14 research outputs found

    Calculation of mechanical and thermal influences during coiling of hot strip

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    Coiled steel strip is the final product from flat hot rolling processes. With increasing demand for higher quality of hot rolled strips, especially the evolution of strip flatness during and after coiling becomes a crucial aspect. The main impacts on the flatness properties of hot rolled strips result from residual stresses and “eigen-strains” induced by the last hot rolling passes, by strip cooling at the run-out table, and finally, by the mechanical and thermal conditions during and after the coiling process itself. In this paper, a mathematical model is presented, which takes into account the mechanical and thermal effects on hot rolled strip during and after the coiling process. To improve the prediction quality of the underlying process, a customized self-developed 3D finite-element model has been developed and programmed in C++, leading to a software prototype, which is highly superior to commercial FEM-packages with respect to calculation time and storage capacities. The model is based on a dynamic implicit total Lagrangian formulation. All relevant devices directly interacting with the strip, such as pinch rolls, coiler rolls and mandrel are incorporated in the calculation model. Well known and established methods in the solid-shell theory, like the EAS- and ANS-method, were applied to prevent the occurrence of locking phenomena resulting from low order interpolation functions. Selected benchmark tests were performed to evaluate the accuracy of these novel solid-shell elements in comparison to the results attained by the FEM- package ABAQUS©. The results obtained so far agree very satisfactorily. A further important topic is the contact and friction algorithm, where Coulomb’s friction law is applied. The accurate and reliable determination of the contact between strip and interacting devices as well as the aspect of self-contact was treated by applying a sophisticated two dimensional contact search algorithm, leading to a significantly reduced calculation time. The highly non-linear time-dependent system of equations is integrated by utilizing the (implicit) Newmark time-integration scheme. The developed calculation model serves as an effective tool to predict the interesting stress-distributions and local plastic deformations inside the strip, which induce residual stresses and strip unflatness (latent or even manifest waviness). Furthermore, this tool p ovides the basis for further improvements and investigations on hot rolling production lines

    Concentration Dependence of the Effective Mass of He-3 Atoms in He-3/He-4 Mixtures

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    Recent measurements by Yorozu et al. (S. Yorozu, H. Fukuyama, and H. Ishimoto, Phys. Rev. B 48, 9660 (1993)) as well as by Simons and Mueller (R. Simons and R. M. Mueller, Czhechoslowak Journal of Physics Suppl. 46, 201 (1976)) have determined the effective mass of He-3 atoms in a He-3/He-4 mixture with great accuracy. We here report theoretical calculations for the dependence of that effective mass on the He-3 concentration. Using correlated basis functions perturbation theory to infinite order to compute effective interactions in the appropriate channels, we obtain good agreement between theory and experiment.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur

    Single Particle and Fermi Liquid Properties of He-3/--He-4 Mixtures: A Microscopic Analysis

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    We calculate microscopically the properties of the dilute He-3 component in a He-3/--He-4 mixture. These depend on both, the dominant interaction between the impurity atom and the background, and the Fermi liquid contribution due to the interaction between the constituents of the He-3 component. We first calculate the dynamic structure function of a He-3 impurity atom moving in He-3. From that we obtain the excitation spectrum and the momentum dependent effective mass. The pole strength of this excitation mode is strongly reduced from the free particle value in agreement with experiments; part of the strength is distributed over high frequency excitations. Above k > 1.7A˚\AA^{-1}$ the motion of the impurity is damped due to the decay into a roton and a low energy impurity mode. Next we determine the Fermi--Liquid interaction between He-4 atoms and calculate the pressure-- and concentration dependence of the effective mass, magnetic susceptibility, and the He-3--He-3 scattering phase shifts. The calculations are based on a dynamic theory that uses, as input, effective interactions provided by the Fermi hypernetted--chain theory. The relationship between both theories is discussed. Our theoretical effective masses agree well with recent measurements by Yorozu et al. (Phys. Rev. B 48, 9660 (1993)) as well as those by R. Simons and R. M. Mueller (Czekoslowak Journal of Physics Suppl. 46, 201 (1996)), but our analysis suggests a new extrapolation to the zero-concentration limit. With that effective mass we also find a good agreement with the measured Landau parameter F_0^a.Comment: 47 pages, 15 figure

    3He dimers in two-dimensional 3He-4He mixture films

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    3He dimers in two-dimensional 3He-4He mixture films

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    Calculation of mechanical and thermal influences during coiling of hot strip

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    Coiled steel strip is the final product from flat hot rolling processes. With increasing demand for higher quality of hot rolled strips, especially the evolution of strip flatness during and after coiling becomes a crucial aspect. The main impacts on the flatness properties of hot rolled strips result from residual stresses and “eigen-strains” induced by the last hot rolling passes, by strip cooling at the run-out table, and finally, by the mechanical and thermal conditions during and after the coiling process itself. In this paper, a mathematical model is presented, which takes into account the mechanical and thermal effects on hot rolled strip during and after the coiling process. To improve the prediction quality of the underlying process, a customized self-developed 3D finite-element model has been developed and programmed in C++, leading to a software prototype, which is highly superior to commercial FEM-packages with respect to calculation time and storage capacities. The model is based on a dynamic implicit total Lagrangian formulation. All relevant devices directly interacting with the strip, such as pinch rolls, coiler rolls and mandrel are incorporated in the calculation model. Well known and established methods in the solid-shell theory, like the EAS- and ANS-method, were applied to prevent the occurrence of locking phenomena resulting from low order interpolation functions. Selected benchmark tests were performed to evaluate the accuracy of these novel solid-shell elements in comparison to the results attained by the FEM- package ABAQUS©. The results obtained so far agree very satisfactorily. A further important topic is the contact and friction algorithm, where Coulomb’s friction law is applied. The accurate and reliable determination of the contact between strip and interacting devices as well as the aspect of self-contact was treated by applying a sophisticated two dimensional contact search algorithm, leading to a significantly reduced calculation time. The highly non-linear time-dependent system of equations is integrated by utilizing the (implicit) Newmark time-integration scheme. The developed calculation model serves as an effective tool to predict the interesting stress-distributions and local plastic deformations inside the strip, which induce residual stresses and strip unflatness (latent or even manifest waviness). Furthermore, this tool p ovides the basis for further improvements and investigations on hot rolling production lines

    Dimers in two-dimensional 3He- 4He mixtures

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    Fermi liquid properties of 3He-4He mixtures

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    We calculate microscopically the properties of ³He impurity atoms in ³He-⁴He mixtures, including the spectrum of a single particle and the Fermi–Liquid interaction between ³He atoms. From these, we determine the pressure and concentration dependence of the effective mass and the magnetic susceptibility. The long wavelength limit of the single–particle spectrum defines the hydrodynamic effective mass. When k >= 1.7A⁻¹ the motion of the impurity is damped due to the decay into a roton and a low energy impurity mode. The calculations of the Fermi–Liquid interaction are based on correlated basis functions (CBF) perturbation theory; the relevant matrix elements are determined by the Fermi hypernetted–chain summation method. Our theoretical effective masses agree well with recent measurements [1,2] but our analysis suggests a new extrapolation to the zero-concentration limit. With that effective mass we also find a good agreement with the measured [3] Landau parameter F a ₀Проведено мікроскопічне дослідження властивостей домішкових атомів ³He у сумішах ³He-⁴He, зокрема, розраховано одночастинковий спектр та Фермі рідинну взаємодію для атомів ³He. На цій основі знайдені залежності ефективної маси і магнітної сприйнятливості від тиску і концентрації. Гідродинамічна ефективна маса визначається з довгохвильової границі одночастинкового спектру. Для k >= 1.7 A⁻¹ рух домішки в силу розпаду на ротон та низькоенергетичне домішкове збудження є утруднений. Розрахунки Фермі рідинної взаємодії базувалися на теорії збурень з корельованими базисними функціями; відповідні матричні елементи розраховувалися методом ферміонного гіперланцюжкового сумування. Теоретично отримані ефективні маси добре узгоджуються з недавніми вимірюваннями [1,2], водночас проведений аналіз дозволив запропонувати нову екстраполяційну формулу для границі нульової концентрації. При цьому знайдено також добре узгодження з параметром Ландау F a ₀, виміряним в [3]