27,016 research outputs found

    Optical-radar imaging of scale models for studies in asteroid astronomy

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    During the past five years, delay-Doppler radar has become the primary technique for studying the structure of Earth-crossing asteroids. None of these objects has yet been visited by spacecraft, so ground-truth test cases are lacking. A laboratory system is described that provides optical-radar images at 0.1-mm resolution. These data are analogous to the highest-resolution asteroid radar images currently available and provided realistic test cases for developing signal-processing techniques. The system can be thought of as a 1/188,000 scale model of the Arecibo radar, or a 1/52,800 scale model of the Goldstone radar

    Asymmetric Ejecta of Cool Supergiants and Hypergiants in the Massive Cluster Westerlund 1

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    We report new 5.5 GHz radio observations of the massive star cluster Westerlund 1, taken by the Australia Telescope Compact Array, detecting nine of the ten yellow hypergiants (YHGs) and red supergiants (RSGs) within the cluster. Eight of nine sources are spatially resolved. The nebulae associated with the YHGs Wd1-4a, -12a and -265 demonstrate a cometary morphology - the first time this phenomenon has been observed for such stars. This structure is also echoed in the ejecta of the RSGs Wd1-20 and -26; in each case the cometary tails are directed away from the cluster core. The nebular emission around the RSG Wd1-237 is less collimated than these systems but once again appears more prominent in the hemisphere facing the cluster. Considered as a whole, the nebular morphologies provide compelling evidence for sculpting via a physical agent associated with Westerlund 1, such as a cluster wind

    Real-world comparison of probe vehicle emissions and fuel consumption using diesel and 5 % biodiesel (B5) blend.

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    An instrumented EURO I Ford Mondeo was used to perform a real-world comparison of vehicle exhaust (carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, hydrocarbons and oxides of nitrogen) emissions and fuel consumption for diesel and 5% biodiesel in diesel blend (B5) fuels. Data were collected on multiple replicates of three standardised on-road journeys: (1) A simple urban route; (2) A combined urban/inter-urban route; and, (3) An urban route subject to significant traffic management. At the total journey measurement level, data collected here indicate that replacing diesel with a B5 substitute could result in significant increases in both NOx emissions (8-13%) and fuel consumption (7-8%). However, statistical analysis of probe vehicle data demonstrated the limitations of comparisons based on such total journey measurements, i.e., methods analogous to those used in conventional dynamometer/drive cycle fuel comparison studies. Here, methods based on the comparison of speed/acceleration emissions and fuel consumption maps are presented. Significant variations across the speed/acceleration surface indicated that direct emission and fuel consumption impacts were highly dependent on the journey/drive cycle employed. The emission and fuel consumption maps were used both as descriptive tools to characterise impacts and predictive tools to estimate journey-specific emission and fuel consumption effects

    Comment on 'Non-equilibrium thermodynamics of light absorption'

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    A recent paper by Meszéna and Westerhoff (1999 J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 32 301) has aimed to address what is referred to as a principal question of biological thermodynamics, the possibility of describing photosynthesis in terms of non-equilibrium thermodynamics. The issue is associated with a misrepresentation of the fundamental photophysics involved, and as a result the analysis is invalid

    Dynamics of Macroscopic Wave Packet Passing through Double Slits: Role of Gravity and Nonlinearity

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    Using the nonlinear Schroedinger equation (Gross-Pitaevskii equation), the dynamics of a macroscopic wave packet for Bose-Einstein condensates falling through double slits is analyzed. This problem is identified with a search for the fate of a soliton showing a head-on collision with a hard-walled obstacle of finite size. We explore the splitting of the wave packet and its reorganization to form an interference pattern. Particular attention is paid to the role of gravity (g) and repulsive nonlinearity (u_0) in the fringe pattern. The peak-to-peak distance in the fringe pattern and the number of interference peaks are found to be proportional to g^(-1/2) and u_0^(1/2)g^(1/4), respectively. We suggest a way of designing an experiment under controlled gravity and nonlinearity.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures and 1 tabl

    Survey of Mississippi Catfish Farmers on Means, Effort, and Costs to Repel Fish-Eating Birds from Ponds

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    Eighty-seven percent of 281 Mississippi catfish farmers felt that fish-eating birds were enough of a problem to warrant harassment. Farmers estimated that they spent an average of 2.6 man-hours per day harassing birds at an average annual cost of 7400.Sixtypercentofthefarmerswhoharassedbirdsdidsobydrivingaroundthepondsandfiringatbirdstorepelthem.Propaneexplodersandpyrotechnicswerealsoused.Pyrotechnicswerejudgedthemosteffectiverepellenttechnique.Thecostofbirdharassmentaccordingtothesefarmersis7400. Sixty percent of the farmers who harassed birds did so by driving around the ponds and firing at birds to repel them. Propane exploders and pyrotechnics were also used. Pyrotechnics were judged the most effective repellent technique. The cost of bird harassment according to these farmers is 2.1 million. The value of fish loss to cormorants alone is roughly estimated at 3.3million.Thetotalannuallosstobirdsisestimatedat3.3 million. The total annual loss to birds is estimated at 5.4 million