6,733 research outputs found
Comparing methods of category learning: Classification versus feature inference
Categories have at least two main functions: classification of instances and feature inference. Classification involves assigning an instance to a category, and feature inference involves predicting a feature for a category instance. Correspondingly, categories can be learned in two distinct ways, by classification and feature inference. A typical difference between these in the perceptual category learning paradigm is the presence of the category label as part of the stimulus in feature inference learning and not in classification learning. So we hypothesized a label-induced rule-bias in feature inference learning compared to classification and evaluated it on an important starting point in the field for category learning – the category structures from Shepard, Hovland, and Jenkins (Psychological Monographs: General and Applied, 75(13), 1-42, 1961). They classically found that classification learning of structures consistent with more complex rules resulted in poorer learning. We compared feature inference learning of these structures with classification learning and found differences between the learning tasks supporting the label-bias hypothesis in terms of an emphasis on label-based rules in feature inference. Importantly, participants’ self-reported rules were largely consistent with their task performance and indicated the preponderance of rule representation in both tasks. So, while the results do not support a difference in the kind of representation for the two learning tasks, the presence of category labels in feature inference tended to focus rule formation. The results also highlight the specialized nature of the classic Shepard et al. (1961) stimuli in terms of being especially conducive to the formation of compact verbal rules
Journal Staff
The aluminum–zinc-vacancy (Al Zn −V Zn ) complex is identified as one of the dominant defects in Al-containing n -type ZnO after electron irradiation at room temperature with energies above 0.8 MeV. The complex is energetically favorable over the isolated V Zn , binding more than 90% of the stable V Zn ’s generated by the irradiation. It acts as a deep acceptor with the (0/− ) energy level located at approximately 1 eV above the valence band. Such a complex is concluded to be a defect of crucial and general importance that limits the n -type doping efficiency by complex formation with donors, thereby literally removing the donors, as well as by charge compensation
Anisotropic thermal expansion and magnetostriction of YNiBC single crystals
We present results of anisotropic thermal expansion and low temperature
magnetostriction measurements on YNiBC single crystals grown by high
temperature flux and floating zone techniques. Quantum oscillations of
magnetostriction were observed at low temperatures for starting at
fields significantly below (). Large irreversible,
longitudinal magnetostriction was seen in both, in-plane and along the c-axis,
directions of the applied magnetic field in the intermediate superconducting
state. Anisotropic uniaxial pressure dependencies of were evaluated using
results of zero field, thermal expansion measurements
Real time magneto-optical imaging of vortices in superconductors
We demonstrate here real-time imaging of individual vortices in a NbSe2
single crystal using polarized light microscopy. A new high-sensitivity
magneto-optical (MO) imaging system enables observation of the static vortex
lattice as well as single vortex motion at low flux densities.Comment: 3 pages, 1 figur
Quantum theory of successive projective measurements
We show that a quantum state may be represented as the sum of a joint
probability and a complex quantum modification term. The joint probability and
the modification term can both be observed in successive projective
measurements. The complex modification term is a measure of measurement
disturbance. A selective phase rotation is needed to obtain the imaginary part.
This leads to a complex quasiprobability, the Kirkwood distribution. We show
that the Kirkwood distribution contains full information about the state if the
two observables are maximal and complementary. The Kirkwood distribution gives
a new picture of state reduction. In a nonselective measurement, the
modification term vanishes. A selective measurement leads to a quantum state as
a nonnegative conditional probability. We demonstrate the special significance
of the Schwinger basis.Comment: 6 page
Forbedrede udearealer i økologisk ægproduktion
Med henblik på at styrke forsknings- og udviklingsindsatsen inden for økologisk fjerkræproduktion, blev det muligt med finansiering fra Direktoratet for FødevareErhverv, i 2001 at påbegynde udviklingsprojektet ”Fjerkræets udearealer ved økologisk produktion”. Projektet tog udgangspunkt i en række interessetilkendegivelser fra fjerkræproducenter og andre interesserede indenfor økologisk fjerkræproduktion, og projektet blev planlagt i et samarbejde mellem
• Brancheforeningen for Økologiske Æg- og Fjerkræproducenter
• Dansk Erhvervsfjerkræ
• Landsforeningen for Økologisk Jordbrug
• Landskontoret for Fjerkrærådgivning og
• Danmarks JordbrugsForskning som koordinerende partner
Det var en grundlæggende ide i projektet at tage udgangspunkt i de medvirkende producenters allerede opbyggede erfaringsgrundlag og idéer til videre udvikling.
En del af projektet tog udgangspunkt i en interessetilkendegivelse fra en gruppe ægproducenter, ”Hønsegården” A.m.b.a., der havde et samarbejde om videndeling og afsætning. Producenterne havde i samarbejde med Landskontoret for Fjerkrærådgivning identificeret udearealerne (hønsegårdene) som et centralt område, hvor der var behov for yderligere viden om den mest hensigtsmæssige indretning og drift i forhold til såvel hønernes produktivitet og velfærd som miljøeffekter. Rapporten beskriver de opnåede resultater fra denne del af projektet og på grundlag heraf gives anbefalinger til, hvorledes udearealerne mest hensigtsmæssigt bør indrettes
Strategies for Maximizing the Efficiency of Phosphorus Utilization in Cropping Systems Involving Chickpea and Pigeonpea
Thlr choprer rmmon:cr current kna,iadjia on phosphorw (P) ferri1r:er requ>renzcnrs of chtrkpea
ond prpeonpea ,n drferta cropping BrlcmX and iirpgcrrr means of mvrtm!:ing rffic~rnrg of P
feriillrer we in 60th rrodtr,onol and onianp cropplnp rvrremr In nion) ofrhe Pfirrt1t:er rrrills
conducled for horli of rhrsr < rops !n Indlo, niosr1.v under dvlond eond,rtons, riprjcant responses
occiv up ro vpp1,rarmn roiex of 1540 kg P im-1. Wzrh fir rvolunon of new cropping ryrrrnlr w,,rh
itlghcr porrnr!nl )ieldr and hiomars prcduci!on, ond hence demond for P.fernIirer P tequrremenrx
bored on srudws ojrrud~iionol nsrcmr need m k rrrmnlrnrd More rorlonal ood comhzncd roc of
roil mops, roll onohr!r pion! anohiir poi Inair, ondfieid tr!vir Ir iupperrrd for dlotnorrr ofP
deficlenr, and dcrernilnaitoti tfPfirri1r:cr rerponscfi~nciranr
As chickpeo ond pigmnpro *re wualii grown in complex cropping vrrems, on tnlc-.qmrcd
opprwrh 10 desrnlrnlnp P requiremenu ojrhr eniin sgsrem, mrher rhnn rhos? of lhr tndrviduoi
rropr oione, rl>roripln~> odrlrnpo f the P cyt-i~~s rrroamcnded. A mojor imprdin~rnrl o r h i ~ap proach
I$ nodeq qua re Pnonledte of riie iesiduol >olio ofP fcrr~ldier In rhe ioiI3 ond cropplnp ryslema of
concern In lnireaiin.a P./.~ PICNCI. O./ P .h rrt1l:er we, cvrr ~hnididh r mien ro evoive onrrmum
oppltcorton prorrdi'rtr for purr~ular rroppjnp rysrenir Deep piocemenr reenas ntoodoro; where
rhe topsor1 is pmne 10 ilritnfi and tn struorionr *,here phospharejsooon Ir o prohien), hit! mug he
feir8ii:er P roiucei for. rhese crops arpec!oiis m utr%, of rhr atriwm lllerr nror erudalrs in
soIuhr1,:mp P arid rhei, n ~ ~ ~ o r r i i a~r:saoo/ o rrons The vonoiu aniio,lisms proposed h) nllch
il~lr!.pra ondpltronpca iun rnlmnre [he owtlohic P rfarw ofrhc rural cropptnp vnea need 10 he
qwmrifird, so rhur rlielr ri,mi,hconcr and scope for cxplo8,orron ran he d~rrmiinedT. he rrjenr ,f
genotypx differcoce i f ? P-lrrr ?ffi;rficre,iiy needs ro hr adequorrb sludird m there crop? ro rhar the
penerir tniproirn~e,,r oprmtt run he upproprwreiy aarrhe
Topological field theory and physics
Topological Yang-Mills theory with the Belavin-Polyakov-Schwarz-Tyupkin
instanton is solved completely, revealing an underlying multi-link
intersection theory. Link invariants are also shown to survive the coupling to
a certain kind of matter (hyperinstantons). The physical relevance of
topological field theory and its invariants is discovered. By embedding
topological Yang-Mills theory into pure Yang-Mills theory, it is shown that the
topological version TQFT of a quantum field theory QFT allows us to formulate
consistently the perturbative expansion of QFT in the topologically nontrivial
sectors. In particular, TQFT classifies the set of good measures over the
instanton moduli space and solves the inconsistency problems of the previous
approaches. The qualitatively new physical implications are pointed out. Link
numbers in QCD are related to a non abelian analogoue of the Aharonov-Bohm
effect.Comment: 23 pages, 1 figure. Revision: additional explanation
Synchronization and Coarsening (without SOC) in a Forest-Fire Model
We study the long-time dynamics of a forest-fire model with deterministic
tree growth and instantaneous burning of entire forests by stochastic lightning
strikes. Asymptotically the system organizes into a coarsening self-similar
mosaic of synchronized patches within which trees regrow and burn
simultaneously. We show that the average patch length grows linearly with
time as t-->oo. The number density of patches of length L, N(L,t), scales as
^{-2}M(L/), and within a mean-field rate equation description we find
that this scaling function decays as e^{-1/x} for x-->0, and as e^{-x} for
x-->oo. In one dimension, we develop an event-driven cluster algorithm to study
the asymptotic behavior of large systems. Our numerical results are consistent
with mean-field predictions for patch coarsening.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, 2-column revtex format. To be submitted to PR
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