30 research outputs found

    Phenotype of the First Generation of Koi Hibridization

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    ABSTRACTThis experiment was conducted to study phenotype of F1 koi that were obtained from hybridization. Females koi that was used for this experiment were white-red koi, red-black koi, and white-black koi; whereas males used white-red koi, red-black koi, white-black koi and white-red-black. Spawning for hybridization was done using hormonal stimulation with 0.5 ml ovaprim/kg body weight, and fertilization were artificially performed. Analysis on body coloration was carried out at three months old fish. Normal F1 of white-red koi as well red-black koi produced three kind of koi, while white-black koi produced seven kind of koi, i.e. white koi, red koi, black koi, white-red koi, white-black koi, red-black koi and white-red-black koi. Hybridization of those koi produced seven kind of koi such as normal F1 of white-black koi.Key word :  Koi fish, phenotype, hybridization, first generation (F1) ABSTRAKStudi tentang genotipe keturunan pertama ikan koi hasil hibridisasi telah dilakukan di Laboratorium Pengembangbiakan dan Genetika Ikan, Jurusan Budidaya Perairan, Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan IPB. Ikan koi betina yang dipakai adalah ikan koi putih-merah, merah-hitam dan putih-hitam, sedangkan jantannya adalah putih-merah, merah-hitam, putih-hitam dan putih-merah-hitam. Ikan-ikan tersebut diperoleh dari teknik ginogenesis. Pemijahan untuk persilangan antar jenis ikan koi dilakukan dengan rangsangan hormonal ovaprim 0,5 ml/kg, dan pembuahan dilakukan secara buatan. Analisis warna pada ikan dilakukan setelah ikan berumur 3 bulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perkawinan normal koi putih-merah maupun merah hitam masing-masing menghasilkan tiga tipe warna (dua warna polos dan satu warna kombinasi) sedangkan koi putih-hitam menghasilkan tujuh tipe warna. Perkawinan silang antara ketiga ikan tersebut menghasilkan tujuh warna yang sama dengan keturunan normal merah-hitam, yaitu putih, merah, hitam, putih-merah, putih-hitam, merah-hitam dan putih-merah-hitam.Kata kunci :  Ikan koi, fenotip, hibridisasi, turunan pertama (F1

    AFLP Fingerprinting reveals genetic variability in common carp stocks from Indonesia

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    Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism (AFLP) fingerprinting was used to detect genetic variability in two stocks of common carps (Majalaya carp and Sinyonya carp) and second generation gynogens derived from the Majalaya carp. Primer combinations, E-AAC/M-CAA, EAGG/ M-CAC and E-ACC/M-CTT yielded 299 selectively amplified loci of which 66.2% were polymorphic. Maximum polymorphism was evident in the Majalaya carp and minimum among the gynogens. Four types of AFLP bands which were useful to differentiate the stocks in question were identified. Band Sharing Index (BSI) matrix was generated from the band binary value sets. Maximum average BSI was exhibited by the gynogens and minimum by the Majalaya carp. Inter-stock comparisons showed the gynogens to be closest to the Majalaya and farthest from the Sinyonya stock

    Donor Preparation for Germ Cell Transplantation in Giant Gouramy: the Viability of Spermatogonia Isolated From Giant Gouramy Cold Preserved Testis

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    The recent study has been conducted to develop testicular germ cell (TGC) transplantation as a tool for preservation and propagation of male germ-plasm from endangered fish species. In practice of TGC transplantation,recipient and donor cell may not be immediately available at the same time whereas the testis can not be survive longer when it is outside of the body. Therefore, preservation of testis tissue may be required before transplantation.The research was conducted to evaluate the viability of spermatogonia isolated from short term preserved testis. Testis was preserved in physiological NaCl solution at 4 oC for 6, 12, 24 and 48 hours. Testis were dissociated in 0.5% trypsin and 3% DNase 10 IU/8L in PBS (phosphate buffered solution) complemented with 5% FBS ( fetal bovine serum), 25 mM HEPES and 1mM CaCl2 to obtain testicular germ cell suspension. The testicular germ cells isolated from 24 and 48 hours preservation were performed in trypan blue staining dye (1:1) and the viability of spermatogonia were observed under microscope. The results showed that the viability of spermatogonia started todecrease significantly in 12 hours preservation (P<0.05) and up to 48 hours preservation, cell viability was as high as 54,48±8,33%. In conclusion, preserved testicular tissue at 4oC still produced viable spermatogonia that areallowed to use as the source of donor cell for testicular germ cell transplantation of giant gourami

    Growth and Productivity of Chironomus sp. in Enriched Substrat by Chicken Manure 1,0-2,5 g/l

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    Chironomus sp. larvae or called as bloom worm contains high nutrient and caroten that are important to support fish and shellfish culture, especially ornamental fishes.  Larval Chironomus is abundant in environment rich of organic and inorganic compounds. This study was carried out to examine growth and productivity of Chironomus larvae reared in water containing 1.0, 1.5, 2.0 and 2.5 g of chicken manure per liter water.   The growth of chironomus larvae for 4 weeks rearing was reached a peak at the third week. Higher population, 19,680 larvas, was obtained by the highest dose of fertilizer.  Growth by length and weight of Chironomus larvae of all treatments was similar Keywords: Cacing darah, Chironomus dan kotoran ayam   ABSTRAK Larva Chironomus sp. yang dikenal sebagai cacing darah memiliki kandungan nutrisi tinggi dan pigmen karoten yang penting untuk menunjang keberhasilan budidaya ikan dan udang terutama sebagai ikan hias. Larva Chironomus banyak terdapat di perairan yang mengandung bahan organik tinggi sehingga diperlukan pemupukan baik organik maupun anorganik untuk merangsang petumbuhannya. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui pertumbuhan produktivitas larva Chironomus yang dipelihara dalam air yang mengandung 1,0, 1,5, 2,0 dan 2,5 g kotoran ayam per liter air. Pertumbuhan larva yang dipelihara selama 4 minggu pada media yang dipupuk menggunakan kotoran ayam sebanyak 1,0; 1,5; 2,0 dan 2,5 gr/l masing-masing mengalami puncak pada minggu ke-3. Populasi terbanyak mencapai 19680 ekor terjadi pada media dengan dosis pemupukan tertinggi. Pertumbuhan panjang maupun berat larva Chironomus yang dipelihara dengan pemupukan media yang berbeda tersebut masing-masing tidak berbeda nyata. Kata kunci : Cacing darah, Chironomus dan kotoran aya

    The Phenotype of Diploid and Triploid F1 of Female Kohaku and Sanke Koi with Males White and Red Koi

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    ABSTRACTThis study was done to discover the effect of addition of chromosome number on phenotype F1 hybrid of females kohaku (white-red) and sanke (white-red-black) koi with males white and red koi. The white and red males koi were the F1 of gynogenesis. Spawning of koi was done by hormonal (ovaprim 0,5 ml/kg body weight) and fertilization was done artificially. Triploidization was done by heat shock at 40°C during 1,0-1,5 minutes after 2-3 minute from egg fertilization. Colour analysis was done on 4 months old fish. Triplodization was succeeding on 86,67%.  Addition of chromosome number on koi due to triploidization was suppressed the percentage of koi with combination color (kohaku, shiro-bekko, hi-utsuri, and sanke). It was seen on hybridization of sanke vs white koi as much as 5,55%, while on sanke vs red koi reached 45,02%. Hybridization of kohaku vs white koi as well as kohaku vs red koi produced higher percentages of kohaku compared to kohaku vs kohaku.Key words: Phenotype, diploid, triploid, koi fish, hybrid, chromosome AbstrakStudi ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh penambahan jumlah set kromosom terhadap fenotipe keturunan persilangan ikan koi kohaku (putih-merah) dan sanke (putih-merah-hitam) betina dengan jantan putih dan merah. Ikan koi jantan putih dan merah merupakan hasil ginogenesis generasi pertama. Pemijahan ikan koi dilakukan dengan rangsangan hormonal ovaprim 0,5 ml/kg induk dengan sistim pembuahan buatan. Triploidisasi dilakukan dengan memberikan kejutan panas 400C selama 1,0-1,5 menit pada saat 2,0-3,0 menit setelah pembuahan telur. Analisis warna dilakukan setelah ikan berumur 4 bulan. Tingkat keberhasilan triploidisasi yang diperoleh cukup tinggi, yaitu sebesar 86,67%. Penambahan jumlah set kromosom ikan koi akibat triploidisasi menurunkan persentase ikan koi yang berwarna kombinasi (putih-merah, putih-hitam, merah-hitam dan putih-merah-hitam) sebesar 5,55% untuk persilangan sanke vs putih, dan 45,02% untuk persilangan sanke vs merah. Tingginya penurunan koi warna kombinasi diduga disebabkan adanya dominansi warna tertentu, misalnya dominansi warna hitam yang persentasenya meningkat sebesar 31,7% pada persilangan sanke vs merah. Pada persilangan kohaku dengan koi putih dan dengan koi merah, persentase kohaku lebih besar daripada perkawinan normal kohaku yang diperoleh pada tahap pertama. Persentase kohaku dari perkawinan normal kohaku hanya sebesar 18,6%, sedangkan kohaku vs putih atau dengan merah adalah sekitar 27% untuk triploidisasi dan 33% untuk persilangan  normal. Tingkat kelangsungan hidup ikan normal lebih besar daripada ikan hasil triploidisasi, kecuali persilangan sanke vs putih.Kata kunci : Fenotipe, diploid, triploid, ikan koi, hibrid dan kromoso

    Fin Type Variation of Lionhead Strain Goldfish (Carassius auratus) Offspring

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     Lionhead strain goldfish (Carassius auratus) inheritance produce many variations in phenotype qualitative traits of their offspring that is not common with the parents. Lionhead is an ornamental freshwater fish, they do not have a dorsal fin, but it is a beauty finfish, is popular to the people and have a high economic value. Of the 846 offspring of lionhead is produced in this experiment, and 57,7% of them have dorsal fin (42,3% normal), 13,1% of them have anal fin which did not similar with their parents, 58,6% caudal fin of them did not have similar to their parents. It might be caused by incompletely segregation in meiosis and many gen responsible to certain phenotype trait. Another abnormalities such as no anal fin, blindness, stumped and no pigmen in their gill lamella also occurred. Key words: Inheritance, fin, phenotype, abnormality   ABSTRAK Ikan maskoki strain lionhead menghasilkan keturunan dengan fenotip yang sangat bervariasi dan berbeda dengan induknya. Ikan ini merupakan ikan hias air tawar yang tidak memiliki sirip punggung namun tetap memiliki keindahan, sehingga menjadi begitu populer di masyarakat dan memiliki nilai ekonomi yang tinggi. Sebanyak 846 keturunan (anakan) telah dihasilkan dalam percobaan ini, dan sebanyak 57,7% dari populasi tersebut memiliki sirip punggung (berarti 42,3% merupakan keturunan normal), 13,1% memiliki sirip dubur yang tidak mirip dengan induknya. Variasi keturunan ikan maskoki strain lionhead ini disebabkan oleh segregasi yang tidak sempurna dalam proses meiosis dan banyaknya gen yang terlibat dalam pembentukan penotip tertentu. Abnormalitas lainnya juga terjadi pada keturunan ikan maskoki strain lionhead ini, seperti tidak adanya sirip dubur, mata buta, tubuh pendek dan tidak adanya pigmen pada lemela insang Kata kunci: Keturunan, sirip, fenotip, abnormalitas

    Relation between broodstock number and spawning frequency and egg production of humpback grouper (Cromileptes altivelis)

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    This study was performed to determine spawning frequency, number of ovulated egg and spawning time of humpback grouper (Cromileptes altivelis) broodstock in hatchery.  Broodstock of 20-83 fish in weight of 1.5-2.0 kg were reared in circular concrete tank 225 m3.  The results showed that increasing in number of broodstock increases spawning frequency (R2= 0.694), and ovulated eggs number was also increased (R2= 0.828).  Spawning of humpback grouper can occur in the third to fourth week in every month. Keywords: reproductive biology, spawning, Cromileptes altivelis   ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui frekuensi pemijahan, jumlah telur dan waktu pemijahan populasi induk ikan kerapu tikus (Cromileptes altivelis) di hatchery.  Jumlah induk yang bervariasi antara 20-83 ekor dengan ukuran 1,5-2 kg ditempatkan dalam bak beton bulat, kapasitas 225 m3. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa dengan bertambahnya jumlah induk, maka frekuensi pemijahan yang diperoleh juga semakin meningkat (R2=0,694), dan produksi telur juga semakin meningkat (R2=0,828). Pemijahan kerapu tikus dapat berlangsung setiap bulan, di mana waktu pemijahan terjadi pada kuarter keempat hingga kuarter ketiga. Kata kunci: Biologi reproduksi, Pemijahan, Cromileptes altiveli

    Sex Reversal on Congo Tetra Fish (Micraleptus intterruptus ) Larvae

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    ABSTRACTExperiment was performed to assess the effect of 17a-methyltestosterone (MT) treatment on Congo tetra fish larvae.  To evaluate the optimal pattern of MT treatment, three different treatments were administrated.  Three months old larvae were submerged in three different doses of MT; 1, 2 and 4 mg/l.  These studies showed that the highest percentage of male fish was obtained by 4 mg/l MT treatment, 87,17%.  The 2 mg/l and 1 mg/l MT treatments obtained 77,53% and 69,86% male respectively, two times higher than control, 38,96%.  On the other hand, the 4 mg/l MT treatment also resulted the highest percentage of hermaphrodite fishes, 17,58%.  The highest survival rate was shown by 1 mg/l MT treatment, 62,77% and the lowest was shown by the 4 mg/l MT treatment, 47,20%.  The highest rate of fish length and weight was shown by the 4 mg/l MT treatment, 4,4 cm and 1,65 gram respectively.  These findings suggest that MT treatment offers an advantage in growth of  tetra Congo larvae. Key word :  Sex reversal, methyltestosterone, Congo tetra fish, Micraleptus intterruptus. ABSTRAKPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh perendaman larva di dalam larutan hormon 17a-metiltestosteron pada dosis 1, 2 dan 4 mg/l larutan.  Persentase tertinggi ikan jantan dihasilkan  oleh perlakuan 4 mg/l, yaitu 87,17%.  Perlakuan 2 mg/l dan 1 mg/l masing-masing menghasilkan 77,53% dan 69,86% sedangkan kontrol menghasilkan 38,96% jantan.  Efek lain dari perlakuan MT ini adalah hermafroditisme.  Perlakuan 4 mg/l menghasilkan persentase hermafrodit tertinggi yaitu 17,58%, sedangkan pada kontrol kelangsungan hidup tertinggi diperoleh pada perlakuan 1 mg/l (62,77%) dan terendah pada perlakuan 4 mg/l (47,20%).  Hasil tersebut menunjukkan adanya pengaruh dosis hormon terhadap kelangsungan hidup ikan.  Pengukuran bobot dan panjang ikan pada setiap perlakuan menunjukkan nilai tertinggi dihasilkan oleh perlakuan 4 mg/l  yaitu 1,65 gram dan 4,40 cm.  Hal ini diduga bahwa hormon MT merangsang pula pertumbuhan ikan.Kata kunci :  Pergantian kelamin, metiltestosteron, ikan tetra Kongo, Micraleptus intterruptus

    Rematuration Periods and Sperm Characteristics of Litopenaeus vannamei

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    The reproduction ability of male has an important role in seeds production of Litopenaeus vannamei. The objective of research was to know the sperm characteristics from each rematuration period. The research conducted in Broodstock and Nauply Quality Control Laboratory, Central Pertiwi Bahari, Lampung Province on April until July 2006. Five male shrimps obtained from High Health, Aquaculture Inc., Hawaii-USA, about 39.4 ± 1.51 g in weight and 16.4 ± 0.43 cm in length. Carefull stripping was applied to release the mature spermatophore from the thelicum. The results showed that number of sperm at the first to fourth rematuration period relatively constant (33.62x106 - 39.7402x106 cell). However the number of abnormal sperm were relatively increase slightly (1.2806x106 to 23.3576x106 cell) and also the number of death sperm (0.293x106 to 3.92x106 cell) while the number of normal sperm were relatively decrease (29.1158x106 to 23.3576x106 cell). There were no changes in head size and tail lenght of the sperm from each rematuration periods. Keywords:  Litopenaeus vannamei, spermatozoa, rematuration   ABSTRAK Kemampuan reproduksi udang jantan berperan penting dalam pembenihan udang vaname Litopenaeus vannamei. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik sperma pada setiap periode rematurasi. Penelitian dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Kendali Mutu Induk dan Naupli, Central Pertiwi Bahari, Propinsi  Lampung, bulan April sampai Juli 2006. Udang jantan yang digunakan berasal dari High Health, Aquaculture Inc., Hawaii-USA, dengan ukuran berat 39,4 ± 1,51 g, panjang tubuh 16,4 ± 0,43 cm dan berjumlah lima ekor sebagai ulangan. Spermatofor dilepaskan dari telikum dengan teknik  pengurutan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan jumlah sperma relatif stabil pada empat kali rematurasi (33,62x106 - 39,7402x106 sel). Jumlah sperma abnormal dan sperma mati berbanding terbalik dengan jumlah sperma normal. Jumlah sperma abnormal meningkat dari rematurasi pertama hingga rematurasi ke empat (1,2806x106 ke 23,3576x106 sel) demikian halnya jumlah sperma mati (0,293x106 ke 3,92x106 sel), sedangkan jumlah sperma normal mengalami penurunan (29,1158x106 ke 23,3576x106 sel). Tidak terdapat perubahan ukuran kepala dan panjang ekor sperma dalam setiap periode rematurasi. Kata kunci :  Litopenaeus vannamei, spermatozoa, rematuras

    Phenotype of the First Gynogenesis Generation of Koi

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    ABSTRACTThis experiment was conducted to study phenotype of F1 koi that obtained from gynogenesis at the Laboratory of Fish Genetic and Breeding, Department of Aquaculture, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences, Bogor Agricultural University (IPB). Females koi used for this experiment were kohaku (white-red), hi-utsuri (red-black), and shiro-bekko (white-black); whereas males used kohaku, hi-utsuri, and shiro-bekko. Analysis on body coloration of fish was carried out at three months old. Results showed that gynogenesis from kohaku produced three types of koi, those were white koi, red koi and kohaku, and hi-utsuri produced red koi, black koi and hi-utsuri. Meanwhile, shiro-bekko by gynogenetic technique produce seven types of koi; those were white, red, black, kohaku, shiro-bekko, hi-utsuri and sanke (white-red-black koi). Survival rate of gynogenetic koi was lower then normal might be due to inbreeding stress.Key words :  Gynogenesis, phenotype, koi fish (Cyprinus carpio). ABSTRAKStudi tentang fenotip keturunan pertama ikan koi hasil ginogenesis telah dilakukan di Laboratorium Pengembangbiakan dan Genetika Ikan, Jurusan Budidaya Perairan, Fakultas Perikanan dan Ilmu Kelautan IPB. Ikan koi betina yang dipakai adalah kohaku (putih-merah), hi-utsuri (merah-hitam) dan shiro-bekko (putih-hitam), sedangkan jantannya adalah kohaku, hi-utsuri, dan shiro-bekko. Analisis warna pada ikan dilakukan setelah ikan berumur tiga bulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ginogenesis pada ikan kohaku menghasilkan tiga jenis ikan koi, yaitu koi putih, koi merah dan kohaku; pada ikan hi-utsuri dihasilkan ikan koi merah, koi hitam dan hi-utsuri. Sementara itu, teknik ginogenesis untuk ikan koi putih-hitam dihasilkan tujuh macam jenis ikan koi, yaitu koi putih, koi merah, koi hitam, kohaku, hi-utsuri, siro-bekko dan sanke (putih-merah-hitam). Tingkat kelangsungan hidup ikan ginogenetik lebih rendah daripada kontrol normalnya.Kata kunci :  Ginogenesis, fenotip, ikan koi (Cyprinus carpio