4,015 research outputs found

    Charged lepton-nucleus inelastic scattering at high energies

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    The composite model is constructed to describe inelastic high-energy scattering of muons and taus in standard rock. It involves photonuclear interactions at low Q2Q^2 as well as moderate Q2Q^2 processes and the deep inelastic scattering (DIS). In the DIS region the neutral current contribution is taken into consideration. Approximation formulas both for the muons and tau energy loss in standard rock are presented for wide energy range.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures. Presented at 19th European Cosmic Ray Symposium (ECRS 2004), Florence, Italy, 30 Aug - 3 Sep 2004. Submitted to Int.J.Mod.Phys.

    Extraction of Neutrino Flux with the Low ν\nu Method at MiniBooNE Energies

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    We describe the application of the `low-ν\nu' method to the extraction of the neutrino flux at MiniBooNE energies. As an example, we extract the relative energy dependence of the flux from published MiniBooNE quasielastic scattering cross sections with ν<0.2\nu < 0.2 GeV and ν<0.1\nu < 0.1 GeV (here ν\nu is the energy transfer to the target). We find that the flux extracted from the `low-ν\nu' cross sections is consistent with the nominal flux used by MiniBooNE. We fit the MiniBooNE cross sections over the entire kinematic range to various parametrizations of the axial form factor. We find that if the overall normalization of the fit is allowed to float within the normalization errors, the extracted values of the axial vector mass are independent of the flux. Within the Fermi gas model, the Q2Q^2 distribution of the MiniBooNE data is described by a standard dipole form factor with MA=1.41±0.04M_A=1.41\pm0.04 GeV. If nuclear transverse enhancement in the vector form factors is accounted for, the data are best fit with a modified dipole form factor with MA=1.10±0.03M_A=1.10\pm 0.03 GeV.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figures, (presented by A. Bodek at CIPANP 2012, St. Petersburg, FL, June 2012, and at NuFact 2012, Williamsburg, VA, July 2012

    Axial, induced pseudoscalar, and pion-nucleon form factors in manifestly Lorentz-invariant chiral perturbation theory

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    We calculate the nucleon form factors G_A and G_P of the isovector axial-vector current and the pion-nucleon form factor G_piN in manifestly Lorentz-invariant baryon chiral perturbation theory up to and including order O(p^4). In addition to the standard treatment including the nucleon and pions, we also consider the axial-vector meson a_1 as an explicit degree of freedom. This is achieved by using the reformulated infrared renormalization scheme. We find that the inclusion of the axial-vector meson effectively results in one additional low-energy coupling constant that we determine by a fit to the data for G_A. The inclusion of the axial-vector meson results in an improved description of the experimental data for G_A, while the contribution to G_P is small.Comment: 21 pages, 9 figures, REVTeX

    Neutrino-nucleon cross sections at energies of Megaton-scale detectors

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    An updated set of (anti)neutrino-nucleon charged and neutral current cross sections at 3 GeVEν100 GeV3~{\rm GeV} \lesssim E_\nu \lesssim 100~{\rm GeV} is presented. These cross sections are of particular interest for the detector optimization and data processing and interpretation in the future Megaton-scale experiments like PINGU, ORCA, and Hyper-Kamiokande. Finite masses of charged leptons and target mass corrections in exclusive and deep inelastic (νˉ)νN(\bar\nu)\nu N interactions are taken into account. A new set of QCD NNLO parton density functions, the ABMP15, is used for calculation of the DIS cross sections. The sensitivity of the cross sections to phenomenological parameters and to extrapolations of the nucleon structure functions to small xx and Q2Q^2 is studied. An agreement within the uncertainties of our calculations with experimental data is demonstrated.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, accepted for the VLVnT-2015 Conference proceedings, will be published on EPJ Web of Conference

    Environmental hazards of lithium batteries

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    If batteries are disposed correctly by transferring them to disposal facilities, a significant reducing of harmful substances ingress into the soil will be achieved. Developing two directions is reasonable: modernization of recycling technologies as well as production technology. Thanks to the cutting-edge technologies zero emission of harmful components can be achieved. If manufacturers focuse on invention of more effective technologies that will have the effect of preserving, the risks of harm to the environment are going to be reduced. The invention of a new type of battery can revolutionize not only the automotive industry but also the field of mobile electronics

    A 15-Kiloparsec X-Ray Disk in the Elliptical Galaxy NGC 1700

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    We present Chandra observations of the young elliptical galaxy NGC 1700. The X-ray isophotes are highly flattened between semimajor axes of 30 and 80 arcseconds, reaching a maximum ellipticity of approximately 0.65 at 60 arcsec (15 kpc). The surface brightness profile in the spectrally soft, flattened region is shallower than that of the starlight, indicating that the emission comes from hot gas rather than stellar sources. The flattening is so extreme that the gas cannot be in hydrostatic equilibrium in any plausible potential. A likely alternative is that the gas has significant rotational support. A simple model, representing isothermal gas distributed about a particular angular momentum, can reproduce the X-ray morphology while staying consistent with stellar kinematics. The specific angular momentum of the gas matches that of the stars in the most isophotally distorted outer part of the galaxy, and its cooling time matches the time since the last major merger. We infer that the gas was acquired in that merger, which involved a pre-existing elliptical galaxy with a hot ISM. The hot gas carried the angular momentum of the encounter, and has since gradually settled into a rotationally flattened, cooling disk.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figures, AASTeX 5.0. Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    Protecting the Baryon Asymmetry with Thermal Masses

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    We consider the evolution of baryon number BB in the early universe under the influence of rapid sphaleron interactions and show that BB will remain nonzero at all times even in the case of BL=0B-L = 0. This result arises due to thermal Yukawa interactions that cause nonidentical dispersion relations (thermal masses) for different lepton families. We point out the relevance of our result to the Affleck-Dine type baryogenesis.Comment: 11pp., plain tex, UMN-TH-1248/94, CfPA-TH-94-1

    Comments on ``A note on first-order formalism and odd-derivative actions'' by S. Deser

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    We argue that the obstacles to having a first-order formalism for odd-derivative actions presented in a pedagogical note by Deser are based on examples which are not first-order forms of the original actions. The general derivation of an equivalent first-order form of the original second-order action is illustrated using the example of topologically massive electrodynamics (TME). The correct first-order formulations of the TME model keep intact the gauge invariance presented in its second-order form demonstrating that the gauge invariance is not lost in the Ostrogradsky process.Comment: 6 pages, references are adde

    Peculiarities of the Canonical Analysis of the First Order Form of the Einstein-Hilbert Action in Two Dimensions in Terms of the Metric Tensor or the Metric Density

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    The peculiarities of doing a canonical analysis of the first order formulation of the Einstein-Hilbert action in terms of either the metric tensor gαβg^{\alpha \beta} or the metric density hαβ=ggαβh^{\alpha \beta}= \sqrt{-g}g^{\alpha \beta} along with the affine connection are discussed. It is shown that the difference between using gαβg^{\alpha \beta} as opposed to hαβh^{\alpha \beta} appears only in two spacetime dimensions. Despite there being a different number of constraints in these two approaches, both formulations result in there being a local Poisson brackets algebra of constraints with field independent structure constants, closed off shell generators of gauge transformations and off shell invariance of the action. The formulation in terms of the metric tensor is analyzed in detail and compared with earlier results obtained using the metric density. The gauge transformations, obtained from the full set of first class constraints, are different from a diffeomorphism transformation in both cases.Comment: 13 page