509 research outputs found

    Vacancy assisted arsenic diffusion and time dependent clustering effects in silicon

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    We present results of kinetic lattice Monte Carlo (KLMC) simulations of substitutional arsenic diffusion in silicon mediated by lattice vacancies. Large systems are considered, with 1000 dopant atoms and long range \textit{ab initio} interactions, to the 18th nearest lattice neighbor, and the diffusivity of each defect species over time is calculated. The concentration of vacancies is greater than equilibrium concentrations in order to simulate conditions shortly after ion implantation. A previously unreported time dependence in the applicability of the pair diffusion model, even at low temperatures, is demonstrated. Additionally, long range interactions are shown to be of critical importance in KLMC simulations; when shorter interaction ranges are considered only clusters composed entirely of vacancies form. An increase in arsenic diffusivity for arsenic concentrations up to 1019cm310^{19} \text{cm}^{-3} is observed, along with a decrease in arsenic diffusivity for higher arsenic concentrations, due to the formation of arsenic dominated clusters. Finally, the effect of vacancy concentration on diffusivity and clustering is studied, and increasing vacancy concentration is found to lead to a greater number of clusters, more defects per cluster, and a greater vacancy fraction within the clusters.Comment: 22 pages, 16 figure

    X-ray and UV observations of V751 Cyg in an optical high state

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    Aims: The VY Scl system (anti-dwarf nova) V751 Cyg is examined following a claim of a super-soft spectrum in the optical low state. Methods: A serendipitous XMM-Newton X-ray observation and, 21 months later, Swift X-ray and UV observations, have provided the best such data on this source so far. These optical high-state datasets are used to study the flux and spectral variability of V751 Cyg. Results: Both the XMM-Newton and Swift data show evidence for modulation of the X-rays for the first time at the known 3.467 hr orbital period of V751 Cyg. In two Swift observations, taken ten days apart, the mean X-ray flux remained unchanged, while the UV source brightened by half a magnitude. The X-ray spectrum was not super-soft during the optical high state, but rather due to multi-temperature optically thin emission, with significant (10^{21-22} cm^-2) absorption, which was higher in the observation by Swift than that of XMM-Newton. The X-ray flux is harder at orbital minimum, suggesting that the modulation is related to absorption, perhaps linked to the azimuthally asymmetric wind absorption seen previously in H-alpha.Comment: 6 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    The spectroscopic evolution of the symbiotic-like recurrent nova V407 Cygni during its 2010 outburst. I. The shock and its evolution

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    On 2010 Mar 10, V407 Cyg was discovered in outburst, eventually reaching V< 8 and detected by Fermi. Using medium and high resolution ground-based optical spectra, visual and Swift UV photometry, and Swift X-ray spectrophotometry, we describe the behavior of the high-velocity profile evolution for this nova during its first three months. The peak of the X-ray emission occurred at about day 40 with a broad maximum and decline after day 50. The main changes in the optical spectrum began at around that time. The He II 4686A line first appeared between days 7 and 14 and initially displayed a broad, symmetric profile that is characteristic of all species before day 60. Low-excitation lines remained comparatively narrow, with v(rad,max) of order 200-400 km/s. They were systematically more symmetric than lines such as [Ca V], [Fe VII], [Fe X], and He II, all of which showed a sequence of profile changes going from symmetric to a blue wing similar to that of the low ionization species but with a red wing extended to as high as 600 km/s . The Na I D doublet developed a broad component with similar velocity width to the other low-ionization species. The O VI Raman features were not detected. We interpret these variations as aspherical expansion of the ejecta within the Mira wind. The blue side is from the shock penetrating into the wind while the red wing is from the low-density periphery. The maximum radial velocities obey power laws, v(rad,max) t^{-n} with n ~ 1/3 for red wing and ~0.8 for the blue. (truncated)Comment: Accepted for publication, A&A (submitted: 9 Oct 2010; accepted: 1 Dec 2010) in press; based on data obtained with Swift, Nordic Optical Telescope, Ondrejov Observatory. Corrected typo, Fermi?LAT detection was at energies above 100 MeV (with thanks to C. C. Cheung

    Direct simulation of ion beam induced stressing and amorphization of silicon

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    Using molecular dynamics (MD) simulation, we investigate the mechanical response of silicon to high dose ion-irradiation. We employ a realistic and efficient model to directly simulate ion beam induced amorphization. Structural properties of the amorphized sample are compared with experimental data and results of other simulation studies. We find the behavior of the irradiated material is related to the rate at which it can relax. Depending upon the ability to deform, we observe either the generation of a high compressive stress and subsequent expansion of the material, or generation of tensile stress and densification. We note that statistical material properties, such as radial distribution functions are not sufficient to differentiate between different densities of amorphous samples. For any reasonable deformation rate, we observe an expansion of the target upon amorphization in agreement with experimental observations. This is in contrast to simulations of quenching which usually result in denser structures relative to crystalline Si. We conclude that although there is substantial agreement between experimental measurements and most simulation results, the amorphous structures being investigated may have fundamental differences; the difference in density can be attributed to local defects within the amorphous network. Finally we show that annealing simulations of our amorphized samples can lead to a reduction of high energy local defects without a large scale rearrangement of the amorphous network. This supports the proposal that defects in amorphous silicon are analogous to those in crystalline silicon.Comment: 13 pages, 12 figure

    An Efficient Molecular Dynamics Scheme for the Calculation of Dopant Profiles due to Ion Implantation

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    We present a highly efficient molecular dynamics scheme for calculating the concentration depth profile of dopants in ion irradiated materials. The scheme incorporates several methods for reducing the computational overhead, plus a rare event algorithm that allows statistically reliable results to be obtained over a range of several orders of magnitude in the dopant concentration. We give examples of using this scheme for calculating concentration profiles of dopants in crystalline silicon. Here we can predict the experimental profile over five orders of magnitude for both channeling and non-channeling implants at energies up to 100s of keV. The scheme has advantages over binary collision approximation (BCA) simulations, in that it does not rely on a large set of empirically fitted parameters. Although our scheme has a greater computational overhead than the BCA, it is far superior in the low ion energy regime, where the BCA scheme becomes invalid.Comment: 17 pages, 21 figures, 2 tables. See: http://bifrost.lanl.gov/~reed

    EUVE Observations of the Magnetic Cataclysmic Variable QQ Vulpeculae

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    We present simultaneous X-ray (lambda_peak ~ 44A) and EUV (lambda_peak = 89A) light curves for the magnetic cataclysmic variable QQ Vulpeculae, obtained with the EUVE satellite. We find that the unique shape of the X-ray light curve is different from previously obtained X-ray light curves of QQ Vul and provides evidence for two-pole accretion. Detailed examination of the photometric data indicates that QQ Vul undergoes a stellar eclipse of the X-ray emitting region, indicative of a high binary inclination. We discuss possible implications for the nature of this system given the observed shape of its EUV and X-ray light curves.Comment: 12 pages including 4 figures, accepted to PAS

    The SMC SNR 1E0102.2-7219 as a Calibration Standard for X-ray Astronomy in the 0.3-2.5 keV Bandpass

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    The flight calibration of the spectral response of CCD instruments below 1.5 keV is difficult in general because of the lack of strong lines in the on-board calibration sources typically available. We have been using 1E 0102.2-7219, the brightest supernova remnant in the Small Magellanic Cloud, to evaluate the response models of the ACIS CCDs on the Chandra X-ray Observatory (CXO), the EPIC CCDs on the XMM-Newton Observatory, the XIS CCDs on the Suzaku Observatory, and the XRT CCD on the Swift Observatory. E0102 has strong lines of O, Ne, and Mg below 1.5 keV and little or no Fe emission to complicate the spectrum. The spectrum of E0102 has been well characterized using high-resolution grating instruments, namely the XMM-Newton RGS and the CXO HETG, through which a consistent spectral model has been developed that can then be used to fit the lower-resolution CCD spectra. We have also used the measured intensities of the lines to investigate the consistency of the effective area models for the various instruments around the bright O (~570 eV and 654 eV) and Ne (~910 eV and 1022 eV) lines. We find that the measured fluxes of the O VII triplet, the O VIII Ly-alpha line, the Ne IX triplet, and the Ne X Ly-alpha line generally agree to within +/-10 % for all instruments, with 28 of our 32 fitted normalizations within +/-10% of the RGS-determined value. The maximum discrepancies, computed as the percentage difference between the lowest and highest normalization for any instrument pair, are 23% for the O VII triplet, 24% for the O VIII Ly-alpha line, 13% for the Ne IX triplet, and 19% for the Ne X Ly-alpha line. If only the CXO and XMM are compared, the maximum discrepancies are 22% for the O VII triplet, 16% for the O VIII Ly-alpha line, 4% for the Ne IX triplet, and 12% for the Ne X Ly-alpha line.Comment: 16 pages, 11 figures, to be published in Proceedings of the SPIE 7011: Space Telescopes and Instrumentation II: Ultraviolet to Gamma Ray 200

    ORFEUS II Far-UV Spectroscopy of AM Herculis

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    Six high-resolution (\lambda/\Delta\lambda ~ 3000) far-UV (\lambda\lambda = 910-1210 \AA) spectra of the magnetic cataclysmic variable AM Herculis were acquired in 1996 November during the flight of the ORFEUS-SPAS II mission. AM Her was in a high optical state at the time of the observations, and the spectra reveal emission lines of O VI \lambda\lambda 1032, 1038, C III \lambda 977, \lambda 1176, and He II \lambda 1085 superposed on a nearly flat continuum. Continuum flux variations can be described as per Gansicke et al. by a ~ 20 kK white dwarf with a ~ 37 kK hot spot covering a fraction f~0.15 of the surface of the white dwarf, but we caution that the expected Lyman absorption lines are not detected. The O VI emission lines have narrow and broad component structure similar to that of the optical emission lines, with radial velocities consistent with an origin in the irradiated face of the secondary and the accretion funnel, respectively. The density of the narrow- and broad-line regions is n_{nlr} ~ 3\times 10^{10} cm^{-3} and n_{blr} ~ 1\times 10^{12} cm^{-3}, respectively, yet the narrow-line region is optically thick in the O VI line and the broad-line region is optically thin; apparently, the velocity shear in the broad-line region allows the O VI photons to escape, rendering the gas effectively optically thin. Unexplained are the orbital phase variations of the emission-line fluxes.Comment: 15 pages, 6 Postscript figures; LaTeX format, uses aaspp4.sty; table2.tex included separately because it must be printed sideways - see instructions in the file; accepted on April 17, 1998 for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    Multi-epoch Doppler tomography and polarimetry of QQ Vul

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    We present multi-epoch high-resolution spectroscopy and photoelectric polarimetry of the long-period polar (AM Herculis star) QQ Vul. The blue emission lines show several distinct components, the sharpest of which can unequivocally be assigned to the illuminated hemisphere of the secondary star and used to trace its orbital motion. This narrow emission line can be used in combination with Nai-absorption lines from the photosphere of the companion to build a stable long-term ephemeris for the star: inferior conjunction of the companion occurs at HJD = 244 8446.4710(5)+E×0. d 15452011(11). The polarization curves are dissimilar at different epochs, thus supporting the idea of fundamental changes of the accretion geometry, e.g. between one- and two-pole accretion modes. The linear polarization pulses display a random scatter by 0.2 phase units and are not suitable for the determination of the binary period. The polarization data suggest that the magnetic (dipolar) axis has a co-latitude of 23 ◦ , an azimuth of −50 ◦, and an orbital inclination between 50 ◦ and 70 ◦. Doppler images of blue emission and red absorption lines show a clear separatio