13,908 research outputs found

    What makes Cryptococcus neoformans a pathogen?

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    Life-threatening infections caused by the encapsulated fungal pathogen Cryptococcus neoformans have been increasing steadily over the past 10 years because of the onset of AIDS and the expanded use of immunosuppressive drugs. Intricate host-organism interactions make the full understanding of pathogenicity and virulence of C. neoformans difficult. We discuss the current knowledge of the characteristics C. neoformans must possess to enter the host and establish progressive disease: basic growth requirements and virulence factors, such as the polysaccharide capsule; shed products of the organism; melanin production; mannitol secretion; superoxide dismutase; proteases; and phospholipases


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    Value stability and change during self-chosen life transitions: self-selection versus socialization effects

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    Three longitudinal studies examine a fundamental question regarding adjustment of personal values to self-chosen life transitions: Do values fit the new life setting already at its onset, implying value-based self-selection? Or do values change to better fit the appropriate and desirable values in the setting, implying value socialization? As people are likely to choose a life transition partly based on their values, their values may fit the new life situation already at its onset, leaving little need for value socialization. However, we propose that this may vary as a function of the extent of change the life transition entails, with greater change requiring more value socialization. To enable generalization, we used 3 longitudinal studies spanning 3 different life transitions and different extents of life changes: vocational training (of new police recruits), education (psychology vs. business students), and migration (from Poland to Britain). Although each life transition involved different key values and different populations, across all 3 studies we found value fit to the life situation already early in the transition. Value socialization became more evident the more aspects of life changed as part of the transition, that is, in the migration transition. The discussion focuses on the implications of these findings for research on values and personality change, as well as limitations and future directions for research

    Developing Health Information Literacy in Disadvantaged and Dependent Circumstances: The Everyday Role of Family Nurses

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    This paper examines the challenges of developing health information literacy (HIL) amongst disadvantaged and dependent populations from the perspective of non-information professionals occupying everyday support roles. Our participants were a team of UK Family Nurses providing outreach support to vulnerable young mothers from areas of multiple deprivations. Our data collection methods were observation, interviews, and focus groups. Our participants all believe that they have an important role in developing HIL in clients but are unfamiliar with fundamental overarching information literacy (IL) concepts and models. Consequently, their confidence in their own ability to develop HIL skills in clients is limited. We discuss that to extend primary healthcare practices beyond HIL support to HIL education requires not only IL training, but also an appropriate pedagogical approach adaptable to semi-structured problematic situations. We raise important questions regarding approaches to developing HIL in disadvantaged population

    Dust emission from a parsec-scale structure in the Seyfert 1 nucleus of NGC 4151

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    We report mid-IR interferometric measurements with \sim 10 mas resolution, which resolve the warm (T = 285 +25 / -50 K) thermal emission at the center of NGC 4151. Using pairs of VLT 8.2 m telescopes with MIDI and by comparing the data to a Gaussian model, we determined the diameter of the dust emission region, albeit only along one position angle, to be 2.0 +/- 0.4 pc (FWHM). This is the first size and temperature estimate for the nuclear warm dust distribution in a Seyfert 1 galaxy. The parameters found are comparable to those in Seyfert 2 galaxies, thus providing direct support for the unified model. Using simple analytic temperature distributions, we find that the mid-infrared emission is probably not the smooth continuation of the hot nuclear source that is marginally resolved with K band interferometry. We also detected weak excess emission around 10.5 micron in our shorter baseline observation, possibly indicating that silicate emission is extended to the parsec scale.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal Letter

    When you are homeless, you are not thinking about your medication, but your food, shelter or heat for the night: behavioural determinants of homeless patients' adherence to prescribed medicines.

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    Objectives This study aimed to explore behavioural determinants of homeless patients' adherence to prescribed medicines using Theoretical Domains Framework (TDF). Study design A qualitative study using semi-structured, face-to-face interviews. Methods Participants were recruited from a homelessness primary healthcare centre in Aberdeen, United Kingdom (UK). Face-to-face interviews were audio-recorded and transcribed verbatim. Thematic analysis of the interview data was conducted using the Framework Approach based on the Theoretical Domains Framework. National Health Service ethical and Research and Development (R&D) approval was obtained. Results Twenty-five patients were interviewed, at which point data saturation was achieved. A total of 13 out of 14 Theoretical Domains Framework domains were identified that explained the determinants of adherence or non-adherence to prescribed medicines. These included: beliefs about consequences (e.g. non-adherence leading to poor health); goals of therapy (e.g. being a normal person with particular reference to methadone adherence); and environmental context and resources (e.g. stolen medicines and the lack of secure storage). Obtaining food and shelter was higher priority than access and adherence to prescribed medicines while being homeless. Conclusions Behavioural determinants of non-adherence identified in this study were mostly related to participants' homelessness and associated lifestyle. Results are relevant to developing behaviour change interventions targeting non-adherent homeless patients and to the education of healthcare professionals serving this vulnerable population

    Sense of competence, autonomy and relatedness during primary-secondary transition: children express their own experiences

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    This paper contributes a greater understanding of the importance of a sense of competence, autonomy and relatedness to children experiencing the primarysecondary schooling transition, drawing on the perspectives of the young people themselves. We address how the perspectives of transitioning children can further substantiate and illuminate Ryan and Deci’s Self Determination Theory (SDT; Ryan and Deci, 2019). SDT claims that satisfaction of a person’s needs for competence (attainment and confidence), autonomy (self-direction and capacity to critique) and relatedness (feeling affectively bonded to others) allows them to achieve ‘positiveexperience and wellness outcomes’ (p.219). We draw on data from two research projects, one a survey study of 288 transitioning children; and one a life-history study of 23 transitioning children. Our findings illustrated the potential benefits of policymakers giving priority to a wider range of conceptions of competence beyond attainment in mathematics/English, in order to support transitioning children’s sense of competence including their self-confidence. Findings also highlighted the need to nurture children’s capacity to recognise and direct their own schooling trajectories more autonomously, directing their energies into engagement with learning and relationships rather than into riling against controls or seeking to avoid humiliation and punishment. Most positively, our data manifested children’s high levels of relatedness to both peers and teachers as they transitioned to new secondary schools. And above all, our data emphasised and exemplified the need for relatedness to accompany children’s strong sense of competence and autonomy during transition

    Kinetic pathways of multi-phase surfactant systems

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    The relaxation following a temperature quench of two-phase (lamellar and sponge phase) and three-phase (lamellar, sponge and micellar phase) samples, has been studied in an SDS/octanol/brine system. In the three-phase case we have observed samples that are initially mainly sponge phase with lamellar and micellar phase on the top and bottom respectively. Upon decreasing temperature most of the volume of the sponge phase is replaced by lamellar phase. During the equilibriation we have observed three regimes of behaviour within the sponge phase: (i) disruption in the sponge texture, then (ii) after the sponge phase homogenises there is a lamellar nucleation regime and finally (iii) a bizarre plume connects the lamellar phase with the micellar phase. The relaxation of the two-phase sample proceeds instead in two stages. First lamellar drops nucleate in the sponge phase forming a onion `gel' structure. Over time the lamellar structure compacts while equilibriating into a two phase lamellar/sponge phase sample. We offer possible explanatioins for some of these observations in the context of a general theory for phase kinetics in systems with one fast and one slow variable.Comment: 1 textfile, 20 figures (jpg), to appear in PR
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