1,117 research outputs found

    Morphometric Analysis of Dinosaur Tracks from Southwest Arkansas

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    Dinosaur trackways were discovered in Cretaceous De Queen Limestone strata in Howard County, Arkansas, in June 2011. Multiple trackways with variably sized tridactyl tracks were exposed in a commercial quarry, suggesting multiple theropod species or adult and juvenile tracks of a single species. Results of morphometric analyses of 32 plaster casts from selected trackways are reported in an effort to identify the specific track-making dinosaurs and differentiate large and small tracks. Track measurements included length and width of each track, the lengths and widths of each digit impression, and the angular spread (divarication) between digit impressions. Twenty-nine plaster casts were of tridactyl theropod tracks whereas three casts were of poorly preserved tracks of a presumed but unknown tetradactyl (and possibly tetrapod) organism. Plaster casts of tridactyl theropod tracks ranged from 0.36 to 0.61 m long and 0.22 to 0.54 m wide. The longest digit impression on each track was the second, or middle, digit (range = 0.15 – 0.35 m long) with total digit divarication ranging from 31 - 57 degrees. The Arkansas track measurements were compared to tracks (Eubrontes glenrosensis Shuler 1935) preserved in the correlative Glen Rose Formation, Texas and attributed to the large Early Cretaceous carnosaur, Acrocanthosaurus atokensis. The E. glenrosensis track measurements from Texas plotted within the Arkansas data range, suggesting affinity of the Arkansas tracks to E. glenrosensis. Relatively poor preservation of tetradactyl tracks precluded morphometric analysis, but visual comparison to known Cretaceous crocodilian tracks is suggestive of affinity to such organisms

    A Method of Altering Coronal Plane Prosthetic Foot Stiffness for Studying its Effect on Amputee Gait

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    In an effort to understand the effects of prosthetic foot stiffness on amputee gait and mobility, it is useful to produce prototype prosthetic feet that differ in stiffness. While many commercial prosthetic feet are made out of carbon fiber, the manufacturing process is ill-suited to design experimentation as it is expensive, time consuming and requires tooling modifications to produce design changes. In order to facilitate a study of the effects of coronal plane prosthetic foot stiffness on amputee maneuvering gait, we are manufacturing custom prosthetic feet using a form of additive manufacturing, selective laser sintering (SLS), that was developed at the University of Texas at Austin. We have previously used SLS technology to create functional transtibial prosthetic sockets, ankle-foot orthoses, and prosthetic foot prototypes. To manufacture prosthetic feet with different stiffnesses, we first measured the stiffness profile of a commercially available carbon fiber prosthetic foot on an Instron 3345 (Norwood, MA) in two configurations where the foot was loaded to 114 kg in foot flat at 0° eversion and toe-only at 5° eversion positions. A computer aided design model of an SLS prosthetic foot was developed and adjusted to match the stiffness profile of the carbon fiber foot. Finite element analysis (SolidWorks Corp.; Waltham, MA) was then used to verify that the desired stiffness level was achieved. This process was repeated to create three prosthetic feet with altered coronal plane stiffness profiles (25% greater, 50% greater, and 25% less) while sagittal stiffness was held constant. The prototype feet were fabricated using selective laser sintering in a Vanguard HiQ/HS SLS Machine (3D Systems Corp.; Rock Hill, SC). Finally, the feet were mechanically tested in the same configurations as the carbon fiber foot to confirm that they had the desired stiffness profiles. Prototype feet closely matched the sagittal stiffness of the chosen prosthetic foot while coronal plane stiffnesses were approximately the same, 30% greater and 30% less than the carbon fiber foot. Future work will be to use these feet to observe the influence of coronal plane stiffness on amputee gait

    Energy landscapes, ideal glasses, and their equation of state

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    Using the inherent structure formalism originally proposed by Stillinger and Weber [Phys. Rev. A 25, 978 (1982)], we generalize the thermodynamics of an energy landscape that has an ideal glass transition and derive the consequences for its equation of state. In doing so, we identify a separation of configurational and vibrational contributions to the pressure that corresponds with simulation studies performed in the inherent structure formalism. We develop an elementary model of landscapes appropriate to simple liquids which is based on the scaling properties of the soft-sphere potential complemented with a mean-field attraction. The resulting equation of state provides an accurate representation of simulation data for the Lennard-Jones fluid, suggesting the usefulness of a landscape-based formulation of supercooled liquid thermodynamics. Finally, we consider the implications of both the general theory and the model with respect to the so-called Sastry density and the ideal glass transition. Our analysis shows that a quantitative connection can be made between properties of the landscape and a simulation-determined Sastry density, and it emphasizes the distinction between an ideal glass transition and a Kauzmann equal-entropy condition.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figure

    Optimal fiscal and monetary policy, and economic growth,

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    Rapamycin-coated expanded polytetrafluoroethylene bypass grafts exhibit decreased anastomotic neointimal hyperplasia in a porcine model

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    ObjectiveWe tested the hypothesis that rapamycin coated onto, and eluted from, expanded polytetrafluoroethylene (ePTFE) grafts would diminish neointimal hyperplasia in a porcine model.MethodsRapamycin (also called sirolimus) was coated onto the luminal surface of 6-mm-internal-diameter thin-walled ePTFE grafts by using an adhesive polymer that allows timed release of the drug. An adhesive polymer that allows timed release of rapamycin from ePTFE was developed with commercially available chemicals and applied on 6-mm ePTFE grafts. Graft integrity was characterized by scanning electron microscopy, and rapamycin levels were quantified by using high-performance liquid chromatography. Twenty-two mongrel pigs were randomized into three groups: untreated ePTFE (n = 6), adhesive-only coated ePTFE (n = 6), or adhesive- and rapamycin-coated ePTFE (n = 10). End-to-side unilateral aortoiliac bypasses were performed by using 6-mm-internal-diameter ePTFE grafts and standardized anastomotic lengths. Unilateral end-to-side aortoiliac ePTFE grafts (6-mm internal diameter) were inserted by using polypropylene sutures, 6-0 proximally and 7-0 distally; all anastomoses were 12 mm long. All animals received aspirin (325 mg orally) daily. All animals were given oral aspirin (325 mg) daily beginning on the day before surgery. At 28 days, the animals were killed, and the grafts were explanted in continuity with the adjacent aortic cuff and the outflow iliac artery. Variables compared between groups included graft patency, distal anastomotic length and cross-sectional narrowing, and intimal thickness at the arterial-graft junction indexed to the adjacent graft thickness. Microscopic analysis was performed with hematoxylin and eosin and Masson trichrome stains on paraffin sections. A pathologist blinded to experimental groups graded sections for collagen deposition, neointima formation, inflammatory cellular infiltrates, medial necrosis, and aneurysmal degeneration.ResultsAll animals survived until they were killed without clinical evidence of limb ischemia or graft infection. Preplanned t tests in the context of one-way analysis of variance showed no difference in outcome measures between the untreated ePTFE and adhesive-only coated ePTFE groups; therefore, they were combined in further comparisons with the adhesive- and rapamycin-coated ePTFE group. The Rapamycine eluting expanded polytetrafluoroethylene group had longer anastomoses (85.6% vs 60.6% of the initial anastomotic length maintained; P < .0001) and less cross-sectional narrowing in the outflow graft (16.2% vs 28.5%; P = .0007) when compared with the other two groups by using two-tailed Student t tests. There was no evidence of medial necrosis or aneurysmal degeneration. All patent grafts had complete endothelialization on hematoxylin and eosin sections. Rapamycin was detectable and quantifiable in the arterial wall at 28 days after implantation.ConclusionsRapamycin can be coated onto and eluted from ePTFE by using a nonionic polymer and a simple coating technique. At 4 weeks after implantation, the rapamycin-eluting ePTFE grafts demonstrate gross, pathologic, and morphometric features of diminished neointimal hyperplasia when compared with non–drug-eluting ePTFE. Four weeks after implantation in a porcine model, rapamycin-eluting ePTFE grafts demonstrated gross, pathologic, and morphometric features of diminished neointimal hyperplasia when compared with untreated and adhesive-only coated ePTFE grafts.Clinical RelevanceRapamycin-eluting ePTFE grafts decrease neointimal hyperplasia in a porcine model. Further studies are needed to evaluate whether patency will be improved. Rapamycin-eluting ePTFE grafts may allow the use of prosthetic grafts in situations in which autologous vein is unavailable and in which neointimal hyperplasia is pronounced, such as in small-diameter (<6-mm) vessels typical of infrapopliteal interventions
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