5 research outputs found

    Introduction to Computer-Aided Learning

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    In modern times, technology has taken on a dominant role in many aspects of human life, and computeraided learning (CAL) is an educational tool that makes learning easier. By employing user interface (UI) design it is easy for students to access learning materials and relevant courses. UI design is an important factor for designing useful and usable CAL to appeal to a wide range of users by making the system flexible, attractive, interactive and easy to use

    Possibility of using Multimedia Application for Learning

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    Technology is developing quickly.Multimedia, a form of technology, is being used as ateaching tool these days. Many researchers andeducators have found suitable ways to designmultimedia applications in order to achieve fruitfuleducational outcomes. Not that all we are going todiscuss here, the definition of multimedia, and theconnection between multimedia and learning tools,concept of multimedia applications, how they areformed using a different media, the type of educationalelement that effect to learn in their naturalenvironment and the real-world issues. The definitionsand characteristics of multimedia and educationalelements are explained in this article

    Digital Games Cause to Brain

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    This article discusses the ways in which digital games affect the behaviours of teenagers by promoting aggression Also highlighted is what the field of neuroscience can tell us about the implications of using digital games particularly with respect to their effects on teenagers brains and consequently on their behaviours In addition this paper demonstrates the importance of conducting research on the ways in which the use of digital games affect teenagers behaviour values and mental health and stresses the need to find ways in which to ensure the safe use of digital games and other new entertainment medi

    Social Multimedia Networks Behaviour Model & Architecture

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    People constantly use social multimedianetworks to communicate with one another, with usersmostly sharing data, such as photos and videos. Weexamine the motivations that drive colluders to formalliances over social networking platforms anddetermine how these groups create coalitions toadvance their interests. We also investigate thenetwork architectures that underlie social multimedianetworks and how these platforms circulate. Sucharchitectures are connected to different protocols,including WebID, Semantic Pingback andPubSubHubbub, to form a logical semantic circulatingsocial multimedia network that delivers a centralisedsocial network structure

    Gamification for Learning English as a Second Language in Sri Lanka

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    Despite the global importance of English proficiency, Sri Lankan students often struggle with mastering the language, as reflected in the country's unsatisfactory ranking in the English Proficiency Index (EPI). The traditional classroom-based teaching methods in Sri Lanka have not effectively addressed these challenges, necessitating innovative approaches to language learning. Gamification, the integration of gaming elements into non-game environments, has shown promising outcomes in enhancing learning motivation and academic performance, particularly in developed nations. However, its application within the Sri Lankan educational context remains limited. This study examines the potential of gamification in learning English as a second language (LESL) in Sri Lanka and identifies factors favourable to its integration into the education system. Key factors include the growing technological infrastructure, high internet penetration, and positive attitudes towards technology among students and teachers. By applying gamification to the educational context, Sri Lanka can revolutionise its language acquisition strategies, bridging the proficiency gap and creating a more engaging and effective learning environment essential for success in today's globalised world