120 research outputs found

    The impact of silver nanoparticles on microbial communities and antibiotic resistance determinants in the environment.

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    Nanosilver (NAg) is currently one of the major alternative antimicrobials to control microorganisms. With its broad-spectrum efficacy and lucrative commercial values, NAg has been used in medical devices and increasingly, in consumer products and appliances. This widespread use has inevitably led to the release and accumulation of the nanoparticle in water and sediment, in soil and even, wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). This Article describes the physical and chemical transformations of NAg as well as the impact of the nanoparticle on microbial communities in different environmental settings; how the nanoparticle shifts not only the diversity and abundance of microbes, including those that are important in nitrogen cycles and decomposition of organic matters, but also their associated genes and in turn, the key metabolic processes. Current findings on the microbiological activity of the leached soluble silver, solid silver particulates and their respective transformed products, which underpin the mechanism of the nanoparticle toxicity in environmental microbes, is critically discussed. The Article also addresses the emerging evidence of silver-driven co-selection of antibiotic resistance determinants. The mechanism has been linked to the increasing pools of many antibiotic resistance genes already detected in samples from different environmental settings, which could ultimately find their ways to animals and human. The realized ecological impact of NAg calls for more judicial use of the nanoparticle. The generated knowledge can inform strategies for a better 'risks versus benefits' assessment of NAg applications, including the disposal stage

    Implementasi Peraturan Daerah No. 11 Tahun 2000 Tentang Pengaturan Dan Pembinaan Pedagang Kaki Lima Di Kawasan Tlogosari Semarang

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    Kota Semarang merupakan ibukota Provinsi Jawa Tengah yang memiliki sejumlah besar pedagang kaki lima. Wilayah Penelitian ini adalah tentang PKL di Tlogosari Semarang yang berada di bantaran sungai Jembatan 1 dan 2. PKL mengambil badan jalan sehingga menyebabkan kemacetan, serta mempengaruhi pula kebersihan dan nilai estetika sekitar kawasan Tlogosari. PKL di jembatan 1 dan 2 ini juga dapat dikatakan illegal karena mereka tidak mendapatkan perijinan dari pihak Kelurahan Tlogosari. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif deskriptif, dengan teknik pengumpulan data menggabungkan antara wawancara, observasi, dokumentasi dan studi pustaka. Penelitian ini menggambarkan bagaimana Peraturan Daerah No. 11 Tahun 2000 Tentang Pengaturan dan Pembinaan Pedagang Kaki Lima di Kawasan Tlogosari Semarang. Pemerintah Kota Semarang menyediakan lahan baru di Pasar Suryokusumo yang telah diresmikan bulan Maret 2016 untuk mengatasi PKL liar di Jembatan 1 dan 2 Tlogosari, dikatakan belum tepat sasaran mengingat PKL malah justru kembali menempati Jembatan 1 dan 2. Selain itu, PKL di Tlogosari kurang mengetahui detailnya isi dari Perda No 11 Tahun 2000 tentang Pengaturan dan Pembinaan PKL, sehingga tidak heran jika para PKL masih melanggar peraturan yang sudah ada. Diharapkan Pemerintah Kota Semarang segera menangani masalah pengaturan dan pembinaan PKL di Tlogosari agar tidak semakin meluas

    Implementasi Kebijakan Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Dalam Pembangunan Desa Di Kawasan Perusahaan PT. Sasa Inti Minsel Studi Kasus Di Kecamatan Tenga Kabupaten Minahasa Selatan

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui bagaimana pola alokasi Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) PT Sasa Inti Minsel di Kecamatan Tenga Kabupaten Minahasa Selatan.  partai politik telah melakukan upaya agar semua masyarakat dapat menggunakan hak suara mereka. CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) adalah suatu konsep atau tindakan yang dilakukan oleh perusahaan sebagai rasa tanggung jawab perusahaan terhadap social maupun lingkungan sekitar dimana perusahaan itu berada, seperti melakukan suatu kegiatan yang dapat meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat sekitar dan menjaga lingkungan, memberikan beasiswa untuk anak tidak mampu di daerah tersebut, dana untuk pemeliharaan fasilitas umum, sumbangan untuk membangun desa/fasilitas masyarakat yang bersifat sosial dan berguna untuk masyarakat banyak, khususnya masyarakat yang berada di sekitar perusahaan tersebut berada.  Penelitian ini berada Desa Di Kawasan Perusahaan PT. Sasa Inti Minsel khususnya di Kecamatan Tenga Kabupaten Minahasa Selatan. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif. Hasil penelitian disimpulkan bahwa indikator adanya perhatian terhadap sosial dan ekonomi kagiatan CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility ) ini, pihak perusahaan PT. Sasa Inti Minsel melibatkan masyarakat dan pemerintah setempat serta ikut serta dalam suatu kegiatan CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility ) perusahaan. 2.      Upaya yang dilakukan oleh perusahaan PT. Sasa Inti Minsel dalam pembangunan pada kegiatan CSR ( Corporate Social Responsibility ) ini di Desa Radey Kecamatan Tenga Kabupaten Minahasa Selatan sangat efektif.   Kata Kunci: Implementasi, Kebijakan CSR, Pembanguna

    Pengaruh Pemberian Ekstrak Biji Kakao (Theobroma Cacao) Terhadap Jumlah Pigmen Melanin Kulit Tikus Wistar (Rattus Novergicus) Yang Dipapar Sinar Matahari

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    : Excessive exposure of sunlight may cause hyperpigmentation. Cocoa is a beneficial plant to the skin. This study was aimed to reveal the effect of cocoa bean extracts on the number of melanin pigments in rat skin after sun exposure. This was an experimental study using 25 Wistar rats (Rattus norvegicus) divided into one control group and four treatment groups. The treatment consisted of sunlight exposure for one hour/day and application of cocoa bean extract 1600 mg/day that varied among treatment groups. Group A was the negative control group (terminated at day 21). Group B, the treatment group 1, was exposed to sunlight for 30 days (terminated at day 31). Group C, the treatment group 2, was exposed to sunlight for 20 days (terminated at day 31). Group D, the treatment group 3, was divided into group D1 consisted of 2 rats and group D2 consisted of 3 rats. Group D1 was exposed to sunlight 30 minutes after the application of cocoa bean extract for 20 days (terminated at day 21). Group D2 was exposed to sunlight 30 minutes after the application of cocoa bean extract for 30 days (terminated at day 31). Group E was exposed to sunlight for 20 days and continued with the application of cocoa bean extract for the next 10 days (terminated at day 3). The results showed that sunlight exposure increased the number of melanin pigments in group B and C compared to group A. Group D showed fewer melanin pigments than group B and C. Group E showed fewer melanin pigments than group B, C, and D. Conclusion: Cocoa bean extract could reduce the number of skin melanin pigments in rats exposed to sunlight

    Kajian Terhadap Beberapa Desain Dan Estimasi Biaya Tebal Perkerasan Jalan

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    Jenis perkerasan jalan raya di Indonesia saat ini yaitu perkerasan lentur, concrete block, dan beton semen. Jalan yang akan dirancang dan dihitung estimasi biayanya adalah Jalan Raya Lawean – Sukapura dengan panjang total 10 km menggunakan data yang didapat dari Dinas Pekerjaan Umum Bina Marga Propinsi Jawa Timur. Dalam mengkaji perkerasan digunakan metode analisa komponen untuk perkerasan lentur, metode modifikasi perkerasan lentur untuk perkerasan concrete block, dan Peraturan Perencanaan Perkerasan Jalan Beton Semen Pd T-14-2003 untuk perkerasan beton semen dengan memasukkan parameter perancangan jalan: nilai CBR tanah dasar dan beban lalu lintas yang sama. Perhitungan estimasi biaya berdasarkan Standar Satuan Harga Dasar Konstruksi dan Analisa Harga Satuan Pekerjaan Dinas Pekerjaan Umum Jawa Timur Tahun Anggaran 2011. Dari masing – masing metode didapat tebal tiap lapis perkerasan yaitu perkerasan lentur : lapis permukaan = 7,5 cm, lapis pondasi atas = 20 cm, lapis pondasi bawah = 27 cm; perkerasan concrete block : lapis permukaan = 8 cm, lapis sand bedding = 3 cm, lapis pondasi atas = 20 cm, lapis pondasi bawah = 22 cm; perkerasan beton semen : lapis permukaan = 24 cm, lapis pondasi bawah = 10 cm. Perhitungan estimasi biaya didapat perkerasan concrete block lebih murah 18,23% dari perkerasan lentur, sedangkan perkerasan beton semen lebih mahal 62,55% dari perkerasan lentur

    Aktivitas Antioksidan dan Antitrigliserida Ekstrak Tunggal Kedelai, Daun Jati Belanda Serta Kombinasinya

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    Pada keadaan obesitas, terjadi keadaan stress oksidatifdan kadar trigliserida >200 mg/dL. Terapi untukmengatasinya adalah pemberian antioksidan dan antitrigliserida. Tanaman yang mempunyai efek terhadapkedua hal tersebut, antara lain Kedelai dan Jati Belanda.Tujuan Penelitian mengetahui aktivitas antioksidandan antitrigliserida ekstrak etanol biji kedelai Detam1 (EEKD), ekstrak etanol daun jati Belanda (EEJB)bentuk tunggal dan kombinasinya secara in vitro dan exvivo. Percobaan antiok-sidan in vitro, EEKD dan EEJBdibuat dalam 5 konsentrasi berbeda, kemudian tiapkonsentrasi dibagi menjadi 5 kelompok. Pengukurandilakukan dengan meng-gunakan microplate readerdigital dengan ë 600 nm. Data dianalisis menggunakanANAVA dan uji Tukey LSD, á= 0,05. Pada percobaan exvivo, sel kultur HepG2 diberi enam perlakuan dengan4 kali pengulangan. Setiap kelompok diinduksi denganasam oleat dan palmitat. Parameter yang diamati adalahkadar trigliserida dengan metoda spektrofotometri.Data dianalisis dengan uji Kruskal Wallis dilanjutkanuji Mann Whitney. Hasil penelitian in vitro, pada semuakonsentrasi, semua ekstrak menunjukan aktivitas antioksidan,dan pada konsentrasi 800 ìg/mL, aktivitastertinggi didapatkan pada kelompok kombinasi V. Padapercobaan antitrigliserida ex vivo, semua perlakuanmenunjukkan perbedaan bermakna dengan kontrolnegatif (p<0,05). Pada konsentrasi ekstrak 250 ìg/mLpersentase penurunan pada ekstrak tunggal EEJBatau EEKD lebih tinggi dibandingkan kombinasi danberbeda signifikan (p<0,05). Kedelai Detam 1 danDaun Jati Belanda memiliki aktivitas antioksidan danantitrigliserida. Ekstrak kombinasi memiliki akti-vitasantioksidan lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan ekstraktunggalnya sedangkan ekstrak etanol tunggal daun JatiBelanda memiliki potensi antitrigliserida paling baik

    Comparison Between Hydrogel Polyurethane Foam and Standard Dressing for Treatment of Chronic Ischemic Wound

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    Introduction.Chronic wounds are very common and difficult to treat. One of recent methods is the application of hydrogel polyurethane foam. This study aims to compare hydrogel polyurethane foam with saline wet gauze, in the healing process of chronic ischemic wounds in rabbits.Materials and methods.Ischemic chronic wounds were made to the cartilage in the left ear of 16 male rabbits. Wounds were treated with hydrogel polyurethane foam and saline wet gauze for 4 weeks.Results.Chronic wounds heal with the use of hydrogel polyurethane foam in 15 samples (93.75%). While using saline wet gauze, chronic wounds heal in 13 samples (81.25 %). Conclusions. Application of hydrogel polyurethane foam has clinically better result than saline wet gauze although there is not any statistically significant difference

    Putative ligand binding sites of two functionally characterized bark beetle odorant receptors

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    Background: Bark beetles are major pests of conifer forests, and their behavior is primarily mediated via olfaction. Targeting the odorant receptors (ORs) may thus provide avenues towards improved pest control. Such an approach requires information on the function of ORs and their interactions with ligands, which is also essential for understanding the functional evolution of these receptors. Hence, we aimed to identify a high-quality complement of ORs from the destructive spruce bark beetle Ips typographus (Coleoptera, Curculionidae, Scolytinae) and analyze their antennal expression and phylogenetic relationships with ORs from other beetles. Using 68 biologically relevant test compounds, we next aimed to functionally characterize ecologically important ORs, using two systems for heterologous expression. Our final aim was to gain insight into the ligand-OR interaction of the functionally characterized ORs, using a combination of computational and experimental methods. Results: We annotated 73 ORs from an antennal transcriptome of I. typographus and report the functional characterization of two ORs (ItypOR46 and ItypOR49), which are responsive to single enantiomers of the common bark beetle pheromone compounds ipsenol and ipsdienol, respectively. Their responses and antennal expression correlate with the specificities, localizations, and/or abundances of olfactory sensory neurons detecting these enantiomers. We use homology modeling and molecular docking to predict their binding sites. Our models reveal a likely binding cleft lined with residues that previously have been shown to affect the responses of insect ORs. Within this cleft, the active ligands are predicted to specifically interact with residues Tyr84 and Thr205 in ItypOR46. The suggested importance of these residues in the activation by ipsenol is experimentally supported through site-directed mutagenesis and functional testing, and hydrogen bonding appears key in pheromone binding. Conclusions: The emerging insight into ligand binding in the two characterized ItypORs has a general importance for our understanding of the molecular and functional evolution of the insect OR gene family. Due to the ecological importance of the characterized receptors and widespread use of ipsenol and ipsdienol in bark beetle chemical communication, these ORs should be evaluated for their potential use in pest control and biosensors to detect bark beetle infestations

    Developing Marketing Strategy Of PT Angkasa Dwi Utama To America

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    PT. Angkasa Dwi Utama, our company has two subsidiaries convinced backpackerjalanjalan.com and tour and travel of Putra Hadi. As we know traveling increasingly in demand by many people and society, but foreigners who are have travelling hobbies, our company can provide tours to several countries in Asia but our company is more concerned to travel in Indonesia. Indonesia has many beautiful spots around the country, but these spots are not published well to the other country. Because of that we use online media for promotion of our business and the hidden beautiful spots in Indonesia, we use website, facebook, twitter, etc. This company have good management systems and interesting tour and travel packages, but this company are not doing promotion well. This company is have great potential to be better, so our team try to help this company selling the product abroad specially USA. The recommended idea from our team is using promotion by social media. We use social media because that is the quickest way to promote it without going to the targeted country. Our team is try to cooperate with another travel agent abroad which is AmericaAsia.com Our team are very optimistic with this project to help the company being International travel agent. We are hoping that our recommended idea can help the company to get more and more travel agent partnership


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    Abstrak. Sebuah aplikasi “UML Java Code Generator” dapat membantu developer dalam proses menerjemahkan UML ke dalam bentuk tulisan program. Untuk merancang aplikasi dengan baik dan terstruktur sehingga rancangan aplikasi berkualitas dan dapat mudah dimengerti, maka diterapkan design pattern. Design pattern dapat meningkatkan skalabilitas dan maintainabilitas dari aplikasi. Design pattern yang diterapkan adalah composite pattern sebagai desain pola struktural dan command pattern sebagai desain pola behavioral. Hasil penelitian adalah: (1) penerapan command pattern pada aplikasi dapat mendukung fungsionalitas undo dan redo yang dapat memudahkan user dalam menggunakan aplikasi (2) penerapan composite pattern bermanfaat karena kebutuhan terhadap dua atau lebih subclass dapat diwakili oleh satu superclass.   Kata Kunci: UML generator, Design Pattern, Command Pattern, Composite Patter