4,016 research outputs found

    Preparation of Neutron-activated Xenon for Liquid Xenon Detector Calibration

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    We report the preparation of neutron-activated xenon for the calibration of liquid xenon (LXe) detectors. Gamma rays from the decay of xenon metastable states, produced by fast neutron activation, were detected and their activities measured in a LXe scintillation detector. Following a five-day activation of natural xenon gas with a Cf-252 (4 x 10^5 n/s) source, the activities of two gamma ray lines at 164 keV and 236 keV, from Xe-131m and Xe-129m metastable states, were measured at about 95 and 130 Bq/kg, respectively. We also observed three additional lines at 35 keV, 100 keV and 275 keV, which decay away within a few days. No long-lifetime activity was observed after the neutron activation.Comment: to be published in NIM A, corrected typos in Table 1 and Fig.6 of the previous versio

    Piecewise linear transformation in diffusive flux discretization

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    To ensure the discrete maximum principle or solution positivity in finite volume schemes, diffusive flux is sometimes discretized as a conical combination of finite differences. Such a combination may be impossible to construct along material discontinuities using only cell concentration values. This is often resolved by introducing auxiliary node, edge, or face concentration values that are explicitly interpolated from the surrounding cell concentrations. We propose to discretize the diffusive flux after applying a local piecewise linear coordinate transformation that effectively removes the discontinuities. The resulting scheme does not need any auxiliary concentrations and is therefore remarkably simpler, while being second-order accurate under the assumption that the structure of the domain is locally layered.Comment: 11 pages, 1 figures, preprint submitted to Journal of Computational Physic

    Exceptional Sequences of Line Bundles and Spherical Twists - a Toric Example

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    Exceptional sequences of line bundles on a smooth projective toric surface are automatically full when they can be constructed via augmentation. By using spherical twists, we give examples that there are also exceptional sequences which can not be constructed this way but are nevertheless full.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figure

    Three-body problem for ultracold atoms in quasi-one-dimensional traps

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    We study the three-body problem for both fermionic and bosonic cold atom gases in a parabolic transverse trap of lengthscale aa_\perp. For this quasi-one-dimensional (1D) problem, there is a two-body bound state (dimer) for any sign of the 3D scattering length aa, and a confinement-induced scattering resonance. The fermionic three-body problem is universal and characterized by two atom-dimer scattering lengths, aada_{ad} and badb_{ad}. In the tightly bound `dimer limit', a/aa_\perp/a\to\infty, we find bad=0b_{ad}=0, and aada_{ad} is linked to the 3D atom-dimer scattering length. In the weakly bound `BCS limit', a/aa_\perp/a\to-\infty, a connection to the Bethe Ansatz is established, which allows for exact results. The full crossover is obtained numerically. The bosonic three-body problem, however, is non-universal: aada_{ad} and badb_{ad} depend both on a/aa_\perp/a and on a parameter RR^* related to the sharpness of the resonance. Scattering solutions are qualitatively similar to fermionic ones. We predict the existence of a single confinement-induced three-body bound state (trimer) for bosons.Comment: 20 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in PRA, appendix on the derivation of an integral formula for the Hurvitz zeta functio

    On perturbations of Dirac operators with variable magnetic field of constant direction

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    We carry out the spectral analysis of matrix valued perturbations of 3-dimensional Dirac operators with variable magnetic field of constant direction. Under suitable assumptions on the magnetic field and on the pertubations, we obtain a limiting absorption principle, we prove the absence of singular continuous spectrum in certain intervals and state properties of the point spectrum. Various situations, for example when the magnetic field is constant, periodic or diverging at infinity, are covered. The importance of an internal-type operator (a 2-dimensional Dirac operator) is also revealed in our study. The proofs rely on commutator methods.Comment: 12 page

    Tunneling through a multigrain system: deducing the sample topology from the nonlinear conductance

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    We study a current transport through a system of a few grains connected with tunneling links. The exact solution is given for an arbitrarily connected double-grain system with a shared gate in the framework of the orthodox model. The obtained result is generalized for multigrain systems with strongly different tunneling resistances. We analyse the large-scale nonlinear conductance and demonstrate how the sample topology can be unambiguously deduced from the spectroscopy pattern (differential conductance versus gate-bias plot). We present experimental data for a multigrain sample and reconstruct the sample topology. A simple selection rule is formulated to distinguish samples with spectral patterns free from spurious disturbance caused by recharging of some grains nearby. As an example, we demonstrate experimental data with additional peaks in the spectroscopy pattern, which can not be attributed to coupling to additional grains. The described approach can be used to judge the sample topology when it is not guaranteed by fabrication and direct imaging is not possible.Comment: 13 pages (including 8 figures

    Three Bosons in One Dimension with Short Range Interactions I: Zero Range Potentials

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    We consider the three-boson problem with δ\delta-function interactions in one spatial dimension. Three different approaches are used to calculate the phase shifts, which we interpret in the context of the effective range expansion, for the scattering of one free particle a off of a bound pair. We first follow a procedure outlined by McGuire in order to obtain an analytic expression for the desired S-matrix element. This result is then compared to a variational calculation in the adiabatic hyperspherical representation, and to a numerical solution to the momentum space Faddeev equations. We find excellent agreement with the exact phase shifts, and comment on some of the important features in the scattering and bound-state sectors. In particular, we find that the 1+2 scattering length is divergent, marking the presence of a zero-energy resonance which appears as a feature when the pair-wise interactions are short-range. Finally, we consider the introduction of a three-body interaction, and comment on the cutoff dependence of the coupling.Comment: 9 figures, 2 table

    Renormalization of the Three-Body System with Short-Range Interactions

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    We discuss renormalization of the non-relativistic three-body problem with short-range forces. The problem becomes non-perturbative at momenta of the order of the inverse of the two-body scattering length, and an infinite number of graphs must be summed. This summation leads to a cutoff dependence that does not appear in any order in perturbation theory. We argue that this cutoff dependence can be absorbed in a single three-body counterterm and compute the running of the three-body force with the cutoff. We comment on relevance of this result for the effective field theory program in nuclear and molecular physics.Comment: 5 pages, RevTex, 4 PS figures included with epsf.sty, some clarifying comments added, version to appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Mobility of thorium ions in liquid xenon

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    We present a measurement of the 226^{226}Th ion mobility in LXe at 163.0 K and 0.9 bar. The result obtained, 0.240±\pm0.011 (stat) ±\pm0.011 (syst) cm2^{2}/(kV-s), is compared with a popular model of ion transport.Comment: 6.5 pages,

    Extracting current-induced spins: spin boundary conditions at narrow Hall contacts

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    We consider the possibility to extract spins that are generated by an electric current in a two-dimensional electron gas with Rashba-Dresselhaus spin-orbit interaction (R2DEG) in the Hall geometry. To this end, we discuss boundary conditions for the spin accumulations between a spin-orbit coupled region and contact without spin-orbit coupling, i.e. a normal two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG). We demonstrate that in contrast to contacts that extend along the whole sample, a spin accumulation can diffuse into the normal region through finite contacts and detected by e.g. ferromagnets. For an impedance-matched narrow contact the spin accumulation in the 2DEG is equal to the current induced spin accumulation in the bulk of R2DEG up to a geometry-dependent numerical factor.Comment: 18 pages, 7 figures, submitted to NJP focus issue on Spintronic