489 research outputs found

    Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Information Session

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    This information session walked graduate students through the process of submitting a thesis/dissertation. Representatives from the Graduate School and UK Libraries were present to answer questions

    Ion engine thrust vector study

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    Probability of thrust vector misalignment in ion thrustor arra

    Twitter has a Binary Privacy Setting, are Users Aware of How It Works?

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    Twitter accounts are public by default, but Twitter gives the option to create protected accounts, where only approved followers can see their tweets. The publicly visible information changes based on the account type and the visibility of tweets also depends solely on the poster's account type which can cause unintended disclosures especially when users interact. We surveyed 336 Twitter users to understand users' awareness of account information visibility, as well as the tweet visibility when users interact. We find that our participants are aware of the visibility of their profile information and individual tweets. However, the visibility of followed topics, lists, and interactions with protected accounts is confusing. Only 31% of the participants were aware that a reply by a public account to a protected account's tweet would be publicly visible. Surprisingly, having a protected account does not result in a better understanding of the account information or tweet visibility.Comment: Proceeding of the 2023 ACM SIGCHI Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work & Social Computing (CSCW'23

    Analisis Dampak Optimasi Simpang Bersinyal Terhadap Emisi Gas Buang

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    Siliwangi road is one soars and populous Primary Arterial Road in the Semarang City, so often there is congestion on the roads. Result of frequent congestion on the roads, air pollution which occurs also higher. This study aims to determine how high the air pollution that occur and to provide recommendations for alternative solutions to tackle congestion at the intersection whole observatories, so as to minimize the air pollution that occurs. Traffic survey at the intersection whole observatories done during the morning Peak hour, afternoon Peak hour and evening Peak hours. Survey results are then processed by the Manual Kapasitas Jalan Indonesia (MKJI) 1997 Synchro SimTraffic Program 7.0. Initially, the green time adapted to the needs of the existing condition, then the following adjustments were made in the form of changes in the geometric intersection to accommodate existing traffic conditions. Adjustment of the traffic conditions and the geometric path then known how much pollution that occurred at the intersection. At the intersection of the existing conditions in whole observatories already reached saturation performance , with the calculation of the degree of saturation of the synchro program 7 that almost all of them are above the 1.00 figure. With the adjustment Optimization green time to Simpang whole observatories provide DS to decrease Morning Peak condition that is equal to 5.82%, 5.82% Peak Afternoon, Evening Peak 9.89% and the change in geometric intersection (lane additions of 3.7 m) on condition Morning Peak, Peak Afternoon, Evening Peak resulting decrease in DS respectively 23.80%, 8.95%, and 14.58%. Although not all perform well and there are still some poor performers approach (indicators of poor performance where the value of the degree of saturation exceeds the ideal value of the degree of saturation (DS>0.75). Use of Public Transport assuming 50% removal of the car was replaced with highly efficient use of BRT in reducing the number of DS on condition Morning Peak , Peak Lunch, Afternoon Peak resulting decrease in DS respectively 60.84%, 47.01%, and 61.97%. The scenario design is done well enough for the level of handling performance in the short term. So, it can be concluded that the performance of intersections that were reviewed for the better

    Daphnia as an Emerging Epigenetic Model Organism

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    Daphnia offer a variety of benefits for the study of epigenetics. Daphnia's parthenogenetic life cycle allows the study of epigenetic effects in the absence of confounding genetic differences. Sex determination and sexual reproduction are epigenetically determined as are several other well-studied alternate phenotypes that arise in response to environmental stressors. Additionally, there is a large body of ecological literature available, recently complemented by the genome sequence of one species and transgenic technology. DNA methylation has been shown to be altered in response to toxicants and heavy metals, although investigation of other epigenetic mechanisms is only beginning. More thorough studies on DNA methylation as well as investigation of histone modifications and RNAi in sex determination and predator-induced defenses using this ecologically and evolutionarily important organism will contribute to our understanding of epigenetics

    Analisis Kecelakaan Lalu Lintas Pada Ruas Jalan Arteri Primer (Studi Kasus Jalan Maospati – Solo, Segmen 28.029, Sta 11 +020 – 18+020)

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    Maospati Highway in Solo is one of the main roads in the East Java Province, considered as accident-prone. As a national road and primary artery, this road has an important role in the distribution of goods and services both intra and interprovincial. The type of highway is 4/2 UD with 11 meters width. The aim of this study is to determine which areas are considered as the accident-prone areas or blacksite, the factors cause the accidents, and suggest some prevention recommendations. The necessary data is the LHR data obtained from the Department of Public Works Binamarga East Java province and traffic accidents data of Police Magetan, East Java. Blacksite analysed by method based on accident rates path length LQ and intersection LQ, and the Accident Rate. Based on the analysis, it is conluded that blacksite occurred in the village of Malang, with a value of LQ> 1, and Accident Rate exceeded the upper limit value. The dominant factor causes the accidents is human factor, such as lack of anticipation when driving. The recommendations suggested for the location are the provision of signs, rumble strips and other safety facilities

    Analisa Dampak Lalu Lintas Akibat Keterbatasan Lahan pada Ruang Parkir Pasar Tradisional di Kota Semarang

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    Pasar tradisional umumnya disediakan macam bahan pokok keperluan rumah tangga dan biasanya berlokasi di tempat terbuka. Pasar Karangayu dan Pasar Sampangan adalah salah satu pasar tradisional di Kota Semarang. Lahan parkir yang tersedia di wilayah kedua pasar tersebut sangat terbatas, sehingga tidak mampu untuk menampung jumah kendaraan yang masuk ke area parkir. hal ini menyebabkan banyak kendaraan memilih parkir di badan jalan dan mengganggu arus lalu lintas. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi kegiatan parkir di halaman pasar, menganalisa kebutuhan ruang parkir dan pengaruh kinerja jalan akibat parkir di badan jalan kaitannya dengan dampak lalu lintas, memberi rekomendasi penyelenggaraan parkir dan mengetahui nilai pelayanan yang dibutuhkan untuk menentukan biaya optimum.Pada penelitian ini yang digunakan adalah data primer berupa survei lapangan dan data sekunder sebagai acuan dalam menganalisis kebutuhan ruang parkir dan pengaruh kinerja jalan akibat dampak lalu lintas di Pasar Karangayu dan Pasar Sampangan.Adapun hasil penelitian dengan metode distribusi kedatangan didapatkan rata-rata di Pasar Karangayu dan Pasar Sampangan yaitu 36 dan 32 kend/jam, untuk distribusi waktu pelayanan didapatkan rata-rata di parkir Pasar Karangayu dan Pasar Sampangan yaitu 57 dan 46 menit, dipadukan dengan disediakan ruang parkir konsep kedua pasar tradisional adalah tipe A, ruang parkir Pasar Karangayu untuk mobil yaitu 550 m2 dan motor 229,5 m2. Pasar Sampangan untuk mobil yaitu 300 m2 dan motor 463,5 m2. Nilai derajat kejenuhan sesuai MKJI jalan di depan Pasar Sampangan tahun 2016 adalah 0,93>0,75 digambarkan bahwa kinerja jalan dalam kondisi macet karena adanya aktifitas pasar yang digunakan parkir di badan jalan dan Pasar Karangayu dari arah timur sebesar 0,58<0,75 kinerja jalan dalam kondisi lancar walau ada aktifitas pasar.Dapat disimpulkan dengan ditentukan nilai rasio luas lahan parkir harus disediakan terhadap luas bangunan pasar maka area parkir dapat mencukupi kendaraan parkir hingga 5 tahun ke depan dibuat dapat semakin lancar kendaraan yang akan mencari ruang parkir ataupun yang keluar dari area parkir pasar tersebut. Sehingga Pemerintah Daerah bisa menjadikan patokan setiap adanya pembangunan pasar baru ataupun renovasi pasar lama agar dapat menggunakan rasio luas area parkir sebesar 0,24 untuk area parkir motor dan 0,20 untuk area parkir mobil terhadap luas bangunan pasar sebagai syarat perizina

    Analisis Tingkat Pelayanan Dan Penyesuaian Tarif Bus Antar Kota Dalam Provinsi (Akdp) Di Provinsi Jawa Tengah

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    Pelayanan bus AKDP Jawa Tengah terindikasi memiliki permasalahan antara lain tidak meratanya jaringan pelayanan angkutan umum, tidak sesuainya rute trayek yang terdaftar dengan kondisi di lapangan, kondisi bus yang sudah tidak layak dan kesenjangan load factor. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui tingkat pelayanan bus AKDP, tingkat isian pada tiap trayek, biaya operasi kendaraan dan kesesuaian tarif yang berlaku pada kondisi saat ini. Metodologi yang dilakukan untuk analisis tingkat pelayanan dengan menggunakan indikator efektivitas dan efisiensi. Sementara itu untuk analisis tingkat isian menggunakan data-data dari survei dinamis. Perhitungan BOK menggunakan panduan dari Dishubkominfo Jawa Tengah. Dari metode analisis tingkat pelayanan akan menentukan apakah trayek telah efektif dan efisien atau belum. Sedangkan dari metode analisis tingkat isian menghasilkan pola perjalanan yang menentukan trayek tersebut perlu dilakukan penggantian jenis armada atau tidak. Perhitungan BOK menghasilkan nilai yang digunakan untuk menghitung tarif yang sesuai. Hasil dari analisis tingkat pelayanan yaitu kelima trayek tersebut berada di bawah standar yang berlaku pada indikator kecepatan, headway, waktu tunggu penumpang, load factor, utilisasi, availability dan umur kendaraan. Sementara itu untuk analisis tingkat isian penumpang menghasilkan pola perjalanan yang mengharuskan adanya Perubahan jenis armada pada beberapa trayek yang nilai load factornya berada di bawah 0,70. Kemudian dari perhitungan BOK menghasilkan tarif baru Rp257,55/km. Kelima trayek dinyatakan tidak efektif dan tidak efisien karena tidak memenuhi nilai standar pada sebagian besar indikator. Load factor yang memenuhi standar yaitu Semarang – Gubug - Purwodadi.PP dengan nilai load factor 0,90. Total BOK bus besar yaitu Rp7.366,16/bus/km. Perlu dilakukan perbaikan dan peningkatan pada semua indikator agar load factor dapat meningkat. Untuk mendapatkan data yang lebih valid, maka perlu dilakukan penelitian pada waktu peak dan off peak. Kemudian melakukan survei statis agar nilai headway pada kondisi lapangan dapat lebih akurat

    Analisis Dan Optimasi Simpang Bersinyal Semi Koordinasi Dengan Menggunakan Synchro 7.0

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    The change of used areas in Siliwangi road, from settlement to be the centre of business – service, industrials and office, will appear traffic movement in Krapyak and Tol Krapyak – Jatingaleh intersection. Moreover there will be some problem on traffic phenomena as traffic jam, time of delay, air pollution that increase, accident and other traffic problem that will cause lose time, fuel use, and cost. This study aims to analyzed the performance of Krapyak intersection and Tol Krapyak – Jatingaleh intersection, it should be changed the traffic management and geometric research to minimized the traffic jam and air pollution on both intersection. The pattern of the movement of the road beside both intersection can be obtained by using origin – destination matrix (ODM). The advantage of this method in which the vehicle volume and the value of obstacle in each intersection, the pattern traffic movement can be gained. Of course it will minimized the cost, time, human resources. The performance of the intersection will be measure and analyzed using Synchro 7.0 from America. The advantage of this program is able to stimulate planning yield and easy to operate as well. The alternated solution from this study is to broaden road lines of 3,5 meter on each intersection and the alternated road for vehicle to public transportation in the value of 40%. The result of this analyzed in existing condition is measured by DS value on Krapyak intersection 1,29; emission of CO 2089 gram and in Tol Krapyak – Jatingaleh is of 1,41; emission CO 1903 gram. The broaden of road line (3,5 meter) the value DS Krapyak intersection 0,73 (decrease 43,3%); emission CO 2293 gram (increase 8,89%) in Tol Krapyak – Jatingaleh intersection the value DS 0,74 (decrease 47,5%); emission CO 1899 gram (decrease 0,21%). The assumption of the change of private to public transportation of 40% the value DS in Krapyak intersection 0,71% (decrease 44,9%); emission CO 1353 gram (decrease 35,2%) in Tol Krapyak – Jatingaleh intersection the value DS 0,62% (decrease 56%); emission CO 1120 gram (decrease 41,1%). The result of analysis can be concluded, assumption transfer of private car to public transportation equal to 40% is solution able to be optimal of performance service of intersection. Where result of DS equal to 0,71 and 0,62 which have fulfilled conditions of intersection performance ≤ 0,75, and also emission of CO 1,353 ppm and 1,120 ppm have fulfilled conditions of value float pollution boundary that is, ranging from 0 - 50 ppm where, entering in good category (there no effect to environment and health). Hence can be recommended, for related government utilize to repair the pre requirement and suitable requirement public transportations, and improve security, service of consumer of public transportation. In research hereinafter, enabled to use ODM method and program of Synchro 7.0