of produced particles.Comment: 27 pages, 30 figure

    Spin Relaxation in Single Layer Graphene with Tunable Mobility

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    Graphene is an attractive material for spintronics due to theoretical predictions of long spin lifetimes arising from low spin-orbit and hyperfine couplings. In experiments, however, spin lifetimes in single layer graphene (SLG) measured via Hanle effects are much shorter than expected theoretically. Thus, the origin of spin relaxation in SLG is a major issue for graphene spintronics. Despite extensive theoretical and experimental work addressing this question, there is still little clarity on the microscopic origin of spin relaxation. By using organic ligand-bound nanoparticles as charge reservoirs to tune mobility between 2700 and 12000 cm2/Vs, we successfully isolate the effect of charged impurity scattering on spin relaxation in SLG. Our results demonstrate that while charged impurities can greatly affect mobility, the spin lifetimes are not affected by charged impurity scattering.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figure

    Tracking and imaging gamma ray experiment (TIGRE) for 1 to 100 MEV gamma ray astronomy

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    A large international collaboration from the high energy astrophysics community has proposed the Tracking and Imaging Gamma Ray Experiment (TIGRE) for future space observations. TIGRE will image and perform energy spectroscopy measurements on celestial sources of gamma rays in the energy range from 1 to 100 MeV. This has been a difficult energy range experimentally for gamma ray astronomy but is vital for the future considering the recent exciting measurements below 1 and above 100 MeV. TIGRE is both a double scatter Compton and gamma ray pair telescope with direct imaging of individual gamma ray events. Multi‐layers of Si strip detectors are used as Compton and pair converters CsI(Tl) scintillation detectors are used as a position sensitive calorimeter. Alternatively, thick GE strip detectors may be used for the calorimeter. The Si detectors are able to track electrons and positrons through successive Si layers and measure their directions and energy losses. Compton and pair events are completely reconstructed allowing each event to be imaged on the sky. TIGRE will provide an order‐of‐magnitude improvement in discrete source sensitivity in the 1 to 100 MeV energy range and determine spectra with excellent energy and excellent angular resolutions. It’s wide field‐of‐view of π sr permits observations of the entire sky for extended periods of time over the life of the mission