42 research outputs found

    Supersymmetry algebra in N = 1 chiral supergravity

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    We consider the supersymmetry (SUSY) transformations in the chiral Lagrangian for N=1N = 1 supergravity (SUGRA) with the complex tetrad following the method used in the usual N=1N = 1 SUGRA, and present the explicit form of the SUSY trasformations in the first-order form. The SUSY transformations are generated by two independent Majorana spinor parameters, which are apparently different from the constrained parameters employed in the method of the 2-form gravity. We also calculate the commutator algebra of the SUSY transformations on-shell.Comment: 10 pages, late

    A simple approach to counterterms in N=8 supergravity

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    We present a simple systematic method to study candidate counterterms in N=8 supergravity. Complicated details of the counterterm operators are avoided because we work with the on-shell matrix elements they produce. All n-point matrix elements of an independent SUSY invariant operator of the form D^{2k} R^n +... must be local and satisfy SUSY Ward identities. These are strong constraints, and we test directly whether or not matrix elements with these properties can be constructed. If not, then the operator does not have a supersymmetrization, and it is excluded as a potential counterterm. For n>4, we find that R^n, D^2 R^n, D^4 R^n, and D^6 R^n are excluded as counterterms of MHV amplitudes, while only R^n and D^2 R^n are excluded at the NMHV level. As a consequence, for loop order L<7, there are no independent D^{2k}R^n counterterms with n>4. If an operator is not ruled out, our method constructs an explicit superamplitude for its matrix elements. This is done for the 7-loop D^4 R^6 operator at the NMHV level and in other cases. We also initiate the study of counterterms without leading pure-graviton matrix elements, which can occur beyond the MHV level. The landscape of excluded/allowed candidate counterterms is summarized in a colorful chart.Comment: 25 pages, 1 figure, published versio

    Supergravity with cosmological constant and the AdS group

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    It is shown that the supersymmetric extension of the Stelle-West formalism permits the construction of an action for (3+1)(3+1)-dimensional N=1 supergravity with cosmological constant genuinely invariant under the OSp(4/1).OSp(4/1). Since the action is invariant under the supersymmetric extension of the AdSAdS group, the supersymmetry algebra closes off shell without the need for auxiliary fields. The limit case m0m\to 0, i.e.(3+1)(3+1) -dimensional N=1 supergravity invariant under the Poincar\'{e} supergroup is also discussed.Comment: 10 page

    New Formulations of D=10 Supersymmetry and D8-O8 Domain Walls

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    We discuss a generalized form of IIA/IIB supergravity depending on all R-R potentials C^(p) (p=0,1,...,9) as the effective field theory of Type IIA/IIB superstring theory. For the IIA case we explicitly break this R-R democracy to either p=5 which allows us to write a new bulk action that can be coupled to N=1 supersymmetric brane actions. The case of 8-branes is studied in detail using the new bulk & brane action. The supersymmetric negative tension branes without matter excitations can be viewed as orientifolds in the effective action. These D8-branes and O8-planes are fundamental in Type I' string theory. A BPS 8-brane solution is given which satisfies the jump conditions on the wall. It implies a quantization of the mass parameter in string units. Also we find a maximal distance between the two walls, depending on the string coupling and the mass parameter. We derive the same results via supersymmetric flow equations.Comment: 30 pages, 2nd version: reference adde

    Quantum Aspects of Massive Gravity II: Non-Pauli-Fierz Theory

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    We investigate the non-Pauli-Fierz(nPF) theory, a linearized massive gravity with a generic graviton mass term, which has been ignored due to a ghost in its spectrum and the resultant loss of unitarity. We first show that it is possible to use the Lee-Wick mechanism, a unitarization through the decay of a ghost, in order to handle the sixth mode ghost of nPF, and then check for the quantum consistency. Once proven to be consistent, nPF could become a viable candidate for a large distance modification of gravity, because it naturally solves the intrinsic problems that most dark energy/modified gravity models suffer from: It smoothly converges to general relativity at short distances, and the small graviton mass necessary to modify gravity at large scales can be stable under the radiative corrections from the minimal gravity-to-matter coupling.Comment: 1+16pp, accepted for JHE

    Quantum Cosmology and Higher-Order Lagrangian Theories

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    In this paper the quantum cosmological consequences of introducing a term cubic in the Ricci curvature scalar RR into the Einstein--Hilbert action are investigated. It is argued that this term represents a more generic perturbation to the action than the quadratic correction usually considered. A qualitative argument suggests that there exists a region of parameter space in which neither the tunneling nor the no-boundary boundary conditions predict an epoch of inflation that can solve the horizon and flatness problems of the big bang model. This is in contrast to the R2R^2--theory.Comment: 13 pages, LaTeX, preprint FERMILAB-Pub-94/XXX-A, March 199

    A Search for Non-Perturbative Dualities of Local N=2N=2 Yang--Mills Theories from Calabi--Yau Threefolds

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    The generalisation of the rigid special geometry of the vector multiplet quantum moduli space to the case of supergravity is discussed through the notion of a dynamical Calabi--Yau threefold. Duality symmetries of this manifold are connected with the analogous dualities associated with the dynamical Riemann surface of the rigid theory. N=2 rigid gauge theories are reviewed in a framework ready for comparison with the local case. As a byproduct we give in general the full duality group (quantum monodromy) for an arbitrary rigid SU(r+1)SU(r+1) gauge theory, extending previous explicit constructions for the r=1,2r=1,2 cases. In the coupling to gravity, R--symmetry and monodromy groups of the dynamical Riemann surface, whose structure we discuss in detail, are embedded into the symplectic duality group ΓD\Gamma_D associated with the moduli space of the dynamical Calabi--Yau threefold.Comment: Latex. Version of previous paper with enlarged and revised appendix 35 pages, plain LaTe

    Particle creation, renormalizability conditions and the mass-energy spectrum in gravity theories of quadratic Lagrangians

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    Massive scalar particle production, due to the anisotropic evolution of a five-dimensional spacetime, is considered in the context of a quadratic Lagrangian theory of gravity. Those particles, corresponding to field modes with non-vanishing momentum component along the fifth dimension, are created mostly in the neighbourhood of a singular epoch where only their high-frequency behaviour is of considerable importance. At the 1-loop approximation level, general renormalizability conditions on the physical quantities relevant to particle production are derived and discussed. Exact solutions of the resulting Klein-Gordon field equation are obtained and the mass-energy spectrum attributed to the scalar field due to the cosmological evolution is being investigated further. Finally, analytic expressions regarding the number and the energy density of the created particles at late times, are also derived and discussed.Comment: LaTeX file, 23 page

    Holographic c-theorems in arbitrary dimensions

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    We re-examine holographic versions of the c-theorem and entanglement entropy in the context of higher curvature gravity and the AdS/CFT correspondence. We select the gravity theories by tuning the gravitational couplings to eliminate non-unitary operators in the boundary theory and demonstrate that all of these theories obey a holographic c-theorem. In cases where the dual CFT is even-dimensional, we show that the quantity that flows is the central charge associated with the A-type trace anomaly. Here, unlike in conventional holographic constructions with Einstein gravity, we are able to distinguish this quantity from other central charges or the leading coefficient in the entropy density of a thermal bath. In general, we are also able to identify this quantity with the coefficient of a universal contribution to the entanglement entropy in a particular construction. Our results suggest that these coefficients appearing in entanglement entropy play the role of central charges in odd-dimensional CFT's. We conjecture a new c-theorem on the space of odd-dimensional field theories, which extends Cardy's proposal for even dimensions. Beyond holography, we were able to show that for any even-dimensional CFT, the universal coefficient appearing the entanglement entropy which we calculate is precisely the A-type central charge.Comment: 62 pages, 4 figures, few typo's correcte