14,791 research outputs found

    Nets of Subfactors

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    A subtheory of a quantum field theory specifies von~Neumann subalgebras \aa(\oo) (the `observables' in the space-time region \oo) of the von~Neumann algebras \bb(\oo) (the `fields' localized in \oo). Every local algebra being a (type \III_1) factor, the inclusion \aa(\oo) \subset \bb(\oo) is a subfactor. The assignment of these local subfactors to the space-time regions is called a `net of subfactors'. The theory of subfactors is applied to such nets. In order to characterize the `relative position' of the subtheory, and in particular to control the restriction and induction of superselection sectors, the canonical endomorphism is studied. The crucial observation is this: the canonical endomorphism of a local subfactor extends to an endomorphism of the field net, which in turn restricts to a localized endomorphism of the observable net. The method allows to characterize, and reconstruct, local extensions \bb of a given theory aËš\aa in terms of the observables. Various non-trivial examples are given.Comment: Plain TeX, 32 pages. Several unnecessarily restrictive assumptions have been relaxed. Proposition 4.10. has been reformulated in a more natural way. Sect. 3 has been rearranged and a too general statement has been adjusted. Some further minor change

    How to remove the boundary in CFT - an operator algebraic procedure

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    The relation between two-dimensional conformal quantum field theories with and without a timelike boundary is explored.Comment: 18 pages, 2 figures. v2: more precise title, reference correcte

    On local boundary CFT and non-local CFT on the boundary

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    The holographic relation between local boundary conformal quantum field theories (BCFT) and their non-local boundary restrictions is reviewed, and non-vacuum BCFT's, whose existence was conjectured previously, are constructed.Comment: 16 pages. Contribution to "Rigorous Quantum Field Theory", Symposium in honour of J. Bros, Paris, July 2004. Based on joint work math-ph/0405067 with R. Long

    Thermal States in Conformal QFT. II

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    We continue the analysis of the set of locally normal KMS states w.r.t. the translation group for a local conformal net A of von Neumann algebras on the real line. In the first part we have proved the uniqueness of KMS state on every completely rational net. In this second part, we exhibit several (non-rational) conformal nets which admit continuously many primary KMS states. We give a complete classification of the KMS states on the U(1)-current net and on the Virasoro net Vir_1 with the central charge c=1, whilst for the Virasoro net Vir_c with c>1 we exhibit a (possibly incomplete) list of continuously many primary KMS states. To this end, we provide a variation of the Araki-Haag-Kastler-Takesaki theorem within the locally normal system framework: if there is an inclusion of split nets A in B and A is the fixed point of B w.r.t. a compact gauge group, then any locally normal, primary KMS state on A extends to a locally normal, primary state on B, KMS w.r.t. a perturbed translation. Concerning the non-local case, we show that the free Fermi model admits a unique KMS state.Comment: 36 pages, no figure. Dedicated to Rudolf Haag on the occasion of his 90th birthday. The final version is available under Open Access. This paper contains corrections to the Araki-Haag-Kaster-Takesaki theorem (and to a proof of the same theorem in the book by Bratteli-Robinson). v3: a reference correcte

    The Conformal Spin and Statistics Theorem

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    We prove the equality between the statistics phase and the conformal univalence for a superselection sector with finite index in Conformal Quantum Field Theory on S1S^1. A relevant point is the description of the PCT symmetry and the construction of the global conjugate charge.Comment: plain tex, 22 page

    Some computations in the cyclic permutations of completely rational nets

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    In this paper we calculate certain chiral quantities from the cyclic permutation orbifold of a general completely rational net. We determine the fusion of a fundamental soliton, and by suitably modified arguments of A. Coste , T. Gannon and especially P. Bantay to our setting we are able to prove a number of arithmetic properties including congruence subgroup properties for S,TS, T matrices of a completely rational net defined by K.-H. Rehren .Comment: 30 Pages Late

    Gravitational wave scintillation by a stellar cluster

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    The diffraction effects on gravitational waves propagating through a stellar cluster are analyzed in the relevant approximation of Fresnel diffraction limit. We find that a gravitational wave scintillation effect - similar to the radio source scintillation effect - comes out naturally, implying that the gravitational wave intensity changes in a characteristic way as the observer moves.Comment: 9 pages, in press in IJMP

    On intermediate subfactors of Goodman-de la Harpe-Jones subfactors

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    In this paper we present a conjecture on intermediate subfactors which is a generalization of Wall's conjecture from the theory of finite groups. Motivated by this conjecture, we determine all intermediate subfactors of Goodman-Harpe-Jones subfactors, and as a result we verify that Goodman-Harpe-Jones subfactors verify our conjecture. Our result also gives a negative answer to a question motivated by a conjecture of Aschbacher-Guralnick.Comment: To appear in Comm. Math. Phy

    Representations of Conformal Nets, Universal C*-Algebras and K-Theory

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    We study the representation theory of a conformal net A on the circle from a K-theoretical point of view using its universal C*-algebra C*(A). We prove that if A satisfies the split property then, for every representation \pi of A with finite statistical dimension, \pi(C*(A)) is weakly closed and hence a finite direct sum of type I_\infty factors. We define the more manageable locally normal universal C*-algebra C*_ln(A) as the quotient of C*(A) by its largest ideal vanishing in all locally normal representations and we investigate its structure. In particular, if A is completely rational with n sectors, then C*_ln(A) is a direct sum of n type I_\infty factors. Its ideal K_A of compact operators has nontrivial K-theory, and we prove that the DHR endomorphisms of C*(A) with finite statistical dimension act on K_A, giving rise to an action of the fusion semiring of DHR sectors on K_0(K_A)$. Moreover, we show that this action corresponds to the regular representation of the associated fusion algebra.Comment: v2: we added some comments in the introduction and new references. v3: new authors' addresses, minor corrections. To appear in Commun. Math. Phys. v4: minor corrections, updated reference

    On the extension of stringlike localised sectors in 2+1 dimensions

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    In the framework of algebraic quantum field theory, we study the category \Delta_BF^A of stringlike localised representations of a net of observables O \mapsto A(O) in three dimensions. It is shown that compactly localised (DHR) representations give rise to a non-trivial centre of \Delta_BF^A with respect to the braiding. This implies that \Delta_BF^A cannot be modular when non-trival DHR sectors exist. Modular tensor categories, however, are important for topological quantum computing. For this reason, we discuss a method to remove this obstruction to modularity. Indeed, the obstruction can be removed by passing from the observable net A(O) to the Doplicher-Roberts field net F(O). It is then shown that sectors of A can be extended to sectors of the field net that commute with the action of the corresponding symmetry group. Moreover, all such sectors are extensions of sectors of A. Finally, the category \Delta_BF^F of sectors of F is studied by investigating the relation with the categorical crossed product of \Delta_BF^A by the subcategory of DHR representations. Under appropriate conditions, this completely determines the category \Delta_BF^F.Comment: 36 pages, 1 eps figure; v2: appendix added, minor corrections and clarification
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