252 research outputs found

    Domain Adaptive Neural Networks for Object Recognition

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    We propose a simple neural network model to deal with the domain adaptation problem in object recognition. Our model incorporates the Maximum Mean Discrepancy (MMD) measure as a regularization in the supervised learning to reduce the distribution mismatch between the source and target domains in the latent space. From experiments, we demonstrate that the MMD regularization is an effective tool to provide good domain adaptation models on both SURF features and raw image pixels of a particular image data set. We also show that our proposed model, preceded by the denoising auto-encoder pretraining, achieves better performance than recent benchmark models on the same data sets. This work represents the first study of MMD measure in the context of neural networks

    Learning the Roots of Visual Domain Shift

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    In this paper we focus on the spatial nature of visual domain shift, attempting to learn where domain adaptation originates in each given image of the source and target set. We borrow concepts and techniques from the CNN visualization literature, and learn domainnes maps able to localize the degree of domain specificity in images. We derive from these maps features related to different domainnes levels, and we show that by considering them as a preprocessing step for a domain adaptation algorithm, the final classification performance is strongly improved. Combined with the whole image representation, these features provide state of the art results on the Office dataset.Comment: Extended Abstrac

    Towards learning free naive bayes nearest neighbor-based domain adaptation

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    As of today, object categorization algorithms are not able to achieve the level of robustness and generality necessary to work reliably in the real world. Even the most powerful convolutional neural network we can train fails to perform satisfactorily when trained and tested on data from different databases. This issue, known as domain adaptation and/or dataset bias in the literature, is due to a distribution mismatch between data collections. Methods addressing it go from max-margin classifiers to learning how to modify the features and obtain a more robust representation. Recent work showed that by casting the problem into the image-to-class recognition framework, the domain adaptation problem is significantly alleviated [23]. Here we follow this approach, and show how a very simple, learning free Naive Bayes Nearest Neighbor (NBNN)-based domain adaptation algorithm can significantly alleviate the distribution mismatch among source and target data, especially when the number of classes and the number of sources grow. Experiments on standard benchmarks used in the literature show that our approach (a) is competitive with the current state of the art on small scale problems, and (b) achieves the current state of the art as the number of classes and sources grows, with minimal computational requirements. © Springer International Publishing Switzerland 2015

    Zero-Shot Deep Domain Adaptation

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    Domain adaptation is an important tool to transfer knowledge about a task (e.g. classification) learned in a source domain to a second, or target domain. Current approaches assume that task-relevant target-domain data is available during training. We demonstrate how to perform domain adaptation when no such task-relevant target-domain data is available. To tackle this issue, we propose zero-shot deep domain adaptation (ZDDA), which uses privileged information from task-irrelevant dual-domain pairs. ZDDA learns a source-domain representation which is not only tailored for the task of interest but also close to the target-domain representation. Therefore, the source-domain task of interest solution (e.g. a classifier for classification tasks) which is jointly trained with the source-domain representation can be applicable to both the source and target representations. Using the MNIST, Fashion-MNIST, NIST, EMNIST, and SUN RGB-D datasets, we show that ZDDA can perform domain adaptation in classification tasks without access to task-relevant target-domain training data. We also extend ZDDA to perform sensor fusion in the SUN RGB-D scene classification task by simulating task-relevant target-domain representations with task-relevant source-domain data. To the best of our knowledge, ZDDA is the first domain adaptation and sensor fusion method which requires no task-relevant target-domain data. The underlying principle is not particular to computer vision data, but should be extensible to other domains.Comment: This paper is accepted to the European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV), 201

    On the Effectiveness of Image Rotation for Open Set Domain Adaptation

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    Open Set Domain Adaptation (OSDA) bridges the domain gap between a labeled source domain and an unlabeled target domain, while also rejecting target classes that are not present in the source. To avoid negative transfer, OSDA can be tackled by first separating the known/unknown target samples and then aligning known target samples with the source data. We propose a novel method to addresses both these problems using the self-supervised task of rotation recognition. Moreover, we assess the performance with a new open set metric that properly balances the contribution of recognizing the known classes and rejecting the unknown samples. Comparative experiments with existing OSDA methods on the standard Office-31 and Office-Home benchmarks show that: (i) our method outperforms its competitors, (ii) reproducibility for this field is a crucial issue to tackle, (iii) our metric provides a reliable tool to allow fair open set evaluation.Comment: accepted at ECCV 202

    A unified framework for domain adaptive pose estimation

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    While pose estimation is an important computer vision task, it requires expensive annotation and suffers from domain shift. In this paper, we investigate the problem of domain adaptive 2D pose estimation that transfers knowledge learned on a synthetic source domain to a target domain without supervision. While several domain adaptive pose estimation models have been proposed recently, they are not generic but only focus on either human pose or animal pose estimation, and thus their effectiveness is somewhat limited to specific scenarios. In this work, we propose a unified framework that generalizes well on various domain adaptive pose estimation problems. We propose to align representations using both input-level and output-level cues (pixels and pose labels, respectively), which facilitates the knowledge transfer from the source domain to the unlabeled target domain. Our experiments show that our method achieves state-of-the-art performance under various domain shifts. Our method outperforms existing baselines on human pose estimation by up to 4.5 percent points (pp), hand pose estimation by up to 7.4 pp, and animal pose estimation by up to 4.8 pp for dogs and 3.3 pp for sheep. These results suggest that our method is able to mitigate domain shift on diverse tasks and even unseen domains and objects (e.g., trained on horse and tested on dog). Our code will be publicly available at: https://github.com/VisionLearningGroup/UDA_PoseEstimation.N00014-19-1-2571 - Department of Defense/ONRhttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-19827-4_35First author draf

    Graph Adaptive Knowledge Transfer for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation

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    Unsupervised domain adaptation has caught appealing attentions as it facilitates the unlabeled target learning by borrowing existing well-established source domain knowledge. Recent practice on domain adaptation manages to extract effective features by incorporating the pseudo labels for the target domain to better solve cross-domain distribution divergences. However, existing approaches separate target label optimization and domain-invariant feature learning as different steps. To address that issue, we develop a novel Graph Adaptive Knowledge Transfer (GAKT) model to jointly optimize target labels and domain-free features in a unified framework. Specifically, semi-supervised knowledge adaptation and label propagation on target data are coupled to benefit each other, and hence the marginal and conditional disparities across different domains will be better alleviated. Experimental evaluation on two cross-domain visual datasets demonstrates the effectiveness of our designed approach on facilitating the unlabeled target task learning, compared to the state-of-the-art domain adaptation approaches

    Active Sampling Based on MMD for Model Adaptation

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    © 2019, ICST Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering. In this paper, we demonstrate a method for transfer learning with minimal supervised information. Recently, researchers have proposed various algorithms to solve transfer learning problems, especially the unsupervised domain adaptation problem. They mainly focus on how to learn a good common representation and use it directly for downstream task. Unfortunately, they ignore the fact that this representation may not capture target-specific feature for target task well. In order to solve this problem, this paper attempts to capture target-specific feature by utilizing labeled data in target domain. Now it’s a challenge that how to seek as little supervised information as possible to achieve good results. To overcome this challenge, we actively select instances for training and model adaptation based on MMD method. In this process, we try to label some valuable target data to capture target-specific feature and fine-tune the classifier networks. We choose a batch of data in target domain far from common representation space and having maximum entropy. The first requirement is helpful to learn a good representation for target domain and the second requirement tries to improve the classifier performance. Finally, we experiment with our method on several datasets which shows significant improvement and competitive advantage against common methods

    Scalable Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Electron Microscopy

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    While Machine Learning algorithms are key to automating organelle segmentation in large EM stacks, they require annotated data, which is hard to come by in sufficient quantities. Furthermore, images acquired from one part of the brain are not always representative of another due to the variability in the acquisition and staining processes. Therefore, a classifier trained on the first may perform poorly on the second and additional annotations may be required. To remove this cumbersome requirement, we introduce an Unsupervised Domain Adaptation approach that can leverage annotated data from one brain area to train a classifier that applies to another for which no labeled data is available. To this end, we establish noisy visual correspondences between the two areas and develop a Multiple Instance Learning approach to exploiting them. We demonstrate the benefits of our approach over several baselines for the purpose of synapse and mitochondria segmentation in EM stacks of different parts of mouse brains
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