23 research outputs found


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    The performance parameters, energetic characteristics and cost factors of direct drilling were evaluated by longterm trials carried out in Osztopán and Gödöllő regions. The effect of direct drilling, disking, ploughing, and soil loosening combined with disking and ploughing on the soil conditions, yields and cost factors was evaluated and based on the examination results. The economic comparisons were done by gross margin analyses of various technologies. Reducing the number of field applications is limited by the risk of soil compactions and weed infestations. From an economic part of view cost saving aspects of the various cultivation methods mentioned above cannot be justified in comparison with the ploughing methods. The lowest gross margin value was 61.79 EUR t-1, direct drilling and the highest was 67.34 EUR t-1, with ploughing but it was due to the great difference between the yield as well (6.89 and 4.03 t.ha-1). The results we achieved during our research are valid only in the given conditions, they could be recalculated and complemented under other soil and agro-ecological conditions. Our purpose was to emphasise the necessity of economical calculations before making decisions on changing technology. Our suggestion is: combined application of the traditional and energy saving methods, regarding the local conditions as well

    A tértapasztalat esztétikai, történeti és társadalmi koncepciói a 20. században = Aesthetical, Historical and Social Concepts of Space Experience in the 20th Century

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    A projekt keretében kiadott fordításkötetek és a hozzájuk kapcsolódó, részben nemzetközi résztvevőkkel szervezett workshopok elsődleges szakmai hozama a térfogalom és a tértapasztalat modern történetének beható interdiszciplináris és módszertani vizsgálata volt, amely három súlypont, az esztétikai tér, a történeti tér valamint a társadalmi és kulturális tér koncepciói köré rendeződött. Ezek elemzése során megmutatkozott, hogy az „esztétikai modernség” vizsgálatát a filozófia, esztétika, társadalomtörténet és kultúratudomány területén egyaránt meghatározza, illetve új szempontokkal gazdagítja a „spatial turn” nyomán végbement általános módszertani váltás. A fordítások révén a kutatás hozzáférhetővé tett olyan központi jelentőségű, idegen nyelvű elméleti írásokat, amelyek elősegítik, hogy a hazai humántudományok közös fogalmi eszköztárral, valamint módszertanilag felkészülten tárgyalják és alkalmazzák a térfogalom és tértapasztalat 20. századi változásai nyomán kialakult térkoncepciókat mind a tudományelméletben, mind pedig az egyes humán diszciplínák terén. | The key result of the translated works and the related workshops partially organized with participants from abroad was that the research conducted in the framework of the project could deliver an in-depth interdisciplinary and methodological analysis of the modern history of the notion and experience of space. The research was arranged in three main topics: different conceptions of aesthetic space, historical space, and social and cultural space were investigated. Their analysis could confirm, that the methodological shift, which was caused by the “spatial turn”, not only affects the way of how “aesthetic modernity” is being examined in the realms of philosophy, aesthetics, social history and cultural studies, but it also enriches these inquiries by adding new aspects to them. By means of the publication and translation activities, the project made important theoretical texts available for the Hungarian academic community working in the field of the humanities. They enable the scientific discourse to use common concepts and thorough methodological principles when studying and applying spatial conceptions, which developed in course of the modifications of the notion and experience of space in the 20th century, both in theory of science and in different disciplines of the humanities

    Characteristics of fruit producing enterprises according to the data of farms taking part in the test farm system

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    Fruit farming plays an important role within the Hungarian agriculture. The climatic conditions of the country make it possible to produce 20 temperate-zone fruit species, 14-15 of which are economically significant. The weight of the sector is high relative to the immobilised land, it is important in the field of employment and holding of rural population. I examined the enterprise form, production size, revenues and profit of farms dealing with fruit production relying on the data of the agricultural test farm system of 1999. The proportion of croppers and entrepreneurs is significant among fruit producers. Their revenue realising ability is low, which depends on the production size too. But the polarisation of these farmers has started and a new level is being formed that is considerable from the viewpoint of value production. &nbsp

    Characteristics of fruit producing enterprises according to the data of farms taking part in the test farm system

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    Fruit farming plays an important role within the Hungarian agriculture. The climatic conditions of the country make it possible to produce 20 temperate-zone fruit species, 14-15 of which are economically significant. The weight of the sector is high relative to the immobilised land, it is important in the field of employment and holding of rural population. I examined the enterprise form, production size, revenues and profit of farms dealing with fruit production relying on the data of the agricultural test farm system of 1999. The proportion of croppers and entrepreneurs is significant among fruit producers. Their revenue realising ability is low, which depends on the production size too. But the polarisation of these farmers has started and a new level is being formed that is considerable from the viewpoint of value production. &nbsp

    Economic analysis of precision weed management

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    The practical implementation of precision crop production nowadays is becoming more and more widespread. Numerous experiments and farmers’ practical experiences verify the positive impacts of precision nutrient supply on farming. Precision weed control started to spread later, partly due to technical difficulties, partly to the lack of necessary software support that was developed later. The introduction of a new technology requires complex farm-management decisions, including the consideration of economic correlations (costs-yield-income) as well as high-level skills and significant investments from the farmer. These investments can be returned from the income surplus realized through increasing yields and decreasing farming costs. Extra income can also come from the decreasing material costs which, however, do not necessarily compensate the extra costs of implementing the new technology and depends very much on the utilization of savings from different herbicide doses used for the treatment of plots, considering the soil qualities. This study, utilising the data of a technological experiment carried out in Hungary, presents the results of a stochastic simulation model developed with the adaptation of finite element method. The examination was executed at sub-plot level, dividing the plots into small parcels. Our aim was to examine the impact of precision nutrient application and differentiated spraying of herbicides on production costs and yield, as well as the impact of changes on gross margin (income) and the returns on technological development

    Internal Demagnetizing Factor in Ferrous Metals

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    Modelling the saturation major loop of a ferrous metal produces the intrinsic magnetization parameters; fitting the measured commutation curve, however, can yield different results. The relation of the intrinsic loci of the vertices of the minor loops (ND=0) to the experimental curve (ND≠0) is investigated. The two-way transformation between the two curves is formulated in closed mathematical form with the help of the internal demagnetization factor, ND. The method is applied to four ferrous metals, with widely different intrinsic properties (soft nonoriented Fe-Si steel, normalized low carbon steel, and Finemet in nanocrystalline and amorphous state) supporting the predictions of the proposal. The developed relationship is model independent and it is shown that the ND factor depends linearly on coercivity based on experimental evidence

    Optimisation of the weed sampling system from an economic point of view on wheat (Triticum aestivum) stubble

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    It has been proved that because of the different past of the parcels regarding their soil, agronomical and technological parameters, weed sampling results may not be generalised. Therefore it is necessary to study those solutions how to determine on an acceptable confidence level a parcel’s weed infestation with optimised sampling techniques.For studying the question we have delimited on wheat stubble a total sample area of 36×54 metres (using it as reference) and divided it into 2×2 cells giving a total of 486 sample cells. Then we surveyed the weed infestation and GPS recorded the location of each cell.We have analysed the weed infestation data with mathematical and statistical methods comparing the results of cells with each other and with the total sample area. We found that in several cases of different sample cells weed infestation displayed a diverse picture. This way sampling of weeds is extremely difficult.We found close relation between relative frequency of weeds and sampling accuracy. Therefore sampling is reliable only for surveying the frequent weeds in a parcel, while more rarely found weeds (e.g. spots of perennials) are to be scouted only by means of going over the parcel and GPS recording them. Otherwise, in the case of a traditional sampling process, the number of sampling cells required for acceptable reliability is unnecessarily high.Consequently, it is necessary to further study the economic and cost efficiency aspects of the needed weed sample density from the point of view of reasonable sample density, accuracy and optimal yield