12,640 research outputs found

    Method and apparatus for stable silicon dioxide layers on silicon grown in silicon nitride ambient

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    A method and apparatus for thermally growing stable silicon dioxide layers on silicon is disclosed. A previously etched and baked silicon nitride tube placed in a furnace is used to grow the silicon dioxide. First, pure oxygen is allowed to flow through the tube to initially coat the inside surface of the tube with a thin layer of silicon dioxide. After the tube is coated with the thin layer of silicon dioxide, the silicon is oxidized thermally in a normal fashion. If the tube becomes contaminated, the silicon dioxide is etched off thereby exposing clean silicon nitride and then the inside of the tube is recoated with silicon dioxide. As is disclosed, the silicon nitride tube can also be used as the ambient for the pyrolytic decomposition of silane and ammonia to form thin layers of clean silicon nitride

    Nickel-cadmium cell life test

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    Over 6,9000 Low Earth Orbit cycles were accumulated at 30% Depth of Discharge on twelve INTELSAT-design nickel-hydrogen cells. Physical equipment and cells are described. Performance characteristics are seen to be uniform. Further testing is planned to seek a failure mode, and also to investigate the effects of a new additive for nickel-hydrogen cells. Initial results indicate improved performance at higher temperatures and diminished swelling of positive nickel plates

    Endothelial HO-1 induction by model TG-rich lipoproteins is regulated through a NOX4-Nrf2 pathway

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    Circulating levels of chylomicron remnants (CMRs) increase postprandially and their composition directly reflects dietary lipid intake. These TG-rich lipoproteins likely contribute to the development of endothelial dysfunction, albeit via unknown mechanisms. Here, we investigated how the FA composition of CMRs influences their actions on human aortic endothelial cells (HAECs) by comparing the effects of model CMRs—artificial TG-rich CMR-like particles (A-CRLPs)—containing TGs extracted from fish, DHA-rich algal, corn, or palm oils. HAECs responded with distinct transcriptional programs according to A-CRLP TG content and oxidation status, with genes involved in antioxidant defense and cytoprotection most prominently affected by n-3 PUFA-containing A-CRLPs. These particles were significantly more efficacious inducers of heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1) than n-6 PUFA corn or saturated FA-rich palm CRLPs. Mechanistically, HO-1 induction by all CRLPs requires NADPH oxidase 4, with PUFA-containing particles additionally dependent upon mitochondrial reactive oxygen species. Activation of both p38 MAPK and PPARβ/δ culminates in increased nuclear factor erythroid 2-related factor 2 (Nrf2) expression/nuclear translocation and HO-1 induction. These studies define new molecular pathways coupling endothelial cell activation by model CMRs with adaptive regulation of Nrf2-dependent HO-1 expression and may represent key mechanisms through which dietary FAs differentially impact progression of endothelial dysfunction

    9+2 to 9+0 axoneme conversion in Leishmania

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    Computational Non-Destructive Evaluation Improving Ultrasonic Interrogation of Complex Geometry Composite Parts

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    Finite element simulation was employed in modeling the ultrasound (UT) pressure pulse propagation through a coupled liquid-composite medium to reproduce experimental data. From the simulation point of view, the proposed approach is challenging when there is a large simulation domain. For example, it is shown that a sub-micron wavelength of an ultrasonic wave requires a mesh size of several microns and this in turn requires significant computational resources, as well as special care in modeling. Some of the simulation results are presented considering that such modeling should reproduce experimental data for a healthy and faulty composite structure with complex geometry. Many possible experimental setups are simulated to demonstrate the non-destructive testing technique. This setup includes the generation of pressure pulse propagating through the tested composite plate and possible scattering by discontinuities (area of different impedance) that may be present in the panel. This scattered pulse together with the baseline pressure pulse generates a signature on the probe element which can be used to locate the position of defects in the structures

    Kaluza-Klein dimensional reduction and Gauss-Codazzi-Ricci equations

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    In this paper we imitate the traditional method which is used customarily in the General Relativity and some mathematical literatures to derive the Gauss-Codazzi-Ricci equations for dimensional reduction. It would be more distinct concerning geometric meaning than the vielbein method. Especially, if the lower dimensional metric is independent of reduced dimensions the counterpart of the symmetric extrinsic curvature is proportional to the antisymmetric Kaluza-Klein gauge field strength. For isometry group of internal space, the SO(n) symmetry and SU(n) symmetry are discussed. And the Kaluza-Klein instanton is also enquired.Comment: 15 page

    High-fat meals rich in EPA plus DHA compared with DHA only have differential effects on postprandial lipemia and plasma 8-isoprostane F-2 alpha concentrations relative to a control high-oleic acid meal: a randomized controlled trial

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    Background: Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) plus docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) supplementation has beneficial cardiovascular effects, but postprandial influences of these individual fatty acids are unclear. Objectives: The primary objective was to determine the vascular effects of EPA + DHA compared with DHA only during postprandial lipemia relative to control high–oleic acid meals; the secondary objective was to characterize the effects of linoleic acid–enriched high-fat meals relative to the control meal. Design: We conducted a randomized, controlled, double-blind crossover trial of 4 high-fat (75-g) meals containing 1) high–oleic acid sunflower oil (HOS; control), 2) HOS + fish oil (FO; 5 g EPA and DHA), 3) HOS + algal oil (AO; 5 g DHA), and 4) high–linoleic acid sunflower oil (HLS) in 16 healthy men (aged 35–70 y) with higher than optimal fasting triacylglycerol concentrations (mean ± SD triacylglycerol, 1.9 ± 0.5 mmol/L). Results: Elevations in triacylglycerol concentration relative to baseline were slightly reduced after FO and HLS compared with the HOS control (P < 0.05). The characteristic decrease from baseline in plasma nonesterified fatty acids after a mixed meal was inhibited after AO (Δ 0–3 h, P < 0.05). HLS increased the augmentation index compared with the other test meals (P < 0.05), although the digital volume pulse–reflection index was not significantly different. Plasma 8-isoprostane F(2α) analysis revealed opposing effects of FO (increased) and AO (reduced) compared with the control (P < 0.05). No differences in nitric oxide metabolites were observed. Conclusions: These data show differential postprandial 8-isoprostane F(2α) responses to high-fat meals containing EPA + DHA–rich fish oil compared with DHA-rich AO, but these differences were not associated with consistent effects on postprandial vascular function or lipemia. More detailed analyses of polyunsaturated fatty acid–derived lipid mediators are required to determine possible divergent functional effects of single meals rich in either DHA or EPA. This trial was registered at clinicaltrials.gov as NCT01618071

    Differing calcification processes in cultured vascular smooth muscle cells and osteoblasts

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    © 2019 Published by Elsevier Inc.Arterial medial calcification (AMC) is the deposition of calcium phosphate mineral, often as hydroxyapatite, inthe medial layer of the arteries. AMC shares some similarities to skeletal mineralisation and has been associatedwith the transdifferentiation of vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) towards an osteoblast-like phenotype. Thisstudy used primary mouse VSMCs and calvarial osteoblasts to directly compare the established and widely usedin vitromodels of AMC and bone formation. Significant differences were identified between osteoblasts andcalcifying VSMCs. First, osteoblasts formed large mineralised bone nodules that were associated with widespreaddeposition of an extracellular collagenous matrix. In contrast, VSMCs formed small discrete regions of calcifi-cation that were not associated with collagen deposition and did not resemble bone. Second, calcifying VSMCsdisplayed a progressive reduction in cell viability over time (≤7-fold), with a 50% increase in apoptosis,whereas osteoblast and control VSMCs viability remained unchanged. Third, osteoblasts expressed high levels ofalkaline phosphatase (TNAP) activity and TNAP inhibition reduced bone formation by to 90%. TNAP activity incalcifying VSMCs was∼100-fold lower than that of bone-forming osteoblasts and cultures treated withβ-gly-cerophosphate, a TNAP substrate, did not calcify. Furthermore, TNAP inhibition had no effect on VSMC calci-fication. Although, VSMC calcification was associated with increased mRNA expression of osteoblast-relatedgenes (e.g. Runx2, osterix, osteocalcin, osteopontin), the relative expression of these genes was up to 40-foldlower in calcifying VSMCs versus bone-forming osteoblasts. In summary, calcifying VSMCsin vitrodisplay somelimited osteoblast-like characteristics but also differ in several key respects: 1) their inability to form collagen-containing bone; 2) their lack of reliance on TNAP to promote mineral deposition; and, 3) the deleterious effectof calcification on their viability.Peer reviewedFinal Published versio