1,576 research outputs found

    Using phosphate glass fibres to improve the interface between damaged peripheral nerve and engineered neural tissue

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    Mechanical testing of nerve guidance conduit materials for peripheral nerve repair

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    Serum-free cryopreservation of engineered neural tissue

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    Comparison of measured and calculated dynamic loads for the Mod-2 2.5 mW wind turbine system

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    The Boeing Company, under contract to the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI), has completed a test program on the Mod-2 wind turbines at Goodnoe Hills, Washington. The objectives were to update fatigue load spectra, discern site and machine differences, measure vortex generator effects, and to evaluate rotational sampling techniques. This paper shows the test setup and loads instrumentation, loads data comparisons and test/analysis correlations. Test data are correlated with DYLOSAT predictions using both the NASA interim turbulence model and rotationally sampled winds as inputs. The latter is demonstrated to have the potential to improve the test/analysis correlations. The paper concludes with an assessment of the importance of vortex generators, site dependence, and machine differences on fatigue loads. The adequacy of prediction techniques used are evaluated and recommendations are made for improvements to the methodology

    Tectonic structure of the convergent Pacific margin offshore Costa Rica from multichannel seismic reflection data

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    The Middle America Trench between the Cocos Ridge and a well-studied corridor off the Nicoya Peninsula has a more varied morphology and structure than previously reported. The morphological positive features on the lower plate significantly affect the upper plate structure. The Cocos Ridge has uplifted the margin opposite the Osa Peninsula. Northwest of Cocos Ridge, numerous seamounts on the oceanic crust sculptured the margin as they subducted. A seamount and a huge slump in the trench axis that currently block lateral sediment transport affect the sediment currently accreted and subducted. The greater portion of the trench sediment is subducted beneath a lower slope accretionary mass. Beneath the middle and upper slope is a margin wedge consisting of a high-velocity rock with few internal reflections. Its upper surface has a nondirectional random relief commonly 500 m high in the middle slope area. Overlying this surface is a low-velocity cover of slope sediment which shows little transgressive stratigraphy and can be traced landward into an inferred Eocene section beneath the shelf. The shelf basement is composed of Nicoya complex (ophiolite) with the same acoustic velocity, similar structure, and no apparent dividing geologic boundary with the margin wedge. We favor a seaward continuation of the Nicoya complex to the middle slope and emphasize the evidence for a non-steady state Tertiary tectonic history

    X-Ray Emission Line Spectroscopy of Cataclysmic Variables. II. Temperatures and Densities from Line Ratios in the Chandra HETG Band

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    We summarize the results of a line-by-line fitting analysis of the available spectra obtained using the Chandra High-Energy Transmission Grating. We confirm the existence of broad ionization and electron temperature ranges and high number densities in cataclysmic variables (CVs) of all subtypes. Temperatures range from ~0.4 keV to ~5-10 keV or more with a broad range detected in any given CV. In other words, single-temperature models do not describe the line emission. Number densities also cover a broad range, from 10^(12) to >10^(16) cm^(–3). We demonstrate that much of the plasma is in a nonequilibrium state; the Fe emission, however, may arise from plasma in the ionization equilibrium