270 research outputs found

    Downstream logistics optimization at EWOS Norway

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    The Norwegian company EWOS AS produces fish feed for the salmon farming industry, supplying approximately 300 customers spread along the coast of Norway. The feed is produced at three factory locations and distributed by a fleet of 10 dedicated vessels. The high seasonality of the demand and the large number of customers make the distribution planning a substantial challenge. EWOS handles it by operating a system of mostly fixed routes with decentralized planning at each factory. The distribution can be described as a multi-depot vehicle routing problem with time windows, multiple vehicle usage, inter-depot routes, heterogeneous fleet and a rolling horizon. The paper presents a mathematical model for this problem, which is solved by heuristics and meta heuristics. Based on detailed historical data collected by EWOS during the autumn of 2010, the model has proposed a dynamic set of routes with a significant reduction of travelled distance - close to 30% - and an increase of average vessel fill-rate - from 60% up to 95%. This implies a substantial fuel saving, with a positive environmental impact, and also a potential for downscaling the fleet, with additional considerable cost savings for the company.publishedVersio

    The impact of financial incentives on participants' food purchasing patterns in a supermarket-based randomized controlled trial

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    Background: The impacts of supermarket-based nutrition promotion interventions might be overestimated if participants shift their proportionate food purchasing away from their usual stores. This study quantified whether participants who received price discounts on fruits and vegetables (FV) in the Supermarket Healthy Eating for Life (SHELf) randomized controlled trial (RCT) shifted their FV purchasing into study supermarkets during the intervention period. Methods: Participants were 642 females randomly assigned to a 1) skill-building (n=160), 2) price reduction (n=161), 3) combined skill-building and price reduction (n=160), or 4) control (n=161) group. Participants self-reported the proportion of FV purchased in study supermarkets at baseline, 3- and 6-months post-intervention. Fisher's exact and ?2 tests assessed differences among groups in the proportion of FV purchased in study supermarkets at each time point. Multinomial logistic regression assessed differences among groups in the change in proportionate FV purchasing over time. Results: Post-intervention, 49% of participants purchased =50% of their FV in study supermarkets. Compared to all other groups, the price reduction group was approximately twice as likely (RRR: 1.8-2.2) to have increased proportionate purchasing of FV in study supermarkets from baseline to post-intervention (p<0.05). Conclusions: Participants who received price reductions on FV were approximately twice as likely to shift their FV purchasing from other stores into study supermarkets during the intervention period. Unless food purchasing data are available for all sources, differential changes in purchasing patterns can make it difficult to discern the true impacts of nutrition interventions. Trial registration: The SHELf trial is registered with Current Controlled Trials Registration ISRCTN39432901, Registered 30 June 2010, Retrospectively registered (http://www.isrctn.com/ISRCTN39432901

    Gene Expression and Distribution of Key Bone Turnover Markers in the Callus of Estrogen-Deficient, Vitamin D-Depleted Rats

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    An experimental rat model was used to test the hypothesis that in osteoporosis (OP) the molecular composition of the extracellular matrix in the fracture callus is disturbed. OP was induced at 10 weeks of age by ovariectomy and a vitamin D3-deficient diet, and sham-operated animals fed normal diet served as controls. Three months later a closed tibial fracture was made and stabilized with an intramedullary nail. After 3 and 6 weeks of healing, the animals were killed and the fracture calluses examined with global gene expression, in situ mRNA expression, and ultrastructural protein distribution of four bone turnover markers: osteopontin, bone sialoprotein, tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase, and cathepsin K. Global gene expression showed a relatively small number of differently regulated genes, mostly upregulated and at 3 weeks. The four chosen markers were not differently regulated, and only minor differences in the in situ mRNA expression and ultrastructural protein distribution were detected. Gene expression and composition of fracture calluses are not generally disturbed in experimental OP

    Host-based identification is not supported by morphometrics in natural populations of Gyrodactylus salaris and G. thymalli (Platyhelminthes, Monogenea)

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    Gyrodactylus salaris is a serious pest of wild pre-smolt Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) in Norway. The closely related G. thymalli, originally described from grayling (Thymallus thymallus), is assumed harmless to both grayling and salmon. The 2 species are difficult to distinguish using traditional, morphometric methods or molecular approaches. The aim of this study was to explore whether there is a consistent pattern of morphometrical variation between G. salaris and G. thymalli and to analyse the morphometric variation in the context of ‘diagnostic realism’ (in natural populations). Specimens from the type-material for the 2 species are also included. In total, 27 point-to-point measurements from the opisthaptoral hard parts were used and analysed by digital image processing and uni- and multivariate morphometry. All populations most closely resembled its respective type material, as expected from host species, with the exception of G. thymalli from the Norwegian river Trysilelva. We, therefore, did not find clear support in the morphometrical variation among G. salaris and G. thymalli for an a priori species delineation based on host. The present study also indicates an urgent need for more detailed knowledge on the influence of environmental factors on the phenotype of gyrodactylid populations

    Osteochondrosis, Synovial Fossae, and Articular Indentations in the Talus and Distal Tibia of Growing Domestic Pigs and Wild Boars

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    Articular osteochondrosis (OC) often develops in typical locations within joints, and the characterization of OC distribution in the pig tarsus is incomplete. Prevalence of OC is high in domestic pigs but is presumed to be low in wild boars. Postmortem and computed tomography (CT) examinations of the talus and distal tibia from 40 domestic pigs and 39 wild boars were evaluated for the locations and frequencies of OC, synovial fossae, and other articular indentations, and frequency distribution maps were made. All domestic pigs but only 5 wild boars (13%) had OC on the talus. In domestic pigs, OC consistently affected the axial aspect of the medial trochlea tali in 11 (28%) joints and the distomedial talus in 26 (65%) joints. In wild boars, all OC lesions consistently affected the distomedial talus. On the articular surface of the distal tibia, all domestic pigs and 34 wild boars (87%) had synovial fossae and 7 domestic pigs (18%) had superficial cartilage fibrillation opposite an OC lesion (kissing lesion). Other articular indentations occurred in the intertrochlear groove of the talus in all domestic pigs and 13 wild boars (33%) and were less common on the trochlea tali. The prevalence of tarsal OC in wild boars is low. In domestic pigs and wild boars, OC is typically localized to the distomedial talus and in domestic pigs also to the medial trochlea tali. Further investigations into the reasons for the low OC prevalence in wild boars may help in developing strategies to reduce OC incidence in domestic pigs

    Quantifying the hydroxyapatite orientation near the ossification front in a piglet femoral condyle using X-ray diffraction tensor tomography

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    While a detailed knowledge of the hierarchical structure and morphology of the extracellular matrix is considered crucial for understanding the physiological and mechanical properties of bone and cartilage, the orientation of collagen fibres and carbonated hydroxyapatite (HA) crystallites remains a debated topic. Conventional microscopy techniques for orientational imaging require destructive sample sectioning, which both precludes further studies of the intact sample and potentially changes the microstructure. In this work, we use X-ray diffraction tensor tomography to image non-destructively in 3D the HA orientation in a medial femoral condyle of a piglet. By exploiting the anisotropic HA diffraction signal, 3D maps showing systematic local variations of the HA crystallite orientation in the growing subchondral bone and in the adjacent mineralized growth cartilage are obtained. Orientation maps of HA crystallites over a large field of view (~ 3 7 3 7 3 mm3) close to the ossification (bone-growth) front are compared with high-resolution X-ray propagation phase-contrast computed tomography images. The HA crystallites are found to predominantly orient with their crystallite c-axis directed towards the ossification front. Distinct patterns of HA preferred orientation are found in the vicinity of cartilage canals protruding from the subchondral bone. The demonstrated ability of retrieving 3D orientation maps of bone-cartilage structures is expected to give a better understanding of the physiological properties of bones, including their propensity for bone-cartilage diseases

    Optimisation of assessment of maximal rate of heart rate increase for tracking training-induced changes in endurance exercise performance

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    The maximal rate of heart rate (HR) increase (rHRI), a marker of HR acceleration during transition from rest to submaximal exercise, correlates with exercise performance. In this cohort study, whether rHRI tracked performance better when evaluated over shorter time-periods which include a greater proportion of HR acceleration and less steady-state HR was evaluated. rHRI and five-km treadmill running time-trial performance (5TTT) were assessed in 15 runners following one week of light training (LT), two weeks of heavy training (HT) and 10-day taper (T). rHRI was the first derivative maximum of a sigmoidal curve fit to one, two, three and four minutes of R-R data during transition from rest to running at 8 km/h (rHRI8 km/h), 10.5 km/h, 13 km/h and transition from 8 to 13 km/h (rHRI8-13km/h). 5TTT time increased from LT to HT (effect size [ES] 1.0, p < 0.001) then decreased from HT to T (ES -1.7, p < 0.001). 5TTT time was inversely related to rHRI8 km/h assessed over two (B = -5.54, p = 0.04) three (B = -5.34, p = 0.04) and four (B = -5.37, p = 0.04) minutes, and rHRI8-13km/h over one (B = -11.62, p = 0.006) and three (B = -11.44, p = 0.03) minutes. 5TTT correlated most consistently with rHRI8 km/h. rHRI8 km/h assessed over two to four minutes may be suitable for evaluating athlete responses to training.Maximillian J. Nelson, Clint R. Bellenger, Rebecca L. Thomson, Eileen Y. Robertson, Kade Davison, Daniela Schäfer Olstad, Jonathan D. Buckle

    Decreased IL7Rα and TdT expression underlie the skewed immunoglobulin repertoire of human B-cell precursors from fetal origin

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    Newborns are unable to mount antibody responses towards certain antigens. This has been related to the restricted repertoire of immunoglobulin (Ig) genes of their B cells. The mechanisms underlying the restricted fetal Ig gene repertoire are currently unresolved. We here addressed this with detailed molecular and cellular analysis of human precursor-B cells from fetal liver, fetal bone marrow (BM), and pediatric BM. In the absence of selection processes, fetal B-cell progenitors more frequently used proximal V, D and J genes in complete IGH gene rearrangements, despite normal Ig locus contraction. Fewer N-nucleotides were added in IGH gene rearrangements in the context of low TdT and XRCC4 expression. Moreover, fetal progenitor-B cells expressed lower levels of IL7Rα than their pediatric counterparts. Analysis of progenitor-B cells from IL7Rα-deficient patients revealed that TdT expression and N-nucleotides additions in Dh-Jh junctions were dependent on functional IL7Rα. Thus, IL7Rα affects TdT expression, and decreased expression of this receptor underlies at least in part the skewed Ig repertoire formation in fetal B-cell precursors. These new insights provide a better understanding of the formation of adaptive immunity in the developing fetus

    Using a Participatory Approach to Develop Research Priorities for Future Leaders in Cancer-Related Precision Public Health

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    Precision public health is an emerging discipline combining principles and frameworks of precision health with the goal of improving population health. The development of research priorities drawing on the strengths of precision and public health is critical to facilitate the growth of the discipline to improve health outcomes. We held an interactive workshop during a virtual conference bringing together early-career researchers across public health disciplines to identify research priorities in precision public health. The workshop participants discussed and voted to identify three priority areas for future research and capacity building including 1) enhancing equity and access to precision public health research and resources, 2) improving tools and metrics for evaluation and 3) applying principles of implementation science to support sustainable practices. Participants also developed future objectives for achieving each priority. Future efforts by working groups will continue the process of identifying, revising, and advancing critical research priorities to grow the impact of precision public health