19,460 research outputs found

    Photometric brown-dwarf classification. II. A homogeneous sample of 1361 L and T dwarfs brighter than J = 17.5 with accurate spectral types

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    We present a homogeneous sample of 1361 L and T dwarfs brighter than J = 17.5 (of which 998 are new), from an effective area of 3070 deg2, classified by the photo-type method to an accuracy of one spectral sub-type using izYJHKW1W2 photometry from SDSS+UKIDSS+WISE. Other than a small bias in the early L types, the sample is shown to be effectively complete to the magnitude limit, for all spectral types L0 to T8. The nature of the bias is an incompleteness estimated at 3% because peculiar blue L dwarfs of type L4 and earlier are classified late M. There is a corresponding overcompleteness because peculiar red (likely young) late M dwarfs are classified early L. Contamination of the sample is confirmed to be small: so far spectroscopy has been obtained for 19 sources in the catalogue and all are confirmed to be ultracool dwarfs. We provide coordinates and izYJHKW1W2 photometry of all sources. We identify an apparent discontinuity, Δ\Deltam ∼\sim 0.4 mag., in the Y-K colour between spectral types L7 and L8. We present near-infrared spectra of nine sources identified by photo-type as peculiar, including a new low-gravity source ULAS J005505.68+013436.0, with spectroscopic classification L2{γ\gamma}. We provide revised izYJHKW1W2 template colours for late M dwarfs, types M7 to M9.Comment: Accepted for publication in A & A, 17 pages, 14 figures, catalogue of L and T dwarfs supplied here in source files (anc/ directory), and available on CD

    Loggerhead turtle (Caretta caretta) nest predation at Cape Range National Park

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    Most of the existing sea turtle populations worldwide are in decline. In particular, loggerhead turtles (Caretta caretta) are listed as endangered and loggerhead nesting populations in Eastern Australia have declined by 86% since the 1970s. However, whilst Eastern Australian loggerhead populations have been extensively studied and monitored, not much is known about the Western Australian nesting population

    Raising the Dead: Clues to Type Ia Supernova Physics from the Remnant 0509-67.5

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    We present Chandra X-ray observations of the young supernova remnant (SNR) 0509-67.5 in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC), believed to be the product of a Type Ia supernova (SN Ia). The remnant is very round in shape, with a distinct clumpy shell-like structure. Our Chandra data reveal the remnant to be rich in silicon, sulfur, and iron. The yields of our fits to the global spectrum confirm that 0509-67.5 is the remnant of an SN Ia and show a clear preference for delayed detonation explosion models for SNe Ia. We study the spectrum of the single brightest isolated knot in the remnant and find that it is enhanced in iron by a factor of roughly two relative to the global remnant abundances. This feature, along with similar knots seen in Tycho's SNR, argues for the presence of modest small-scale composition inhomogeneities in SNe Ia. The presence of both Si and Fe, with abundance ratios that vary from knot to knot, indicates that these came from the transition region between the Si- and Fe-rich zones in the exploded star, possibly as a result of energy input to the ejecta at late times due to the radioactive decay of 56Ni and 56Co. Two cases for the continuum emission from the global spectrum were modeled: one where the continuum is dominated by hydrogen thermal bremsstrahlung radiation; another where the continuum arises from non-thermal synchrotron radiation. The former case requires a relatively large value for the ambient density (~1 cm^-3). Another estimate of the ambient density comes from using the shell structure of the remnant in the context of dynamical models. This requires a much lower value for the density (<0.05 cm^-3) which is more consistent with other evidence known about 0509-67.5. We therefore conclude that the bulk of the continuum emission from 0509-67.5 has a non-thermal origin.Comment: 34 pages, 9 figures (1 color), accepted to ApJ (10 June 2004 issue); correction made to calculation of magnetic field, small sentence change

    Distribution of the second virial coefficients of globular proteins

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    George and Wilson [Acta. Cryst. D 50, 361 (1994)] looked at the distribution of values of the second virial coefficient of globular proteins, under the conditions at which they crystallise. They found the values to lie within a fairly narrow range. We have defined a simple model of a generic globular protein. We then generate a set of proteins by picking values for the parameters of the model from a probability distribution. At fixed solubility, this set of proteins is found to have values of the second virial coefficient that fall within a fairly narrow range. The shape of the probability distribution of the second virial coefficient is Gaussian because the second virial coefficient is a sum of contributions from different patches on the protein surface.Comment: 5 pages, including 3 figure

    Precision Determination of the Mass Function of Dark Matter Halos

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    The predicted mass function of dark matter halos is essential in connecting observed galaxy cluster counts and models of galaxy clustering to the properties of the primordial density field. We determine the mass function in the concordance Λ\LambdaCDM cosmology, as well as its uncertainty, using sixteen 102431024^3-particle nested-volume dark-matter simulations, spanning a mass range of over five orders of magnitude. Using the nested volumes and single-halo tests, we find and correct for a systematic error in the friends-of-friends halo-finding algorithm. We find a fitting form and full error covariance for the mass function that successfully describes the simulations' mass function and is well-behaved outside the simulations' resolutions. Estimated forecasts of uncertainty in cosmological parameters from future cluster count surveys have negligible contribution from remaining statistical uncertainties in the central cosmology multiplicity function. There exists a potentially non-negligible cosmological dependence (non-universality) of the halo multiplicity function.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, submitted to ApJ

    Linear electric field frequency shift (important for next generation electric dipole moment searches) induced in confined gases by a magnetic field gradient

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    The search for particle electric dipole moments (edm) represents a most promising way to search for physics beyond the standard model. A number of groups are planning a new generation of experiments using stored gases of various kinds. In order to achieve the target sensitivities it will be necessary to deal with the systematic error resulting from the interaction of the well-known v→×E→\overrightarrow{v}\times \overrightarrow{E} field with magnetic field gradients (often referred to as the geometric phase effect (Commins, ED; Am. J. Phys. \QTR{bf}{59}, 1077 (1991), Pendlebury, JM \QTR{em}{et al;} Phys. Rev. \QTR{bf}{A70}, 032102 (2004)). This interaction produces a frequency shift linear in the electric field, mimicking an edm. In this work we introduce an analytic form for the velocity auto-correlation function which determines the velocity-position correlation function which in turn determines the behavior of the frequency shift (Lamoreaux, SK and Golub, R; Phys. Rev \QTR{bf}{A71}, 032104 (2005)) and show how it depends on the operating conditions of the experiment. We also discuss some additional issues.Comment: 21 pages, 5 figure

    New scientific opportunities and old obstacles in vaccine development.

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    A husband carried a bank account in his own name. Subsequently, he and his wife signed a signature card at the bank upon which appeared the following: \u27We agree . . . that all funds now, or hereafter, deposited to this account are, and shall be, our joint property and owned by us as joint tenants with right of survivorship, and not as tenants in common; and upon the death of either of us any balance . . . shall become the absolute property of the survivor. The entire account or any part thereof may be withdrawn by . . . either of us or the survivor. No money belonging to the wife was ever deposited. After the death of .the husband his residuary legatees filed a petition claiming the balance of the account by virtue of a resulting trust which they sought to show by parol evidence to have been intended by the husband. Judgment was for the wife. On appeal, held, affirmed. The signature card constituted a contract clearly expressing the husband\u27s intent, and could not be varied or altered by parol evidence through the device of a resulting trust. Hill v. Havens, (Iowa 1951) 48 N. W. (2d) 870

    Continuous upflows and sporadic downflows observed in active regions

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    We present a study of the temporal evolution of coronal loops in active regions and its implications for the dynamics in coronal loops. We analyzed images of the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA) on the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) at multiple temperatures to detect apparent motions in the coronal loops. Quasi-periodic brightness fluctuations propagate upwards from the loop footpoint in hot emission at 1MK, while sporadic downflows are seen in cool emission below 1MK. The upward motion in hot emission increases just after the cool downflows. The apparent propagating pattern suggests a hot upflow from the loop footpoints, and is considered to supply hot plasma into the coronal loop, but a wavelike phenomenon cannot be ruled out. Coronal condensation occasionally happens in the coronal loop, and the cool material flows down to the footpoint. Emission from cool plasma could have a significant contribution to hot AIA channels in the event of coronal condensation.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figures, A&A in pres
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