193 research outputs found


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    The problem of abuse by community of free-ride users in decentralized networks with reward distribution is considered. Various structures for organizing nodes of a decentralized network belonging to the community of free-ride users, which can be used to obtain the greatest benefit in reward distributing in the network, are proposed. To compare the proposed structures, simulation of reward distribution was used. After analyzing the results of experiments, it was concluded that combining the nodes belonging to community of free-ride users into a structure of the “Generalized Ring” type with a sufficiently large number of nodes gives the best results from all the proposed structures.Key words: decentralized networks, P2P, abuse, free-ride users, reward distribution, author, subscriber.Анищенко К.М.; кандидат технических наук, доцент, Жданова Е.Г.; Скорик В.А., кандидат технических наук, доцент, Сперкач М.О., Исследование возможностей злоупотреблений в децентрализованных сетях с распределением награды/ Национальный технический университет Украины «Киевский политехнический институт имени Игоря Сикорского», Украина, г. КиевРассмотрена проблема злоупотреблений со стороны сообщества free-ride пользователей в децентрализованных сетях с распределением награды. Предложены разные структуры организации узлов децентрализованной сети, принадлежащих сообществу free-ride пользователей, которые могут быть использованы с целью получения наибольшей выгоды при распределении наград в сети. Для сравнения предложенных структур было проведено моделирование распределения наград. В результате анализа результатов экспериментов сделано выводы о том, что объединение узлов, принадлежащих сообществу free-ride пользователей в структуру типа «Обобщенное кольцо» при достаточно большом количестве узлов дает наилучшие результаты из всех предложенных структур.Ключевые слова: децентрализованные сети, P2P, злоупотребления, free-ride пользователи, распределение наград, автор, подписчик

    Student youth participation in the development of a comfortable urban environment

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    Currently, the problem of youth participation in the development of urban space is extremely relevant both from the perspective of transforming the living environment with the resources of local communities, and the socialization of urban youth itself, expanding opportunities for personal growth through involvement in socially useful activities. The purpose of the article is to identify the conditions and readiness to participate in the development of a comfortable urban environment for students. The study was conducted in Vologda, Russian Federation, through a quantitative methodological strategy (questionnaire survey among university students, n = 207). The paper presents theoretical and methodological approaches to understanding the urban environment and a comfortable urban environment. It is indicated that a comfortable urban environment is a socio-economic category, reflecting the interactions within the urban space, which is most comfortable for the life of citizens. It is concluded that the student youth expresses their willingness to actively participate in decision-making on the development and improvement of the urban environment. In conclusion, the directions of enhancing the civic participation of young people in the formation of a comfortable urban space on the basis of dialogue platforms are considered

    Optimization criteria for entry into the consolidated group of taxpayers in order to create an effective tax mechanism and improve the social, economic development of regions in the Russian Federation

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    This article discusses the existing socio-economic development of regions. The social and economic development of the regions is directly affected by the tax ratio and mechanisms of their functioning, which are the subject of study for both foreign and Russian economists, as the state regulation of any economy is possible through tax relations between parties. In 2012, there was established the taxation of consolidated groups of taxpayers, which exists in many countries and provides payment of income taxes based on the total financial and business performance of the group. However, in our opinion, the requirements for entry into the group are much too high. The article presents a method that allows analyzing the changes in the number of potential participants of a consolidated group of taxpayers depending on the changes in the threshold of entry using indicators. These indicators can be based on the aggregate value of assets, or represented in terms of total revenue or the amount of taxes paid. The reduction in the existing criteria will optimize tax administration of the major taxpayers and more evenly redistribute financial flows between regions of Russia

    DUET: A phase 2 study evaluating the efficacy and safety of sparsentan in patients with FSGS

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    Background: We evaluated and compared the effects of sparsentan, a dual endothelin type A (ETA) and angiotensin II type 1 receptor antagonist, with those of the angiotensin II type 1 receptor antagonist irbesartan in patients with primary FSGS. Methods: In this phase 2, randomized, double-blind, active-control Efficacy and Safety of Sparsentan (RE-021), a Dual Endothelin Receptor and Angiotensin Receptor Blocker, in Patients with Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS): A Randomized, Double-blind, Active-Control, Dose-Escalation Study (DUET), patients aged 8-75 yearswith biopsy-proven FSGS, eGFR>30ml/min per 1.73m2, and urinary protein-to-creatinine ratio (UP/C)≥1.0 g/g received sparsentan (200, 400, or 800 mg/d) or irbesartan (300mg/d) for 8 weeks, followed by open-label sparsentan only. End points atweek 8 were reduction from baseline inUP/C(primary) and proportion of patients achieving FSGS partial remission end point (FPRE) (UP/C:≤1.5 g/g and>40%reduction [secondary]). Results: Of 109 patients randomized, 96 received study drugs and had baseline and week 8 UP/C measurements. Sparsentan-treated patients had greater reductions in UP/C than irbesartan-treated patients didwhen all doses (45%versus 19%; P=0.006) or the 400 and 800mg doses (47%versus 19%; P=0.01) were pooled for analysis. The FSGS partial remission end point was achieved in 28% of sparsentan-treated and 9% of irbesartan-treated patients (P=0.04). After 8 weeks of treatment, BP was reduced with sparsentan but not irbesartan, and eGFR was stable with both treatments. Overall, the incidence of adverse events was similar between groups. Hypotension and edema were more common among sparsentan-treated patients but did not result in study withdrawals. Conclusions: Patients with FSGS achieved significantly greater reductions in proteinuria after 8 weeks of sparsentan versus irbesartan. Sparsentan was safe and well tolerated

    Appropriate prevention of vitamin D deficiency in the population of the Irkutsk region

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    Purpose of the study. To determine the influence of climatic and geographical factors of the Irkutsk region on the risk of hypovitaminosis D in children and adults. Patients and methods. The contents of 25(OH)D-3 in the blood of children and adults (3261 samples) were evaluated. The materials were obtained in the Diagnostic Center of the region and the InVitro laboratory. Results of monitoring of ultraviolet radiation and precipitation in the Irkutsk region for 2014-2015 were analyzed according to ground and satellite measurements. Results. The Irkutsk region is in the zone of ultraviolet insufficiency during the period from September-October to March-May. The status of the metabolite of vitamin D - 25(oH)D3 in the population of the region is low, especially in adolescents and people older than 70 years. 68 % of children have vitamin D deficiency. Activity of 25(oH)D3 depends on meteorological factors, especially the level of precipitation and the intake of vitamin D. For each geographical area of the region, time intervals were calculated for the formation of vitamin D in the skin under the influence of ultraviolet radiation and time intervals for the intake of vitamin D preparations. The exposure time in the sun was calculated for the formation of vitamin D for individuals with different skin phototypes, depending on the degree of its openness


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    Dynamics of crystallogenic and initiating properties of saliva in patients with alveococcosis during the surgery and in the late postoperative period were specified. Saliva samples of 22 patients with liver alveococcosis were examined at the Kirov Zonal Hepathology Center. The diagnosis has been verified by instrumental methods (ultrasound examination, computer and/or magnetic-resonance tomography) and laboratory tests (latex agglutination test and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay). A successful surgical treatment has been conducted in all patients. Crystal-logenic properties of saliva were estimated by the methods of crystalloscopy and thesigraphy along with a criteria-based definition of facies. A spectrometric examination of crystalloscopic and thesigraphic facies of saliva has also been conducted. It was determined that the surgical treatment of liver alveococcosis leads to a partial normalization of the crystallogenic and initiating properties of saliva already on checking out from hospital.Уточнена динамика кристаллогенной и инициирующей активности слюны пациентов с альвеококкозом при проведении оперативного лечения и в отдаленном послеоперационном периоде. Исследованы образцы слюны 22 пациентов с диагнозом альвеококкоз в Кировском зональном гепатологическом центре. Диагноз ставили на основании ультразвукового исследования, компьютерной и/или магнитно-резонансной томографии и лабораторных (латекс-агглютинации, ИФА) тестов. Всем больным выполнены оперативные вмешательства, которые они успешно перенесли. Кристаллогенные свойства слюны оценивали с использованием метода тезиокристаллоскопии с критериальным описанием фаций. Также проведено спектрометрическое исследование кристаллоскопических и тезиграфических фаций слюны. Установлено, что оперативное лечение альвеококкоза печени приводит к частичной нормализации кристаллогенных и инициирующих свойств слюны уже к моменту выписки из стационара

    Аллергия на металлы

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    Allergic reactions associated with sensitisation to metals are a common but underexplored problem. Due to the frequent use of metals and their alloys there has been an increase in the number of registered cases of allergic reactions. Recently there have been cases when allergic reactions were induced by metals that were previously considered absolutely inert and non-allergenic, such as gold, palladium and others. The aim of this work was to summarise scientific data on allergic reactions to metals and their diagnosis in humans. In medicine, alloys of nickel, palladium and gold are used in the manufacture of both surgical instruments and various implants used in orthopedics, endovascular surgery, gynecology and dentistry. Allergic reactions to these metals may lead to failure of artificial joints, thrombosis of endovascular stents, stomatitis, gingivitis, and dermatitis. The most frequent allergic reaction to metals is contact dermatitis which is most frequently caused by nickel. Metal allergies are diagnosed by skin tests. There are no Russian-made diagnostic systems for detecting metal allergies. The diagnosis of allergic contact dermatitis is performed with the help of AllerTest test kit («TRUE Test», Denmark). Therefore, elaboration of a domestic diagnostic test for timely detection of allergies to metals is still relevant.Аллергические реакции, связанные с сенсибилизацией к металлам, являются распространенной, но недостаточно изученной проблемой. В связи с частым использованием металлов и их сплавов регистрируют все больше случаев аллергических реакций, вызванных их применением. В последнее время стали появляться случаи аллергических реакций даже на те металлы, которые ранее считались абсолютно инертными и не аллергенными, такими как золото, палладий и другие. Целью данной работы являлось обобщение научной информации о возникновении аллергических реакций на металлы и проблемах их диагностики у человека. В медицине сплавы на основе никеля, палладия и золота используют как для изготовления хирургических инструментов, так и для производства различных имплантов, применяемых в ортопедии, эндоваскулярной хирургии, гинекологии и стоматологии. Аллергические реакции на металлы могут приводить к нарушениям функции искусственного сустава, тромбозу эндоваскулярных стентов, стоматитам, гингивитам. Наиболее частым проявлением аллергической реакции на металлы является контактный дерматит. Лидирующую позицию в этиологии контактного дерматита занимает никель. Диагностика аллергии на металлы заключается в постановке кожных тестов. В Российской Федерации отсутствуют отечественные диагностические системы, позволяющие выявить аллергическую реакцию на металлы. В этих целях применяется набор для диагностики аллергического контактного дерматита – тест-система «АллерТест» («TRUE Test», Дания). В связи с этим, является актуальной разработка отечественного диагностического теста для своевременного выявления аллергических реакций на металлы

    Finite-size scaling from self-consistent theory of localization

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    Accepting validity of self-consistent theory of localization by Vollhardt and Woelfle, we derive the finite-size scaling procedure used for studies of the critical behavior in d-dimensional case and based on the use of auxiliary quasi-1D systems. The obtained scaling functions for d=2 and d=3 are in good agreement with numerical results: it signifies the absence of essential contradictions with the Vollhardt and Woelfle theory on the level of raw data. The results \nu=1.3-1.6, usually obtained at d=3 for the critical exponent of the correlation length, are explained by the fact that dependence L+L_0 with L_0>0 (L is the transversal size of the system) is interpreted as L^{1/\nu} with \nu>1. For dimensions d\ge 4, the modified scaling relations are derived; it demonstrates incorrectness of the conventional treatment of data for d=4 and d=5, but establishes the constructive procedure for such a treatment. Consequences for other variants of finite-size scaling are discussed.Comment: Latex, 23 pages, figures included; additional Fig.8 is added with high precision data by Kramer et a