731 research outputs found

    Neutrino Oscillations in an SO(10) SUSY GUT with U(2)xU(1)nU(2)xU(1)^{n} Family Symmetry

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    In a previous paper we analyzed fermion masses (focusing on neutrino masses and mixing angles) in an SO(10) SUSY GUT with U(2)\timesU(1)^n family symmetry. The model is "natural" containing all operators in the Lagrangian consistent with the states and their charges. With minimal family symmetry breaking vevs the model is also predictive giving a unique solution to atmospheric (with maximal νμντ\nu_\mu \to \nu_\tau mixing) and solar (with SMA MSW νeνs\nu_e \to \nu_s mixing) neutrino oscillations. In this paper we analyze the case of general family breaking vevs. We now find several new solutions for three, four and five neutrinos. For three neutrinos we now obtain SMA MSW, LMA MSW or vacuum oscillation solutions for solar neutrinos. In all three cases the atmospheric data is described by maximal νμντ\nu_\mu \to \nu_\tau mixing. In the four and five neutrino cases, in addition to fitting atmospheric and solar data as before, we are now able to fit LSND data. All this is obtained with the additional parameters coming from the family symmetry breaking vevs; providing only minor changes in the charged fermion fits

    Experimental measurement of focused wave group and solitary wave overtopping

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    Prediction of individual wave overtopping events is important in assessing danger to life and property, but data are sparse and hydrodynamic understanding is lacking. Laboratory-scale waves of three distinct types were generated at the Coastal Research Facility to model extreme waves overtopping a trapezoidal embankment. These comprised wave groups of compact form, wave groups embedded in a background wave field, and a solitary wave. The inshore wave propagation was measured and the time variation of overtopping rate estimated. The total volume overtopped was measured directly. The experiments provide well-defined data without uncertainty due to the effect of reflection on the incident wave train. The dependence of overtopping on a range of wave shapes is thus determined and the influence of wave-wave interactions on overtopping assessed. It was found that extreme overtopping may arise from focused waves with deep troughs rather than large crests. Furthermore, overtopping waves can be generated from small wave packets without affecting the applicability of results to cases in which there are surrounding waves. Finally, overtopping from a solitary wave is comparable with overtopping from focused wave groups of the same amplitude. © 2011 Copyright International Association for Hydro-Environment Engineering and Research

    Can multi-TeV (top and other) squarks be natural in gauge mediation?

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    We investigate whether multi-TeV (1-3 TeV) squarks can be natural in models of gauge mediated SUSY breaking. The idea is that for some boundary condition of the scalar (Higgs and stop) masses, the Higgs (mass)2^2, evaluated at the renormalization scale O(100)\sim O(100) GeV, is not very sensitive to (boundary values of) the scalar masses (this has been called ``focussing'' in recent literature). Then, the stop masses can be multi-TeV without leading to fine-tuning in electroweak symmetry breaking. {\em Minimal} gauge mediation does {\em not} lead to this focussing (for all values of tanβ\tan \beta and the messenger scale): the (boundary value of) the Higgs mass is too small compared to the stop masses. Also, in minimal gauge mediation, the gaugino masses are of the same order as the scalar masses so that multi-TeV scalars implies multi-TeV gauginos (especially gluino) leading to fine-tuning. We discuss ideas to {\em increase} the Higgs mass relative to the stop masses (so that focussing can be achieved) and also to {\em suppress} gaugino masses relative to scalar masses (or to modify the gaugino mass relations) in {\em non-minimal} models of gauge mediation -- then multi-TeV (top and other) squarks can be natural. Specific models of gauge mediation which incorporate these ideas and thus have squarks (and in some cases, the gluino) heavier than a TeV without resulting in fine-tuning are also studied and their collider signals are contrasted with those of other models which have multi-TeV squarks.Comment: LaTeX, 29 pages, 9 eps figures. Replacing an earlier version. In version 3, some references and a minor comment have been added and typos have been correcte

    A solution to the mu problem in the presence of a heavy gluino LSP

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    In this paper we present a solution to the μ\mu problem in an SO(10) supersymmetric grand unified model with gauge mediated and D-term supersymmetry breaking. A Peccei-Quinn symmetry is broken at the messenger scale M1012M\sim 10^{12} GeV and enables the generation of the μ\mu term. The boundary conditions defined at MM lead to a phenomenologically acceptable version of the minimal supersymmetric standard model with novel particle phenomenology. Either the gluino or the gravitino is the lightest supersymmetric particle (LSP). If the gravitino is the LSP, then the gluino is the next-to-LSP (NLSP) with a lifetime on the order of one month or longer. In either case this heavy gluino, with mass in the range 25 - 35 GeV, can be treated as a stable particle with respect to experiments at high energy accelerators. Given the extensive phenomenological constraints we show that the model can only survive in a narrow region of parameter space resulting in a light neutral Higgs with mass 8691\sim 86 - 91 GeV and tanβ914\tan\beta \sim 9 - 14. In addition the lightest stop and neutralino have mass 100122\sim 100 - 122 GeV and 5072\sim 50 - 72 GeV, respectively. Thus the model will soon be tested. Finally, the invisible axion resulting from PQ symmetry breaking is a cold dark matter candidate.Comment: 30 pages, 9 figure

    Experimental signatures of low energy gauge mediated supersymmetry breaking

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    The experimental signatures for gauge mediated supersymmetry breaking are presented. The phenomenology associated with this class of models is distinctive since the gravitino is naturally the LSP. The next lightest supersymmetric particle (NLSP) can be a gaugino, Higgsino, or right handed slepton. Decay of the NLSP to its partner plus the LSP proceeds through the Goldstino component of the gravitino. For a significant range of parameters this decay can take place within the detector, and can be measured as a displaced vertex or kink in a charged particle track. In the case that the NLSP is mostly gaugino, we identify the discovery modes as e^+e^- \rightarrow \gamma \gamma + \Emiss, and p \bar{p} \rightarrow l^+ l^- \gamma \gamma + \EmissT. If the NLSP is a right handed slepton the discovery modes are e^+ e^- \rightarrow l^+ l^- + \Emiss and p \bar{p} \rightarrow l^+ l^- + \EmissT. An NLSP which is mostly Higgsino is also considered. Finally, these theories can contain scalar particles which mediate sub-millimeter range coherent forces of gravitational strength

    Color Superconductivity from Supersymmetry

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    A supersymmetric composite model of color superconductivity is proposed. Quarks and diquarks are dynamically generated as composite fields by a newly introduced strong gauge dynamics. It is shown that the condensation of the scalar component of the diquark supermultiplet occurs when the chemical potential becomes larger than some critical value. We believe that the model well captures aspects of the diquark condensate behavior and helps our understanding of the diquark dynamics in real QCD. The results obtained here might be useful when we consider a theory composed of quarks and diquarks.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, An error in Eq.(10) correcte

    Low Energy Supersymmetry from the Heterotic Landscape

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    We study possible correlations between properties of the observable and hidden sectors in heterotic string theory. Specifically, we analyze the case of the Z6-II orbifold compactification which produces a significant number of models with the spectrum of the supersymmetric standard model. We find that requiring realistic features does affect the hidden sector such that hidden sector gauge group factors SU(4) and SO(8) are favoured. In the context of gaugino condensation, this implies low energy supersymmetry breaking.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures; to appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Observations from the EEFIT-TDMRC mission to Banda Aceh, Indonesia to investigate the recovery from the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami

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    On 26th December 2004 a subduction zone earthquake of magnitude Mw 9.3 struck off the coast of Sumatra in Indonesia. A large area of the Indian Ocean seabed was vertically displaced, and as a result a tsunami wave was generated that went on to affect many countries around the world. One of the worst hit places was the Aceh province of Sumatra where the capital city, Banda Aceh, experienced serious ground shaking and significant sea water inundation. In Indonesia at least 126,732 people were killed, a further 93,652 people were confirmed missing and 533,770 people were displaced. In 2022, nearly 20 years on from the disaster, engineers and scientists from the UK Earthquake Engineering Field Investigation Team (EEFIT) and from the Indonesian Tsunami and Disaster Mitigation Research Centre (TDMRC) conducted a joint longterm recovery mission. This paper reflects on how a society rebuilds after such a devastating loss and what lessons can be learnt as a community for future disaster risk reduction. The scope of the paper includes the rapid assessment of post-disaster housing, community infrastructure and preparedness measures

    Unification in 5D SO(10)

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    Gauge unification in a five dimensional supersymmetric SO(10) model compactified on an orbifold S1/(Z2×Z2)S^1/(Z_2 \times Z_2^{\prime}) is studied. One orbifolding reduces N=2 supersymmetry to N=1, and the other breaks SO(10) to the Pati-Salam gauge group \ps. Further breaking to the standard model gauge group is made through the Higgs mechanism on one of the branes. The differences of the three gauge couplings run logarithmically even in five dimensions and we can keep the predictability for unification as in four dimensional gauge theories. We obtain an excellent prediction for gauge coupling unification with a cutoff scale M3×1017M_* \sim 3 \times 10^{17} GeV and a compactification scale Mc1.5×1014M_c \sim 1.5 \times 10^{14} GeV. Finally, although proton decay due to dimension 5 operators may be completely eliminated, the proton decay rate in these models is sensitive to the placement of matter multiplets in the 5th dimension, as well as to the unknown physics above the cutoff scale.Comment: 33 pages, one reference added and fig. 3 caption correcte

    Bayesian operational modal analysis of offshore rock lighthouses for SHM

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. the final version is available from the British Institute of Non-Destructive Testing via the link in this recordDuring 2016 and 2017 a program of field vibration measurements was made on a set of Victorian era granite lighthouse towers around the British Isles. The field tests were designed for structural identification to enable condition assessment and identification of extreme wave loads through long term monitoring. The primary test method was forced vibration, and ambient vibration measurements was used as a backup. The best operational modal analysis (OMA) results were obtained using Bayesian OMA, which provide a clear picture of the directionality of the mode shapes which appeared at very close frequencies due to the symmetry of the towers. The paper describes measurements and sample analysis illustrating difficulties and achievements.Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC